ITT: Hypochondriacs

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Hobbled AND immunocompromised?

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I hope when society and ROL collapses we can round up these fat hogs in a slaughterhouse and euthanize them with a 12 gauge slug to the skull.
It’s the least we can do to put them out of their apparent misery and wallowing self-pity.

someone should pick her up and roll her down the subway stairs

It's shitty, but if you're a fat bitch with a serious disease, then perhaps your life doesn't matter that much.


Oh? You matter? More than everyone else? Fuck off

is she in a fucking plane?

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>I deserve to keep on living and being happy

No you don’t. I fucking hate how every woman says shit like this.

well my 25yo wife has multiple sclerosis and the treatment seriously alters its immune system so yeah some people are vulnerable indeed

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I don't get it. No one is saying that there lives don't count. I fucking hate when women pretend someone is out to get them. It's like those fat bitches that get naked in public and and say "my body my choice". Fat bitch! Nobody would rape you in amillion years!

You didn't care who I was till I put on the mask

Oh, look, an o-beast with no fucking clue about amino acids.

Your fat so your life is forfeit.

>wears meme mask from ebay

In the olden days this was referred to as "Natural Selection" but that's wrongthink now and we need to tax everyone to keep this thing alive and it's genetics in the genepool.

Fat with arthritis. Amazin'.

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>muh superior genetics

Did being immunocompromised make her fat?

Here is your .2% death rate Yas Forums, this is what you're so worried about, these kinda people. Yeah it sucks to be her, but for us there is no reason to panic

>fat: common factor
the integrity of their bone structure is compromised due to weight

and let the meat and fat go to waste? user you're not thinking of the bigger picture here

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>Keeping people with immunodeficiency and physical defects in the gene pool is good for humanity

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are they trying to convince me to stop washing my hands?

This one is dying already.

Braap barns, user

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>wants us to take their pleas seriously
>use cartoon filters

Women are a blight.

omg being a victim before you are even infected?

>be immunocompromised
>get sepsis in his axe wound
Rip Luna

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75+% of the US is obese and has any number of obesity related illnesses that make this virus even worse. It's going to hit us harder than italy and iran and china who just have a ton of old people. Even young americans are fat as fuck and their internal organs are struggling to keep up. Even a bad cold could easily kill them.

If their lives matter so much why don't they get on a diet plan.

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prednisone made her fat you dumb niggers have some respect for the sick

>muh defects
Everyone has a genetic predisposition to disease

>Yas Forums doesn't think ugly people's lives matter
what else is new?

She can get on a diet while hitting the roids.

was for

If only you knew how bad things really are

You realize theyre all trying to get pain meds to feed their addictions or sell them right?

Hmm... prove to me in a hundred words or less that they do.

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Because that would require effort on their part.

Nice doll

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methotrexate make your hair fall out...

They will all die first, I'm sorry but altruism is completely out the window

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Who is this? What's wrong with her?

Not always.

Maybe having the coronavirus be the new flu isn't that bad of a concept afterall. Do a little spring cleaning.

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Fuck this
My cancer metastasized in my lungs. Had two surgeries to remove the cancer. It recurred back in my lungs and my lymph node. Yes I am on chemo
This coronavirus hysteria is all for nothing. Disregard anyone who says otherwise

Darwin, baby

>I'm a fat chick and a mild pneumonia would literally kill me

She is just doing this for posterity

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I have a high risk family member that's why we ordered shit a month ago and haven't left the house in a week. These Twitter whiners

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 3rolls per day depending on amount of fast food energy drinks and snacks had through the day. If you have a family of 4 that's 84 rolls a week. Over 360 rolls a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them, I hope they sell good because I’m starting to get tired of my 8.50$ hr job 5am-10:30am pulling nails and my boss is going to lay me off if the economy tanks and I have a kid on the way

>theyre all overweight middle aged women
Ahh yes. The people that matter in a collapse.

Why would you marry a woman who can’t grant you strong healthy children

this hysteria coupled with american retardation will be gold for the next few weeks. burgers are gonna chimp out and literally kill themselves

I have no issues social-distancing myself from these people. It will benefit my mental health. Win-win-win

Go suck Darwins dick you faggot loving nigger

Why are they always naked? Why don't they wear a starsuit? Also they are ALWAYS DYEL mode

Cool argument.

All disgusting hamplanets

>giving out medical history to the public just for likes
Wtf is wrong with people

It always seemed so strange to me that we're okay with pumping hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of resources into people that really have no business being alive. Yea, it's really unfortunate that you have 47 health conditions that make you likely to implode at the slightest disruption, but why should it be right to give you more than you could ever hope to contribute? Because it makes people feel nice? Same with those babies who are born with horrendous deformities, or people who will never even be able to communicate at any level. "Help us raise USD$8,000,000 for experiential treatments for our baby who was born without a brain". What the fuck??? Why are we cool with throwing seemingly endless resources into biological bottomless pits? If we make sure that EVERYONE lives no matter what, that's really not good for the health of humans as a species. No other animals do this. Leaving people to die even though we could TECHNICALLY save them isn't exactly "nice", but maybe it's necessary.

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Based and psychopath pilled

what's with all the white slags getting autoimmune diseases?

Don't listen to him, he is just bitter by the fact that basic biology contradicts the Bible.

I am an obese american and ate my way into this mess, but as a female, what I crave as much as food is attention.

This one is methd out of her gourd look at her pupils.

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shit like this is what makes Yas Forums cringy, holy fuck shut the fuck up, if you had any on these illness out of nowhere, what will you say then faggot? people don't ask or beg for cancer, they just fucking get it.

>wah wahh wahh i wanna abortion
k stace

>YFW your vaccine induced epilepsy doesn't make you immunocompromised for corona virus

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That is their suit.

>danger hair

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Is the new "look at me I am special" also eating copious amounts of sugar and pasta don't help

Vaccines are designed to make a % of the population lifetime customers.

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>my life matters as much as yours
no, no it really does not.

Corticoids not only supress immune system, they also increase ACE2 receptors, making Covid more severe
It's a fact, no matter how much the German press try to call ot fake news

Nobody ever said it was fair that some people are born with horrible conditions, or develop them later in life. What he's saying is that some people are probably biologically lost causes as organisms and that we shouldn't really go out of our way to accommodate them. Certifiably not regarding the corona outbreak, but more as a general value judgment.
I wasn't talking about abortions, retard. I'm talking about people who need tubes and 24/7 ER support.

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