Holy shit look at Millionaire Bernie's mansion house! Can't believe people got scammed into voting for this rich...

Holy shit look at Millionaire Bernie's mansion house! Can't believe people got scammed into voting for this rich socialist and his 3 mansions!

Attached: d87r8phygqm41.jpg (1024x768, 106.46K)

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Weak bitches take the knee

Holy shit, that room is bigger than my apartment.

The only sincere candidate in the Democrat party. Too bad he's a cuck

> shoes on carpet
> destroying carpet

Attached: fat.png (541x593, 515.71K)

>What is a photoshoot

Reminder that Trump has multiple residences including a gaudy three story gold plated penthouse apartment at the top of a skyscraper which has his name displayed in massive letters over the main entrance located in Midtown Manhattan in New York City worth an estimated $100,000,000


Attached: 8394758934534.jpg (3000x1997, 721.26K)

"Let's put some lamps on the floor to make this look legit. Goyims do that right? That's a normal thing to do am I wrong?"

Typical Marxist lardass

Almost as modest as Bloomberg's home in NY

Attached: bloom_house.jpg (3000x1966, 932.44K)

They were doing some kind of fireside chat livestream, I think they used the lamps as additional lighting.

Looks jewish af

He's winning but the DNC is fucking him.

Attached: biden.png (1145x692, 870.08K)

I missed it live but apparently it was quite comfy

>being a winner is bad
and that's why gommunism fails

Shoes in the house is degenerate.

Why are kikes so damn fat?

Trumps not pretending to be a progressive. Hes a big shot 80s guy. Everyone knows that about him

As an American I think this is the single worst part about American culture. Shoes do not belong on carpet. Ever. Folks in Asia are 100% right on this one.

definitely his "cabin" or whatever the fuck

That's his closet dumbass

Image the smell

honestly looks like kind of a shit hole, if you ask me...

Literally sold out in 2016 for a lakehouse. Proof you can get fooled twice.

I just see poverty. A shack on the beach in a tropical place beats anything like this.

Do Jews wear those little funny hats to cover up bald spots?

what does socialism smell like?

The Taxpayer and Bernie cucks paid for mikes house ?

Trump is a boss. We need to look at the government representatives that became millionaires.

That is correct, but most Burgers are too fat to take their shoes off, so they put them on in the morning and only take them off at night when they are about to go to sleep. Have you noticed at airports when they want you to take your shoes off they always have a bench for fatass Burgers to sit on?

He's a winner.

Americans love winners.
Nobody likes losers.

Bernie became a millionaire because he published a book that sold hundreds of thousands of copies, not because of his government salary. That said, congressmen and senators do get paid a very decent salary, and get complete medical benefits with it. I think He earns at least $150k per year as a senator, and congressmen get a similar salary.

I sleep with mine on. Why take them off?

A heating stove AND a ceiling fan?

This guy is living posh af.

We like underdogs. As annoying and worn out as that's become.

so successful he bankrupted a casino and ran a fake university that defrauded people.

So which is it?
He's a billionaire that lives in a golden tower or he's bankrupt?

Get your story straight you loser.

>socialists consistently calling anyone with any success in life an evil capitalist pig-dog that exploited the working class but also they just inherited it all and that's unfair
>socialists leaping to Bernie's defense because his wealth isn't really that exorbitant
useful idiots are amusing to say the least.

Even considering voting for a rich jew makes me puke internally

ayo hold up
so you be sayin
we can get
nice living room an shieet????

Came in to comment this. Absolutely degenerate.

Because you don’t like sharpie on your face?

Checkin doubles

he got rich off his book. it was a best seller after the 2016 debacle.

btw, comparing him to the assholes who are worth more than the gdp of a small country is retarded. He has 2.1 mill in equity saved in his property. Big fucking deal. My folks have about 1 mill. They are middle class. So if you think Bernie is too rich, then you think the middle class is too rich.

That's your game, isn't it, you 1% dick sucker?

