Ok guys, i can't sleep with this thing


Ok guys, i can't sleep with this thing.

How could this guy predict so earlier, when there was no case in italy, the first lockdown after china?

if this is true this is a big deal, because it would make one of the following two assumptions true for strength:

-virus voluntarily spread in Italy: the virus would have arrived anyway but its spreading is facilitated to accelerate the things that would happen anyway in order to study the reaction and the containment measures to be exported to other nations.

-virus not voluntarily spread in Italy: it means that Italian tests have been emphasized and containment measures accelerated while it has let itself be spread elsewhere without doing anything. supporting clues: other countries have a significantly higher contagion curve, like spain.

Or it was just by pure luck that the guy wrote this (it would be incredible though)

What do you think?

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Other urls found in this thread:


that's nothing

someone said something big was about to happen just after NY

then later xi said mid march is when shtf

I think I would rather be saved than sorry.

If you believe Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose the third day you will be saved.

Post high res plz

and 2bh you retards did this to yourselves

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but it's not the prediction only. it's that the gauy seem to be well prepared and wrote a lot of things AND this prediction.
you take care in writing all thesee things and try to guess by pure chance something that was absolutely impossibile to guess? why italy with zero cases, why not japan or thailand

The WHO infected someone on purpose, Italy is a sacrifice to provide the rest of the world with the knowledge of how to beat this thing. They are 11 days ahead of the US. Remember that.

i am also quite new on this board.

could you confirm that it was written on january?

nothing makes sense, not even to people who dwell into this place daily and read even the most schizo bullshit that can be seen here

>We often give our enemies the means for our own destruction.

Attached: what the fuck happened.jpg (284x177, 11.37K)

read the archive link, then kys. You're here forever... etc... etc...

why are you so aggressive?

it's a fucking question, i don't know if the archive can be edited in some way

you should just leave and go back to wherever you came from. Remember this post years from now when you realize I was right.

Attached: fuck off.jpg (934x1280, 96.47K)

because you had chinese workers?

yes i was in the thread at the time

Yes, you have a pandemic in Italy, I don't understand the point of the OP in pointing out the obvious.

>i don't know if the archive can be edited in some way
It cannot.

everyone has chinese. france has twice than us


the point is that he predicted on 31 JANUARY a lockdown on march.

when he wrote that thing italy had zero or two cases. germany, france, japan, thailand, vietnam, honk kong, sud corea and others had more.

btw, pandemic in italy is a wrong concept.

italy has an epidemy, the world has a pandemy

The italian thing - maybe. Italians also have a super old population with 60% of people being over 45 years old, as well as a culture of kissing each other on the cheeks any time they meet each other.

For the first time it wasn’t a LARP


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>pandemic in Italy
burger education

PLease leave faggot

that user says that if brazil gets it the planet is fucked. not long after that yaravirus is discovered in brazil. sciencealert.com/mysterious-virus-discovered-in-brazil-has-no-known-genes-scientists-can-identify
i'm scared bros

ding ding ding

it's real, we've been going over this one for weeks now.

Brazilian bats is next. I posted the larp comment in the original thread. Lel

NYC has an entire city of Chinese, several in fact. Logically speaking we should have expected this to pop-up very early in NYC, and it probably did. But we do not have the collapsing health system and rash of pneumonia etc etc.

There were many thousands of Chinese traveling to and from New York City every day.

Yup. See
I was a nothingburgerino until Italy went down.

>but it's not the prediction only
Posted two days after he thought about it.

On 31 January, the first two cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Rome.

On 31 January, the first two cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Rome.

On 31 January, the first two cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in Rome.


fuck off back to red󠀀dit you cocksucking faggot. you're a fucking shitskinned terroni nigger guaranteed. Don't even lurk here just fuck off and kill yourself you fucking subhuman.

fucking this, all larps are fake and gay

The virus was detectable in the wild in Canada in the middle of October

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germany and france already had much more cases

you should have an hard life to write this.

i feel sorry for you

Was pretty believable until he said this was gonna screw the Americans harder than Europe and that there would be a vaccine by March or even close to March. Sounds like someone sold him some good info mixed with bad in order to talk him into an investment.

