/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2077

► Detected: 156,536 ► Died: 5,835

Turkey shuts down schools, universities

France under lockdown, 66 million people

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

Spain under lockdown, 46 million people

Poland shuts down borders

Xuzhou first case reinfected weeks after "recovery"

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

China factories waste electricity to fake productivity

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

WHO estimated 284,000 deaths for H1N1 from only 18,000 confirmed

Wuhan biolab sold lab animals as wild-caught to wet markets

Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll

02:20: 67 new cases and 1 new death in Norway.
02:08: 1 new case in Iowa, United States.
02:00: 404 new cases and 1 new death in Germany.
01:16: 76 new cases and 3 new deaths in South Korea.
01:00: China’s National Health Commission reports 16 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.
01:00: 4 new cases and 10 new deaths in Hubei province, China.
01:25: 3 new cases in Idaho, United States.


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>Dead: 5,839
lol, still only 5,839.
How many days has it been stuck at 5,839? Four days? Five days?

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The Nov 3rd false flag attack was not nuclear, it was biological.

Nov 3rd was the day patient zero became infected in China.

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I'm immune.

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The curve would have to be flattened over 10 fucking years in order to get enough hospital beds for everyone that will need to be hospitalized at the peak.

Lots of people are going to die if we don't lock everything down now. It may already be too late for many.

Attached: flatten-the-curve.png (2160x720, 42.93K)

► China 80,844 (3,199) ► International 75,886 (2,640): Italy 21,157 (1,441) Iran 12,729 (611) S. Korea 8,162 (75) Spain 6,391 (196) Germany 4,599 (9) France 4,469 (91) US 2,976 (60) Switzerland 1,375 (13) UK 1,140 (21) Norway 1,109 (3) Sweden 961 (2) Netherlands 959 (12) Denmark 836 (1) Japan 804 (22) D. Princess 696 (7) Belgium 689 (4) Austria 655 (1) Canada 252 (1) Australia 248 (3) Greece 228 (3) Slovenia 181 (1) H. Kong 142 (4) Ireland 129 (2) Philippines 111 (8) Iraq 110 (10) Egypt 110 (2) Poland 104 (3) S. Marino 101 (5) India 100 (2) Indonesia 96 (5) Lebanon 93 (3) Thailand 82 (1) Taiwan 53 (1) Luxembourg 51 (1) Argentina 45 (2) Panama 43 (1) Bulgaria 41 (2) Algeria 39 (3) Albania 38 (1) Ecuador 28 (2) Azerbaijan 19 (1) Morocco 18 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 337 Malaysia 238 Finland 225 Bahrain 212 Singapore 212 Israel 193 Czech Rep. 189 Portugal 169 Iceland 161 Brazil 151 Romania 123 Estonia 115 Kuwait 104 S. Arabia 103 UAE 85 Chile 61 Russia 59 Vietnam 53 Serbia 46 Slovakia 44 Peru 43 Brunei 40 Croatia 39 S. Africa 38 Palestine 38 Pakistan 33 Georgia 30 Hungary 30 Belarus 27 C. Rica 27 Latvia 26 Mexico 26 Cyprus 26 Senegal 24 Colombia 24 Bosnia 21 Armenia 20 Macedonia 19 Oman 19 Tunisia 18 Malta 18 Moldova 12 Afghanistan 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Macao 10 S. Lanka 10 Bolivia 10 Faeroes 10 Maldives 10 Martinique 10 Lithuania 9 N. Zealand 8 Jamaica 8 Cambodia 7 Fr. Guiana 7 Paraguay 7 Kazakhstan 6 Réunion 6 Turkey 6 Uruguay 6 Bangladesh 5 Cuba 4 Liechtenstein 4 P. Rico 4 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Honduras 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Ivory C. 2 Curaçao 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Namibia 2 St. Martin 2 Seychelles 2 Tri. & Tob. 2 Venezuela 2

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Fuck you.
But actually, why are we reacting so badly to this when the swine flu was worse?

