godspeed britbongs, didn't know your leaders were this fucking stupid
funny part is it's gonna be Italy here in the US soon so I shouldn't be laughing
godspeed britbongs, didn't know your leaders were this fucking stupid
funny part is it's gonna be Italy here in the US soon so I shouldn't be laughing
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This is just an excuse to wipe out the white people left in the UK (mostly boomers) and enact full Sharia Law.
There's still a few whites left in London, this needs to be fixed.
yeah but this shit is killing non whites just as equally.
take for example India. they are for sure fucked
We are all fucked together
actually once you think of it, it's not hitting blacks as often, is this some sort of Yakubian fucking lab virus???
No the virus just can't deal with hot or humid climates. It counts on banking into your lungs when you've got a cool dry mouth.
> America bans travel from Europe except for UK
> UK continues to allow travel from Europe, especially Italy
> don't worry America safe now
UK is banned already. And they denying entrance to any foreign national ghat has been in any of those countries in the past 14 days anyway.
imagine belonging to the group who is such a low threat to the nwo that they don't even bother to depopulate you with a bioweapon and just take it as a given they'll kill most of you and enslave the rest
and make the young native population sterile, as the virus attacks the testes in men
It's not a bad idea, to be honest.
There's no way we can control the spread of corona unless we literally all become hermits forever, and that's not economically viable. So just hurry up and get everyone infected, so everyone who's going to die dies quickly, and society can get back to normal.
They're right you know
Give me one reason why you think herd immunity shouldn't be the solution at this point
You could do it with healthy people, have them in hotels, but you need at least 100,000 to make a dent.
This is the best approach. It kills the weak but does not inconvenience the strong, no panic and no quarantine bullshit. UK is OK with me.
What you don't understand is there's only two options. This, or prevention. And prevention has a roughly 0% chance of success at this point.
Pandemic viruses are part and parcel of living in a modern society.
fact of the matter is we don't know if immunity is even possible with this, people are just going to end up fucking dying. either that or people recover and get reinfected, which has been recorded. UK is fucked.
>Hey guys, let's give upwards of 60-85% (depends on how infectious the virus is) of the population pneumonia in the hopes of developing herd immunity and facilitate viral mutations rather than work on flattening the curve like every other developed nation so that hospitals wouldn't be overrun and we can keep business, government, etc. properly functioning.
as long as it kills ice age baby idc about getting coronabonervirus or w/e its called
>Literal ifunny tier memes, not even reddit tier
please leave and never come back
found the ice age baby sympathiser, fuck off
Corona Virus C V
C 3
V 22
fuck off 19 year old
fuck off noob lol
>keep hearing about the UK and herd immunity
>"we'll be deliberately getting people infected"
...what? no fucking way, this is just some clickbait shitright?
>Maajid began by simplifying the strategy. Herd immunity is in basic terms "let younger healthier people get it [coronavirus] so they don't pass it on to others".
>He elaborated, stating that if a young person contracts and survives coronavirus they're not as likely "to infect others" because they won't be coughing and sneezing to spread it.
>From what Maajid can see, if the young, healthy population contracts the disease "the virus will die before all of society has to get it".
Oh god what the fuck is your government thinking?
Zinc + Chloroquine
You can buy it online. Prevents virus from replicating.
It's either genius or suicide. Time will tell
How do you reduce the peak if everyone is sick and carrying the virus?
Reducing the population among the aged and disabled is a necessary measure to maintain the solvency of the western liberal welfare state.
The sterilization had begun, inshallah.
Nah, the poo's who make it past infancy have super immune systems from being around shit all day.
How the fuck did bongs even get this idea? Name one case where "herd immunity" was achieved
Of course they would tell their herd of slaves to take the herd approach. Meanwhile the queen runs off to new zealand. lmao at the state of britcucks.
Herd immunity. Basically natural selection. The weak shall perish.
They're all this stupid. Taking China's word for it and taking their money to allow it to get this bad.
South Korea is keeping the death rate low, by testing everyone and isolating all the young carriers who spread it to vulnerable people.
