So the covid19 really was a nothing burger all along

Why are americans so easily duped?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>American govt to other governments:
>American govt to their own people:

rlly mks m thnk

illuminati here...

it will all be over by the end of next week. Enjoy your free vacation!

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thanks bro i work for a school so i dont have to clean up after those fuvkin kids and get sick myself thank god

>So the covid19 really was a nothing burger all along
Nigger turn on your TV, open a newspaper, talk to your neighbor.

>Coronavirus was a nothing burger
>Oy Vey!!! Dump $1.5 trillion into the banks to keep the stock market afloat!!!

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What if Covid-19 was really just the friends we made along the way?

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Sight it's not about the market it's about credit. Companies needs credit without they don't function without companies no jobs.


Here’s the latest: cautious optimism. Spoke with several senior members of government in both parties and also some medial public health first responders and while they not say to be vigilant and measured and sanitize and all that we’ve been told, they also say that if it’s true that China knew of CoronaVirus in early November, the likelihood that it has already run through parts of this country is massive. Meaning we are way past testing and mitigation. It also means we may...may...have moved through it in parts of the U.S. Again..this is very cautious optimism. The first responders I spoke with and several doctors say that flu was rough this winter and many people with very similar symptoms to Covid were sent home to recover. Did they already have it? Has it already been thru here?
Thus the rough flu season we’ve experienced already. These are all questions we will know answers to soon enough. I suggest to my colleagues in the media, these are the questions and investigations we should be doing/asking. Politics aside for a couple of weeks. Try it.

>The Fed

To call anything a nothing burger when the Federal Reserve is dumping $1.5 trillion into the banks to keep the muh economy going is a goddamn joke

The Federal Reserve is run by a political appointee. You goddamn niggers are trying your goddamn hardest to defend both the US government and the Federal Reserve for their failures and terrible policy

Stay strong. Stare death in its beady eyes and yell, "return, cunt, from whence ye came." Push through to the other side of the storm. I will meet you there.

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It's privately owned and roughly half of the decisionmakers are appointed by the owners.

All the other pandemics sars bird poo swine flu ect ect
Does anyone remember whole cities or countries closing there shit down ?

>watch TV
Ok boomer

Imagine being so low test you don't watch MMA and hockey, the sports of men.

we panic during every health scare, it has happened countless times before and will happen countless times again, the only difference is this time everyone is on social media

Imagine being such a schmuck that you watch sports and aren't actively competing in them

no, I didn't even notice at the time
my brother was even in a skit at a school assembly where he sang Jesus Christ SuperSars and I had helped him practice by simulating the gong with a cymbal at home for whenever he'd do his chinaman bows

I'll fuckin compete in MMA with you m8 get & me coward.

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>lies to justify himself watching men play sports

sports fans are fucking gay

Fuck off kike, the corona is a big nothing

SARS-CoV-2 is real.
two subtypes of SARS-CoV-2.
S type and L type.
S type is more mild.
L type is aggressive and more likely to kill.
You can be infected with either of them,
both at the same time,
and reinfected with both.

It's a bioweapon, created by the Pilbright Institute in 2016

since Jan 2020 death rates are several magnitudes higher in China than reported.

first wave of attack in WW3 (lots of evidence for this too much for this text)
Operation Defender Europe
nukes moved to Poland and B2 nuclear capable bombers brought to England

Private international bankers
they control the world; corporations; media; hollywood
use controlled opposition;
often call them Zionists or just fucking evil sick bastard Jews
Madona music video in Eurovision 2019 song complete with gas masks and people dying: "not everyone is coming to the future"

Coronavirus truth in China.

stock up 3mths food
defend your famiy and community
expect collapse, crime, murder, rape and gang violence
protect the vulnerable, if you something happen that shouldn't, then stop it.

In a few weeks you’re going to be coughing up a lung Screen cap this

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Voices in the walls: HEARD
Mossad: BLAMED

I want to kill myself before I slowly die of Coronavirus. Suggestions? Ideally something quick and acts faster than I can realize I'm in pain.

If you're the much of a pussy you deserve to die, you don't belong on this planet. Nothing is going to happen faggot STFU and go shill some MIGA or zion don

You're a faggot if you don't watch at least of some of the MMA main events.

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Death rate Germany (thorough testing from the start): 0.2%
Death rate Diamond Princess (population fully tested, full of boomers, terrible air sanitation and quarantine management): 0.5%

*Why is Yas Forums so easily duped?

kek israeli memes

Get incriminating evidence of Hillary Clinton

its more than just Yas Forums thats panicking like retards
at least Yas Forumss retardation comes from the desperate hope for an apocalypse, but it isnt just Yas Forums that is out buying up toilet paper and hand sanitizer

Global administrator user access: ABUSED
Mossad: BLAMED for 9/11

>Air borne.
>Breathes air.
>Uses hand sanitizer and toilet paper for sneezing.

