What is it about the female brain that makes them so attracted to degeneracy?

What is it about the female brain that makes them so attracted to degeneracy?

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Its a male issue to. Trash women and crash is very attractive. But I resist.

The Bible has a theory

Feels over reals mentality i guess, as women are way more emotional rather than rational

Because weak men allow them to be


They are hardwired to breed and conform to societal standards set by men because of this.

What’s the theory user?

A couple trillion fewer neurons

They used to be the selectors in reproduction and relationship. Modern communication (internet) allowed them to share degeneracy while considering themselves to be the all-time selectors.

Can you imagine the susceptibility to neuro-chemicals a female must have in order to tolerate something growing inside her for 9 months, and burdening her for life, but still want to have sex again? What's a Fleshbot?

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I have been thinking quite a lot on this topic, why women always react so harshly to them failing and other people remarking their failing, I think I have found a proper mental explanation.

Pic related offers a clue. But some other lore of it would be: different brains man, some of their brain regions are different from ours, especially the brain regions that are attributed to panic. They are simply more prone to longer, and more intense periods of panic, not only panic but also feelings that are bad genuinely hurt them.

They perceive a person who makes them feel bad almost as a man perceives a person literally punching them. A similar reaction they have.

Just look at pic related. These women have had such a long reaction to negativity, that they saw it as a "thing" and they made a thing out of it, just how we perceive the jewry being evil against us and wishing to kill us, a daily thing that we encounter, so too they grasped at this metaphysical enemy to a much higher degree being their true enemy

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neurons. same with niggers. if you are black female you got handed the shit end of the stick



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They aren't attracted to degeneracy. They don't know it's degenerate. Their magazines and television shows say it's perfectly normal.

What were women like before societies were formed?

Because males, as a whole, allow it. If every man on the street started looking down on women for acting out on their whorish tendencies then you might see some change.

They are targeted for mind control through emotional manipulation.

The logic of these women simply has stopped working in allowing them to find self improvement. To a man

>tell a man that he is shit > the man acts on it, or forgets it
>tell a woman she is shit> her adrenaline glands spike up, cortisol floods her body, a panic and terrible mood washes over her >her entire day ruined >it kinda spirals further into shitty mental states >she comes home and needs to stress eat >she becomes fatter, and perceives your words to be an enemy instead of her behavior that she could change

It starts in Genesis with original sin and the temptation.... keyword “temptation” of eve by the snake. Coincidence? Perhaps. Sage insight into female psychology? Perhaps.

>2 feet
>3 pedals

Seriously, who came up with this shit?

Oh you know, just picking forbidden fruit off of trees and stuff.

Only rape is a solution to solve female progressive virus just rape them like we pajeet do to keep them in place.

Men have become weak that's why. Women can't do anything without the guidance of a competent male. Too many men died in world wars so women were left to fend for themselves, so they came out with bullshit like feminism.

Female hormones mind rape males. If you don't see women as retarded, you are under the influence!

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Actual woman here. I love big dicks and drinking booze and you can't stop me. Seethe harder incels 0w0 hehe

>What is it about the female brain that makes them so attracted to degeneracy?

You should check Yas Forums sometime, that would blow your mind... maybe even literally.

It grabbs attention, and all of them are attention whores.
Simple as that.

but I'm serious. What were primeval women really like?

also a bit on the Darwinian lore, but dont people have comments on these theories?

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>What is it about the female brain that makes them so attracted to degeneracy?
rather the lack of it

emotional does not equal impulsive

subhuman, how are you different from niggers?

>you can't stop me
what makes you think we want to do that?

calm down pajeet

An argument contains a logical premise and a logical conclusion with a coherent stream from a to b. We’ve got the conclusion. Where’s your premises?

what? are you one of those morons that uses one foot for the gas and the other for the brake?

It is a male issue too, if both genders stop being degenerate and push eachother to stop being fucking sick in the head, I'm sure things will work out for the better

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They have smaller brains, my guess is long term thinking in women is compromised.
Not to say men aren't as degenerate, many are, but there are still quite a lot who aren't.

>I want use the brake clutch and acelerstory at the same time

I don't like cars at all. Driving does not feel natural to me. There should be two pedals, and gear changes should be done with paddles on the steering wheel, like Formula One cars.

obvious trannie is obvious

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The yearn social validation at all costs. And the easiest form of validation in our society is achieved from degenerate behavior when they're young. That's why they're full of regret as they get older because they can no longer get that easy validation anymore.

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It's the foot shifting I don't like. Also, removing your hand from the steering wheel to change gear. This is a badly thought out design.