You want LESS young people with mild cases.
we are all just going to laugh at what country panicked the most in a few months and america is winning and the internet is going to be full of ignorant continentals commenting laughing at the uk not panicking
you are going to look like foolish retards
everyone has whipped themselves into such a frenzy that when the time comes and other countries self isolate or implement martial law and lock downs, I will be probably be sitting in the pub or kinoplex while a mutt family is trapped in house as paranoia sets in thinking its the end times
our leaders look like stephen hawking compared to yours remtard
I thought the body didn't build immunity to covid. Was that just a rumor?
also sweet herd immunity but still a carrier with a mutated deadlier virus
>italy in the us
literally retarded, it actually hurts how fucking stupid you are. the USA has more ICU beds per capita than EVERY other country, and the population is far more spread out, more now than ever with people avoiding going out. a lot of people will straight up never get infected with this shit by the time it's gone, probably including you and whomever reads this. DIGITS WILL CONFIRM.
coronaviruses mutate fast and have never mutated into a more lethal form. it's not a fucking bacteria that tries to adapt drug resistance to survive. viruses undergo random mutations and fuck themselves because that's what viruses do.
It mutated from bats to a strain that can affect humans
Every other country is panicking atm making knee jerk and largely political decisions
Out plan will have this all dealt with in the next four months without the need for total lockdowns
You will all come out of your holes just In time for the even more severe 2nd wave
>thinks anything significant will happen to the usa besides economic downturn.
you are a special kind of stupid. hurry up and transition because you shouldn't have kids.
UK got banned when they announced they were going to throw a national pox party.
Well enjoy your dead boomers I'm sure this won't backfire in any way whatsoever.
The best thing to do is let it spread, the better thing is to infect everyone even faster. It's the jews that don't want it because they know who will survive and that their pets will not.
>UK PM giving a million brits the death sentence because of what the pedojew mental programming taught him
Can't make this shit up
Yes, like all other zoonotic coronaviruses that started from some animal. but not on purpose. And some motherfuckers here really think that viruses adapt to survive, no, they don't, viruses are retard niggers that change randomly with no rhyme or reason, and continually fuck themselves into nonlethality.
I don't think anything significant will happen
learn to read
I am laughing at what is already happening and economic downturn. proposed lock downs and travel bans while I can just visit the pub and go about as normal while the news in other countrys whips everyone into a frenzy
the fact that you can vaccinate against viruses should tell you that that shit was 100% fake news. nobody in china got 'reinfected' they just never got better in the first fucking place.
I don't know anything about the ice age baby, but if that's what the zoomers like then why not. If they want to kill this baby or whatever I say give them Barabbas.
>Well enjoy your dead boomers
Oh believe me, I will
It can mutate to something that stays around longer and is more resistant to the human genome
>buys 10000 rolls of tp
>there is no tp on the shelves
>production ramps up
>there is now tp on the shelves
>buys 10000 rolls of tp
>no tp on the shelves but is quickly restocked
in short, tp companies love covid-19.
In related news, the Remoaners have yet to die of corona virus.
Pic related.
if it explodes worse than italy I will laugh and mourn the loss of good people there.
Okay, my company just had a bunch of layoffs due to coronavirus and I have to go back to the UK.
Where should I go to instead in order to not get bat AIDS?
>Wu flu fucks your system like hiv
>just herd immunity, bros
10/10 plan
have fun taking over the world, Abdul
>Follow up studies from patients who recovered from SARS suggest that the SARS-CoV-specific antibody response is short lived. In these patients, SARS-CoV-specific IgM and IgA response lasted less than 6 months, while virus-specific IgG titer peaked four-months post infection and markedly declined after one year.
Because you'll get it again next year.
thank you
oi mate lets play ooky mouth
technically china panicked the most. Italy the second most.
yea completely immobilized and covered in piss maybe
itbh 'm ready to collect my inheritance early. my retarded grandparents are rich but scared of investing. they could be making millions for their family on this downturn. i need to find a way to infect them. not just for me, but for everyone else in my family too.
But China prevented it, user. :)
If the UK pulls this off, then they will make all other countries look like fools.
That said, it's much more likely that millions of UK citizens will unnecessarily die.
Winnie the Flu, not Wu Flu
Remember when the NHS enacted a rule that said they could terminate care for racists?
the black death made a lot of people resistant to HIV in the uk
Do it UK, fucking do it.
Dude, you cant stop something that's already there... That's what they are saying, literally the same thing every other country does.
