how will I know when it's time to go loot?
/ccg/ - Colorado Corona General
When you get the call that your parents have been butt raped.
when you get the munchies
just cause im a nigger doesn't mean im from chicago alright
You’ll know it’s time to loot when the niggers are fucking your sister and bashing your dads brains in.
Vail Resorts closed their mountains today. Will the independents follow?
>I’m a nigger
>I want to loot
Do you animals even need an excuse at this point? Just go fulfill your biological imperative, you big-lipped animal. Start with rural homes. They’re most likely to be gun owners.
when the breweries and weed shop NPCs close their doors to the ohio transplants its time to panic
There would be food in our stores if the illegal trash and transplants were all dead. Never forget that.
yeah I went to the dispo yesterday and the guy said they had no intention of shutting down but I grabbed a couple oz regardless
if them and the liquor stores close we'll really have a problem around here
is anyone in the mountains? Have to wonder how people in places like Granby are going to deal with supply chain shortages
The mountains have the most infections outside denver because some faggot australian came here and spread their sickness. Time to stop allowing the free flow of people and their filth, even after the meme flu is gone. Tired of this shit. GET OUT
LMAO WHAT .. thats insane mountain hospitals arent going to handle that well.
no kidding what a nightmare some of those places might turn into if supplies stop coming and disease spreads. 95% old boomers too
At least there isn't a lot of large gatherings in the area or public transportation, but it's everywhere in the state now so...great.
Exactly what I was thinking.. limited gas/food options and an old population will put people in closer contact and if an outbreak happens its gonna spread through communities quick
atleast maybe the homeless population will decrease in denver as a result.. silver lining
Boulder is decent, lots of panic buying in the grocery stores. King soopers is out of toilet paper and fresh produce.
Typical fucking nigger.... get out of my state bitch
Eastern Colo here.... panicing farmers bought up most of the small towns limited paper and cleaning supplies. Saw convoy earlier. 4 blank white flat beds with military generators and such headed east. No sick seen yet.
Grand Junction doesn't look too good. Shit sold out and the city is filled with nothing but poor fags. Gonna be a fair amount of looting but probably not a lot of rioting. To be fair we have been voted one of the least safe places in the state. Oh and we are also infested with boomers here and to top it all off its so hard to get a doctor you actually have to drop off applications listing your insurance and all your illnesses and other data just for the privilege of seeing some bottom tier physician. This was all long before Corona and I sent 4 goddamn applications off and waited months before getting the honor of seeing some med school drop out. Pretty sure the farmers in Palisade are preparing for war they are going to have looters coming at them in droves.
which part of eastern colo fren?
Shit OP, shit thread. Fuck off back to california you queer
>and your parents money
this one bothers the fuck out of me as a current college student whose family and upbringing was fucked over by rising housing prices and cost of living
towns like fort collins and boulder are so fucking inundated with out of state students whose parents pay their way through life that locals can't afford to live there
only kidding fren I believe in the community and shovel my entire sidewalk as soon as it snows
Sure, i don't even do that... and im white.... so i know a nigger doesn't do it lmao
Literally the entire Denver Metro area is like this now. Used to be able to get an apartment for like $400 now they go for $1200. The city seriously needs to fucking build up more and get rid of these idiotic suburbs. Most of them look like shit anyway unless its fucking highlands ranch or lone tree.
This state is an putrid foul shithole thanks to rich Californians and hordes of Mexicans that stampeded into it. Just glass us, screw the virus.
also part of the reason Boulder is shit is the old money rich fag liberals won't allow enough new development they want it like Silicon valley where it has a small town vibe but so fucking expensive it makes half of NYC look cheap. Its all about real estate speculation for those fags. Same reason why the freeways and light rail are ass getting into Boulder from Denver making it hard to commute to.
Just like this guy is saying, there’s no way to save money while living here. It’s a fucking wonder people can afford going to the marijuana shops.
Have fun dealing with the national guard during that time
From what I can see every place is like this now. I used to live in Washington and I remember when Seattle and shit was affordable and Portland was really affordable. I get it though tons of people are bailing from the country because they want real careers and shit. Still we either need to make big cities bigger and more affordable or make the smaller cities better. Its the only way although stopping all immigration would definitely help as well as relocating the terminally poor out of the city especially if they don't work and never will. They go live in squalor in some dead end small town.
California should serve as a good example. They are still obsessed despite their massive population with having these idiotic suburbs and muh single family residence infest the state. They absolutely still have plenty of room to build up and if they booted the beaners and lowered the taxes suddenly people wouldn't be leaving and things would be better for everyone. Boomers are a huge part of the problem they own multiple properties and bitch about asinine shit like losing their view.
lol I’m on a corner lot too it’s a bitch when there’s a foot of the wet shit on the ground
>Literally the entire Denver Metro area is like this now. Used to be able to get an apartment for like $400 now they go for $1200. The city seriously needs to fucking build up more and get rid of these idiotic suburbs. Most of them look like shit anyway unless its fucking highlands ranch or lone tree.
