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The lamest bunch of bullshit that's ever been posted
>Checks flag
Oh, right.
God, the JIDF really has lowered their standards recently huh
>if you are white and you want to live, remember that you're bad and you need to let brown people rape and murder your entire race
>jew flag
they are not even baiting the hooks today
>Schlomo forgot his memeflag
Womp Womp
ironic shitposting is still shitposting but gj
> take all the brown people so they stop trying to sleep on their land we stole
Why do they talk like this?
Never a wasted crisis for filthy kikes to search for sympathy, hook nose fucks know how evil you are and will always milk a situation
>If you take care of yourself you must also take care of complete strangers who hate your guts
The greatest mistake that Hitler made was not finishing the job
I don't look down on them for fleeing, I look down on them for being inferior in general. The fact that they are fleeing just puts them at risk to end up in my country, which is undesirable.
unfortunately he never really started it either
Cool, where do I get to flee to when things get slightly shitty for me? Surely Israel, OUR GREATEST ALLY would take us in, right? Right?
oh wait
Lol nice logic you fucking rat
Hol up, let me shoehorn in my preferred political ideology into this global health crisis.
We look down on them for being wilfully uniformed: the UK NHS model guarantees that corona will peak in 14 weeks time, mid June. You are not going to be able to isolate for 28 full weeks.
Enjoy your shitty pasta shells for the next year. At least you'll be able to juggle toilet rolls for your own amusement.
As always, fpbp
The difference is preppers are hunkering down. They are preparing for the worst so they can rebuild and help their country out of the darkness. If you make a mess in your apartment, do you clean it up, or move in with your neighbor?
Your refugees are liars and weapons against the working class.
holy fuck talk about self righteousness
This is the biggest reach in history. Are those in masks or buying goods, fleeing abroad to other nations? Only a woman could be so illogical to write that.
I love how skinhead cunts have no rebuttal to this and can only kvetch.
Something else to piss you off: blacks are immune to Coronavirus.
Stay mad, white boys.
Master race my ass.
> kvetch
> Master race
Hello kike.
Nah, I still look down on them. Would strangle a refugee if I could do it without getting caught.
>Be me
>Rightwing bigot
>Stop looking down at people who feel from war and famine
>Get killed and raped by muslim invaders.
>Such is life of average Israeli.
>16 heartbreaking photos that will make you give up o borders, laws, and shit
If anything, kikeirino, this madness will make people more xenophobic, more interested in the border and definitely more interested in not having a single goddamn thing to do with migrants and refugees.
this. well said, and the only decent reply in this thread so far
this ones for you faggot
>niggers immune to corona
>4/16 celebrities that have corona are niggers
>niggers are only ~12% of population.
Buckle up Kunta, nigger mania 2.0 is about to kick off a la Ebola boogaloo
What are you trying to say?
We need to look after them?
Fuck off, we're full. And as you have already said we have enough problems on our own.
>To those who now have 28 packages of pasta, never again look down on people who flee from war and famine.
>To those smart enough to forward plan, dont look down on those that dont
>domestic crisis occurs
>let in aliens that hate you and give them all your shit
Not seeing the comparative logic here
If this analogy is correct, most of us on Yas Forums would be the ones fighting the war, growing crops, rebuilding infrastructure and establishing a provisional gorvernment because we plan for this shit.
I'll keep that in mind for the 0.0001% of "refugees" who are genuinely fleeing and not mere economic migrants.
Open Borders for Israel, otherwise no shekels for you.
So are we all refugees now? No special treatment anymore?
I look down on sand nigger rats who are safe in Turkey and try to invade Europe.
They arent fleeing war and famine, they are hostile invaders and youre a lying kike piece of shit
Thise fucking animals are in a rampage, they arent victims
You slimy fucking kike
PLENTY of room for your semite brothers and a lot closer too
Kike faggot
We aren't moving to another country with our hand out either
Tom Shelly started another site?
The Jews did it. I'll remember to stab the next rabbi I see when the power outages begin.
This. If I survive this coming purge, I will ensure it happens.
They are perfect in their own minds so talk down to everyone
I'm looking for shit in my own country, not others.
Why not?
>Incoherent nigger noises.
You tell 'em, satan
Trips are trips. Let's hear an actual answer from the kike cunt.
There's a lot of war around your country.
Bumpity bump, the spook at night is your nightmare.
Make every single one of their lies a reality. The razor walls, the electric floors, the roller coaster that dumps you in an oven, the masturbation machines. Make them honest before the end.
The prophecies cannot be fulfilled without an actual Jewish sacrifice. The final sacrifice to make the world a better place. Corona chan gonna mutate and target Jewish genes.
I'm none of those and I will continue to look down on subhuman invader trash as much as I want.
look down on? i think you mean we should enslave and eat them.
>to those who take responsibility for their own well being
>never again look down on people who run away to a foreign country and demand that the other people take responsibility for their well being
Nobody is fleeing thou. They are trying to fight the disease and take care of each other instead of abandoning them..
Oh boy, I bought pasta, guess we can't have borders now. Besides, who the fuck is abandoning their home to avoid Corona? Sure, going to stay with family for a bit, but if you're actually abandoning ship you're a dumbass and deserve to suffer.
Remind me again how Israel deals with people fleeing from war and famine?