Where did everything go so wrong?

Where did everything go so wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jews, women, niggers, spics

in that order

the invention of television

Christianity and the worship of Slave Morality.

When I went to the Norman Rockwell museum, TWICE, and this painting, along with the other Four Freedoms were in France, so they put copies up.

French know fine art

most of my family and half of my childhood friends are dead. im not even 35.

are you black?
are white and in a meth county?

Do you live in a deteriorating small town?

i.e. jews and their pawns
again, jews

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country


Understand what jews have done to the West. See these threads for more:
>The truth about the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

Jewish (((educational))) propaganda aimed at children sponsored by tax payers

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They RUINED fine art, all because (((they))) pushed talentless drivel because they were deemed unworthy for the salons.

Everything from the French Revolution onwards over there became progressively worse, and worse.

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It didn't. You just hate freedom.

Freedom isnt inherently favorable.

T__ J___

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Since the 1950s - income tax on the richest have been dropping, and with it quality of life. Look it up.

Since the 1970s, real wages have NOT been increased as productivity went up.

In 1995 the bottom 99% and the top 1% equalized then traded places in terms of wealth. The top 1% got richer, the bottom 99% lost wealth accordingly.

They were the big drops in society and qualit of life.

It's the capitalist banking system attacking the traditional family unit and traditional society.

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Freedom from what, Existence? Fucking kike.

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A bunch of dominant reptilian-brained homo sapiens figured out 200 years ago their entire shtick was kaput if the average man caught up in terms of smarts and emotions.

So they unleashed a few powerful weapons in a last-ditch effort to maintain their 2,000+ year control of Planet Earth.

These weapons were feminism, Communism, consumerism, etc.

Also, new rule of life--the more Captchas you have to solve to post your shit, the more "subversive" Google considers your shit.


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>Making us buy a vowel
Typical kike

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the true virus

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>Where did everything go so wrong?
Female emancipation.
Europe's surrender of the colonies.


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>It's all just economics goyim
NO, the civil rights and hippie movement had a HUGE impact on getting us to where we are now. The attack on the family started in J__ish coffee clubs decades before it reached a boardroom

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Non-retarded materialist explanation:

>1950's nuclear family, middle class suburbia, and relative prosperity a direct result of WW2.
>Destroyed industry in the rest of the world makes America the industrial center of the world, allowing for massive increase in profits and wage gains for the working and middle classes
>As industry in other countries expand back to previous levels in the 1960's, new market entries are limited and profits decrease
>Capitalist class pressured by the welfare state of the 40's and 50's, can no longer maintain this or the high wages with current profit margins
>Begin pushing for women's entry into the workforce to create a reserve army of the unemployed and drive wages down
>Additionally, technological advances in the 70's allow for outsourcing and the gradual erosion of the welfare state, climaxing in the late 80's/early 90's
>Middle class comfort precarious and shrinking, nuclear family obliterated, white supremacy in decay
There is no way to "go back" to the state of the 50's, despite what Yas Forums tries to tell you. It was a particular set of circumstances occurring in a particular country during a particular historical era. It's over and isn't coming back.

The amount of retarded schizos on this board is pathetic lmao. I'm just imagining this faggot googling endlessly for these stupid links (while giving google all of his personal information like the good jewish pawn he is) just so he can paste it in every single thread.

Again, blaming a symptom, not the cancer itself.

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when they took out them bones from the GMO turkeys, that's when

This. The Jew needs power structures to subvert and women are easily manipulated. Weak men will follow.

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I assume this is because Ashkenazi Jews are smarter than the average white person. And since smarts are what you need in university, the Jews should be disproportionately represented.

Took you fags long enough to arrive. Shalom.

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Right around the time the kikes took over Russia and established large populations in Germany and other parts of eastern Europe.

Women had the right to vote in Australia since the beginning of the 20th century and they still had high birthrates and voted against immigration you dumbcunt. It was the J_W LED CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT that destroyed the West starting in the Mid 60s with repeals on bans on Jews getting into Colleges and their clubs. We are literally being held hostage by a race of inbreds who hate us.

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Women being allowed to vote is what changed everything for the worse.

Everything I said is backed by empirical fact and documented historical reality. You could see this if you weren't retarded.

>muh canned JIDF response
Non-whites far outnumber jews in the above IQ ranges. Yet jews have multi-thousands factors of over-representation in media and government etc. compared to their physical population.

Wonder why that is?

e.g. 2.2% of the world population has an IQ above 120.

8 billion people on the planet.

