Help us Alex

I know you are here Mr. Jones, Show yourself before coronachan wipes us all out

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Schizos really need to get off this board

It's about time Alex openly discusses the JQ. Man's got nothing to lose.

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time to shine, Alex!

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>Yas Forums is a autistic human intelligence network
t. Alex Jones

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Alex if you see this, whatever happened to that broadcast video where you said you were talking to a contact on Skype then the screen changed to Russian generals who were briefing you.
I suppose it was mid-late 2015.
Are you an agent of the Russo-Israeli establishment for the purpose of disinformation and destabilization because they have the goods on you from partying with Charlie Sheen, et al?

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Roll to make him appear

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You really think he's going to take time off from shilling for (((Trump))) and saying that "Chi-coms did everything?"

He complains about Trump all the time, so you obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

th fat cunt cannot help himself let alone anyone else
pathetic waste of space

Rolling for AJ to appear.

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until he names the jew he's a scumfuck capitalist shill.

He never left the (((Trump train))) dumbass, and as if someone as smart as Jones couldn't see that (((Trump))) is controlled opposition...

AJ is disinfo, it's that simple.

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Alex Jones here

Check the digits for confirmation

A prominent TV anchor alluded to a thread I made on Yas Forums a few days ago without hinting at Yas Forums by name.
I know because she repeated the same mistake I made in the headline, which isn't found anywhere else.

In order to summon the wild Jones of Burgerland you have to say
>The frogs are being turned gay
The legend says he will appear running once these words are said.

>whatever happened to that broadcast video where you said you were talking to a contact on Skype then the screen changed to Russian generals who were briefing you.

Alex doesn't have time to come here right now; he's busy filling out orders for his vitamin business in a frantic effort to stave off all the slander and harassment lawsuits;


how dare you!!!

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this cringe meme

You are seeing right now in motion the Chinese master plan to undermine American hegemony and institute a New World Order. The bioweapon has unleashed. Chaos has begun. Those who emerge from the wreckage will inherit a new Earth, one fully ruled by a Chinese transhumanist technocratic bureaucracy and their globalist puppets.

Step aside,newfag

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He's always been an israel shill, that loose change documentary he produced was made by a bunch of kikes but at least he'd name the jew elsewhere. After trump though he went full migapede openly sucking israels cock, praising jerry kikener, praying for bibi, having on literal former mossad guys as analysts. Hes like full on schizo though, one minute he's bitching about trump & talking about a jewish mafia then the next talking about how the rothschilds has decided they like america now & is fighting against duh globulists while a rothschild kid is shit talking trump on twitter for complaining about the federal reserve. Meanwhile, he's cucked on sandy hoax, says he's just an actor then says he's not & his source for a bunch of his conspiracy theories says he's gone insane & isn't himself anymore. At least he's been as entertaining as he's ever been.

I always liked the guy, and his info is a million times better than MSM shit, even though it's gotten more and more flawed, but yeah, he's disinfo as fuck, even Bill Cooper said so back in the day.

Source? The video was taken down after Hillary put light on him and the whole Russiagate deflection thing.
No one touched the Soviet-Israeli ties or that the Israelis have been backdooring for the Russians since before Pollard.


Yeah he's like an encyclopedia when it comes to shady shit, unfortunately that's precisely how he lures people in to hit them with the hasbara. He can't keep a lid on the JQ anymore though, the cat is out of the bag on that & he has no real counter for it beyond larping as a liberal calling his opponents racist & denying being a shill.

>be red blooded american
>like to eat steaks & drink whiskey
>be turned on by freedom
>like to have sex with women
>be into unlocking tge human potential given to man by god
>be into knowing the Elite are all about transcendence, and living forever, and the secrets of the Universe [...] We are on this planet, and Einstein's physics showed it, Max Planck's physics showed it: there's at least 12 dimensions, and all the top scientists and billionaires are coming out, saying it's a false hologram. It is artificial; the computers are scanning it and finding tension points where it's artificially projected, and gravity is bleeding into this universe - that's what they call dark matter - so we are like a thought or a dream that's a wisp in some computer program, some God's mind or whatever...

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Don't ask how i know but Steven crowder is a frequent poster here

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tons of people browse pol and nobody knows. nobody knows i do

Ok kike. People are starting to realize Israel engineered this virus

Hi Stephen nice digits

Why not just get a cab when you're drinking, you complete retard?

>not natural casing dogs

This. Owen lurks but the staff is normies and moderate IQ.


Reminder that alex jones is a fed op.

I'd be all for a daily AJ crazy talk general, he should make it happen.

Alex's exwife is going after the kids now that he got busted for DWI. He's a bit busy to be posting here.

Started listening again. Pretty based on Agenda 21 and corona. Reminder Yas Forums predicted the world would end March 5 the very day Jones shaved his head > JRE


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This hasnt he already been banned/blacklisted and censored on all major sites like Youtube, facebook, ect?

Alex, do a podcast with Eddie since Joe dumped you

Bump 4 the king of Yas Forums

Coronavirus is a false flag and all sick are crisis actors.

he's only here for the tranny porn.

Jones, Alex is both; sociopath and imposter

You're not fooling ANYBODY GLOBALIST. You people are SICK!! You filthy pot belly goblins running around screaming about how you love satan. I know you're not Alex Jones because I'm Alex Jones. The Satanic Illuminati globalist SCUM like you has stolen my DNA and made a demonic clone. A LITERAL VAMPIRE DEMON GOBLIN CLONE. I HAVE IT ON VIDEO.

Check my store for all the best supplements to help remove the fluoride and other toxic chemicals from your body that turn you and the frogs into massive faggots

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He is on radio stations.

Alex Jones is awesome

Here Mr. Jones, I have something for you.

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This fat clown keeps saying God helped him predict 911 and that he tried to warn the white house. .. even though his rival bill cooper clearly predicted it first. And cooper only said it because the fbi fukin put out a warning about it 2 weeks earlier .

A fat lying pos. Though his show is sometimes entertaining desu




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I love toothpaste now

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You shut your fat mouth FAGGIT
t. My mom works at Sega

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AJ sells fear to boomers.
a based caller said to Ow3n B3njamin when they and Alex were on the air together
"~jewish influence in congress"
Owen said - yep, 80 congressmen have israeli citizenship. fucking crazy.
Owen was never invited to guest-host again. (was prolly a 7th time)

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