Eddie Bravo getting pissed that Joe keeps cutting off his conspiracy theories


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youtube was close to pulling him thats why. his show isn't live anymore either

joe is sellout anyway, eddie is real

I liked Eddie, I despise Joe Rogan. All of these assholes are no good - Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Weinstein, Steven Pinker, etc. Eddie is great, though.

>joe is sellout anyway
These assholes are the definition of controlled opposition. I'd probably would not be surprised if Jews are funding his show.

>his show isn't live anymore either
What do you mean by this? This show was live, you can listen to them commenting a fight that is happening live.

16:38 - Eddie pulling on a whiskey, there?

His wife and kids are jewish.

Wait his podcasts aren't live anymore? Yeah that's a definite flag if true

>His wife and kids are jewish.
Ha aha. Not surprised. Are you serious?

So many millions of young men, especially White males, watch assholes like Rogan and Alex Jones and Jordan Peterson. It's a Jew backed controlled opposition to make sure these young men are de-railed by thinking about other shit, and so they don't move to White nationalism.

I don't watch Rogan, but I see his clips posted here, but I'm watching this show right now and I can see the appeal that this format has to young White males who are trying to figure out what is going on. But it's still garbage.

I watched his recent interview about corona virus. He mocks people saying vaccines are bad and can cause problems, then not even 10 minutes later in the same interview he says his friend got complications from a vaccine.

How hasn't Eddie seen the .webm's that came out of china during the first few weeks?

>where are the bodies
Right now there's some dumbass american that thinks it's a fucking hollywood movie.

He's referring to when joe had strikes against him due to that Adam ruins everything guy

Hahaha I love Eddie. Fuck the rest he’s the only likeable one

>Hahaha I love Eddie. Fuck the rest he’s the only likeable one
Stupid but entertaining.

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Its even funnier than that apparently he helped raise his kike wifes black daughter

Joey Diaz is breddy good too

I fucking LOVE drunken Eddie.

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I've been listening to William Cooper lately, and I've noticed that Dr. Jones regularly makes Freemason signs and references during his show.

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Doesn't Eddie have his own podcast? I'd like to hear him go wild on some corona theories.

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It's cause eddie is a brilliant example of someone who thinks he's smart.. he thinks he's smart and that he knows what's going on. But really he's dumb and he doesn't.

This flu is not a normal flu, this is something/a flu that escaped from a lab.. Probably stolen from fort detrick, stolen by chinese. Then they fuck up and accidentally release it. This is something that should have never have left a bsl4 EVER.. it's like accidentally detonating a neutron bomb. And then not admitting what is going on.. Which made it worse. Because in december. First chinese reporting a chinese doctor realizing she had a patient die from an unknown sars coronavirus. It took till march for europeans and USA to finally lock down their countries. Because they realized, what chinese were fighting was not simply a flu like the chinese said to do damage control. Since chinese tried to delay shutting down over financial reasons. It's not simply a flu this ting.

But eddie he thinks it's like a normal flu that only kills extremely elderly people. Like everyone on this board has gotten in their life, and it's a sucky half week or whatever with some fever and shit and then you're over it. It's clearly nothing like that. But ofcourse the elderly die first, BUT THAT DOESN'T MATTER WHICH FUCKING VIRUS IT IS, it's going to kill the elderly first.
But he thinks it's something like, if you inject him with it then he'll be fine.. Not so sure!! But that's what he thinks.

Stop posting that video. Those are homeless people and is an old video.

He knows what he's doing...

>he helped raise his kike wifes black daughter

>Joey Diaz is breddy good too
Yeah, he's okay.

Didn't know that was the case

really, did that little cuck complain about joe?

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And if it is so dangerous why only 58 people have died in the USA?

