Doesn't the fact that elites partake in satanic rituals prove that god exists...

Doesn't the fact that elites partake in satanic rituals prove that god exists? Why else would they spend so much time performing in these rituals?

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Good point. It doesn't necessarily "prove" that God exists but it does indicate the elite believe in some higher powers, extra dimensions, etc.

Ever see that "fake" video of a ritual in front of the CERN laboratory? There's also that weird ass castle in Belgium and Bohemian Grove.

Real or not the elite seem to think something exists.....

They're larping


Feed egregores like your sandnigger god.

For fun

They would waste that much time larping

I get the drugs and orgies but the rituals and ceremonies are weird

They're rich, powerful and bored. Sure they would.

It's possible that they're doing it because some kind of supernatural shit really exists, not necessarily what you may think of as God.
Rituals and beliefs can also serve the function of creating a strong in-group which does seem important when you want a secretive cabal, so there may not even be any supernatural stuff involved.

They believe in the gnostic Christ/Lucifer combo and weird monad stuff etc. They're wrong but in some sense they do believe in a god. Of course that's assuming they're deceived and not just that evil

Why just the Christian God and Satan? Why not Zeus? Ishtar? Horus? Vishnu? Amaterasu? Buddha? and on and on and on we could go.

If supernatural shit exists then why should it just be the christian mythology?


God speed user good luck and bless find christ.

I played a DnD campaign for two and a half years.

So... yeah people can LARP for quite a while.

Yes it does god speed user

>Ritually torturing, raping, murdering/sacrificing children and consuming their blood just because they're bored.
Sure, user.

>that weird ass castle in Belgium
Please elaborate

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It just proves that satan exists because all the power they got is granted by satan trough said rituals, mainly human sacrifice im the most gruesome way possibly imagined because human agony is the food of demons

Everyone knows the korean witch cult where our former president was a member of, the human sacrifice she had to do was the ship that sink with hundreds of kids trapped on board, there's video footage of it that haunts me to this day.
She was never prosecuted for this crime even millions of people organized and protested about it, the power she got from this incident was so great, nobody could touch her

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No, the fact that they engage in rituals proves they believe -their- god(s) exist, not yours. Be smarter than this. They clearly do not believe in the same theology nor epistemology as you do.

the password is fidelio btw.

the same reason why this website exists, retards will believe it, and it's funny

At least she'll die in prison and now the Shincheonji are in the spotlight. No doubt they are truly not much different than the cult behind Park Guen-Hye (picrelated).
>Shincheonji leader was spotted wearing what appears to be a Cheong Wa Dae souvenir watch from the previous administration
The demonic swamp is being drained worldwide.

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they have massive egos and think satan helped them get to where they are. pretty ez to understand

If I walk into a store to rob it... And I want everyone to know that I'm willing to kill. I would put on stockings and have my erect penis protruding through a skull. If I just go in with a gun, they might try to reason with me. In fact I might also tell everyone to go to my house on Sunday and tell them about the Jew who didn't pay and display an instrument of torture and make them sing at it. And tell them after they die I will continue to torture them.

Because that’s just Lucifer under different names

Never seen so many people butthurt over a picture from a Kubrick film

In Isaiah "God" says "do they not know I fill all of heaven and Earth", meaning you are full of God. The elites want to keep the secret of inner divinity, which was Christ's actual message, for themselves. Happily for the elites, modern Christians think it's Luciferian to say you are filled with God, so this keeps the people ignorant and helpless.

yes it exists
no it's not your xtian "god"

But satan did attribute their success and wealth to them at a hefty sum of their souls and worship.

In the Old Testament all Jew/Christian rituals had to be consecrated with animal sacrifices, so blood sacrifices were the original way of doing it and Jews still do it.

rich people can be manipulated just like anyone else

>the fact that elites partake in satanic rituals

cringe, this board is 18+

All religion is cope.

The literal false church of christ which brought upon death and famine to an entire country, if not the entire globe

The Skull and Bones Yale club traces its origins back to the fallen Knights of Malta who would make a cross out of their victim’s legs and place the skull above it.

Skull and crossbones


Get it?

Dark magic is real just as light magic is real.

Choose wisely.

I think I'm a demon, maybe the child of these two autists. Doing good always ends bad for me, as if my God slaps me every time I try to help people.
>inb4 rude

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Because people actually saw the resurrection and events that took place involving miracles where Jesus was.

There was a man confirmed dead who he didn't know that was resurrected and the fact he came back to life on the cross.

Many people saw it with their own eyes and were willing to die for Christianity. Can't find any such examples with the others.

And Buddha is not a 'god' or anything supernatural. He was a person who lived and died, creating a philosophy for people.

no. if satan existed and did that 99% of people would be ultra rich and have 70 clones of non-aging 14 yr old miley cyrus’s on their private island where it is always sunny and 72 degrees. i know i’ve asked to sell my soul for such multiple times a day for years

Power. Jews don't believe in the Devil. Or rather they believe that the devil is an angel of God. They believe that God can and does do evil acts which we would ascribe to the Devil. If you crack open your old testament you can see him doing evil acts over and over again, including murdering innocent people, ordering the murder of innocent people. The Jewish god isn't a god of morality. He's about power. And that's it.

