What does Yas Forums think about middle eastern/white mixes?

What does Yas Forums think about middle eastern/white mixes?

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Absolutely haram

Latinos are better at least they’re catholic

I wasn't thinking about them until you brought them up.

I’m not here to validate you. Go talk to your mom. Faggot

Gimmi mena qt bf

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Most latinos have ameriindian blood though making them more risky to mix with. You usually get white looking kids if you mix with mid eastern people.

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Middle Eastern men are the hottest, but islam is jewish and judaism is anathema. Christfuckery is also judaism. Stop playing with jewish things, kids.

That guy looks full Middle Eastern.

Honestly anyone who is white, brown or tanned can be hot as long as he's fit and has a trendy haircut. Most people are obese these days so there isn't any competition.

are you a girl?

>middle eastern/white
He’s pajeet and bong.


he looks like and is a mega CHAD

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Give me my kabob man!!

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>Mfw 22% amerindian 12% random and 66% euro but I look like a straight up full med or even middle Eastern

Not wrong since they are both caucasian

why self cucking for sandniggers then?

What does that even mean? Blonds are fucking gross dude. America is full of ugly blonds and gingers. It's so hard to find a hairy guy with dark features.

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abs are good, face is not chad tier tho, weak chin

Arab here. How will my offspring look if I breed a cute blonde white girl?

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Same here. I claim to be white IRL to make my life more difficult though, less job interviews and the like.

as a 100% straight guy, the blonde women are top tier, but blonde men are repulsive. Med men are top tier and since im med, i dont really prefer med women.

Italians are nice

The Erythrean peoples have always been the most attractive.

X Body Hair
X Dark Eyes/Hair
X Nice bone sructure
O Ugly blond hairless body bullshit

Most likely like this but hes half Persian instead of Arab


Forgot pic

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no hablo ingles


Sub human


Looks like a faggot

>larping as a hot dude on pol

Lol have sex incel

My ex gf was half white half berber and she was really hairy. She had really hairy arms, pussy, butthole, back, and even nipples too.

Middle Easterners are the most inbred organisms that have ever existed in Earth's biological history.

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causes introgression of alleles associated with birth defects

Thats a fucking half pajeet. This is a MENA/white mix.

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And they STILL look better than white "men"

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I'm starting to wonder if inbreeding isn't actually good within limits. The ugliest people on Earth are always heavily outbred and the most attractive are the opposite.

A lot of shitskin cope in this thread kek

Middle Easterners are fucking arab niggers. How many do those “whites” study STEM or Science? Pajeets and asians are dominant in STEM and Science. The leading group are whites.
These facts tells us whites are the god-tier. Every non-whites are sub-human. Niggers are animals

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you can get very "true" traits that way...
it's part of how they get row crops that all grow at the same speed to the same height, etc.

I agree. Pic of the guy in ops pic is too dark.

Half mena half white tend to look lighter. E.g. Half Iranian half white adrian pasdar.

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I'm not even joking at all. Look at that map.

Heavily Outbred:
- Chinks
- Poos
- Mestizos
- Amerigoblins
- Brits
- Slavs

Heavily Inbred:
- Middle Easterners
- North Africans
That's about it.

Moreover, my slav guys control the world. We have many top researchers in physics, math, cs, and other engineering. Also, our girls are the most beautiful than any other types of white. Proud to be Slav!!!!!

I agree, mudslimes suck. As for hairy guys with dark features, I also agree. Hence why I’m looking for my husband in the Mediterranean.

Based. Please tell me you prefer Nord/Germanic women.

Gorgeous desu

You probably won’t. White women don’t racemix. We only prefer white (usually Med) men.

Asians and Indians are so heavily featured in stem because there are a fucking ton of them and we take the ones who can do the science. This actually applies largely to African immigrants to America as well, but they are on average much dumber than the Indians and Asians, so there are less of the top tier science robots to import.

I knew a English-Iraqi girl who was 9/10. I approve.

1: No, men.
2: Gross. America's filled with Germans and Anglos and NO.

This is literally 100% my type. I want a husband like this, but European.

Now go tell that to your father.

I’m sorry
>Based. Please tell me you prefer Nord/Germanic women.
was meant for

He wouldn’t have a problem with it if the guy was actually white. I wouldn’t show him *those* guys in particular lmao

>white women dont racemix

Then how do you explain so many half mena half white celebs with white mothers?

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you cant have black hair, black eyes and lightly brown skin and be european.. try sicily


every non white race is subhuman and disgusting

abominations are the worse - i hate mixtures

Good luck with that. Those features arent European, they are Persian and north middle eastern at best.

That's not even really race-mixing. They're both caucasian. And don't start that "Ethiopians are caucasians" shit. Ethiopians are mixed.

dark skin and hair resembles retardation, animal genes, bad smells, feces, poor hygiene, and everything impure

light features are heavenly and pure

Oh absolutely. Blondes with non-brown eyes make me go crazy.

There's some southern Mediterraneans like that.

That's why I told you to tell it to him, you retarded womb.

Brainwashed low self esteem women.

Yes you can. Sicilians are European last time I checked. And thanks for the answer, that’s exactly where I plan to go.

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Absolutely retarded.

>dark skin
Hold on now. Nobody said anything about dark skin.

What race are Middle Easterners?

>Sicilians are Europeans
Now that's where you're wrong

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Plenty of Europeans can look like that.

What is your phenotype? Please tell me it’s dark Mediterranean type.

Why would I want to disturb the peace? Especially when I plan to marry that, but the actual white version.

And if you did genetic testing on those southern euros they would either have mena admixture from recent century's or middle eastern farmer ancestry.

Most south euros dont look like those guys.

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>light features are heavenly and pure
true but that doesn't translate well to husband material. blonde hair blue eyes in men comes off as angelic, innocent, and boyish. few men can pull it off while still maintain a husky and masculine appearance


They are. Gorgeous people too.

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>arbiters of whiteness

The idea of only using Cacausoid, negroid, mongoloid, and australoid as the only racial classifications is fucking retarded. Middle easterners have never been seen as the same race as Europeans.

Only if they have dark eyebrows desu. Overall dark haired guys are generally more masculine IMO.

What about that looks European to you?

Southern European. European doesn’t mean Nordic ya know

That's why I said "some".

If you can't even name the race, you can't really talk about them being a different race, now can you?

The reason they look like that is specifically because they aren't White. If you look at actual ethnic European meds, they don't look like that. Which you know, which is why you keep posting the most obvious ottoman rape babies that ever lived, because you are some faggot who thinks he's very clever.


>all the roasties itt showing their true colours

They are semites. Middle Eastern is their fucking race.

Nothing about it looks european. This is just that one white nationalist chick on Yas Forums who always obsesses over Persian and Mena features but when you call her out on it she denies it lmfao.

She literally does this on every thread where mena men are discussed in the most minute manner.

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Mediterranean have a nigger in the woodpile

The guy I posted is from a German phenotype catalog from the 1940’s retard, listed under Mediterranean type. He doesn’t look Arab either. You aren’t nearly as clever as you think you are.

Semite is a linguistic term like slavic, latin or Germanic not race. But yes, middle eastern would be an appropriate term.

Semite is not a race. It's a language family.

Almost like it's not a fucking White Nationalist chick or something, huh?