The next generation of wh*Te girls

>Wh*Te dogs actually think they stand a chance against black men

When will you wh*Teoids realize the race war is already over?

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Imagine caring what other people do...

not worried, im working on myself, getting a degree in computer administration, I'm going to have a nice compound with my wife, kids, nanny, and armed guards. meanwhile these people will have their mutt children who will live in favelas. i can see it in the future.

>lightskin doesnt mean white
gosh women are so fucking stupid

You're ignoring that a lot of these coal burners maybe as much as 50% in some of the wealthier areas are transgender so they're having kids not by accident but through clinics, and they're still choosing to have mutts

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Imagine caring if the world your children will grow up in will be more violent and less civilized.

>the memeflag thinks its upsetting that race traitors make themselves easy to spot.

Nothing of value lost.

Why are they all ugly?

Thats why I opted for asian and black women. Have fun with em blackie, they're useless to us now.

as a half savage I must ask, why do you care what roasties like?

you only need one christian virgin qt who wants kids, that's it

stop obsessing what turbosluts want

bend the knee to our Lord Jesus Christ and cast out despair from of your heart

Black men are the #1 patients when it comes to penis enlargement. SAD! They have nothing but muh dick and most of them don’t even have that. Truly a bottom of the barrel race. EVEN MORE SAD!

You wish coomer

Those are just plastic people. They generally dont exist in every day walking life.

I don't care anymore, not having kids so I'm just gonna roast marshmallows on the ashes that this will result in. Have fun in the new brown world, nobody's gonna like it.

John Bettendorf Kys. Honestly, what the fuck happened in your life to cause you to do this shit for years? How the fuck do you justify it to yourself? Is it the kike side of you especially that just can't handle not being in control, so it manifests like this? Or is it your Chinese side that insists on cheating your way to "success" through a divide and conquer narrative?
Either way faggot kikenese rat, you're insane. One day once they realize that their Emperor has no clothes, your "army" is going to turn on you.

Looks like the crime rate is going to go up.

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Dude who fucking cares. You can't control what other people do. Do your thing, invest in what you believe in. Find like minded people. Ignore those who don't follow your vision

This whole black person thing is literally run on mental illness and insecurity. Fucking. Saged.

Honest question:
You have the names, you have their locations:
Why not make a mudbook?
It's not illegal as it's informations they themselves have put on the internet, to file them for ease of access is definitely not illegal.

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>Why not make a mudbook?
There should be a central database where men can upload the sexual histories of all women, no matter its nature.

I find it interesting that on Yas Forums it’s all the tik toks of ethnic girls craving white boys that get spammed but here it’s this. Kind of weird

Yes, the digits confirm what I was suggesting.
If you can't make it for a full history, at least make it for niggers
>woman name
>fucked niggers? [y][n][likely]

I'll just date Asian girls from now on

hey Tyrone can i be the sex slave of a cute fit ebony goddess? i'll eat her ass and she can peg me as long as she wants

Lmaoing at all the seething wh*Te dogs in this thread. Keep it up mayos

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is this an actual couple.
looks like that guy is 50 and shes 18

Based mutt, its a numbers game.

Im a mix too, but I do believe the science is being hidden from the public. Black genes = lower IQ on average. The more common mixing becomes the lower our national IQ average.

The society (technology, science, art, economics) we have requires an avg national avg of 100IQ how low can it go before our culture just cant sustain it.

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These girls usually have sever mental problems and daddy issues. You can have them Jamal. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Black brown airtight
It gets better

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>next generation of single mothers*

Nice how about non white dads in general

You think you niggers can compete with actual dogs that white girls fuck? Nigga you can't tie the knot

The south was supposed to be based

That hits so close home I just jerked it to blacked gay porn lmao.

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>I have to dye my hair, so Tyrone thinks I am that dumb hollywood hoe from that Shekelstein Production.

Thanks Jews.

You telk em annon, I dated a lot of guys like that before I met my African husband, have fun paying for all those dates, it'll be lots of fun!

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That is not an American flag, what gives here?

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I mean your country already states urgay so

This is highly correlated with the amount of niggers in each state

>when a black boy wants to hang
Oblige him


there needs to be a caucazoid male option

>in support of white supremacy [y][][likely]
>fear/hatred to dark hues of people [y][][likely]
>jealousy of natural black masculinity[y][][likely]
>fears natural RAW black power [y][][likely]

catch corona u fucking racist cumskins
white women make their OWN decisions better yet if they meditate and resonate from thier heart and they can detect bullshit deceptive unoriginal recessive white males who will only use abuse and ultimately catalyze women for thier secret agenda of domination and control culture cleptomanic deception and ultimately psychopathic narcissistic oppression on sovereign innocence

WOMANKIND itself needs
to awaken to the TRUE
problem of her freedom

sociopathic psychopathic
sexist narcissistic corruptives
infecting your sacred space for
irrelevant oppressive fear paradigmns
of parasitic domination and control

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chinks be seething yo
cope harder jet li LOL

mutts law

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Most of those girls ain't white anyways and most of them already lost the v-card to a white man and then they left them, so now it a racial thing fuck off nigger larping shit

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Meanwhile, every race of women wants white dick in the real world, but keep basing your version of reality off of videos on TikTok.....

take me for a simp eh? my wife will have to bring something to the table. I am not saving any hoes. if she doesnt have her own vision and work ethic she is a pass.

Bring this hollow, meaningless, materialist, liberal order to a halt

there are a lot more niggers in the south than anywhere else. percentage is still low, respectively. mostly white trash.

we have 20 years of roasties posting mudshark selfies on social media for mudbook

I feel for white boys. They have no idea how bad it is out there.

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Thats one gross nigger

>black men don't cheat
It's literally a part of rap culture to have a side hoe
Like have you never even heard a rap song

Listen guys, most white girls really are brainwashed worthless whores and theres nothing we can do about it. The only solution is taking young virgin girls and grooming them to be racist as fuck then marrying them on their 18th birthday. Thats my 2 cents anyways

Non-whites gain status from dating whites.
The vice versa doesn't happen.

90% of women who have children with black men never marry the father.

77% of women who have children with black men earn less yhan $10k a year.

The average annual income of white women who have children with nigs is $7250, sans Welfare.

Slim, slender, fit or average white women are 7x more likely to refuse to date nigs than the fat ones.

Better educated people are less likely to date blacks.

Mutt kids are more likely to have low self esteem, suffer social isolation and have poor family dynamics

Mutt kids are more likely to have health problems, stress, smoke and drink

Mutt kids are more likely to make poor decisions.

And lastly
Bias against miscigenation is likely biological in origin.

It's like watching trash bags act like you're mad because you ain't smash.


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they is no such thing as recessive genes you dumbass