Also the part about it mixing with bars in Brazil. Retrozoonosis followed by rezoonosis would be a first probably.

how do you explain it?


But, the first cases in the US were a week prior to that, and other EU countries had cases prior to that, too, Germany. Also Canada and Mexico. Why would he choose Italy??? Mexico would be much better for a larp

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Pretty easy to explain. The virus is fake and gay. Glowniggers planted the “leaked” Chinese videos here along with this “amazing” predictions and now Yas Forums is shilling this faggot Jew Flu.

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Controlled demolition, like always.

This Yas Forums leaker was sent here to seed information. We get them regularly. Some of what they see proves accurate and that makes us take the larger message seriously. The bulk of the message is to panic and freak out. By referring accurately to Italy and the market reaction they get people to trust the rest of the message as well.

All of the online propaganda about coronavirus has the same goal - make people take seriously that it's a major, fatal-risk virus. That appears to be the key goal of the messaging campaigns.

To what end? We're finding out soon.

It's the same thing, dude. Stay in your lane.

do you have more info?

>To what end?
Massive vaccine campaign. Everyone will get it because of fear. The vaccines will have a high probability to make you sterile after a certain period of time. This is how the kikes finalize white genocide.

ok but how he could have informations about italy?

do you think they spredd the virus in italy ot they just wait for the first cases and then incouraged tests to quickly escalate the situation and have an excuse for lockdown?

Said the same shit at the same time, does that count as magical confirmation?

The virus is fake and gay. There are no crowded hospitals in italy.

they will make the vaccine mandatory

yes they are. i have friends who work there. this fucking virus i real, there are 20yo in intensive care, even a 15 yo in my city

All of the “this shit is fake” threads disappear

Ok Juden. Where’s the social media videos?

yes. we're looking at a Children of Men scenario; in fact that movie was made by kikes as predictive programming. This is how they cull the white population at large. The virus doesn't affect the niggers in Africa to the same degree. The kikes have been planning depopulation for a long time and this is how they do it. By the time independent scientists figure out the effects of the vaccine and how they make you sterile it will be too late.

what video? are you just stupid?

Italy user. Listen to me please. Would you like to know and participate? Are you near the Vatican?


but the overpopulation problem is not in italy france or germany. is in africa

>when he wrote that thing italy had zero or two cases
Sure it did

no i live in piedmont.

even if, we are in lockdown. we can go out just to work and buy food

Where are all the social media videos of crowded hospitals?

you were told to fuck off already newfag. your IQ is low even for a terrone. stop shitting up good threads and just slit your fucking wrists you fucking subhuman.

Stop bullying spaghetti nigger. He has to get normie tiktok videos of Italian hospitals.

>The WHO infected someone on purpose

Sadly enough this Isnt even conspiracy theory territory. They got caught repeatedly spreading dysentery into water supplies in africa to clear out local populations there. They probably spread ebola too.

Ebola doesnt really fit into any families but is related to marburg virus. People say Ebola is actually some normal flora from Aylmaos.

Pizza nigger here is the creator of this “good thread”

Well you guys are locked down to prevent all the children trafficking catholics in the Vatican from escaping with secret tunnels. Pretty soon they will be dead or imprisoned instead. When the time comes, you’ll know what to do. Just tell everyone what really happened.

The treasures they have hidden in regards to knowledge of our past will finally be unveiled although some already know.

no shit, but he has added nothing valuable to the discussion. threads are good usually because of other contributors, not the OP. he should have fucked off already.

so the virus that came from bats is going to reach a bat population and mutate into a super bat virus. why wouldn't this dude bring up where the virus originated.

Pizza nigger, if you aren’t a Jew get some actual footage of crowded hospitals. I haven’t seen anything, in open to change my mind but right now it seems this is all fake and gay

Want some proof of italian hospitals being jammed up from him