Nothingburger General—/NBG/

Coronavirus is a nothingburger.

Wuhan is closing down their makeshift hospitals due to the virus being under control. South Korea is reporting a death rate similar to that of the flu. Tom Hanks has the virus and literally has no issues.

Coronavirus is a nothingburger, Yas Forums was fooled but it’s time to face the facts.

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i want to believe user
i want to believe

Checked truthpilled. Happeningfags btfo once again, trapped in a house with a million prep tools they'll never use.

I plan on committing suicide before I inevitably get infected and slowly die from Coronavirus. Give me quick suggestions that actually work. So far I have:
-Cutting myself
-Hanging myself
-Drowning myself
-Overdosing on pills

Can't shoot myself because I don't own any firearms.

>everybody on Wuhan is dead
holy shit

atleast i got to share my stack

This is a paid government shill promoting abandonment and hopelessness. All of this is not only fake, but staged to either conceal an event that’s happening, such as ayys, or to delay the election, or to possibly introduce a global currency and government.

ah i see youve swalloed too many black pills user
I usually post all of the doom and gloom doompaul pics but here is a positive one for you user


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great soon this too will be memoryholed just like the vegas shooting motive

1/500 of you will not make it

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Again, this is another example of a shill here that’s infiltrated our community.

Gtfo ccp fucking faggot

Corpses don’t need hospitals

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So far I have seven cuts on my arm, but they're down-the-street cuts and a lot of them aren't even bleeding.

The next civil war is 2020

>hospitals closed
who needs hospitals if everyone is dead already

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Best hope I got for hanging is a belt, is that more or less effective than a rope?

You remember that news story about the Brazilian who coomed until he died? Yeah.

Also a test to lockdown and holodomor Europe.

How is that possible

Bill is going to be passed to ban free speech on the internet. Also, an attack on Europe.

If a certain amount of orgasms can lead to death, how many then? If it's over ten then nah.

Traffic is banned and limited in Wuhan, retard, to make sure ambulance can get to patient in time

Will the chinks make the hospitals again when some brits or italians coof in Shanghai?

So how do people get to work?

Very likely, depends on if hospitals are enough

These are Chinese numbers, cheap and fake as everything else they produce.

In Wuhan most are cancelled except key positions like electricity and water. Some are able to work home and online

Man, imagine quaranting Shanghai again when they restart work.

02 months of effort, wasted.

>Be American
>Don't own firearm
Shamefur dispray

I live with my grandparents you dick. I'm still concerned.

Netizens are arguing if government should ban all foreigners, but from what I understand it is very unlikely

Wouldn’t you also celebrate the closure of a hospital where people go in but never come out?

Got a seaman friend in wuhan. He's being quarantined in a box despite being tested negative. Will post more since I' am asking him

It's fucked dawg.

Especially when some brits visit Hong Kong or Shanghai.

Xi does everything but fucks up in the last minute. Too bad so sad.

Vietnam shall take over, muhahahahaha.

Megadosing vitamin C is working?

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Nooooooo, the market hasn't gone down enough to fill my orders yet.
How am I supposed to profit off the misery and death of others!

My wifes family are in China.

They are in the northwest (Gansu), so pretty far from the epicenter.

Life is back to normal there.

People are going back to work but schools haven't reopened yet.

what if there is another outbreak
clearly the virus hasnt been contained, there's no immunity for all the chinese people who haven't had it yet and there's no cure
there'll be another outbreak within one month

Fuck no, just take your daily dose, don't overdo, it can destroy your immune system and make you viable for other diseases.

I want my spanish waiter

>i want to believe user
>i want to believe
Me too, seriously.

As long as your ass is far from Beijing and Shanghai or Shenzen, it should be OK.

Because I predict Shanghai is going to be the next epicenter because they allow foreigners in to work.

In fact, opening the Shanghai port is a very big fucking risk.

>OP is a phoneposter
Of course you are defending the chinks spreading a pandemic

Taking vitamin C is shown to have no effect against infections. Regular vitamin D supplements however seems to reduce SARS like diseases however.


Dunno man, we can not just send every foreigner back otherwise faggots will start complaining again
They should be confident in their own country and stay there
How is it in Viet?

>implying the CCP give a shit about anything but saving face to the international community via propagandized PR stories

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Gansu should be ok, it's inland, as long as there are no foreigners then everything will be fine

I fapped 6 times in one night before mo problem other than a sore dick. you're probably going ot have to go for 20

We are still allowing foreigners in, and this is the premier source of infection so far.

Especially flights from London, UK.

The UK should be declared a disease hot spot by now. But that's the issue, the brits will give it to the aussies and the muricans and the europeans.

