Trannies are angry that a female only Pagan sect won't let them join:

The leader has received death threats, countless bullying, etc, but refuses to back down, is labeled a "TERF" (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist)

>Dianic Wicca, also known as Dianic Witchcraft, is a neopagan religion female-centered goddess ritual and tradition.

sports, spirituality, what else is next?

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Based old European matriarch rejects and shames the unnatural tranny monstrosities

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This just further confirms my beliefs that most trans “women” are nothing but fetishist cross-dressers.

Yes. Who, indeed.

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She knows. She knows.

based schierke

There is no reason, nothing to gain, by bending to the whims and wants of secularist larpers.

Oh boy she's in for a wild ride

Can somebody post an explanation of this whole thing developing. This is fucking hilarious.

trannies will never ever be women no matter their schizophrenic delusions
fucked up perverts nothing more. how do people convince themselves a man in makeup is a woman?

Reminder that this pagan sect is 1,000 times larger than any Yas Forums niggers racial pagan sect.

screenshots I took from tumblr, I don't have facebook so I can't find the original post.

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these creatures are fucking retarded

I hate these people

God I hate pagans, bunch of faggots

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This is fucking amazing.

Not it isn't, pagans are a bunch of jewish fags

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very based indeed


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>Jewish fags
You literally worship a kike on a stick.

>profile picture
That is not a real human being.

4,000 Saxon dead wasn't enough

t. seething tranny

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I thought tumblr died

It did. They mostly moved to twitter.

Why are they mad? "Nobody wants to see you naked"? Then why are trans mad that they aren't included? Trans don't want to see them naked so it should be fine?


Based trannies terrorizing women in all walks of life.

Why does this horrible woman discriminate against the bepenised?

Oh no

She looks like a cute old tranny hating granny.
Seethe, faggot.

makin a lot of sense to me senpai.

What is the point of this thread?

You cant follow the godess of love if nobody loves you


>cancer v cancer


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Cringelord vs trannie cringelord

Here around litochoro which is at the foot of Olympus we have pagan festivals. Yet you don't see me or anyone else post about it and issues surrounding it on Yas Forums. You absolute retard

Evil eats itself

And 100000 times more cringe
Youre the lowest of the low, everyone laughs at you fucking fags

tfw she eventually realizes that it's the same group promoting trans-stuff, feminism and paganism

Show her

this post is about trannies who are bullying female pagans and "terfs"
illiterate greek.

And I am asking why the fuck is this considered relevant political content you brainless faggot


>SJWs eating their own
I will never get tired of this happening

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>deus vult flag
>calls others larpers

kek what
most pagans I have met are just nationalists larping.
that's why I don't mind them.
quite a few far right activists and politicians in europe subscribe to their ethnic pre-christian religion.
trans shit is due to jewish media.

lel, no hobby/fandom/whatever the fuck witch shit is safe from these mental fucks. They will never succeed with this attitude they're insistent upon. Not to mention the 40% either.

Stay triggered kikel

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are you a triggered tranny?

Found a pagan faglord!

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(((Who))) finances

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>pretend to worship a jew and larp as a hebrew or youre a jew

big brain

Pagans are cringe, but Jews are scared of nature and the worship of nature, so pagans are OK in my good, provided they don't bother me.


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>worshipping your ancestors religion makes you a jew
you're an idiot, tbqh.

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I think they should just let them in. Once these trans-larping sex predators see a bunch of smelly goth wiccan hambeasts in all their cellulite glory, their femdicks are gonna shrink more than what their weekly estrogen dose ever could.

You should so we can laugh at hippie faggots acting like retarded children

Soo... How can we inflame this situation?

>(((Who))) finances them?

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This, lmao
Dims have no self awareness at all

Fun fact: Z Budapest is an old friend of my mother's who was also part of that first wave of Dianic Wicca in the '70s. I met her many times when I was a kid.

My mom grew out of that, but it's all so nostalgic to hear her name again. Naturally she's a TERF, she's a boomer.

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Worship at home. There is literally no reason for them to be included.

yes, if you dont larp as a hebrew and pretend to follow jesus then you are a jew, simple logic

To laff at pagan faggots playing dress up getting attacked by their own kind

Posts like this dissuade me since I dont come often here anymore. No wonder really; just look at this thread

>Yas Forumstards actually taking a side in the feminists vs. trannies war
Just stoke the flames and watch the fireworks. Remember both sides hate you.

Kek, a new term

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>falling for jewish tricks
Get out cut-dick

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Based Pagan. Good Pagans believe in biology, in respecting Mother Nature, and hence the Creator.

Hail of the coming new religion which will paradigm shift this entire planet, and shake of the shackles of the reptilian-brained fuckwits who have zero imagination.

>pagans fund multiculturalism, pagans tell africans to not use birth control, pagans advocate for refugees, pagans rape little boys

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It's mostly Americans pseudo pagans who suffer from this since they are just atheists in disguise. Proper American culture has been wiped out by the Jews and the negrification of your nation. Here this a mix of both Christian and Pagan culture though they are also on the decline

Christianity is Jewed.
Worship Corona-chan instead.

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Autogynephilic trannies are really weird people.

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a virus is just one tiny aspect of existence, this is a very narrow religion youve got

Here there is*

Can't wait for one to identify as a 10 year old and sue to join the girl scouts

It can grow.
People pray to some rocks in the desert and suddenly a powerful god emerges from this.

>just atheists in disguise
t. retard who understands nothing

keep larping as a hebrew and claiming to follow jesus while rejecting what he commanded

who cares

extremely feeble

Both are heretical gaylords
Muh old gods, lmao
The hipsters of new age heresy, thats exactly what pagan faggots are

I am agnostic and I despise Abrahamic influence in general. That doesn't undo that most westerners especially Americans have lost touch with vital parts of their culture and are desperate enough to fill the void with whatever they think is cool

>Trans folk
more like Dilations amirite?

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you dont even know what a god is

It has many gods (polytheistic) since there are several species of virus on Earth.

People worshiped before. In ancient History, people thought that epidemics were caused by the wrath of evil spirits, deities & devils.

Attached: Corona-chan & Ebola-chan.png (826x657, 695.66K)

>have lost touch with vital parts of their culture
true, but people who attempt to return to the gods of their distant ancestors are not "atheists in disguise", this is retarded

Wow, youre fucking gay
Since cavemen worshipped the sun and various rocks on the ground, we should abandon the CHRISTIAN roots that choked out the edgelords of olde and be a pagan faggot
Fucking worthless
>muh olde gods
>but youve probably never heard of them
Lmao, hurrrr durrrr, IMA WITCH!!!!

They are physically analogous tho

Stop using reddit-tier lingo from 2012.
You’re probably a mutt with no pure blood lineage, so you can’t identify with a specific pagan tradition.
Sucks to be you lololol
Enjoy sharing your religion with shitskins everywhere.

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