I've never liked Joe Rogan ever since the late 90's when I saw him on the Tonight show when he was on that news sitcom.
Joe, for no fucking reason kept babbling about what a pussy Jean-Claude Van Damme is and how he wants to fight the guy.
Just completely whoring for attention, Van Damme never said he was tough, the guy's an actor, he never pretended to be anything else.
And Joe was just hamming it up and then Leno says well if you want to fight somebody who actually fights for a living, I can set up a fight with our friend Butterbean.
And of course Rogan didn't want any of that.
That made me hate the douche.
He was so big when calling on somebody who isn't a real fighter and doesn't pretend to be, but against an actual fighter he had nothing.
I hate people like that.
The big talkers looking to victimize, who slink away from any resistance.
That's who Rogan is.

Ryan Dawson is friends with Eddie Bravo. For years Eddie Bravo has talked to Joe Rogan about Ryan Dawson's 9/11 work trying to get Joe to bring Ryan on to discuss. Joe refuses.


Joe Rogain married a kike with a nigger kid.

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I thought the CCP eliminated homelessness?

Ya i waiver between it being a simple flu with the media trying to cause a panic to hurt trump and crash the economy, or alternatively its a bioweapon that escaped the chinese

>And if it is so dangerous why only 58 people have died in the USA?
Till now buddy.. It's barely even getting started in USA yet.. It's barely even getting started in italy, and italy got a shitload of problems. The point is to contain it so you don't get mass infection where you run out of hospital room.
You need to basically find all those who are infected and either they get better or they die. There's no direct cure for it.

>Ya i waiver between it being a simple flu
It's not a normal flu. This is what the WHO and everyone else stupidly thought cause chinese were like.
>chingchongpingpong it's just flu bruh..
But they lied. Big surprise..
Now everyone is in lockdown cause it got out of china.. they should have fucking banned every fucking travel to china back in january.

Can you please type the full word "because"?

The official story is that it originated in China's live animal markets & is caused by their practice of eating live animals. That to me in itself is enough of an indictment of China & their disgusting culture without any alternative theory. The video clip on the top of this article from ABC News has a pretty good, surprisingly unbiased synopsis: abcnews.go.com/Health/learn-americans-died-coronavirus/story?id=69588942

This is because joe is smart. Joe realizes we do not live in free country. You cannot say what you want. If you are off narrative they will take away your livelihood. Joe rogan ditched a long term friend alex jones for a year, then the day after the mueller report he has him back on

Of course he cant let eddie talk about how much bullshit the russia hoax was or how the media is inciting a panic or any of the other shit, because joe knows they will shut him down like all the others. He goes as far as be can to sound edgy and reasonable but he’s not a martyr

Our entire continent is being locked down, and this retard americans thinks it's some media propaganda. Germany has a shitload of cases, everything is being quarantined. Germans i have been told cannot travel to denmark anymore. Borders closed, effective earlier today 12 pm.

Don't worry it's over in USA aswell, this is far from over yet just cause USA is in lockdown mode.

Sorry i trust the WHO even less than i do the chinese or our CIA.

Look at what the CDC is actually saying. They sound most reasonable

What I find interesting is that Italy has chosen to allocate medical equipment and ICUs to young patients; basically allowing elderly infected to die. What I would like to know is, once ICUs are full, how are young patients going to cope? Treatment for mild/severe cases involves intubation (like that video of the young Chinese woman who was gaining consciousness while intubated), what is the alternative if that can't be done for everybody?

>he official story is that it originated in China's live animal markets & is caused by their practice of eating live animals.
It's a cover story. This virus has been tampered with in a fucking lab. And either chinese released it or someone released it and blame china. Chinas virology lab is in wuhan miles from that fucking market..
And to make matters even worse, right now chinese are accusing americans of releasing a bio weapon on them, and saying to USA that they need to tell them what this is.. So this is like everyone pretends like they don't have a clue what is going on or who has done what..

>Sorry i trust the WHO even less than i do the chinese or our CIA.
Yes it's obvious the WHO made a MONUMENTAL BLUNDER.. cause they thought it was just a new strand of seasonal flu and it was just slightly more deadly but otherwise no cause for concern. Took them 3 months to realize.. Wops, this is not exactly what we thought this was..

>Chinas virology lab is in wuhan miles from that fucking market.
It's only a few hundred metres away. Unless that was a different virology lab and different market.