2.2% of 8 billion = 176,000,000, INCLUDING jews

800,000 (MAX) of those are jews (even using the jew data)

Thus 175,200,000 non-jews have an IQ above 120

219 TIMES MORE non-jews have IQs in this range vs jews, YET it's the jews that have multi-thousands over-representation in our ZOG, media etc..

I thought jews were good at math? You wouldn't purposely be trying to be deceitful, would you?


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If the Jews put down their weapons today, Israel would be wiped off the face of the earth.
If the Palestinians put their weapons down today, there would be peace in the Middle East.

You do realize the Palestinians have rejected peace plans for 60 years now, right?

our reality feels like a play or some kind of movie. I literally feel like Winston in 1984. we have a past hero who tried to save our world and he failed. now we live in the apocalyptic ruins run my the mortal enemy... it's so uncanny. and now the npc agent Smith's of the matrix will come call me a loser incel. it's all a script

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Fucking brainless idiot regurgitating dogma as fact. Want a pat on the back?

The right spent decades dismantling labour unions and the left helped them sell mass immigration which was in effect a never ending wave of scabs.
The rich have seized everything.
Most men could not support a family that size now.

I just pooped.

>Everything I said is backed by empirical fact that I can't post
Nice pilpul. Shalom.

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>2.2% of 8 billion = 176,000,000, INCLUDING jews
Do the math with 330 million Americans instead, chump.

Point to one thing I said that isn't true.

>I can't refute this person so instead I will just shriek
Well conditioned.

Yes keep selling your info to biggest jew corporations. Don't think, just keep screeching your conspiracies like a good goyim.

Pretty much immediately considering that the Constitution wasn't property ratified (bill of rights was) and the fuckery involved in early judicial act.
The civil war was pretty much the start of the end. 14th amendment was not ratified considering the south was under martial law. The 14th turned everyone into a subject of the federal government under admiralty law. SUBJECT.
>All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside
Next they Incorporated the fed govt.... then the states... counties... municipalities. You are the property of a corporation operating under admiralty/ corporate law.

No one gives a shit about you deceitful faggots, the palestinians or your shitty fake sand country, rabbi.

Why you changing the topic away from the jew US subversion, Chaim?

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>Women being allowed to vote is what changed everything for the worse.
Women are never lacking in self-interest. They will consistently vote for free money in every election.
Many men vote on principle, and are willing to take tough decisions. The current welfare state would not exist if women did not have to vote.

Graph showing my first assertion (America becoming industrial epicenter of the world immediately following WWII)

which other parts would you like sources for? I have sources for them all, but it'd be tedious to post them all unless necessary

Jewish communism and the fucking hippies in the 60's.

Forgot my fucking picture

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Women will vote for welfare programs, because it makes their lives easier. Anything to get out from under their womanly obligations is a huge plus. Giving women the vote was essentially like handing them a money printing press.

You're really stupid. Pathetic really. Are you really a German? The number of high IQ whites in America has always outnumbered the number of high IQ Jews. The disproportionate representation is because of the aggressive raciality in-group bias and ethnic nepotism Jews practice, alongside the beruftsverbot of non-Jews who openly criticise this.

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That would exclude the recent jew invaders, rabbi.
>again, please stop posting truths reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Nah, rabbi. I'm cool.

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Women entering the work force en masse cut the value of workers by 1/2
This happened in the 70s

The fall of the western Roman empire.

>Since the 1970s, real wages have NOT been increased as productivity went up.

pic related

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>no niggers, jews, spics, faggots, poos, muzzies
>woman taking care of the soft touches
>man paying for everything and grounding the unit in discipline, love, and commitment
>everyone happy, healthy and understanding their current and future roles
This is before jews and niggers ruined everything

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Yessssssss.... hate your women fellow goyim... we had nothing to do with it......... yessssssss

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Wage stagnation compared to productivity following the exact timeline I specified in my post

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(pic related)

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A country gets the Jews it deserves.

>Forgot my fucking picture
Are your hands trembling, rabbi? Calm down, you'll be ok :-)

Love the flag!

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Ironically you are wrong for Aus and NZ, SA and Rhodesia.

What Nearly turned us into a banana republic and almost wiped us out economically was the UK joining the common market and annihilating the internal Empire trade. Instead of our primary trade being Agriculture and goods to fellow white people we were forced to beg for scraps against subsidised shit farmers before the lefties were able to convince us China was the only way forward.

NZ was so fucked by it they still had fuel rationing from the 73' oil crisis until the mid 80s. Its arguable they ever recovered even today, if we had not basically been giving them handouts since then they would be broke.