The trade-off I see in Denver is all the money to be made. I wish they would RAISE my rent $500 a month; it's too expensive for niggers now, but too many mexicans live here: stolen packages, circus music, etc.
yeah I lived in a semi Luxury apartment building near the Cherry Creek mall and I noticed that while its a nice building and pricey most the people had cars that were mediocre to shit. Everyone spending all their damn money just on rent. Vast majority of the people in the building were working professionals making good money but not good enough. Almost no one had kids so they were not being weighed down by kids either. They need to stop this over priced rent shit or people are going to have to hang themselves. Hell I know they already are.
my building had one of those amazon hub things and stuff that couldn't fit was left in the management office. You can make good money in a lot of industries there but its not enough for the majority of people starting their careers. Kicking the third world hordes out would go a long way to fixing shit though. Also I noticed most the people I saw homeless were actually white WTF is up with that?
>Just like this guy is saying, there’s no way to save money while living here. It’s a fucking wonder people can afford going to the marijuana shops.
user. I'm a transplant (not from CA). It is an employee market LIKE CRAZY in this area. What I've found is that there are many high-paying jobs available, however, Coloradans can't do them. People from here are always "trying to get an A" at work; never make a mistake.
This is not how senior managers operate ANYWHERE. A people so risk-averse simply can't be counted on to make any type of independent decision. I've seen it over and over. Guy from CO gets demotion or fired from an executive role and they want to know where they MADE A MISTAKE. They don't realize that paralysis to make a decision, any decision, or constantly asking their boss what to do will get them removed from their role and get another more suited person installed. The entry level employees at the firm where are work are all from CO. Senior management, save one, is all from out-of state. Denver is easy-mode.
Whats up fellow grand jun-i mean mesa county man?
>go out to eat at a diner
>the only people there besides me and my friend are 50+ boomers
Their death wish, I guess.
That's funny because I'm from CO and I definitely ask too many questions whenever I start a new job. I'm not dumb but I just like to be certain of things so I don't have to correct it later. I've never been anywhere near a management job though, because I'm still in school. So don't ask too many questions, good advice.
Trump said goto Walmarts LoL.... google "Operation Jade Helm" .....fat chance..... Im Northeast where the Chinese were flying around our missile sites with mapping drones.
What is is different about Colorado people that prevents them from success?
>Also I noticed most the people I saw homeless were actually white WTF is up with that?
The homeless seem to be catered to a lot here; maybe smarter ones come here during the warmer months. I was talking to a group on the 16th st mall a while ago; all white kids with dreadlocks. They were from elsewhere and came for the weed (not making an assumption; they told me as much). There is a lot of heroin/opiate use here, not as much as other places...yet. A lot of contributing factors I suppose.
If you can qualify for a mortgage, it's easy to whore out rooms in your house at outrageous prices.
I own a four bedroom McMansion and rent out 3 rooms in the springs at $650 each. That covers all the fixed expenses and utilities. I'm building equity for free.
not much keked at some Trump shop in Clifton when I was driving the other day. Wonder if its legit merch or knock offs?
What if I butt rape my own parents?
But then you have to deal with renters, the worst people on the planet. How do you keep them from destroying the place?
Having lived here for 3 years i can say alot of colorado natives are low iq. Very by the book. Very honest and transparent old school values they act like its 1983 still buissness wise and the way they handle things. I moved here from nyc and its like dealing with a bunch of retard peasents who if there tasks arent in the instruction manual they will never be able to perform the task. No iq to think outside the box. Many workers will take pride working at dollar store or burger king and will risk there own life to prevent a theft or extra order of fries not be sent out to prevent a loss for the buissness. Most people here have had the same shitty job for years and years on end. Very complacent people with no ambition goals or dreams probably from smoking weed since there like 7 and all the weed there retarded hippie moms smoked while pregnant with them. Denver is diffrent but small town colorado is like going back in time in all the wrong ways. They also arent racist and very satanic and degenerate im sure from the weed.
The culture here almost reminds me of Sweden. It's a bunch of rural-suburbanite whites who have never experienced the struggle that poorfags and entry-levels see in the doggy dog world that is the rest of the United States. An idealistic upbringing going skiing in the mountains and acing science tests doesn't produce the type of cutthroat personality that equals strong leadership.
Well, I live there and would yell at them and kick them out if they trashed the place. But my current tenants are Air Force autismos and a divorced boomer so they're pretty clean and quiet.
