Have it from a source that I feel comfortable trusting that Washington state is considering closing. I hope it doesn't happen because I live here and this will make supplies even more scarce. Liberals who don't believe in borders suddenly enforcing them. Screw this state.
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Check back tomorrow user. The announcement is supposed to come in the next day or two. It wouldn't surprise me. Washington has been the most agrees I've thus far with this, and Inslee wants to make another presidential run in 4 years so this will be good for his resume. "Look how I led the response..."
Should have done it a week ago. Fuck that smug preening libshit Inslee.
I suppose they'll call up the Guard. Sucks if it's true. I thought of bugging out to Montana with the family a month ago...
Our lisper in chief.
I have it on rumor that op sucks wang by the yard.
You’re too dumb to even LARP properly.
You can’t stop people at borders dude, it’s literally IMPOSSIBLE, not to mention inhumane/against the Geneva convention/human rights violation.
Look, I'm only repeating what was told me. I'm waiting until tomorrow or Monday. But Inslee did say in his conference earlier in the week that the decisions we will be making in the coming days will be "very disturbing", his words...
I guess if I end up being right, you guys will be the first to apologize, right?
Btw, larping would be putting up some bs state of Washington letterhead with some fake shit on there. I'm merely repeating something told me by someone close to the source. Can't verify.
>literally arguing its okay to invade other countries
no school this week, eh
Are you buying a ladder to scale the wall user?
You a Washington user too friend?
Yea, unfortunately.
There is no constitutional basis for the government being able to restrict travel within the United States.
Not with this quality of posting. Ron Paul with an scythe You think this is our first HAPPENING?
We know from Rex 84 and other similar the level of manpower needed to secure even airports and highways, and maybe the big port. That rounds down the number of possibilities of how to do this to close to one, especially if he’s doing it without trump’s go ahead, and support from neighboring states. And it also takes away flexibility if the basketball Americans start flipping their shit.
Yeah that was kinda the joke I was going for. The same people who said we can’t stop people at national border because people can just drag 2 thirty foot ladders across miles of desert so therefore borders are impossible to control, now have no problem understanding the concept of keeping threats away from you
You could be me :(
Portland BTFO
Look, I hope I'm wrong. I have to live here. Just relaying something I was told. We'll know in the next day or two. Though I'm not sure how they are going to do it. Plus, Eastern was his will put up a real stink considering how closely allied they are with Idaho bros.
Portlandfag here, I hope OP is right because I have a raging boner at the thought that those retards will finally be banned
*Eastern Washington
It cannot, legally and by the Constitution. The states are not allowed to do anything to interfere with trade.
What, you want Washington fags out of portland? What's the difference? We're both shitlib states.
WA user here, I've been hearing this too. Just internet chatter.
For those of who think it cant be done, look at google maps and imagine you are trying to flee the Seattle hot spot.
There's only a handful of roads to get you out of the Puget Sound area.
If you think you'll take "back roads through the mountains" think again because they are under 20 feet of snow right now and wont be passable until early summer.
Thinking Inslee respects the Constitution.
user, I'm in western wa. My county is still without a confirmed case, but there are 43 unknown location confirmed cases.
Airborne was confirmed on MSM. That means Vajay Jay Inslee is going to start making some serious moves, my best bet is Monday.
Less people will come if it's illegal. Not everyone is going to hop an illegal boat if they block all the Columbia river bridges.
Ok faggot you were right, happy? Wanna gold star?
Get a load of this guy! He thinks the government will limit itself under the commerce clause.
WA state is definitely equipped to close borders to Oregon and Idaho reasonably well.
Inslee is a joke. Thinking of the libs that shit their pants over Mexican border protection pulling this stunt.
Nigger, we interned Japs!
Nope :-(
Well it's a good thing I'm locked and loaded.
Fuck that lisping faggot, I can't believe he thought he could actually be president. My only hope is that corona exclusively kills transplants.
"For their own protection." Consider that.
One of these days I'm going to walk to New Hampshire (which I do about every 10 days) and I'll get stopped at the border coming back to Massachusetts. I look forward to that day.
What will happen to the homeless?
OP I've heard this as well - it's supposed to be in the next couple days. Does your source possibly have a connection to the secretary of defense?
WA user here. I've been hearing rumors about this too. Can't confirm, but I would not be surprised.
We stopped following the constitution a century ago
As much as I’d love a constitutional crisis of state troopers and Wahington national guard facing off with us marshals and Idaho national guard, it’s not a realistic scenario.
Of course a big dramatic thing the governor ends up doing may be even dumber.
They will magically get homes and be just fine.
canadian border is closed.
Nice twist...the Mexicans want to close their border to Americans. I sometimes thought that wall was going to be used to keep us in.
Can't say. Someone close to the governors office. Supposedly I'm told the likelihood is high that the announcement comes tomorrow of a mandatory isolation order.
Remember when whole cities and countries closed down during the sars , bird , swine, pandemics
Yeah I don't remember that either I guess it's a nothing burger
>implying leftist West coast states will care
On every inbound highway into California, you are stopped for a """agriculture""" check. There are checkpoints on I8, I40, I10, State Highway 62, I15, Route 395 (North of Tahoe, South of Tahoe, and near the northeast corner of the state), Route 50, I80, Route 97, I5, and the 101 up the coast.
You literally cannot enter the state of California without an unconstitutional stop. These stations already exist and operate 24/7.
California is primed and ready for quarantine.
Ever heard of martial law you dumb fuck
Just lines on a map, bro. Only Nazis think there are borders.
His only goal in the presidential run was a) publicity for his climate change goals or b) he's a colossal faggot
He is a joke, but he's also trying to appear to be the most proactive (cough reactive cough) governor in the United States. He's also bearing the brunt of being America's epicenter leader.
Mandatory isolation order is something completely different than border closure. Maybe you should just copy and paste the conversation you had, because you’re flailing.
Reverse the thinking. If you’re the governor, you want something flashy, dramatic, popular and low risk.
But if you a mandated to isolate, that means you cannot leave your house/apt. Crossing the border to another state is not self-isolating
I'm just going to wait and see. I don't know how you enforce madatory isolation. Italy is shut down, I suppose the same could be done here.
I heard a weird siren thing in seattle but went outside and seemed like things ere normal.
I was thinking about what he said in that press conference the other day about "disturbing" decisions. They have rolled this out by limiting big gatherings. Then Seattle closed all schools. Then the closed schools in 3 counties. Seems like they are adding a new perimeter each day.
Now it's all schools in the state.
>trust me my uncle works at nintendo
>and i'll keep posting until you believe
As a hopeful faggot of the north, what are the chances guard activation is for purposes of deep state arrest?
For anons now from the NW: don't worry about this. Rumors spread in that region all of the time about fake shit. They're overly trusting Scandinavians who believe these rumor stories and love to share them. I've seen it my entire life.
I’ve heard the same thing. Get stocked up boys we’re getting welded in
It's true I am Scandinavian, lol, but I only shared it because I trust the source. Let's face it, liberals will act far more draconian than conservative's if they feel the ends justify it.
There's enough nonsense in this thread without the like of you
Curfews, directives for all “non essential” people to not leave their homes. Half assed enforcement at most.
Actual enforcement on shutdowns are very, very expensive. Think Boston bombing search. Doing that for a couple of incubation cycles risks riots.
See also all the MENA fuckers ignoring curfews in Italy,
Good luck. I've been to freddys 5 times in the last week and they're out of everything.
Yeah, but Washington is full of government boot locking faggots that won't put up too much of a fight, except eastern Washington and some island counties.