/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2080

► Detected: 156,766 ► Died: 5,839

Turkey shuts down schools, universities

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

Spain under lockdown, 46 million people

Poland shuts down borders

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

WHO estimated 284,000 deaths for H1N1 from only 18,000 confirmed

Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

05:25: 3 new cases in Pakistan.
02:20: 67 new cases and 1 new death in Norway.
02:08: 1 new case in Iowa, United States.
02:00: 404 new cases and 1 new death in Germany.
01:16: 76 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Korea.
01:00: China’s National Health Commission reports 16 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.
01:00: 4 new cases and 10 new deaths in Hubei province, China.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 5,839
lol, still only 5,839.
How many days has it been stuck at 5,839? Four days? Five days?

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► China 80,844 (3,199) ► International 75,886 (2,640): Italy 21,157 (1,441) Iran 12,729 (611) S. Korea 8,162 (75) Spain 6,391 (196) Germany 4,599 (9) France 4,469 (91) US 2,976 (60) Switzerland 1,375 (13) UK 1,140 (21) Norway 1,109 (3) Sweden 961 (2) Netherlands 959 (12) Denmark 836 (1) Japan 804 (22) D. Princess 696 (7) Belgium 689 (4) Austria 655 (1) Canada 252 (1) Australia 248 (3) Greece 228 (3) Slovenia 181 (1) H. Kong 142 (4) Ireland 129 (2) Philippines 111 (8) Iraq 110 (10) Egypt 110 (2) Poland 104 (3) S. Marino 101 (5) India 100 (2) Indonesia 96 (5) Lebanon 93 (3) Thailand 82 (1) Taiwan 53 (1) Luxembourg 51 (1) Argentina 45 (2) Panama 43 (1) Bulgaria 41 (2) Algeria 39 (3) Albania 38 (1) Ecuador 28 (2) Azerbaijan 19 (1) Morocco 18 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 337 Malaysia 238 Finland 225 Bahrain 212 Singapore 212 Israel 193 Czech Rep. 189 Portugal 169 Iceland 161 Brazil 151 Romania 123 Estonia 115 Kuwait 104 S. Arabia 103 UAE 85 Chile 61 Russia 59 Vietnam 53 Serbia 46 Slovakia 44 Peru 43 Mexico 41 Brunei 40 Croatia 39 S. Africa 38 Palestine 38 Pakistan 36 Georgia 30 Hungary 30 Belarus 27 C. Rica 27 Latvia 26 Cyprus 26 Senegal 24 Colombia 24 Bosnia 21 Armenia 20 Macedonia 19 Oman 19 Tunisia 18 Malta 18 Moldova 12 Afghanistan 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Macao 10 S. Lanka 10 Bolivia 10 Faeroes 10 Maldives 10 Martinique 10 Lithuania 9 N. Zealand 8 Jamaica 8 Cambodia 7 Fr. Guiana 7 Paraguay 7 Kazakhstan 6 Réunion 6 Turkey 6 Uruguay 6 Bangladesh 5 Cuba 4 Liechtenstein 4 P. Rico 4 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Honduras 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Ivory C. 2 Curaçao 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Namibia 2 St. Martin 2 Seychelles 2 Tri. & Tob. 2 Venezuela 2

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So is Wal-Mart really doing the testing or not? Google said they didn't have that website but are now making it. Were the million test kits ever delivered?

I feel like I'm the only one that I know that's taking it seriously. All of my friends are out partying and there's no way I'd be caught dead anywhere other than work right now. I feel like telling them but they'll act like I'm a doomsday fuck. What do I tell them to take this seriously? Our college is obviously closed and everyone is at the bar. The US is completely fucked in 1-2 weeks

>me and my supply in april vs me and my supply in june

Attached: venezuela.jpg (800x800, 100.27K)

>Anyone arriving in Australia from overseas will to be forced to self-isolate for 14 days, while lockdown measures similar to those in place in European countries remain on the table.

Better late than never, I suppose

NYCfags need to be on permanent lockdown

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Uzbekistan reports first case of corona-chan

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What absolute fucking retard actually thought people would be dying by the hundreds of thousands per day to this?

Just because you go outside doesn't mean you'll catch it.

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I live here in the green circle, am I going to be ok bros?

We have had 3, yes only 3 tests in this city, and it's been almost a week since they tested them. Stores are crazy.

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I can't believe my corona-chan is this cute!?

