Not sure if it should be here or a diff board, but idk. I've been sharing with her the shit from Yas Forums and the updates on the corona virus. She doesn't want to hear it and won't take precaution. She keeps shutting me out because her feelings get in the way and she doesn't want to be stressed about it because she feels that it will immobilize her and fuck with her immune system more, making her more vulnerable to the virus. But she's not even wearing gloves while she's at work, and she's still eating out. She hasn't even stocked up on food or resources just in case shit does go down. Am I freaking out and need to chill, or am I completely fine for trying to express this to her? Today she cried because she's had enough of me sharing who's dying and potential conspiracy theories and what can possibly happen if people don't take precaution. I'm basically on house arrest with the amount of fear and food I have. I'm not allowed to leave because the person I live with says they will not let me possibly infect them that if I leave, it's a one way trip. I can't even see her and it's been 2 weeks now. I'm sad, she's sad/mad. She may hate me and want to break up with me over this. What should I do? Any thoughts?
Girlfriend Won't listen to me about the Corona Virus
Other urls found in this thread:
She dead, get in the bunker and don't look back
She's right. You're the retarded one.
make her suck your dick and then kill yourself
Christ you're a fag, let me fuck your gf for you BE A MAN AND TELL HER TO GIVE YOU WHITE CHILDREN NOW
Shes the pillar of salt.
God warned Lot and his family about leaving Sodom and to not look back when he destroyed it.
Don't look back.
She sounds like she's got more balls than you, stop being a scared lil pussy boy and get on with living in this shit world like everybody else faggot
Ah, I'm not religious, but I am spiritual. I'm keeping this in mind because you're right about this one. But I still want to hear more thoughts.
What if y'all are just sheeple tho?
post her nudes
also, stop spazzing out about a chinese flu you retard
>Implying you have a gf
Some people can't be saved user
1. Choke her to death
2. Fuck her while she still warm
3. Come back on pol and tell us how it felt
4. kys
Tell her in emotional terms. Don't talk about any fucking conspiracies or deaths or whatever. Just tell her how worried you are about her and you just want her to be safe and cozy bullshit like that.
Slap the bitch and give some sense back to her.
The US is absolutely compromised.
She's going to leave you because you're a coward.
>I'm not religious, but I am spiritual
my God what is this the 90's?
Acclimation takes time, most people didn't realize something is happening until sportsball leagues canceled. Even more people won't wake up until there's triage units and mass graves in Central Park.
It's not too late for her to get a bit of food before the national quarantine drops, but depending on your locale it's possible she's already wearing the crown.
This, put here in her fucking place. Make sure to use the back of your hand.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 3rolls per day depending on amount of fast food energy drinks and snacks had through the day. If you have a family of 4 that's 84 rolls a week. Over 360 rolls a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them, I hope they sell good because I’m starting to get tired of my 8.50$ hr job 5am-10:30am pulling nails and my boss is going to lay me off if the economy tanks and I have a kid on the way
Leave her to her fate, you must focus on your own survival.
God I'm fucking retarded, *her not here.
She lives 10 minutes away from a place they put on complete lockdown. The people in the quarantine zone that are 'recovered' or 'not infected' are being let out.
>Not Married
>Hasn't given you children
Cut her loose.
So New Rochelle, NY.
But it's gonna' really fuckin' suck she hit me up with some shit like, "I'm sick" after I been tryna fuckin' warn her and I'm sticking to just how worried I am and want her to be safe shit when she's not even listening to even that cute shit in the first place. JUST to make her feel better instead of taking precaution.
Women are fucking retards.
My aunt went shopping and got her hair done today, while my cousin got her nails done and posted it online like she was brave.
My brothers wife went on a fucking bowling trip and told him he was watching too much news.
They’re in denial, like stubborn children.
Thanks Jordan Peterson.
If she's that near to the only area locked down by the national guard and the only place in America where 100 tests were done on one community (ahem, Chabad Lubavitchers; Young Israel synagogue, the super-spreaders that infected CPAC & AIPAC).... and she hasn't acclimated yet--she isn't going to without her or her friends getting it.
Break up with her. You don't need a retard in your life.
God damn you are cringe. She sees your autism 20/20 and just noped out. Good for her
I'm in a similar situation with my roommate. He is reactive and not proactive. He is inviting his girl friend over to my house, he isn't washing his hands upon coming home. He looks at his time off from work as an opportunity to go out and do things as opposed to staying in and remaining isolated. I had a discussion with him about this and he freaked out on me. Complaining loudly that, "you might be a shut-in but I have a life to live". I attempted to talk to him again after this incident and he seemed receptive and apologetic, the very next day however his gf pulls up and does the same thing. They enter the house, go to his room. I hear no washing of hands, just laughter and fucking. They then leave and go out again. I live with my gf and she is taking it more seriously. She works at McDonalds and wears eye, glove, and N95 mask protection. She decontaminates by the shed at the side of my house after work and has helped in the prepping process.