They thrive on chaos. They live for it. Their brains are meant to complete multiple tasks in the moment. It's also what makes them potentially good mothers to many chaotic children at once. Thriving on chaos is what's needed to raise young children. In older days men would go to the den and mother would corral, feed, bath and put to bed the children.

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So according you your theory, if men stop being weak, this will somehow change what women are innately attracted to?

You've never been around women

Women like stimulation. They don't think. They feel

In nature, there's plenty of stimulation. Something about. Impending starvation and wilderness really makes it hard to be bored

Now imagine your living some comfy middle class life. No real threat. Now along comes fuckboy Joey causing all sorts of noise. How exciting.

You get the idea. They don't think, they feel

Get some fucking coordination you absolute female

pajeet pajeeting

haha superb

You left out the part where the spermazoa which are quite tiny, 1/100 the size of the cells comprising the walls of the vagina and womb are easily able to penetrate those epithelial tissues to enter into the woman's blood stream. out of 3-6 billion fully motile spermazoa injected into a womans' vagina and womb during each act of coitus, perhaps 10-20 million of the most vigorous spermazoa make it through the epithelial cell wall into her blood stream. Once there they circulate throughout her body, in a solution of perfect salinity and temperature. For some reason, inevitably up to 70% of those spermazoa make it into her brains to imbed themselves into her pituitary gland. Once embedded there they can continue to live for years, sometimes decades, depending on the health and strength of the donor male. The result is a kind of physiological subordination of the woman to her lover.


Nothing. The female brain is just extremely susceptible to programming as females are designed to adapt to the culture that their men produce. (((Men))) have produced a degenerate culture

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It's a lousy design.

>check Yas Forums sometime

No, I don't fancy a prison term thanks.

Men are better at multitasking than women.
The whole "women are good at multitasking" is female cope, there's been scientific studies and men are better than it.

Women are better at it around ovulation, but on average are worse than men.

>The result is a kind of physiological subordination of the woman to her lover.

That's what you are supposed to think. Really they are in charge 100% of the time, and are basically as cold and psychopathic as cats.

>fuck off leddit women love rape

Probably 99%+ of consumer base of prostitutes are males. Women are retarded but males are the most degenerates (especially the 50+).

>>and are basically as cold and psychopathic as cats.

but cats love cat nips
And women love having millions of the wriggling spermazoa of an evil murderous scoundrel embedded in their pituitary gland. Once addicted to this they crave more and more and as the spermazoa of the strongest men have a long life in their bodies they are cumulative so that eventually they become besotted with brains absolutely engorged with billions and even trillions of spermazoa, acting on them like a narcotic.

I literally drive articulated lorries with two fingers sometimes, if you can't change gear while keeping the wheel straight than evolution has done a lousy job designing you lmao

you're equating women's social behavior with men's biological need for sexual release

>Women are retarded but males are the most degenerates (especially the 50+).

If males become more and more degenerate with age it's not because they truly wish to be evil; it's because the falling hormone levels in them as they age makes them increasingly impotent so that they have to resort to more and more disgusting perversions to shock their minds into a state of sexual arousal. Of course eventually even that too fails and then the male who has devoted his entire life to making money and spending it to obtain sexual favors from women, finds himself in a state of infinite boredom from which there is no escape.

"The two overriding concerns of unintelligent men are money and women".
The Marquis de Sade.

Thus the wise man, or rather the wise juvenile keeps his natural lustfulness to reasonably circumscribed limits and sublimates most of his sexual energies into intellectual and spiritual endeavors in the sciences or the arts. Such a man can remain not only entertained well into old age, but in fact can become increasingly enraptured with the miraculous and infinite complexity and beauty of this world even unto a death at 102 years of age.

But of course most will never attain this state as they're too lazy and too stupid to ever discipline themselves to it.

and you love to poo in the street
doesn't make it right

>The Marquis de Sade.
imagine reading anything written by this degenerate
we get it, you're a cuck who hates his gender

I can confirm these symptoms, so I must be infected. Off the roof I go. REEEEEEE!

>imagine reading anything written by this degenerate
>we get it, you're a cuck who hates his gender

No I definitely regard men as superior to women thought that's not a rigid rule

Once you get past the rather boring pornography of the Marquis and start reading him for his often hilarious philosophical analysis of this nightmarish world ruled over by a demented demiurge, you'll find him to be one of the most elevated and insightful philosophers of all.

Yes but we make order out of chaos. Young children are like wild animals. Throwing tantrums, crying, screaming running around. Women thrive off of that chaos. Men are better with children when they are calm or older.

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The same shit can be said about men. They’re the ones who are into fucking pony drawings, feet, more likely to be rapists/pedos, list goes on.

this is only a problem when you drive at 200 km/h