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Fuck em dude, it's natural selection. Stay safe and don't go shopping while the horde is the store or you gonna get infected, go during hours when there are no people.

>Metro Manila lockdown
What the fuck, man. I don’t recognize this city anymore.
You can actually drive from MoA to Cubao in 20min now....

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For anyone who isn't convinced this is that bad and are wondering how this compared to the swine flu when it was ongoing:


This is data from 3 months after the swine flu was discovered, comparable to where coronavirus is today. Notice the similar number of confirmed cases, although swine flu had a slightly smaller number, now compare the number of deaths.

Now you might be thinking, "well, swine flu originated in the Americas which have a much better health care system than Asia, which is why the coronavirus has so many more deaths than the swine flu after 3 months." I will refer you to the official numbers for the swine flu 7 months after it was discovered:


By this point, the swine flu had reached every continent on the planet. Look at the numbers for Asia. They are comparable to today's numbers for the coronavirus. Notice the total number of infected is over 622 thousand at this point. Pretty big. Now compare the number of dead to today's number of dead for the coronavirus. They are about the same.

The coronavirus is SIGNIFICANTLY worse that the swine flu. Now only does it arguably spread faster, but it kills much more. The coronavirus is a completely other beast than the swine flu and anyone who is saying otherwise is either a shill or an idiot. Just look at the official numbers.

We haven't experienced something this bad since the 1918 Spanish flu - although this is probably no where near as bad, it'll still stress countries' medical systems to their limits. People will die indirectly from this as they won't get the medical support they would normally receive outside of the pandemic due to the fact that doctors, nurses, and resources will be stretched thinly trying to handle the sheer number of sick people. Look at Italy, and soon Spain. And this shit has only just begun.


is that bottom bar...the x axis...
thats not the days of THIS month, right?

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Why can't fucking niggers take care of themselves???
Why they gotta piss where they fucking eat?!?!?

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>south america be like:

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>self-hating virgin beaner

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-14 72 SECONDS on Twitter Adrenochrome Molecule Follow the White Rabbit 🐰 #QAnon 👇 https t co KvrEhKh9G[...] - Copy.png (598x466, 63.02K)

Who here hype for


Yeah baby

can anybody post the /cvg/ movie list

it feels surreal... I can't wait for the coof camps

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No more AdrenoChrome from Wuhan makes cultists very sick.

Attached: achrome.jpg (393x474, 17.97K)

>MoA to Cubao in 20 mins?

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The UK isn't, I can be almost certain of that

Gods what a stupid filename

Anyone in China, at the WHO, or at the CDC, please answer:

1. What specific steps are being taken to ensure the efficacy of data provided by China, regarding COVID19?
2. How many doctors, nurses, military personnel, and other hospital staff have died of COVID19 while treating sick patients?
3. What challenges did Chinese medical personnel face when treating COVID19? What specific medical resources were in short supply?
4. Supposedly, businesses in Wuhan are being instructed to slowly resume business, albeit under guidelines imposed to reduce transmission of infection. What specific industries are being reopened? Why a specific subset of industries and not all businesses?
5. We continue to see substantial traffic drops in the region of Wuhan. Is Tomtom's data accurate? How are businesses reopening if there is no transportation in operation?

Watching The Flu (2013). This movie is not very good.

you must be white to hate your own country, chile has the privilege to do that lol.

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manga parody when?

Just a little update out of Germany: It's shit. I give up trying to convince people of how bad it's going to be. Even if their state (NRW) has over 1600 cases, they just don't care. All the normie retards just joke around with their unfunny tp memes and 'it's just a flu, bro'. No lockdown, borders still open, people don't give a shit. Damn it all to hell.

How long did it take the swine flu to be „over“?

>living there exactly
rip bro

Can’t wait for my town to still carry on with the half marathon today kek.

I already did my shopping over a month ago thankfully. Enough toilet paper for months. I tried to warn people..but they think I'm going crazy.

consider yourself lucky. but act as if you live in a red zone. and follow all the tips you see floating around.

desu everyone in the U.S. imo is waiting on those damn test kits.

the mating call of the retarded schizo
so majestic
what a time to be alive

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Next OP needs to add in how the UK is sacrificing their citizens to the virus

Your point being? Mass testing is the only way to slow the spread, and so far we're nowhere close to being capable of it.

Yes, this month

I wonder if he is gonna survive this.

Attached: cwc.jpg (360x450, 41.93K)

you keep posting the same schizoid shit in every thread.