Rhodesia was abandoned due to US pressure by the fatherland and the Empire was forced to cut ties to stay in the commonwealth - just before we got fucked of course.

South Africa was similar to Rhodesia but not as harsh. Time has proven Rhodesia right however. South Africa was once a shining example of middle class wealth and prosperity in Africa with world leading higher education standards and leaders in many fields including Nuclear Physics.

The Suez Canal Crisis tipped the Empire into black hole of shame and despair it never recovered from. Ultimately allowing the kikes in London to sell the extremely tame "common market" idea that basically signalled the final days of Great Britain.

I know little of Canada and its economic and social downfall - I even know more of Sweden thanks to that swede that typed up a short history of their political corruption and seizure of power by the kikes in media in the 60's there.

The US attempted to establish itself as THE world power at the cost of the rest of the euro white world. Instead of keeping your niggers and kikes in place you allowed them free roam to influence and fuck us over. Not a single London based kike could have ever dreamed pre Suez Canal to push for non whites in Britain or the EMPIRE.

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This image is dripping with estrogen.

women entering workforce in the US exactly when I said they did

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Get fuckn rekt retard.
You’re disgusting ilk can never into economics are actual human nature

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poor israel

Fine art auctions
>what's money laundering

at the bottom of the painting under the grapes facing left is a crying baby head with an erection.

have sex once and come back here

>No rebuttal
why am i not surprised

First communist revolution? American civil war. Search. Read. Marx=jew. The jewish bankers were pissed that the colonists threw them out in the 1770s.

>Hello fellow male nationalist

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Again... and again... and again.... and again, I guess.
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources: chuckmaultsby.net/id154.html

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didn't isten to eisenhower

Giving women agency in the world was a bad idea.

I cited three sources for my post. You stopped responding. I take it this means you concede that I'm right and you're wrong?


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The patriarchical unit is an unlearned behaviour hardwired into our genes you stupid materialist blank slate nigger, and has existed in recorded history amongst Northwestern Europeans since at least the Iron Age, it has absolutely jack shit to do with economic scarcity. Muslims and Hindus practice marriage and have large families under our current economic system all the time. Kill yourself you stupid blank slate midwit nigger.

They all were.

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I’m labeled as white in America and as far as everyone else can tell I am as white as it gets physically speaking but I do have European Jewish ancestry and am visibly smarter than most of those around me. My father was also the VP of a mortgage company before the recession came around. When you have countless generations of bankers and other people dealing with office jobs involving numbers it tends to make your people a bit smarter than the local peasant farmers.

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Literally womyn voting

lol youre a fucking sheep kid

lmao fuck this middle guy

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Nuclear family doesn't mean patriarchal. It's a specific aberration of the family structure in which individual families separate from their relatives and familial clan to live somewhere else in their own isolated unit. This is NOT hardwired genetics and only existed beginning in the 20th century.

>you don’t understand economics is no rebuttal
>b-b-but true communism has been tried

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Nice redpill, but I already have it.

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how about this one

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Though I would also argue that non-patriarchal communal structures have been shown to exist in pre-agrarian societies all over the world. So humans being genetically predisposed to patriarchy is tenuous at best.

Yet, they were still let in.

> nigger

Absolutely disgusting

It's literally not a rebuttal lmao. You didn't provide a refutation for a single claim I made in any of my posts.

>The Suez Canal Crisis tipped the Empire into black hole of shame and despair it never recovered from.
I don't get this at all. How can something so trivial have destroyed the British Empire?

>I know little of Canada and its economic and social downfall
All I know was the "The 20th Century Belongs To Canada" was a slogan in the early 1900s. Instead, Canada traded the UK for the US as its overlord.

And it lowered birthrates because households necessitated 2 incomes, also women lost attraction to most men because we suddenly had no power over them

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>America becoming industrial epicenter of the world immediately following WWII
Are you seriously fucking retarded? Or just a jew gaslighting like jews do?

Are your hands still shaking?

Guess what else happened after WW2 you retarded piece of shit?
>Hitler supposedly kills literally HALF the world jew population and takes their wealth etc.
>4.5+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel (created based upon the holohoax) post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
Makes one think. Also for thought...

Some jews died in WW2. Jews were held in camps in WW2. Jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.

The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore there prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.

The full truth about jews and WW2:

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That looks exactly like my Thanksgiving. Marry an Italian.

>akkkkchuallly I am impressing myself
Fat fucking nigger potato

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