I want the happening to stop
I want the happening to stop
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And we can't even throw paper towels at you this time because it's sold out
I can’t even wrap my head around it. The world is ending. I’m alive to see the world end right before me.
I’ve wasted two entire decades of my pathetic existence doing nothing. That’s what makes this painful. I’m going to die unfulfilled. I’ve never in my life felt such genuine pain and hopelessness. I’m past denial, and I’m too exhausted to go through anger and bargaining. Depression is all that’s left and I think I’ll be a writhing dead mess before I even consider acceptance.
Toughen up kiddo
They haven't nuked a city or faked an alien invasion yet. That's coming next
shit the fuck up you stupid flaggot
You didn't listen
>20 years old and blackpilled.
Nut up, faggot. The OLD world is dying; what lies ahead will be the greatest in human history.
It's happening. It won't stop until it happened. It's basic entropy user.
You've been begging for a habbening for years. Stop being a pussy and rise up!
Mandatory transitioning for children is when I strap explosives to myself desu
it's going to get much worse.
What's the magic word
DESU I kinda lived my life like I wasn't going to make it to old age and I pretty much got to do what I wanted. Wish I could've had kids with my wife. If we survive that's next on my list.
there are no brakes on the happing train
Good news! It's a nothingburger that was never happening, ever.
My only wish is for the apocalypse to start, I know I will die first but still worth it to just see it
The happening part of the happening has not even happened yet
But we won't survive. That's what's the most painful thing about this. I'll be slowly writhing from Coronavirus and everything that will fly before me is how much time I've wasted.
I want to believe this, but if even my parents bought into the hysteria, then that's how I know it's over.
nothing has happened yet
lets smoke a joint on 4/20 of remembrance of this
I warned u
Hardly anything is going to happen, your shit life will stay exactly the same. Nice fantasy though faggot
>Boy represents a personal story of discovering the rabbit hole (reality/truth of our world). Death (the black pill/suicide) always a present possibility.
>Rabbits literally going down a rabbit hole, chased by mutated rabbit (trolls/shills/spooks.... agents of darkness)
>Female hero (white hat) breaking free from malevolent entity control. She represents the good in the world, and those who have long since discovered the truth.
>Star-laden ET's (benevolent ET's approaching Earth)
>Scene where boy witnesses his parents fighting and allusion to the broken figure of the female white hat (Good 'losing').
>Malevolent ET tracking those in the rabbit hole, and in the moments where they encounter hardships (the rabbit being attacked, the boy witnessing his parents fight) he immediately begins feeding on the negative emotions.
>Human satellite/ship with parasite feeding; co-opting/subversion of previous human exploration efforts. Dead astronaut is poignant.
>Black hole = Coming 'Event'
>Approach of 'black hole' seems to already be cleansing nefarious influence. The severed hand that is sucked up into it is a left hand (dissolution of the Left-Hand path)
>Neon green tunnel 'tracking' represents the 'rabbit holes' of discovering truth. In the end, leads to benevolent ET's/Light.
>Benevolent ET's activate 'Event', one places hand on a console and the light spirals through a DNA shaped pattern.
>Malevolent ET's destroyed
>Rabbits not yet down the rabbit hole (average person) running in fear from 'Event' (Black Hole)
>Good ET stepping through the black hole (arrival)
>Boy shrugs off black pill/death. Ready for new world
>Other rabbits go down rabbit hole (no choice now)
>New world opens up... our future.
But why?
Nothings happening faggot
Same fren
It's already over.
Oh bless your soul sweetheart.
>when the happener finally faces the crushing reality that inspired their happener fantasies to begin with.
Someone post the meme; I don't have it.
I'm also a fan what do you think the song/ music video is about?
>panics about a habbening
>panics about normies losing their shit
>doesn't get /comfy/ with a couple masks and enjoy the show
>doesn't know that Christ's arrival is likely within our lifetimes based on current events relating to Revelations
>doesn't know it'll be both the best and worst day: best for the faithful, worst for the heathen and sinner
It’s hitting white countries you’re fine
Too late. Hint to get you through: Be the best person you can be, in every moment, and you'll be okay. Better than okay. Promise.
fear not we've gone through this before. its just the media is whipping shit up to attack trump
Aw babe
Remember pig sick?
NIGGER you don't have a say in it.
This one is real as fuck. And i don't think it has anything to do with CoronaAids
this is literally me. good luck brother.
>pray to God for justice and to save the white race
>get a virus that sterilizes you but doesn't kill you until 50 and niggers are immune
Either God's a nigger or this virus is from Satan.
>yfw you realize the 250 person limit is for when the government rounds up deep state traitors and massive democrat protests form because they start freaking out thinking were going full fascism
this is gonna be crazy
Me too. I just want another shot at life. I took it all for granted.
Lol. I think it's legitimately to prevent terror attacks. Who knows what the Bernietards will do.
Stop being retarded swine flu infected 60 million and only 12 thousand died in the first year.
>Who knows what the Bernietards will do.
You mean glowfags and satanists.
Hey OP if you aren't dead when this is all over remember these FACTS:
>The Black Death which killed 1/2 of Europe's population came from the Chinese
>The Spanish flu is thought to have started in China despite being called the "Spanish" flu.
>The 1957-1958 Flu Pandemic was traced back to China
>The 1968 H3N2 Flu Pandemic was traced back to China
>2009 Swin flu started in China
Lol what a bitch
Yes. The kinds of psychologically broken people fooled by Bernies malarkey.
We’ve wished for this for years and now it’s happening it’s happening in my town it’s happening to me I embrace it
Remember anons, meaning is found through the forge of hardship. We will all make it
It's not ending retard, it's called mass hysteria and it inevitably fade away
It hasn't even begun
Cool malware bro, not clicking on it.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger but sterilization pretty much kills you.
There is no happening. You are just bored because you live a life without purpose.
Nothing is actually happening though except some items in the store get low in stock sometimes. There is plenty of food.
Happening or not, im /comfy/ as fuck. Found God recently, through the craziest thing, just in time for Corona-chan to snuff us with her thicc thighs. I'm ready for whatever comes next. Music very related
>Wife of Canadian PM tests positive
>Wife of Spanish PM tests positive
>British Health Minister tests positive
>Slew of famous athletes and growing number of celebrities test positive
>Larry Page resigns from Alphabet
>Bill Gates resigns from Microsoft
>Bob Iger Steps down from Disney
>Ginni Rometty Steps down from IBM
>Most major sporting events cancelled
>Major concerts and gatherings cancelled
>State of emergency declared in the US
>National quarantine in Italy
NoThInG iS hApPeNiNg
Oh no some PM's test positive and some governments are overreaction over a flu. Sportsball and gay ass music festivals are cancelled. Its over guys. Its literally world war 3 millions of people are dying.
Nothing's going to happen to you. Just stay relaxed and do something productive or entertaining to keep your mind and hands busy. Best to avoid large gatherings in public not because of (((covid19))) but because people are in panic and fear mode and that's the biggest present danger. Don't feel like you have to stay shut in. Corona is a nothingbuger. Something else is going on. Just stay out of the way.
>Its literally world war 3 millions of people are dying.
Didn't imply that, faggot. But you already knew that.
Reminder that if you’re an unironic /cvg/ panicfag you’re weak and probably don’t even deserve to live and propagate your weak genes in a hypothetical “apocalyptic scenario”.
nigger. you cant stop something that isnt even happening