I genuinely believe trump is the second coming of jesus christ

He knows the world is ending and he's doing everything in his power to speed it up. He's literally the second coming. The guilty shall be punished (elite pedophile Satan worshipers) and the people shall be freed and taken to "heaven" (the new world to come after trump 'drains the swamp' aka rapture but it's not a rapture to heaven it's a new world here on earth.

Trump is Jesus Christ.

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lets see it

Many people said that the anti-christ would come back as a slick talking politician, but this is disinfo, it is actually jesus christ. He knew the only way to gain the hearts of the people was in this way, just as he used the culture of the time to become a carpenter and heal the sick to gain influence the first time. Jesus is good, yes, but he must trick and lie his way to the correction position like anyone else as he is a mere man, with small powers, not like the powers of god.

yes trump is brash and crass, who you should suspect is those who are so intent on proving how GOOD they are, "oh no, I can't be the anti-christ, I love blacks too much"

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Why with the demonic image? Retard, he is the antichrist.

He is a snake. Not a single promise fulfilled. A deceitful liar, just like Satan.

Attached: JESUSCHRISTISGOD.jpg (1920x1186, 942.06K)

Screen cap this: USA will bring back crucifixion and the first person publically to be crucified will be trump

>Being this fucking retarded.

which will only prove my point.


He is the son of christ
Fred Christ Trump
Father of the savior of mankind

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Either he is or he's working for him.
I'm right there with you bro.
Endgame starts real soon, see you on the other side.

kill yourself retard

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>I genuinely believe trump is the second coming of jesus christ
I know for a fact that you have an IQ below 75.

reminder to all christians that the virgin mary was 12 years old


kys nigger

Jesus Christ is supposed to arrive in the second coming on a horse from the sky wielding a sword and charging with an army of angels.
Also it's supposed to be undeniable. Nobody will be able to say "I think that's Jesus Christ, I think X is the second coming."
it will be undeniable and explosive.
Stop being a faggot.



Okay? And?

also Jesus Christ lived a sinless life and Trump is an unrepentant degenerate.
There's literally a 0% chance Trump is the second coming, let alone even a Christian. He's most likely a kike.

no, its probably more like 110

If anything, he's the other guy
Which is cool too, he needs to happen first

Impossible. He quite literally must be retarded.

Christcucks are mentally ill

This guy isn't a Christian.

Hes a puppet of the jews and youre insane if you think otherwise. He and Epstein were good friends

Digits and Trump sends pedos and commies into unending hellfire.

Attached: Screenshot_20200314-235445_DuckDuckGo.jpg (1079x1120, 285.22K)

I'd say more like a Moses.

>the King is back

the guy was saying something about pedophiles and i thought i should let him know

I salute you for posting above and beyond retardation.

Attached: Trump Salute.jpg (600x400, 27.97K)

What's the difference between religion and a cult?
A cult isn't tax exempt.

When Jesus comes back he splits a mountain in two and opens his mouth with a neutron bomb equivalent of power that instantly vaporises his enemies. This is after he floats down from the sky and rides in on a white horse

Trump is just a man. Dont lose sight of the divine

Bill Clinton did nothing wrong....

OP its time for your psychiatric meds

You know literally less than nothing about Jesus and the Bible.

well, user, don't go that far that is heretical. However he may certainly be a physical tool being used by God to bring metaphysical justice

i get that he's funny and the effect he has on liberal and lefties is even funnier but Trump is the most unlike Jesus person i've seen. he's a shallow billionaire from NY, the antithesis of Jesus Christ.

he certainly espouses kike culture, he gave his daughter to them

I love Trump but just no. Jesus doesn't return until after the False Messiah takes over them Christ returns and annihilates him.

the boomer q larper faggots are in full force now...

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that is a trick.

Trump is just a fat old pedo who wears makeup to hide his old ass face

Lol wat

Jared 666

yeah no, get some fucking help OP

the dangerous part of your theory is that if it isn't true, you are creating a false prophet.

Surely getting blacks to go to work counts as a miracle. There might be something to this idea.

Maybe u shld read the Bible kjv, the antichrist makes war with the Christians and overcomes them, beheads them, even says some will b locked up 10 days. Endure.

Just read the rest of your blasphemy, fuck off

i doubt it

i don't think it's a trick user. he's a good actor but not that good.

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself


The pope is the anti-christ anyhow. And the pope has denounced potus by the way

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good.

He is very Christ like. Giving up his billionaire lifestyle to be crucified by the mainstream media, while liberals trashed him and his family everyday. Who knows maybe he is God. Can’t think of anything more awesome than god being Donald Trump. Maybe we’ll know for sure someday.