Making God moral and ascribing all the evil aspects to the angel was all the invention of Jesus who was trying to completely rewrite the Jewish faith so as to end the great evil it was doing in the world. This is also why he attacked the Temple. The problem is instead of realizing that Jesus was trying to create an entirely new faith with an entirely new God, the early Christians chose to create a weird mish-mash called Judeo-Christianity.

But if you're wondering why these people seem to so focus on spirituality again crack open your bibles to Deuteronomy 17:15. The bible orders Jews to be ruled by no one but another Jew. This is why they must worm their way or subvert every organization they are a part of.

So if you want power and money, what are you going to do?

I doubt even half of them believe it.

you have wisdom
don't let these faggots mindnumb you
the devil is too prideful to hide his deeds
there's a fucking moloch statue in the Vatican
you know who worships moloch? the kikes who disobeyed moses
look it up in the Bible they made tents for him and star of rempham(Israel flag)
they worship literal demons, not pagans

Collective consciousness. Focusing energy into a shared belief makes it easier to manifest your desired result. Combine that with nearly unlimited physical resources and the ability to do whatever you want with nearly zero consequences and you can influence whatever you want.

The same concept applies to "meme magic'. So meme these faggots 6 feet under.

So if anyone believes something exists and spend time accommodating that belief, it must exist. Wow. That's ironclad logic. I guess Allah and Vishnu are real, and the jews really are God's Chosen.

Thanks for opening my eyes, retardanon.

Yeah it’s called blackmail.

You can find the grave or burial site of Joseph, he was a real person that lived and died.

Plus the fact Tacitus confirmed that Jesus was a real individual who got crucified.

People knew and saw him along with the events.

There's a plethora of shit I think is wierd that others do for fun.

Because imaginary bullshit works in occultism.

> Ugh those rituals and ceremonies are weird
> Plays RPG vidya games
> Cosplays
> Watches anime
> Posts on le four chins

shouldn't the enemy of your enemy be your friend?
are the kikes and the carthaginians(?) like necrons and chaos demons, both evil but also fighting each other because they get in each other's way?

No. It just proves that the elites are metal fans.

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If you assume that occult shit is real (and I have no idea), then it's possible they are simply following the left hand path. I'm not knowledgeable about this stuff, I can only speculate and give my ignorant take on the matter. It's possible that there is a something that could be considered a "supreme God", I've seen some Hermeticists refer to it as "The All". "The All is the source of all creation. However, in the spiritual hierarchy there might be many beings much more powerful than humans. They're not "The God" but they are Gods as far as we're concerned. Without having direct spiritual experiences it seems almost impossible to figure out what the fuck is going on. Faith is a non-method, and people who rely on faith can be easily deceived. I genuinely have no idea, I have no reference point I can use to navigate this world. The only solution that occurs to me is finding practical methods to achieve spiritual enlightenment if such a thing exists, and then moving on from there.


Do a YouTube search for “Eyes Wide Shut occult” or “Eyes Wide Shut satanic ritual” etc and all you’ll get are videos debunking that the Somerton mansion scene had anything to do with satan or dark mason occult ritual. They ALL insist it was a “dream sequence.”

Selling your soul for power is easier and more common than you think.

Absolutely. When confronted with pure evil the soul reaches out to the pure good.

>white magic
All kinds of magic comes from the dark, there will be no superhero to save you, it's just what they want you to believe.
The dark prevails everywhere, only thing you can do is try to find a little shed of light and stay in that little spotlight if you found it, yes like a coward but at the same time brave when everyone is pointing and laughing at you for your opinion.
You can't fight the shadows, you can only stay away

don't worry, they will all get eternal hellfire. Thats the highest reward satan can offer them is burning to death endlessly.
Heaven will be greater than we can ever imagine, just be faithful and keep pushing through, were all gonna make it

>homo flag

The light wins in the end, fren.

The Magi of Persia managed to overcome the dark for the longest period of time.

Not even the point of his post lol. Come back when you gain some reading comprehension

Zoroaster won against or defied 'the dark' too and is known as 'the first man' in religion who did.

Either ethically or religious depending on your interpretation.

>Muh reading comprehension
I read just fine, you're the one having problems, niggeranon.

And the only thing that interrupted that was Islam.

For thousands of years the Persian Magi achieved victory over the archetype or thing that people call 'the dark' (coined as druj).

Oh sheit I never heard of them, it's where the word Magic is derived from?
Wholy based

No one does that anymore.
The blood part atleast, it's all about harvesting fetuses for their stem cells now

I am weird.

I don’t think hell is real. I think “hell” = you cut to black for eternity and your soul dies when you die. So for some, they don’t mind that reality and prefer to have power in the material world. They’re jealous faggots who can’t stand being beneath God. They believe they should be God, which will never happen.

Always remember that ALL of this, including Satan, is God’s creation.


It's an insurance policy against one another. They film each other doing depraved acts like fucking kids and if someone turn against the group they socially kill them. Hell, Epstein based his business on that model.

>you cut to black for eternity
Why does every fucking normie atheist fetishize turning into an unplugged monitor? That's clearly not even close to whatever really happens upon the death of an organic creature.

SOS Jews are not real Jews.