I see you can't detect sarcasm retard

Literally every boomer who lives in Vermont and isn't a retard junkie owns a house in state, a camp in state, and a winterbird shack in Florida. That's not to defend anything else about Bernie, but it's something metropolitan and west coast slave niggers don't understand about being American.

obvious photo shoot

Attached: 1583260045231.jpg (720x703, 47.13K)

Kek hello fellow Rican

If you think a socialist gives a shit about the difference between 2.1 million and 2.1 billion you are ignorant of history and inexcusably naive. Bernie would be the party leader, so he will get to keep is wealth and grow it to levels that would make the Romanovs jealous, but your folks would be classified as bourgeoisie. Their property would be deemed illegitimate and seized by the secret police. Then they would be summarily executed for being a reminder of what they had done.

I'm sorry if this glimpse into your potential future was upsetting for you, but you need to consider the consequences of dabbling in communist ideas.

Attached: IMG_3302.jpg (2208x388, 267.27K)

Fuck the carpet, get off my couch fat piece of shit.

What about the 10 mil his wife stole from the college? What happened to all the donations from his 2016 campaign. Bernie brothers got played.

Faggots like you are the worst.

its ok cause he has balls and is not pretending to be mr.good-guy-communist

Kind of. Mayor money and 2008 bailout money.

Kill yourself. New England blue bourgeois are toast regardless of who wins the struggle for the United States. Kiss your ass goodbye

That guy's so fat he looks like a planet bending gravity around itself

>Shoes on carpet
And just like that I decided not to vote Bernie

I'm not liberal and I'm in debt so I'm already toast you probably spic.

Im a poor mainer and I have a house and a camp and access to a family place in florida. Its what you can do when you dont live in a cultural wasteland.

*probable but you probably don't speak the language anyway so whatever

What the fuck is wrong with you? Shoes make your feet sweaty and swollen. People take their shoes off after a long day and this weirdo says nah I'm gonna wear them to sleep. Shoes make your feet weak and ruins circulation. Shoes provide protection from the environment such as hot/cold surfaces and broken glass or needles if you live in a shit hole but when you get home you should be perfectly safe. And another thing people usually wash their feet every day but when was the last time you washed your dirty ass shoes?

You don't get to keep campaign donations you absolute retard. Every single political campaign that has ever existed has funds left over after the campaign ends / suspends, and they take that money and either; a) donate it to their political party aka the DNC or RNC, b) keep the money for a future campaign, c) use some of it to donate to other political campaigns up to the standard max allowed individual donation ($2000 per candidate), or d) donate the money to charities.

In Bernie's case, he probably took money left over from his 2016 campaign to finance his early 2020 campaign, he probably had a few million left from that campaign that he didn't donate to other candidates in the 2016 cycle or the DNC.

Candidates cannot use their political donations for personal use, it is prohibited by law, and the FEC would know if a candidate was taking money from their donations and giving it to their family or using it for their own personal spending.

Where are the receipts?
You got played commie fag

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Bloomberg is rich enough that the state of his lawn care and garden should have disqualified him from being President. It's overgrown, the grass is patchy, if he can't even hire a good landscaper how can he run the country?

There are receipts, because you asked, I actually looked it up and Bernie had 12.7 million left from his 2016 campaign that he transferred to his 2020 election campaign.

Why are you defending his shitty house? So desperate to make him seem like he's not rich or he's an 'everyman' or some shit. Seriously, who gives a shit? Especially now that it's irrelevant.

It's a reddit rhetoric for coping
>he didn't get rich legitimately!
>he got lucky, he actually failed a lot
lol, and a lot of these retards dont realize part of running businesses and getting in the markets is taking risks and failing

Never said he kept the money dipshit, stop assuming.

Please, everyone knows he gave it to Hillary like the good little kike he is.

Only an unironic shill would show such a blind trust of such easily manipulated and corrupted institutions. Bernie is washing his pits with hundred dollar bill while he pays you in college credit to sing his praises on Yas Forums. You are a chump.

If Bernie hadn't turned over his funds to the DNC when he bowed the knee to Hilary we would have heard about it by now.

The money had to go to them or else they would have been screeching about that for months to prove he isn't really a Democrat. I mean, he's not, but they would have used it.