I'm stressed the fuck out because I do not know what to say to this man to convince him to take base precautions. Generally speaking he's a good guy and is self sufficient. But he is not taking this with the seriousness it requires, he barely even prepped with food and I doubt he has cleaner or sanitizer. He has been a good friend for many years but I do not know how to deal with this narcissistic and dismissive behavior. I am fully prepped along with guns and ammo and I didn't account for his gf in my plans.
I want to kick him out but again, he's a good friend and I'd rather handle then resort to something so drastic.
If she won't listen you about a global pandemic she won't listen to you when you ask her not to kill your unborn child.
Sit his ass down and give him some tough love, and show him some of the videos coming out from China. Plata o plomo. Hopefully he chooses silver over lead.
Literally this. I don't know how to feel dude. Like yeah, she's not living with me granted, but the fact that she's not doing shit to take base precautions is really upsetting to me. I'd rather her think I'm crazy and annoying and overreacting and I'm wrong, than for me to be right and something happens to her.
My wife is on board but her family and, to a lesser extent, my elderly parents aren’t. I’m a paramedic and I’ve been keeping up on this. Before the ambulance, I worked in the ER at our trauma center (Hawaii). We don’t have the capacity to take a dozen vented patients, so basically 100 patients with 20% requiring medical care is pretty much a pipe dream. Now imagine an island cut off from air and sea with liberal democrats having the same mindset of your gf, and you have an idea of my situation. People look at me wearing a mask and scowl, like I’m some taboo reminder that this shit could only be a coughing tourist away. Toilet paper isn’t flying off the shelves as much anymore, but neither is food, which tells me people are already thinking this is over. Go read that document someone posted here from an Italy, I think it was called COVID Notes 03-11-20 Italy.docx. That shit is bad news. We’re lucky to have advanced warning, but knowing our Democrat politicians, they won’t heed it and we’ll be fucked. As for your girl, she’s a lost cause and will only see her error once it’s too late. No fucking around here, I’m just telling you straight. I already know I’ll have friends & family I may have to ignore when the time comes. I’ve already tried warning them.
Mine left me because of the virus and my "negative vibes" or whatever.
Cut your losses, faggot.
Kick him out, I kicked one my housemates out because she was ignoring the house rules with isolation and decontamination. Her boyfriend lost his fucking mind when I did, now he has it and she is freaking the fuck out asking to comeback where it's safe.
I told her she will have to be isolated for a month in the shed if she wants in to prevent the house getting contaminated.
The others are happy she is gone and happy I made them prepare, good think about being the homeowner I guess
I hope they have a good life together.
I'm going to bet she is in her early 20s, so she doesn't want to face the bad news because that makes her feel bad. That's kind of natural, but retarded
You should expect the best but prepare for the worst, but that won't work on her. She doesn't want to realize this could be harsh, not for her but for a lot loved ones (if that entitled stupid bitch cares about anyone else, that is). You should make sure to get basic supplies for a month, in case the of market disruption, and do all the quarantine stuff. Don't get too crazy, or at least don't let her see you going all crazy. Just be protective by being confident and prepared, because it always help to have someone like that on your side.
On what to do with her, let her be. Just tell her to take the same precautions we should take with the flu (remark the "with the flu" part, she needs to do this and making it like a flu will help): wash your hands, don't touch your face/mouth/eyes and keep distance on sick people.
The point is for you to avoid caching it or spreading it, and make her do the same without realizing she is doing it. Don't pressure her, because that won't work until she does everyting is actually fucked up.
That's just in case you want to keep your gf.
Damn OP are you me? Anyways I figure just hope she gets infected and is a very mild case, then gets immunity. There's only so much you can do
I really hope that this is just some fucked up experiment and a hoax. I really want to believe that, but I honestly rather be safe than sorry. I'm not necessarily demo or rep, I just care more for what's right.
You two should be fine as long it is just the both of you exposed to it. Just don't visit family for about two months. Even if she leaves the house like a dumbo, don't expose yourselves to old people.
But if you think people might have the virus forever, like some think, or that you'll get long term problems from it, then just say you're going to live somewhere else.
She's 23, I'm 22.
She realized she’s with a limp dick faggot whose scared of a seasonal bug.
can't find that doc you referred to. link?
you need to chill prep user. corona is a nothing burger. just stay out of the way of large gatherings in public. people present the most danger in their state of panic and fear.