So according to that infograph on surviving, copper tape kills viruses on its own... So if I cover my max rated mask with it, will I be indestructible?

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Where's the fucking test kits Lebowski?

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What's your last name Gary? Pao or Chang?

What are ya'll doing during this LOCKDOWN?

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> heh

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prayers for joe rogan’s family. Can’t believe he’s gone

Kinda wish I bought a VR Headset before this broke loose.

Based and Garypilled

daily reminder that /ourgirl/ Flora was right and anyone who doubted her back in January deserves to be cleansed

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>Blacks dead: 0
lol, still only 0.
How many days has it been stuck at 0? 60days? 90 days?

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You are starting to glow.

11-3 can also be March 11th 2020 (lots of new cases in seattle that day) or November 3rd 2020 (major presidential election day in the US.)

Ya valimos verga
Y pinche presidente que no hace nada.


wtf is the lag with these tests? i swear, if i see one and it's some tiny ass little vial and some papers in a plastic bag, im going to rage. what possibly could be the hold up? how hard is it to get chemicals senpai?

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Jacking off and looking through for games to kill time with while I wait to see if Corona-Chan's already got me.

>7 billion people in the world
>5600 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

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>Italian military in the streets
>calling on all citizens with even the slightest medical experience
>taking med students into the field before education is even done
>all non-life threatening procedures cancelled
>not enough people to burn/bury the bodies

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its 41 in mexico already

Blackbird raum- cities
Your welcome

Gear up, stock up and man up.

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buenos dígitos pero habla bien mogólico

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Flames that burn twice as bright, burn half as long.
Thoughts and prayers.

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>As we now have 57 confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Victorians, we will be moving away from reporting public exposure sites.

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Witnessed, but I demand proof.

im cravin some chocolate

Don't forget Italy is burning because they got the bad strain

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No one is inmune

It's too late faggots.

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At least post the updated pasta, shill

AMLO dijo que acabaría con los pobres, solo no dijo como

1) Yas Forums has a lot of influence from retards spamming every corner of the internet
2) because this began literally the day after the impeachment meme died, most likely in 6 months when this has mostly blown over you'll see a new narrative immediately emerge.

>inb4 "no not in 6 months because everyone will die"

There's still toilet paper, americans are so dumb.

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DC traffic is starting to drop off. Normal Monday and half as much as normal today.

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Have the pinpointed which strain's where?

You'll be fine, user.

I made chips for the first time since my hand injury. Took a while, but it's nice to have something nice to eat instead of some ready meal.

Happy St Tarrant Day /cvg/

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Are white people still immune or wha-

long enough for me to know its much higher.

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15 to 19 years
7.2% of population
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 15-19 year olds in the USA 40440
Asuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
20 to 24 years
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 20 to 24 years 37,928
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
25 to 34 years
14.2% of population
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 25 to 34 years 79,783
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
35 to 44 years
16.0% of population
Optimistic death rate .3% (average of ,2% for 50% of age range with .4% for 50% of age range)
Dead 35 to 44 years 135,445
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities

Total Deaths USA 15-44, optimistic best case scenario
Total Deaths USA 15-44, partial health system failure
Total Deaths USA 15-44, complete health system failure
This IS only death from covid-19 (not including deaths from other factors caused tangentially by covid 19 such as violent crime, supply chain failure, impoverishment etc)
With those factors considered it is quite possible 3 MIllion americans aged between 15-44 will dies.
This also does not consider the reinfection death rate (comparible to that of geratrics with severe illness caused by low antibody count, or the expected wave of slow burn nurological infection cases). Its entirely possible that with them factored in and a death rate including them 7,339,914 Americans aged between 15 and 44 will die and a further 7 million of those age groups from tangental factors, so 15 million.