Look at this clown and tell me who the fuck could trust him
Sounds like a win-win to me
it literally only does permanent damage to boomers. everything else is fake news.
What. the. Fuck am I reading
great, might be able to afford a house in my old area that boomers priced me out of
lots of the people going to be arrested will be in the UK
powers that be want people on the street to see the arrests (US/UK military arresting CEOs etc) so the public freak out about military arresting people etc
won't work
i'm willing to die if ice age baby dies!
England is so LOW IQ, I mean, remember Alan Turing and shit?
>herd immunity
There's no immunity from this, are they actually retarded?
Sterilizing young white males is the plan
Gotta keep cutting welfare checks for the new britons
america did that also
fuck america wrote the book on eugenics, you were fighting hitlers ideals with segregated soldiers
i know you are but what am i!?
Bro something signifigant already happened
This thing is shutting down the entire world for about 3 months
Hope you bought beans
coronaviruses mutate really fast compared to other viruses including the flu. Granted, as some nigger said above, they always start strong before mutating into a wimpier version of themselves, but that's why herd immunity simply doesn't work with them. every year the flu vaccine is different to combat the 'most likely' strains because there's a bunch out there. but any of those strains probably isn't going to mutate. coronavirus will mutate, and you will get it. and honestly, probably never even know you had it. you'd just feel like shit for a day or 2 and then go about your business.
Maybe because the virus itself isn't that fucking deadly? You know what would be deadly though? If the entire working class was bed ridden with the fever and were unable to work leading to a collapse of infrastructure.
but you can work either if you need to isolate
If you're healthy and solid with G-D then you have nothing to worry about. If ur spirit is full of 7 deadly sins, eat junk food... you might die from the virus...
It broadened me peak, an’ gave me a right-honourable yuuge chub, wot wit the bollocks and overpuffed pufferfish a’swelling in me trousers, m8
If it becomes seasonal, you’re getting it.
Meh it's a good idea. They handed the entire thing over to Britain's best medical staff and scientists. Then said "we're doing what they say".
It's good to see someone trying something different not the Italian shit that isn't working.
The idea is lock down the elderly and infirm only. Let the kids stay in school to spread it as they all get fuck all symptoms and develop herd immunity. If you send them home before summer break they'll get foisted on their grandparents who will then die.
Then with all the kids sick but over it fast, and probably their relatively young parents next, you gradually since incubation takes a couple weeks, deal with the groups of the worst affected in Britain's 4k critical care beds.
That's when you can start releasing some elderly, and give them the best care while staying under the critical care threshold. The idea is that most sick in is equal or less than most sick out.
If it works people will study this and it'll be the standard pandemic response in situations where certain age groups have minimal symptoms and impact.
Good speed indeed.
Nah it'll hammer the fuck out of London, all the inbred Pakis have congenital defects and will die.
i should have been a nurse, my gf got an email from her company that if she gets wuflu she gets to stay at home and collect full paycheque. neetbux for women, as if they needed any more.
How come in Star Trek, the envisioned future utopia isn't comprised of a brown muttrace? i thought the liberals won?
Most white people are old.
Most niggers are not old.
The virus primarily hurts old people.
Simple as.
Cheeky as fuck, you kiestering chestnuts?
many viruses 'live in testes' the sterilization is fake news bruh
This is the correct answer. If you're over 60, immune compromised or not, mandatory self isolation from EVERYONE with tracking bracelets. Have their food & supplies delivered, all that. They'll get through it. The rest of us get the sniffles & this fucker goes away.
I hope everyone realizes the only reason we all have to do this shit is because of the boomers & not wanting to overload hospitals & such.
Why would you isolate if you're not infected? All affected countries are still working. Just ban mass gatherings, promote hand washing, quarantine infected people, and weather the storm. It's not that hard.
just zinc works. take your multivitamins kids
Ice age baby will make it. you will not.
>Herd immunity
>For a virus that kills male fertility 100%
>Herd immunity
>For a virus that causes permanent lung, kidney, and liver damage
>Herd immunity
>For a virus that, if recovered from, reinfects you, gives you heart attacks, puts you in coma
>Herd immunity
if that's the case then America and the west are gonna be annihilated
>conspiracy nonsense