Maybe this toilet paper freakout will make Americans realize we are barbarian niggers who should have bidets.
Other urls found in this thread:
>purposely getting swamp ass
I use a $40 bidet that was purchased from Amazon. Never felt cleaner after taking a massive shit in all my life without jumping into the shower.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
How do you dry your ass off?
>spitting toilet cobra
I just wet my toilet paper with sink water.
Just go full carnivore diet and stop shitting so much
Uhh you don’t, you jack your underwear up and walk around with soggy ass hole all day.
You use a little toilet paper to dry yourself off. You wind up using way less toilet paper, and getting much cleaner. They also make ones that blow dry your ass, and those work as well.
>The average person uses 1 roll per day.
A roll lasts 4 days in my case, and I drink a lot of water, also, my fiber intake is great.
5 year bidetchad here. Best $35 I've ever spent
I can't believe I spent most of my life smearing
shit in my ass crack. Fucking disgusting
So how do you dry your asshole after the toilet gives you a rim job and soaks your entire ass and balls?
I use both
Shitasses can’t cope with this.
This pasta again. This was already done yesterday.
My toilet gets disgusting. What's to stop the bidet from getting disgusting too? You can wipe if off but do you use pipe cleaners to clear out the tubes?
Toilet paper, duh
Tried it once, felt like someone pissed all over my assholee. No thanks
>letting anything having a chance of penetrating you
Yuros are fags
I'm so close to pulling the trigger and ordering. Any brand recommendations or any things I should look out for before I buy one?
You can get hose style ones that are super fucking easy to keep clean AND help keep the rest of the bathroom clean (having a hose in your bathroom has a stupid amount of utility). Just clean it like a shower head. If you're really paranoid you could soak it in bleach.
As far as drying off goes, you can use like a single square of toilet paper or a dedicated towel. It's not very different from drying off after a shower.
>bidet use still requires toilet paper
lmao what a complete meme.
>wet shitty ass
>shit splashing all over a ridiculous amount
>still reliant on toilet paper at the end of the day
what an embarrassment of a post, response, person, etc.
Pajeets must be absolutely SEETHING seeing all these white people going mongoloid with toilet paper
What happens when my finger inevitably pierces the toilet paper and I finger blast my hole into another dimension?
Good luck using that when gov't announce the water supply is contaminated with virus.
>super easy to keep clean
how? pls describe how easy it is to clean that ss tube, compared to brushing the toilet out?
>dedicated towel
holy shit you're memeing right user? no better than a pajeet at this point ffs
>not very different from drying off after a shower
is this a shared "dedicated towel" or personal? so now i have to store 2 towels for personal use, and i have to store them separately bc one is for asshole shit water?
wtf is this a real suggestion or am i a retard falling for bait?
What happens when they cut the water supply off?
I always use my towel to clean the moisture
Yeah I'm a fucking comedian.
That's cool as fuck and I'm ordering one.
See Do you use the same towel that you use for showering?
American here who bought cheap bidet attachment 2 years ago. I do one initial wipe to get the bulk, then rinse well, then wipe a second time to get any remaining traces and wetness. I used 4-10x as much toilet paper before the bidet and it was clogging up my 50 year old septic system.
Now I'm more clean.
Spend 1/5 - 1/10 as much $ on tp.
And my septic tank is better now.
Not using bidets is one of the few flaws in our culture. We reject it the same way poos reject toilets.
How hard is it to set one of these up for a borderline retarded person?
I just checked Amazon and a lot of bidets are sold out. The same model I bought in 2017 costs 2-3x as much now and is back ordered.
What kind of sick fuck would use the same towel they dry themselves off with to clean?
What is funnier is, the store in my neighborhood was completely sold out of toilet paper and but had plenty of the vastly superior flushable wet wipes.
How do you know you’re clean though? Test wipe?
They would be easy if not for the need for a power outlet. Most US bathrooms do not have one near the toilet, so you have to call an electrician most likely.
it would be extremely bum drought
>blasts ur gooch, anus, and balls with icy cold water
heh, nothing personnel, kid.
i've been to Korea. They have those toilets there too. They make TP obsolete because the jet-stream (which is built into the toilet) cleans your asshole.
>how? pls describe how easy it is to clean that ss tube, compared to brushing the toilet out?
It's literally a steel hose. Just wipe it down with a bleach clothe.
>>dedicated towel
It's really not that bad dude. You're literally wiping your ass with thin, dry paper. Taking a shit can only get so hygenic, it's why we do something called WASHING our hands.
>is this a shared "dedicated towel" or personal?
No you retard you have one little hand towel for your asshole. You aren't fucking rubbing it up and down your cheeks. You're just dabbing dry.
Do you think the soap you wash your body with is that fucking does that much to clean you? Good soap is more about getting rid of dirt and grime, meaning most of your bodies bacteria gets left alive. Unless you fucking bleach your body, every time you take a shower you're getting ass juice on your towel.
The Japanese & Korea smart toilets have warm air dryers built-in, which drys your ass. They also come with seat warmers.
If you have extra money to spend, such a toilet will cost you $1000
There’s literally 4 threads up with this same pasta. Someone is trying y to slide sensible, hygienic, civilized flushable wet wipes, my guys.
I use my toilet paper reserve which I haven't had to touch while the riots begin
Mmmmm ass juice
My colon would feel clean too if I just had an enema.
Unless you 'need' heated water, it takes like 20 minutes tops for a retard. You just unplug the toilets water line, connect a t adapter (using plumber tape on all connections and proper washers which should come with your bidet), and go.
>icy aqua dildo
You couldn't pay me enough to use that.
Yeah, people are catching on. Your local Home Depot/Lowe's probably has them though.
Shower or toilet adapter.
>Comfy warm bidet water
Based and bidetpilled.
Just connect a long hose to the shower.
It isn't that cold and we're entering the summer. I do get the hesitation though. A lot of people get bidets with a connection to their bathroom sink line (so they can get hot water).
I didn't see the point in that since I live in Florida.
>icy cold water
That's another big reason I have been avoiding these things. It takes like 45 seconds for the hot water to reach my main bathroom. But with that hose bidet thing I could just spray it into the toilet until the water heated up.
well you'd have to get one that attaches to the sink's hot line. Don't think I've ever seen a toilet with a hot water line...
My shower is in another room it would be like a 20 foot hose.
Yeah that's what I was planning on doing, fuck using cold water.
This. 100%.
I used to do this. It's very redpilled, but bidets are easy to use and also worth it in a tp shortage.
When I'm out I try to use the wet tp method.
I was honestly thinking this, like people are freaking out here about toilet paper meanwhile half the world doesn't even fucking use the shit, because it's fucking bad for your asshole. My asshole bleeds all the time, fuck toilet paper
There are types of bidet that instantly warm up the water for use without an additional water heater, you only need a power line.