>we need to make smaller cities and towns better to stop massive influx
>but at the same time, lets flood those small cities and town with useless garbage, wrecking their towns
Spoken like a true jew. Saying how you want to fix peoples lives one oine, and then advocating for shitting their area ip the next.
The only real solution for the vagrants is the same as the rent seekers- you eat them (metaphorically).
some real nice folks around here man sad to see them getting pushed out
>What is is different about Colorado people that prevents them from success?
First, it's not all of them, but someone from another (almost any) area is at a distinct advantage of not being terrified of making errors. Conformity rather than creativity seems to have been stressed MUCH more with children growing up here. A very black and white, right or wrong, etc. type of mentality is ultra-prevalent. Of course, with lower paying jobs, conformity is much more important. With higher-paying jobs creativity and the ability to adapt wins the day.
People from elsewhere simply have better luck at the higher paying jobs here. I'm not saying people from CO are stupid, that's certainly not the case. Another thing that I have noticed, again, in general, is a paralyzing fear of confrontation. When decision makers discuss things, make decisions together, have sometimes conflicting interests, etc....things can get heated. This is all with leaving out the daily marijuana that is absolutely a hindrance to anyone wanting to excel. I see many entry level folks who could achieve much more financially if they would only choose to be clear-headed more often than not.
>Coloradoan's are totally retarded
>It's like going back in time
>Maybe eventually they will evolve to be more like New Yorker' know, smarter
Meanwhile you can't fucking spell "business", your grammar is terrible, and your shining city is a dysfunctional shithole teetering on the precipe of insolvency. Your cadence and shitty grammar lead to believe you are a Chink that was called to Colorado by the spirits of the thousands of dead Chinks we enslaved to build our railroads.
>Double points if your live in Fountain.
>I own a four bedroom McMansion and rent out 3 rooms in the springs at $650 each. That covers all the fixed expenses and utilities. I'm building equity for free.
Good for you, user. Do you live in the home as well? I've thought of buying a rental property (would not want to live in it). I'd feel a little nervous making the investment without being there to make sure it wasn't being destroyed.
small towns are already dying like moths to the flame in this country. Anyone who thinks the population is magically going to go down is an idiot and that will never happen. We need to plan growth accordingly and spread it so not all the smaller cities just end up ghost towns. The current system is retarded half the population of the state in one metropolitan area? I mean sure I guess we could go all in and turn places line Denver and Salt Lake City into Mega cities like NYC but it honestly seems like a massive waste of resources considering all the room in these areas.
Furthermore the ghetto poor and mentally ill do not need to be in major cities its a waste and pointless.Ff they took their autism bucks to smaller towns the money would go farther and it would increase the local economies. The one thing you must not do is fill entire neighborhoods and small towns with worthless niggers and other ethnics. once they collect together no matter where you put them they will create a ghetto and we don't want that. They must be dispersed in small numbers so they cannot collect their stupidity and damage anything. I mean I would be perfectly fine with shooting them honestly but its not a good plan could never sell that to the general public.
Instead things will stay as they are. cities making good money but overly expensive because of human garbage. small towns dying of despair where everyone just dies of drug over dose or commits suicide.
Hire a property management company. I actually have a few that are clients of mine. Also, don't get shitty property insurance. Your house will inevitably get annihilated by gopher sized hail.
bruh i went to that king soopers (the one next to the best buy) like 3 days in a row this week, the first 2 days there was plenty of all the shit i stocked up on, the third day literally fucking everything was gone and it was packed to the rafters. half of those retards were stocking up on like fucking frozen pizza and dairy and all this stupid shit it was hilarious. im noticing old people are starting to wear masks too.
Interesting. Small town colorado, especially in the east, I know what you mean. I haven't been out there much but when I did I didn't like what I saw. The stuff about idealistic suburban upbringing, Doesn't that happen elsewhere in the country as well? The midwest, some of the south, the rest of the rockies, it all seems pretty similar. I get how the big coastal cities are different though.
>paralyzing fear of confrontation
I can see this as well. I know a lot of people including myself that applies to. I don't smoke weed, but I do know a lot of stoners. This is all very informative, I'm going to have to keep this stuff in mind. I had no idea CO people were not doing as well professionally as new people.
My problem with that is I am stuck living with room mates. The greatest thing in my life is living by myself. Would rather have a small condo by myself than a big mansion full of filthy room mates. I suppose if I could sequester them to their own section of the house like an entirely separate apartment it would be nice.
>Meanwhile you can't fucking spell "business", your grammar is terrible
You have proven my point along with the user you are replying to here. You are pointing out spelling mistakes and grammar in a post that someone is making on Yas Forums.