Best case for zoomers and milennials: 600,000 dead due to disease (50% and tangental factors 50%)
Likley case zoomers and milennials 1 Million due to disease and tangental factors
Worst case zoomers and milennials: 15 million dead to disease and tangental factors

Fuck off

t. Redditor

>the swine flu was the 1918 Pandemic which was bad and stuff
>Covid is being desperately downplayed despite being as contagious as flu (which has .001% mortality rate compared to Corona-chan's 2-3% and 1918 pandemic's 2-3%

a lot of states have started ramping up testing locally finally, the only ones that haven't are the ones whining about DRUMPF like NY. My state has increased testing from max 500 per day to over 4,000 and growing this week

health department in my state said most of the shortage was of re-agent but I'm too much of a smooth brain to know what that means

It's funny watching liberals chimp out and blame trump for busy airports

Roll for quarantine partner.

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My mother is a saint

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Waiting to go home so I can be comfy

México is 41 fucking retarded

bro i need you to send over some of that good stuff i'll do anything bro my ass is in danger

roll for fur missile


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why not just enjoy the chaos?

Chinese dresses are just the best

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In my estimates there's one week left to enact containment measures to save 98% from infection, two weeks to save 90% and three weeks to save 50%. After that any containment efforts will be too late and 200 million will die by May.
>tfw canada will never do this nor does it have the resources to enforce such measures

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please not my mommy please why would you post this evil?

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fuck, well atleast i can eat the kid if he turns out to be useless

>whine that trump isn't doing enough
>Trump ramps up airport screening and travel bans
>retards ignore travel warnings and book flights because they are cheap

these people deserve to die

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15 to 19 years
7.2% of population
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 15-19 year olds in the USA 40440
Asuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
20 to 24 years
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 20 to 24 years 37,928
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
25 to 34 years
14.2% of population
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 25 to 34 years 79,783
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
35 to 44 years
16.0% of population
Optimistic death rate .3% (average of ,2% for 50% of age range with .4% for 50% of age range)
Dead 35 to 44 years 135,445
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities

Total Deaths USA 15-44, optimistic best case scenario
Total Deaths USA 15-44, partial health system failure
Total Deaths USA 15-44, complete health system failure
This IS only death from covid-19 (not including deaths from other factors caused tangentially by covid 19 such as violent crime, supply chain failure, impoverishment etc)
With those factors considered it is quite possible 3 MIllion americans aged between 15-44 will dies.
This also does not consider the reinfection death rate (comparible to that of geratrics with severe illness caused by low antibody count, or the expected wave of slow burn nurological infection cases). Its entirely possible that with them factored in and a death rate including them 7,339,914 Americans aged between 15 and 44 will die and a further 7 million of those age groups from tangental factors, so 15 million.

Best case for zoomers and milennials: 600,000 dead due to disease (50% and tangental factors 50%)
Likley case zoomers and milennials 1 Million due to disease and tangental factors
Worst case zoomers and milennials: 15 million dead to disease and tangental factors

Shut up ch*cano


I just want to say numbers for Spain are not accurate. People aren't being tested anymore unless they are important (politician, athlete, actor...). Old people are dying en masse, but it is not being officialy reported. Some younger people are also dying or in critical state, but it's less common.
I'm guessing if Spain is lying/refusing to update its numbers other countries might be doing the same.
I'm very worried about my mother. She's 70, and might not make it.

We can barely detect the virus itself reliably let alone different strains. It explains though why places like Iran and Italy are getting fucking raped by the virus while Korea and Germany and Japan are having mild cases. They got the easy strain and locked down the country

Also pic related

>As much remains unknown about the virus, cases of reinfection have health experts worried that the illness could remain dormant after an apparent recovery.

>“Once you have the infection, it could remain dormant with minimal symptoms,” Philip Tierno Jr., professor of microbiology and pathology at New York University, told Reuters.

>“And then you can get an exacerbation if it finds its way into the lungs,” he said.

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rollin for Mel

Fucking bitch

roll for raiders

Name a better food than saltines and peanut butter.

I'll wait.

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Where's the fuckin' tests shitheaaaaad

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Sour c e d ?..?.