So if you breathe it in, how does hand sanitizer and sneezing at a later time into toilet paper help?

Stay alive.
Protect the weak and vulnerable.
Make your life count for something.


It's a cover.
Read this:

onions milk


I saw a cute girl I follow on Instagram say to try gargling hot salt water, like it couldn’t hurt. I woke up today with a little sore throat and I tried it.

Can’t hurt.

Gargle some salt water boys.

Hell no. There is absolutely nothing for me when I get infected. Even if I "recover", my lungs are useless pieces of shit. I'm not living out the rest of my life like that.

Believe otherwise and fight against it.

Shouldn't you save the water for when they turn off the plumbing? I'm gonna break the law and collect rain water however.

No, I don't remember that, because it didn't happen.

Remdesivir and Chloroquine are the cures.

They did not.

are these anti-viral HIV drugs?

There is a whole bunch of anti virals for you to drink. Salt water is a good one. I'd think sea salt would be better, but either way.

Tonic Water w/ Quinine is a good bet at this point, because they're curing CoV19 with Chloroquine and that's an analogue of Quinine, and Quinine works against the Dengue fever virus. Quinine is an anti virus as well as an anti malarial.

Remdesivir - developed for Ebola, still not approved

Chloroquine - an analogue of Quinine, originally used to fight malaria.

It's possible that they could also be anti HIV, I don't know.

They both have cured people with this CoV19.

just reading the papers.
they make no sense to me
I hope they do to Doctor J. Mengele.

a Vero E6 cells were infected with 2019-nCoV at an MOI of 0.05 in the treatment of different doses of the indicated antivirals for 48h. The viral yield in the cell supernatant was then quantified by qRT-PCR. Cytotoxicity of these drugs to Vero E6 cells was measured by CCK-8 assays. The left and right Y-axis of the graphs represent mean % inhibition of virus yield and cytotoxicity of the drugs, respectively. The experiments were done in triplicates. b Immunofluorescence microscopy of virus infection upon treatment of remdesivir and chloroquine. Virus infection and drug treatment were performed as mentioned above. At 48h p.i., the infected cells were fixed, and then probed with rabbit sera against the NP of a bat SARS-related CoV2 as the primary antibody and Alexa 488-labeled goat anti-rabbit IgG (1:500; Abcam) as the secondary antibody, respectively. The nuclei were stained with Hoechst dye. Bars, 100μm. c and d Time-of-addition experiment of remdesivir and chloroquine. For “Full-time” treatment, Vero E6 cells were pre-treated with the drugs for 1h, and virus was then added to allow attachment for 2h. Afterwards, the virus–drug mixture was removed, and the cells were cultured with drug-containing medium until the end of the experiment. For “Entry” treatment, the drugs were added to the cells for 1h before viral attachment, and at 2h p.i., the virus–drug mixture was replaced with fresh culture medium and maintained till the end of the experiment. For “Post-entry” experiment, drugs were added at 2h p.i., and maintained until the end of the experiment. For all the experimental groups, cells were infected with 2019-nCoV at an MOI of 0.05, and virus yield in the infected cell supernatants was quantified by qRT-PCR c and NP expression in infected cells was analyzed by Western blot d at 14h p.i.

They were scammed by Proctor and Gamble who produce Charmin toilet paper.

The numbers don't lie

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Entire cities, 10% of the human population quarantined at one point

Everything cancelled

Travel from Europe cancelled for the first time in history

Literally everybody closing their borders after years of crying about muh diversity and muh open borders

Stock market falls farthest and fastest since 1987 or some shit

People panic buying and emptying grocery stores

Nursing homes getting squad wiped by pneumonia

Northern Italy in a state of total emergency

Virus still growing in western countries and may even possibly re infect literally everyone after like 3 weeks of recovering, with permanent lung damage

>"Nothing happened"

What's already happened has been the single largest happening since 9/11 faggot. It's not the death toll yet that makes it a happening, the effects of the virus and response to it has been a major happening on it's own.


Doesn't even matter. The damage from the reaction is already being done. Enormous economic damage in a divisive political enviorbment during an election year. We just jumped timelines.

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your shitpost is a nothingburger ameritard

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That's not optimism that's pessimistic as hell. I wanna live in surreal lockdown land forever.