World ending "pandemic" "virus"

>world ending "pandemic" "virus"
>five, ten, maybe twenty people dead in each country
>absurd amount of masonic digits (pic related)
>zero webms that are in any way convincing or can even be proven to involve virus in question
>many obviously staged videos from supposed epicenter designed to spread panic
>conspicuous lack of evidence of any kind noted yesterday in several threads
>today, anons "spontaneously" show up who "have corona" to do AMA's because this is reddit
>common reply seen in all beer virus threads is now "well it's just getting started i mean like just wait like i mean uhhhh just wait yknow like it could potentially in the future maybe be really bad still so just worry and be afraid yknow"

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Other urls found in this thread:

lol so the board is shadow banning now?

no you just cant make the corelationns that your hypothesis and thread are shit
> raider

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>lol so the board is shadow banning now?
no, haha. your thread is just garbage.

Nah I've noticed several times since the board has been completely destroyed by glowers and z/boomers that once you post a thread once there's some kind of shadow ban. Thanks for the bumps though glow niggers.

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So it's faked.
Who is in on it?
The people declaring the quarantines?
The people making videos in China and elsewhere?
The reporters who wrote those headlines?
Who else?

>my thread is so important they must be shadow banning me
you are garbage and so is your thread. ask me how I know youre a fucking boomer, pal

Remember when whole countries and cities were shut down during sars , bird , swine ect ect ?

Every schizo poster is from ZOG-land, coincidence?

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i thought it was real and then a few days ago my friend who goes on reddit said "best case scenario 50% of americans will get the virus" it was so retarded I realized immediately how hard we have been duped

>people declaring quarantines
At the national level for major nations maybe. Everyone else just falls in line. Same for the rest of your proposals - it only takes a couple big fish in whatever area and the rest follow because that's how authority systems work.

Thanks Klaus. Have fun being permanently destroyed once the game is over.

Shows how shit the board has become. If you're a zoomer who's too young to notice the pattern that they do this CONSTANTLY then I guess I can understand. Otherwise it's just pure low IQ. sad for Yas Forums

at least it isn't 77

Those headlines were ‘shopped. Just type in corresponding info into Google and you’ll see the key numbers change.

Fake and gay.

kill yourself glowfucker

Gloronavirus cianiggers are trying to create panic for some reason

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>utterly and eternaly BTFO
>too afraid to reply
>probably being ass-raped by his supervisor as we speak

The worring part isn't that it kills you dumbass, it can give you permanent lung damage and it doesn't go away

For the first month the media denied anything was wrong completely. And the WHO and the government, it was only on places like this that we got the true information at the start of this pandemic and we figured out it would become one. I bet you also think the earth is flat and everyone is in on keeping that secret from you



>google "coronavirus 33"
>get lots of results with 33
>google "coronavirus 44"
>get lots of results with 44
its the illuginarti secret society

Explain why 33 is showing up with unusual frequency regarding Coronavirus.

>desperately moves the goalposts to preserve the charade for himself that he's not a duped idiot
>NEWS SAY DA BEER HURT MY LUNGS!!!!!!! MUST BE TRUE!!!! ON DA NEWS MUST BE TRUE!!!!! BURRRDHBGGGGLLLL (.....drooling and gurgling noises)

See Give me a list of 13 news stories featuring corona virus 44 in the title. Awaiting the reply you'll never make / your lame excuse.

Meanwhile boomers lost their 401ks last thursday, greek turk migrant crisis, us russia war games escalation, saudi coup, oil crisis, fed pyramid scheme operating at max, dnc election fraud v2, and oh ya that assange thing

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I see the number 33 everyday multiple times. When big things are happening I see it more and more, maybe it’s the universe talking to us maybe it’s god I don’t know. But to assume it’s something Nefarious never occurs to me like it does some of you guys

I'm not your tutor.

>Still no videos from Italian anons
>Italian hospitals are allegedly being strained
Okay, this is epic.

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exactly as predicted. Stay retarded NPC faggot.

Anyone with brains on here prepped weeks if not months ago.
We aren't slaves to the media like most of humanity. At the time the media were underplaying it "It's just a flu, don't worry" same with the WHO, who we called out, because we looked at the data, and the amount of people who would need hospitalised to live, and came to the conclusion once hospitals get overrun and civil order dies, we'll need to be ready.

>we we we we we
>us us us us us
Herd brained, glowbanged, psyop-mindfucked NPC confirmed.

>Be Spanish
>leave house
>get fined

This is a police state now i cannot leave my house freely anymore. You can only leave to shops and to work and of you go with someone you get fined as well.

It seems like your the one trying to do a psyop here. Convince us all that everything is fake and we should become ostriches and stick our heads in the sand and pretend nothing every happens. You’ve got normalcy bias and schizophrenia all rolled into one

>this is a police state now

Just as intended.

LOL you just can't stop can you. Sad.

I’ve met your type before and argued the toss with for hours on end about how the world is flat and da masons are covering it all up to sell globes. There’s no getting threw to you ever, which is sad I feel sorry for you mainly because your probably a clever guy just got your wiring abit messed up

Remember this conversation in a month when beer virus has been replaced by the newest item in the news cycle and re-evaluate.

Why don't you give such an example?

Here read the thread next time faggot

That’s what you told me 30 days ago. It’s still going on

muh zika and ebola

It should be illegal for the news to do this. 24/7 it's all been coronavirus shit, of course people are gonna think it's some world ending event and panic.