They will be when the weak are culled. Imagine UK post-herd immunity:
>no diabetes
>no out of breath fatasses
>no one with (inactive) asthma or autoimmune conditions
>no one over 80

they going to shut down the internet in a few weeks?
better prep some bandwith for when that happens

My college had a bunch of parties after the closure was announced. Fucking normalfags.
What's the origin of this image? I'm interested in the story.

Let's talk about the auto-created filename not the fact that Wuhan is the only lab in the world to manufacture synthetic Adrenochrome.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-14 Adrenochrome - PubChem Substance - NCBI.png (1240x744, 45.21K)

Fuckface Millennials are still going out to shitty microbreweries and shit out here in the gay area. My brother-in-law included. I told him what the fuck are you doing in public still. He said he’s helping keep the economy from crashing and people who are susceptible to the virus should be the ones quarantining and prepping, not him or the faggot silicon valley millennials he was with. We’re fucked out here.

You're retarded amerimutt. I have it. Its just the flu and the ramp up effects are rare.

>unfunny tp memes
those are gold fuck you lol, no roll for you.

>Enough toilet paper for months.

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Hey this is my next town overs supermarket AFTER trumps speech. posting before after.

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you think by the 20th it'll pop off?

desu famalam, im in college right now in NJ (monmouth university).

if there was a healthcare crisis in NY i would leave and go home to florida with my family. I dont care if i fail a semester (probably wouldnt since all my classes are online now), i dont care if its a 20+ hour drive...

i dont wanna be near that at all.

Good point and all but why would you name a file that and open yourself to strange vulnerabilities you dumbfuck

I replied to the wrong person.

Probably deployed within a week, if not days.

You realize that is a falsified BNO Tweet, right?

threadly reminder that this is the CHINESE coronavirus, they can't keep getting away with it. Fuck the faggots and cucks saying this pandemic has no culprits. It has, of course, the Chinese for eating all kinds of animals causing zoonosis or if it's a bioweapon, the Chinese laboratory that experiments with bat coronaviruses funded by Bill Gates.

This shits like the Neurax worm from plague inc where you crazies actually want to get and spread the bug

See The infection is already all around you, it just hasn't been detected yet. Reduce your exposure to the public and stay inside.

Coumo's speech

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>What's the origin of this image? I'm interested in the story.
pre and post niggers looting ferguson from what I remember

A year and 4 months. The swine flu was discovered in April 2009 and was declared a pandemic two months after. It was then declared to be post-pandemic on August 2010.

thanks m8

I didn't see a korean user for a while. for are you doing there m8?

For anyone who isn't convinced this is that bad and are wondering how this compared to the swine flu when it was ongoing:


This is data from 3 months after the swine flu was discovered, comparable to where coronavirus is today. Notice the similar number of confirmed cases, although swine flu had a slightly smaller number, now compare the number of deaths.

The coronavirus is SIGNIFICANTLY worse that the swine flu. Now only does it arguably spread faster, but it kills much more. The coronavirus is a completely other beast than the swine flu and anyone who is saying otherwise is either a shill or an idiot. Just look at the official numbers.

Now you might be thinking, "well, swine flu originated in the Americas which have a much better health care system than Asia, which is why the coronavirus has so many more deaths than the swine flu after 3 months." I will refer you to the official numbers for the swine flu 7 months after it was discovered:


By this point, the swine flu had reached every continent on the planet. Look at the numbers for Asia. They are comparable to today's numbers for the coronavirus. Notice the total number of infected is over 622 thousand at this point. Pretty big. Now compare the number of dead to today's number of dead for the coronavirus. They are about the same.

This is far worse than the swine flu. We haven't experienced something this bad since the 1918 Spanish flu - although this is probably no where near as bad, it'll still stress countries' medical systems to their limits. People will die indirectly from this as they won't get the medical support they would normally receive outside of the pandemic due to the fact that doctors, nurses, and resources will be stretched thinly trying to handle the sheer number of sick people. Look at Italy, and soon Spain. And this shit has only just begun.

You are somehow taking it very seriously
Meanwhile, people here are retards and still going out among many strangers, increasing the carriers of coof

We just drove past Oslo yesterday to pick up my sister. I have never seen so many people walk outside there.
I mean it’s fine to get fresh air but for fucks sake, do it at a place with less people

thank god for this, fucking selfish cousins want to visit from america because muh cheap flights, ontop of that they literally felt inclined and insisted on staying at my house.

