Why isn't he stopping the virus? He's completely messing up his chances to get reelected.
He's blowing it
what are you talking about nigger, he's doing a good job
fuck yourself with a rake
He could have done something in January or February, instead he trusted the WHO. Also his chances for re-election are decent, however if a recession happens it’s going to seriously wreck him
You retards waste so much time attempting to persuade opinions on this webiste but only strengthen his support with obvious shill posts like this. How are you guys so bad at everything you attempt to do?
It's fucking over
Tell it to the Make A Wish Foundation, loser.
Destroying globalism and sycophants is the Trump plan. Winning !
He's a fucking retard, still better than anyone else running for POTUS, but he's legitimately the most useless fucking kike I've ever seen.
Well the long and short of it is “muh stock market” aka won’t anyone think of the money!
>he's blowing it
On boomer
Foolish to draw conclusions halfway through the show.
Nobody said it was an easy ride
OK other boomer
I've screencapped your post to use it when Trump wins again. lmao
There is absolutly 0 percent chance of stopping it only slowing it down. You can have it and transmit it for days without symptoms.
I’m voting for youth and the future, not some boomer
Trump is the youngest man running for President
We need his kind of fresh young ideas and policies
Vote youth
Vote Trump
He couldn't stop beaners climbing over his wall, what males you think he can stop a virus?
Those dipshits do it for free and STILL FAIL.
is he supposed to blow on the virus like your mom does your soup...pussy?
Does he really look like this? It's frightening. It doesn't look human anymore. It's like some weird modern art sculpture.
He'll be dead before his next term is over.
>implying there will be an election
Not a nigger, former trump supporter. He’s absolutely doing the worst job possible and if you’re too blind to see that then someone should just go ahead and put you out of your misery
>stopping the flu
full retard, OP
You sound retarded. A recession is happening and currently the odd makers have him as the underdog for the first time because of his response. “Muh flu”
Of course he's going to win, it's braindead to think otherwise. Look at Biden, he doesn't know where the fuck he is half the time; that's the competition. Whether or not Trump fucked up with all this doesn't even matter because people would rather have an incompetent leader over a senile curmudgeon
kys rat shill
>Trump is the youngest man running for President
The absolute state of US politics
True. Trump will win simply because his 'competition' among the Democraps is breathtakingly bad.
Who's gonna be alive to run against him?
That and the dem base is split between progressives and corporatists. Biden might lose anywhere between 15%-30% of dem votes.
I know there are a lot of trumptards on this board, but honestly, fuck both parties at this point.
He has to catch the virus and be miraculously healed so that he can claim kingship over Israel.
This is how I’m hoping it goes
His response has been better than Obamas with the Swine Flu
This also doesn't negate the fact all our other options are Democrat shitbirds.
Show me an actual Nazi and you'll have my attention but until then I'm riding the Trump train straight into the abyss.
>> Looks at Joe Biden
Nah, he's not.
>Fellow white people we need to vote for someone else, drump is being racist to our greatest ally China by saying we.. I mean china was the source of the virus.
Plus Bernie shills would rather vote for Trump than Biden, or not vote at all. Usually dems will just pool into the candidate that's going to primaries but not with Bernie supporters, they really got their toes stepped on
Good news!
The irony is Trump allowed pandemic spreading chinks into the US when Trump is suppose to be tough on China and on border security. Trump is a goddamn failure
he's going to win again, so prepare yourself mentally, shills, the impact won't be hard
Biden didn't do himself any favors either. He literally said he'd veto M4A even if it somehow miraculously made it through the senate. He didn't have to say it out loud, but he did, and that will fuck him badly in the election.
The Democrats are a dead party at this point, not to mention Trump derangement syndrome will cause them to ignore most of the safety precautions that he has said and their biggest voting block will die from the whuflu with the rest too afraid to go vote. So with luck the first Nazi will run in 2024.
You tards aren't convincing anyone, you're just making yourselves look desperate.
>taking severe risks to cross border into a virus infested wasteland that is a bout to go full Mad Max mode
Why? Is Mexico really that bad?
He is running unopposed. He has zero chance of losing. You hacks will have to work overtime smearing and lying and implementing voter/election fraud just make it look like its an actual contest. And still... he will win.
Op wants it to be like we all go,through those tents like in the movie et
>He's completely messing up his chances to get reelected.
He messed up long ago, child
I don't think the average voter cares about his policies though. I mean look at Nixon v. Kennedy, they voted for the more handsome dude, it's all about appearance to normies and Biden looks like a bumbling retard every step of the way
What else do you want him to do?
I'm talking about Bernie crowd. They really do care about this, and they are not negligible chunk of the party base. So far they are just being demonized and shown middle finger at every turn, just like in 2016. That is not a winning strategy.
This post was brought to you by oven anxiety.
Still seething 4 years later. Have you considered killing yourself?
Stop being a lil bitch, bitch
Walls are scoring unassisted double kills.
drumpfter alert....
No way, Schumer is a nazi!
Fuck u expect him to do?? The liberal shitbags on the left are the ones saying it's Trump's fault and criticizing his decisions hoping to influence voters who don't pay much attent to politics and are not affiliated with any set party.