You aren't necessarily granted immunity. And there's cases of people dying even after recovering.
Tell him to wash his fucking hands or get the fuck out
just spreading rumors. where's your evidence? who died when and where?
user, she may be right. I mean, 1% death rate unless you're fucking 100 isn't bad odds (although the virus will kill your balls). Prepping is fine, but conspiracy theory mongering? Get a grip.
Image boards are not IRL.
Also, don't ask for pol's advice. Yeesh!
Tell her she's retarded and prep anyways
I'm looking for info dumps with links to videos and so on of the situation in Europe, China and SEA. Hopefully our next discussion will be productive. Right now, I'm not even sure that will do it. I intend to put up a white board outside on the porch and update it daily with infection, recovery and death rates in the region with the hope that he sees it and becomes paranoid enough to do something.
Same, I want what is best for the people I hold dear. It's vexing as hell. That paramedic user is reflecting my fears accurately and it's just making this even more frusterating.
>break up
allowing shitskins and females to follow their own instincts have led society to where it is today
Girls are like dogs they only care about the moment and don't plan ahead
Women are retarded and useless in these times, fren. I have seen them going out partying, touching their faces. It's like they want to die. They can't emotionally handle basic instructions without being emotionally crippled. Just tell her what to do and when accept she will act like a fucking idiot about it
Where du you want that prep-stash you ordered delivered?
>She doesn't want to hear it and won't take precaution.
That’s typical for all women.
Women are not designed for handling crisis, problem solving or any activities involve logical thinking, it’s genetic, not their fault.
Keep her around, you’ll need something to eat in the Winter
When the test kits come out and numbers are way bigger, people will flip their shit and the quarantine will be ordered.
Tired of all of you complaining about your retarded gfs. You picked them.
My gf has been prepping since early January, when I even thought this was going to be a nothingburger and wouldn't affect our lives day to day lives. Now we avoided not having tp, hand sanitizer, n95 masks, and food during the panic buying, and don't have to go in the panic buying crowds
Maybe you guys should just stop dating retards. You deserve your fate
Death rate has increased
Those Jews got tipped off before everyone else and national guard is protecting them. Next day, the markets crash and everything got cancelled.
Sharing all that extra information will not help you. Just buy the supplies you want her to use. Tell her to use them or you two are through.
You cant get her pussy wet with facts and logic, Ben Shapiro. You should already know this shit. You're redpilled on the jay q, but not on women? Get your shit together.
Why are you involving her and asking for her input. It's like you're seeking her approval or something?
Go and stash/prep whatever and do what you want. She can live her own life and you have yours too.
You let her get all up in her emotions over it and she sounds like she's controlling you and winning... you're out of control of your own emotions and she can't figure out why you're now part of the "my feelings are making me feel bad and my boyfriend is making me feel bad now too." you're gonna get dumped if you keep your stupid shit up and let her keep playing her dumb games
You already lost
>women gonna do what they do
you'll learn eventually youngin'
I hope the government steps in here and does an enforced quarantine.
>my gf has more balls than me
loley lolz
You're on a roll, kid. Keep it up!
C.U.N.T.s like yours will get (YOU) dead. Throw her in the trash, she's too stupid to live.
You are describing my boyfriend. He wanted to go by motorcycle to north italy this Friday. Yesterday, to ankther city and then skiing. He told me he ks not planning to see anyone. I shared everything, he got to be the first one to get ready, bougjt him a sanitizer, never uses it. And he is saying now he has some shortness of breath.
Wow really?
I've got a coworker just like that. She is 23 and acted like it was nothing, just pretending everyting was just fine.
When we were told we could work from home, she wanted to go to their parents house, because she "missed her dog". Of course, we all know she was just self convincing, she wanted to feel safe and being with that dog she had for years make her feel safe.
Then, this week spanish government started to do things and try to make people stay in their houses and only the social pressure make her stay and not travel almost 500 km to go with her family.
What I am trying to tell with this is she is acting in a normal way, but stupid none the less. She is probably scared and in denial, and that's why you must prepare and act in a confident way near her.
This is, honest to god, the best advice I could give you. No bullshit, no Yas Forums trolling, just my honest advice.
Just be prepared, act confident and cool. Pretend to be a fucking movie hero if you have to.
she will make you ded
Nice source. Name one real person in the US who has died of covid-19.
Death rate is the least of your worries. The panicking public willing to beat you for a roll of shitter paper is the bigger issue, Sam's Club meat dept is sold out and there were fights there yesterday and today. Imagine how savages will behave when they realize they can’t eat that toilet paper to stocked up on?
>Plata o plomo
you don't know what that phrase means