>lockdown activated
>4 hours notice
What the fugggg
Thank god I prepped, i pity the fools.

Yeah I forgot that it's realistic to prepare against a disease that will suddenly spec into a bunch of deadly symptoms and kill everyone in a fell swoop.

Gamer faggot

>Deaths in Germany still in single digits

Qoomer fucking tard!
Couldn't see the steaming shit coming out of their own asshole.

Fuck off Q tard
go follow the white rabbit off a cliff
>Corona virus is muh spores!
>Corona virus is caused by muh 5g!
>corona virus is cured by muh vitamin C
and now this fucking stupid Adrenochrome shit
Truth is, whatever your obsession, you see the big news about the virus, and you find ANY WAY to link your obsession with the virus
So typical

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If it were that important to the elite, who own all the major medical companies and manufacturers, why wouldn't they just start making it elsewhere dipshit?

aynone have the verson of this whwre its pepe not a jew?

> No one

Boris is Melchett:


How bad is it in Spain right now?

Attached: burn.png (1024x917, 659.96K)

Any Wuhan Flu related porn? I want to watch transmission of this virus in action.

Please never stop posting Shuten Douji

I feel a little bit like I am LARPing when I wear my PPE out in public because I enjoy it too much.

gotcha lad

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Bill Gates literally resigned from Microsoft yesterday :thinking:


i wore mine to a store and the cashier was literally shaking as if i was robbing him

Are you that guy that was streaming himself running around NYC with hand sanitizer telling people to stay away from chunks and calling people niggers?

Attached: covid.png (3496x3332, 3.75M)

Laughing virgin and chad.jpg

We're doing good here honestly.

Attached: 1500193866_678daef92c3226cb90bd52e1ce94bdeb08ef9b61_hq.gif (480x270, 683.15K)

Gonna coom so much in Shuten tonight, goddddddddddddddddd. My immune system is forever strong due to her.


It's ok.
Me and my gf stopped leaving our house without full mask like 3-4 weeks ago.

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2,000 cases? Damn

Friend of mine went to Greece with his gf and left right when Trump announced the travel ban. So once they arrived, they walked outside for 5 min then spent $3000 on flights back. 48 hours travel without a stay in a hotel. He was bitching about how they have to refund him. I was thinking no way are they refunding you, bro.

chinks* stupid fucking PC Android autocorrect.

You reposted something already, posted congrats. If you have something you actually want to say type it out in words retard qoomer.

What green circle?

>Somehow taking it more seriously
I mean I've heard people talking on the streets just how easy it is to get infected. They may be fearful and stuff. Also just kinda checking out my local places and barangays the amount of people outside especially the tambays have decreased significantly. It's like you've gone to the province or some other rural place here

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>If it were that important to the elite, who own all the major medical companies and manufacturers, why wouldn't they just start making it elsewhere dipshit?
You haven't been paying attention much the last 3 years have you dipshit.

Are Koreans white? How are you hallyufags immune already?

Attached: vs.png (1280x809, 200.79K)

So you agree this is gonna keep going for another 6 months?

same exact files, every single thread. take your meds, schizo. no one wants you here.

Anyone have the source to the chart showing coronavirus compared to other viruses/diseases?

What an advertisement for this article

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I doubt lockdowns would even work there. The city is heavily skewed towards being women and fags, and neither of those groups can go a single day without their metropolitan lifestyle. I think it's time we come to terms with the fact that the major cities of the world are just going to be desolate death zones.

UK herd

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Thinking it's time to pack

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Nobody has a clue here. The government doesn't tell us anything. Massive incompetence all around. Supposedly almost every single case is either mild or very mild.

Look at South Korea for real death rate percentage. They've tested a shitload of people and it hasn't gotten into their old population like it did in Italy. The death rate there is below 1%. I mean, it's more serious than flu, but it's not gonna wipe out whole nations.

Why would one travel to Greece in the first place

Save us Cure-chan!

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filename, it's venezuela over a couple year period, probably pre 2015 oil crash and 2017

Honestly, you people laugh at oven hoarders, but you really dont have enough ovens yourselves. The average oven burns 100 Jews per day. If you have an oven family of 10, that's 7000 jews a week. Over 28,000 a month and over 6,000,000 in 4.2 years. Ovens will be worth their weight in shekels in a few months, because everyone needs it.

thanks user, also checked

You guys set the gold standard in all of this. Good on you. America is fucked due to selfishness and diversity