In fact, brits travel everywhere, so the only way is to ban air travel for at least a month. Shit's absolutely fucked if we still allow air travels.

>still believing China’s propaganda
You should know better by now user. I’d say kys but you’re clearly retarded and would fuck it up.

Now show the death rate of the flu when it first because a wide spread sickness

Retard, it's step by step to get back to work
Other provinces back to work first, and then relatively safer areas in Hubei,and at last Wuhan
Hubei is fucking bigger than a whole england

It seems to be instantly politicized as "Panicking and taking it seriously" = Democrat, "Not caring or being an insensitive bigot" = Republican. Of all my friends, the further left they lean, the more they're having a pissy shit fit right now.

I don't know what media they're consuming that has them so riled up; and as we've seen, they're using it as yet another opportunity to morally grandstand. Instantly and randomly insisting on a major disruption to normal human behavior, based on their unyielding conviction that they are RIGHT and their opinions are CORRECT.

Same old shit nigga

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apart of an "official" saying they have closed them, is there any proof of them closing them?


>doesn't own firearm
>too lazy/stupid/poor to research and buy death methods

1. How many doctors, nurses, military personnel, and other hospital staff have died of COVID19 while treating sick patients?
2. What challenges did Chinese medical personnel face when treating COVID19? What specific medical resources were in short supply?
3. Supposedly, businesses in Wuhan are being instructed to slowly resume business, albeit under guidelines imposed to reduce transmission of infection. What specific industries are being reopened? Why a specific subset of industries and not all businesses?
3. Supposedly, businesses in Wuhan are being instructed to slowly resume business, albeit under guidelines imposed to reduce transmission of infection. What specific industries are being reopened? Why a specific subset of industries and not all businesses?

>The UK should be declared a disease hot spot by now.
Herd Immunity
what kind of politician will make that decision

This just proves once and for all, that China is and always has been the real and true leader of the world. They stepped up to the plate immediately ,and president Xi did an excellent job keeping everything transparent and taking all the perfect steps to contain the outbreak. Even after all the prejudice and unfair jokes, everybody wanted China to fail , And now China is on top, and now the whole world is looking to China for their help and assistance.

Vietnam already does I think, too many cases from the UK right now.

Good luck China LOL

Checked. Basically only China (and maybe SK) could ha e contained the spread of the virus. Their government has the power to quarantine massive cities full.of people's where we could not. They'll recover faster than us by months. I just wish our government wasn't so pussy.

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t. boomer
The only stock I purchased is nonperishable things I already use and if shtf I will kill any burglarizing niggers.

Nigger China is restarting work in the middle of a fucking pandemic.

They are risking re-infection of a stronger strain from Europe.

The only nation that has been doing right since the beginning is Russia since they maintain borders closed all this time.

there's a billion of you fuckers you would benefit from some population thinning

Get a job you bitch

None of those bug people are actually stopping this virus. We need to let it kill the old/sick/genetically-unhealthy. The uk is right, and it's deliciously ironic that they are able to pull this off on their slave population. The chinks at least had to use force.

China crushed the virality so it stopped spreading. USA is doing nothing, so it's not really comparable

We are as strong as the weakest link, if the UK is allowed to infect, the UK is gonna infect the whole world.

>due to the virus being under control
RIP, population of Wuhan.

Restarting work now is the reason they'll have such a step up over us. Do you realize how much of an advantage they'll have? Assuming they keep the virus contained to Hubei somehow.

It took like three months for things to finally START to die down. Do you think your economy or social fabric can survive 3 months of lockdown and draconian measures?

No, the government shills are saying what you're saying, faggot. Go look at known shills like Jack Posobiac or Bill Mitchell. You're either a shill yourself or your IQ is so low that you're being played by shills like posobiac

>Wuhan is closing down their makeshift hospitals due to the virus being under control.

So it's just like every Flu that shuts down China for a whole quarter and results in mass body burnings.

And of course the "hospitals" closing is proof that nobody is sick. The CCP would never close those hospitals if there were sick people in need of the healthcare they provide, right?

Enjoy your "herd immunity" and decline of population.
We will never give up anyone, that's our tradition

How nigger? If they get caught with an infection when they restart work means they just lose trillions spent on restarting work and have to spend trillions to quarantine again.

It's a big fucking risk.

Economic theme song lads

China has stopped the spread, they could even host Italian tourism right now if they wanted to. The problem they have is they can't drop the extreme quarantine measures until they have a vaccine, but I bet they'll come up with one soon.

How exactly do they stop the spread when they allow inbound flights in?

In fact, most cases of their infection come from Iran, UK and Italy.

It takes one brit coofer to start the shitshow again.