You are being locked down because you do not live in a free country. The west is run by some odd aristocratic cabal. They decided to choose panic. Trump is right as usual, this is all bullshit


based post
u really in japan?

Joe is clearly kind of stupid.
He's been doing this for years and he still cant seem to do a proper interview without seeming like a retarded dolt

Eddie is the only real human being that is a Joe Rogan regular. He's a good dude.

How do you know that? I mean I'm not 100% saying I know it's wrong but if you watch the videos people post here of Chinese people eating live animals and rats and shit to me intuitively it's like yeah I could see doing that leading to the creation of a horrible virus.

The WHO didn't even care as long as it was in china. And it's obvious china just lie their ass off about the real numbers, and try to control the situation so they didn't have to crash their markets. But they ofcourse could not keep a lid on what they were fighting.. Which they pretended was normal flu. So idiotic they weren't just honest and said, look we don't know what the fuck this is..

>What I find interesting is that Italy has chosen to allocate medical equipment and ICUs to young patients; basically allowing elderly infected to die. What I would like to know is, once ICUs are full, how are young patients going to cope? Treatment for mild/severe cases involves intubation (like that video of the young Chinese woman who was gaining consciousness while intubated), what is the alternative if that can't be done for everybody?
The alternative is death. Multiple organ failure, longues stopping functioning. If you are in need of ICU treatment and you don't get it. You die.
What it does is it destroys your longues, and it can also destroy your kidneys etc. And cause blood poisoning.. That's why you see them with these grimm pictures with tubes going into them so they look like a cyborg, it's either to basically give them air, or to clean the blood cause kidneys are failing.

Van Damme actually called out Rogan and they had a real kickboxing max set up and everything before Van backed out. Butterbean is 6'"taller and closer to 400lbs to Joe's maybe...MAYBEE 200 lbs If hes lucky. Do research before posting.

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Here's a question. If the world is flat then how is it also supposed to be hollow?


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Eddie's the voice of those who don't want to speak out.
Rogans the status quo voice everyone repeats with no risk

Pussy. I eat corona for breakfast you fucking faggot.

I ain’t no geriatric gook with a bladder infection and a low white blood cells.

What was the reason they were close to pulling Rogan? It doesn't surprise me but was there a certain topic jewtube didnt approve of?



>muh freedom.
Go get this virus and let's see what happens. Let's see if your freedom can cure you from it. You have no idea what you are dealing with, it's like people are fucking asleep thinking bad things can't happen to them. Why do you think it took so long for europe and USA to be locked down? Cause they didn't take it seriously till it started popping up very quickly there..
>How do you know that? I mean I'm not 100% saying I know it's wrong but if you watch the videos people post here of Chinese people eating live animals and rats and shit to me intuitively it's like yeah I could see doing that leading to the creation of a horrible virus.
It could yes, but not this one.. This one, there's something funky about this one that seems like it came out of a laboratory which it should have never left..

Rogans doing that on purpose

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His wife got creampied by a black guy. She took tha bbc before joe. Gave birth to a sheboon.

>I ain’t no geriatric gook with a bladder infection and a low white blood cells.
You don't seem to understand this is not like a flu that only kills old people.. Some of the recent casualties are the italian medical chief. Italy alone is over 1000 deaths atm. And then some idiot american is pretending like it's a fucking hoax.

Fucking this idiot virus was probably made by you fucking americans, experimented on, and then stolen by the chinese or something like this..
It's a normal flu virus that has been altered in some fashion to be quite a bit more nasty. Perfect so it falls under radar at first of just being a flu, and then it start to show how fast it infects and the high mortality rate etc. This is a virus that has potential to overwhelm hospitals very very fast.. this means then if you need ICU, you can't get it. You're as good as dead.

>It's cause eddie is a brilliant example of someone who thinks he's smart
>This flu is not a normal flu, this is something/a flu that escaped from a lab

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>brilliant example of someone who thinks he's smart..
which is the entire post alex jones republican party

Rogan is a globalist shill

>When human ACE2 cDNA was transduced into NIH3T3 cells, the ACE2 expressing NIH3T3 cells could be infected with HIV/SARS pseudovirus.