Yes, NYC is shit, San Fran is shit, that's why a lot of us came here. That's another reason that we are at an advantage in CO; having lived in other places. Many, many, people from here were born here. That makes sense; it's nice! There is no question that transplants are doing better financially than natives in CO, user. Like it or not.
I have no idea but I saw that too lmao, you got discord or somethin senpai
You live in Briargate area? I'm secretly hoping that the CV will sweep through my neighborhood like a cleansing fire so that I can get a smoking deal on a house.
Yeah, I live here as well.
I wouldn't be afraid to rent out a separate property here, though. Focus on heavy tenant screening (military officers preferably, no pets, no smoking) and set strict initial expectations (month to month lease, 7-day grace period, 0 tolerance policy on lateness) and it shouldn't be too terrible.
Property management companies are kikes that exploit bums who aren't worthy of owning property to begin with. If you lack the brain capacity to set up a fucking deposit system with your tenants, or the accountability to answer calls once a month about broken shit, you're never gonna make it.
damn, grammar posters are fellow CO bros?
>waaah i want to achieve financial stabilitywithout making the sacrafices it requires to succeed
Typical amerimutt mentality.
I fucking fantasize about living in FoCo.
>85% white
>mid size city (not global cosmopolitan dump like NY or Paris)
>fittest people in the union
>beautiful state
>tons of bike trails
>legal thc gummy bears
I bet they don't develop on purpose. keep the rent and living cost high to keep the shithead mexicans out.
>stolen packages. so true, lived in a hispanic community, they stole right off my fucking doorstep.
I thought a lot about Colorado but it looks like it's fucking invaded by mexicans
The time now brother
I will say this, I am in the insurance restoration end of the construction industry, and I have never seen so many retarded subcontractors in my entire life. There was a solid 6-8 month period after the big hailstorm in August '18 where my primary job function was corralling retards on my projects.
Thanks for not taking offense. None was meant. People here are EXTREMELY nice and kind; a great result of general upbringing here. Intelligence level is higher than normal I would guess. I don't agree with user above who mentions low IQ people. Sure, got-em; just like any area of the country.
Another thing I've heard from transplants is that there is a terrible gender ratio here. As in, all the girls move away to the coasts. I had a friend tell me he used to live in Florida, and there was twice as many girls as guys there. He was nobody in CO, too much competition, but in Florida he did very well with girls. What's your take on that?
Florida is also 25% black and probably 25% hispanic.
it's basically like being in Chicago.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
>My problem with that is I am stuck living with room mates. The greatest thing in my life is living by myself. Would rather have a small condo by myself than a big mansion full of filthy room mates. I suppose if I could sequester them to their own section of the house like an entirely separate apartment it would be nice.
Above user mentioned hiring of a property management company. I wonder if it would be feasible for a single rental house. Hmmm....
>Yeah, I live here as well.
>I wouldn't be afraid to rent out a separate property here, though. Focus on heavy tenant screening (military officers preferably, no pets, no smoking) and set strict initial expectations (month to month lease, 7-day grace period, 0 tolerance policy on lateness) and it shouldn't be too terrible.
Thanks; good stuff. I like the idea of month-to-month in case of bad tenant. Good luck with what you are doing.
Lyons reporting in. I'm good on guns and supplies. What do my fellow CO fags think the next few weeks are gonna look like? Martial law? Shutting down highways?
>Thanks for not taking offense
I tried to think of what my idea of what Coloradans were to compare it to yours and I honestly couldn't think of anything. I don't think people here are particularly bright or interesting. Up in the mountains there are some interesting places but the rest is just a flat brown square and the people are normies. However, I just assume the entire world is like that or worse.
they don't develop in Boulder, foco is not yuppie enough yet to do that so they're putting up shitty fucking apartment buildings all over the goddamn place and ruining it just like the rest of CO
it's great spring thru fall but winters here are miserable
it gets pretty boring after a while going to the same 4 restaurants again and again but that's the tradeoffs of living in a smaller town, you're 10 minutes from anywhere and don't need to get on a highway to go get groceries
Hear you loud and clear. I've found that extra vetting is necessary this type of thing. Not bad after I learned my lesson.
I dunno, buddy. My neighbor lived in Oregon and rented her 8,000 SF to a Navy helicopter pilot and a USAF Flight Instructor for 5k a month. She thought she could autopilot everything because they were both high-ranking military officers and everything appeared fantastic on the surface. DoD was footing the bill, so rent was never late. Then she went to sell it and discovered that they had trashed the inside of the house. Had she hired a real property management company (some are total bullshit for sure), this would have been something caught way earlier before it became a terrible problem. She had to drop 150k off her asking price to sell it.