A month ago the panictard narrative was "they're suppressing it". Suit yourself though, you understand me. If you're not a completely soul-dead NPC you'll re-evaluate after beer virus is obviously a meme.

Ah so you are just a simple schizo. My bad

The news is government / CIA controlled.

Glowniggers are using psychological operation techniques to create panic, for some reason.

>given exactly what he asked for in ample degree

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I can understand why OP is pissed, he's a yank and there's nothing in the burger.

>t. posting from Langley Virginia on a VPN

My screen started glowing green after seeing your post.

Explain the end goal then why make up a pandemic roll with it for a few months then just let it all go back to normal. What’s been achieved is a lot of toilet paper has been sold, this was the master plan to sell extra amounts of toilet paper to the masses? I just don’t see a motive to do this

Conditioning the public for a full blown police state / lockdown and martial law conditions.

Oh please m8, the jews would much rather you focus on Corona and the insignificant amount of boomers deaths. After all it will distract you from deaths caused by nigger and spic gangs, as well as the future deaths coming to white Americans when the demographics change.

>what could anyone possibly have to gain massive shifts in markets, an excuse to disappear tens or hundreds of thousands, perhaps even millions of people, enormous political shifts, an excuse to kill government officials, bussiness moguls, and other powerful people in myriad countries, an excuse to lock the media out of large geographical areas, etc.
You can't really be this dense. Think for fifteen seconds. Actually do it. It's not hard.

Heard all this before after 9/11 and those American military drills they did years ago, apparently Obama was going to institute martial law heard that many times when he was president. Not saying the US government doesn’t do weird things and abuses its power over the citizens, but this martial law we get promised just never materialises

Where are all the rest of the webms of people sick and dying
Where are the live streamers getting rich off of dying
>TFW the bullshit propaganda machine hasn't caught up to the rest of the civilized world yet
>TFW I have no face


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Tell me when Coronavirus kills 100,000 people and / or the death rate for people under age 50 surpasses 2%.

>people that browse the chan
>coming into contact with people at all
Yeah, that doesnt add up. Thats the biggest thing that tells me this is a kike made virus.

fear mongering

Correct. Nothing ever materializes. Whatever sits at the top of the pyramid likes the status quo. The constant doom-saying creates the illusion that there is change, or at least that change is right around the corner. And for the goldfish-brained NPC, the next exciting episode of impending doom sweeps them up before they notice that the last foretold doom never arrived.

That's obviously a fucking set, what are you, retarded? Look at the little door up top, is that a door for Chinese leprechauns?

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>Keeping coronavirus patients anonymous is crucial

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Imagine saying this before the onset of WW2, big world changing events do happen. 9-11 for a more recent one but probably shouldn’t get into that one because it will probably give you an overload

I'm always suspicious but even i have to admit this can't be so. Iran and Russia are in on it with the US? or the Masons? really? it's too many countries and people that hate each others' guts reporting the same thing. even if they are sugarcoating the figures and lying about other things. An NWO or covert op may be going on behind this but the virus itself is real and wreaking absolute havoc.


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>9/11 real
Why are you even posting here?

Checked and exactly. Also, what about journalists? Journalists will break into your home if they thought they thought there was a story there. Where are any interviews with friends and family of any of the people who have died? They would be haranguing anyone they could to get any kind of detail they could so they could be the first. They are crazed, but magically not with this. Surely one would have been brave enough to don a Hazmat suit and go to a hospital by this point. The scoop is their God.

all countries are literally owned by (((them))).

I never said it was real, I just don’t claim to be all knowing about it like the conspiracy types do. It was such a complicated event that we will never know what happened all we do know is it did happen

>can't be

all just coincidences, right mr.alphabet agent?

I agree we don't know what happened. Note the contradiciton in your thinking. You admit we can't know what happened and yet you assert that we know "it did" happen. If we don't know what it was, in what sense do we know that "it" did happen? This is all off topic though. Open up your thinking. No one will hurt you unless you're a bitch.

>Bill Gates predicts 33 million deaths:

>33 infected in California:

>33 year-old Chinese victim:

>33% increase in one day:

>Amazing race 33 cancelled from corona:

>33 cases in Bahrain:

>33 million locked down in China:

>33 year-old German victim:

>Wall street Journal vol. 33:

>Thailand’s 33rd case:

>Singapore’s 33rd case:

>Virus interrupts 33rd wedding anniversary:

>9 screened for corona;33% looking to relocate:

>the coronavirus genome ends with 33 a‘s


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I’m saying we can’t know the full details of how it came about. But two towers were there one day and poof gone the next, so something happened and everything changed because of it. The status quo was upset just like the status quo is being upset now with this virus

more 33s
>Pennsylvania COVID-19 coronavirus cases rise to 33
>....33 the number of patients in Colorado infected with the virus as the state tries to control the spread of the global outbreak
>Stop and Shop's Online Orders Surge 33% Amid Coronavirus Anxiety
>Zahl der Corona-Fälle in MV steigt auf 33
>Elizabeth Schneider
>only Jews and jewish actors get the imaginary disease and talk about it in the media

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And think about all the other coincidences happening on the sides
>Fed injecting trillions into the market + bailouts
>Airline business is ruined for everyone (lots of Boeings are grounded)
>Oil shenanigans to manipulate the price
>blackwashing the use of physical cash (oy vey it spreads through it use the contactless mastercard goyim)
>retards panic selling
>retards prepping and spending spending spending
>artificial shortages of goods to hike up prices

Its a jewish con 100%

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