

Attached: EB43E485-BDD5-4078-97C3-B51F3E19B4DB.jpg (1242x1545, 282.13K)

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his son looks like the biggest douche bag

Imagine your son turning into a wigger.

part of the scripted narrative to mass manipulate normies into a panic just to see how they respond and then record the results






Because having Corona is not a death sentence

Bitch be trippin' all the time, mah!

would be useful info in the event of an actual emergency or a bio attack that isnt just a practice run. you gotta know how people would respond

I didn't know this drug-addled retard even existed until two days ago. For that matter, I didn't know Spielberg had a crazy nigger daughter until she recently came out as a porn star. Where have these creatures been hiding?

Based Tom Hanks not giving a shit about a nothing burger virus.

he is

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How do you become successful without ruining your children?

He's got an illuminati tattoo on his chest too

Los Angeles

Who is the fatty?

lol I know his faggot son, Chett Haze was his gay ass rapper name. Went to Northwestern with this absolute faggot. Definite future pedo, he was dating a youngish looking jew high school girl when he was 22

That kid is a HUGE loser

Results = TP

how did tom know?

he looks nothing like his father
who is his real daddy?

Chet the honorary nigger

Fucking seriously his son is a "rapper" named Chett Haze.

I had to google that shit to verify its true. I thought this was a BS fake news thread.

Fucking clown world.

Tom Panks?

He looks like an even gayer Mark Zuckerberg.

It is if you are one of the unlucky ones that needs hospital treatment and would survive if the health care system wasn't too flooded to treat you. A rich asshole like Hanks definitely has no worries in that department.

>Went to school with celebraty child.

yea sure...

Nigga please

Attached: hanknee.jpg (964x579, 114.63K)

A lot of people know someone connected to a famous person. What of it?

Tom Hank's doesn't have corona virus it's just a acting gig for Tom Hank's.

Because he is one of the best actors in the world and has a role to play

check this thread out
pretty sure hanks is getting arrested soon


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this is why romans hated actors

Fu Q you "trust the plan" nigger

holy shit congrats on your big gay thread.

Would u

Northwestern is a piss easy school to get into, retard

this is someone who has the china virus:

Stop talking like a nigger this is WHITE america.

Needs gun barrel in mouth.

>pic related

Attached: Chet Hanks.jpg (1080x1080, 278.83K)

tbf Tom Hank's SON isn't that big of a deal. Tom Hanks has kept a relatively low profile, and I never even heard he had sons. His son probably couldn't get into Ivies because again Tom Hank's son.


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Would I what? slap his sisters gut for keks? prolly.


>2 sec apart
tick tock faggots. you're next.

It's not that hard really to train your kids to be successful, continue to make money for the family, and not be a degenerate. You only really need 2 things. High IQ kids, and high IQ parents who are able to explain to their kids why it is in their own best interest to be successful and continue the wealth of the bloodline. Most successful lower tier parents tell their kids to "follow their hearts" or some such womanly bullshit. These are the kids who get destroyed and eaten alive by life.

Actors are psicopaths, not virtuous, cowards


lets hear from the good son Colin...


More of this faggot

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I can see tom hanks hospital from my kitchen window

In order to be a good actor, you must meet the prerequisite of being a psychopath.

Meet *cringe*, Tom Hanks embarrassment of a son.

kek, its so weird to think this fag came from Tom Hanks.

Is it really? Tom is a tranny and played one on tv for years

What kind of person who just discovered that he contracted a deadly disease would post a "mocking" photo of it on the instanigger?

You’re fucking pathetic. Kill yourself.

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Psychopaths already interpret all the time, they create a persona for themselves, in order to introduce themselves to the world, they know the path of acting naturally, when they build a character, professionally, they do it naturally

any white3 rabbits?

he looks like the type who always asks to borrow $20 and he never pays you back

Dude is based


NUfag as well, can confirm. He lived in Evanston Towers above my good buddy, would come down while we were working on music with his token nig and they'd try to freestyle, fucking hilarious to watch desu


chet is hot is there any cock, balls, and/or asshole pics? i want to coom


Tom's daughter

more like buys a couple ounces of weed on a front backed by dad's money then moves house just to skip out on the debt
