First Hand Info on Coronavirus

I want to hear from actual anons about how things are in their area.

I'm in Colorado. The end of this week things just exploded. Many companies decided at same time to have people work from homes. Panic buying at CostCo. Otherwise things still seem mostly normal. Notice traffic was lighter this week.

I think Colorado is about two weeks behind where the US west coast is, and the US west coast is probably a few weeks behind where Italy is.

What is it actually like in your area?

I can share some insights from inside a health care company if this thread gets traction.

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West coast is still major panic buying, my costco had lines around the bloack before they opened.

Europe is done.

Front Range canceled my classes..... it sucks..... It's moved to online though. I'm paranoid about how the next 10 days will look.

Where at in CO, user? I'm in the Springs and I could see the looks of abject terror as the "no big deal crowd" realized they are on the brink of being totally fucked. I would think the higher UV index shortens it's lifespan out in the environment and the low.humidity gives it less of a chance to linger on surfaces.

7 New cases in NC today, wake county and craven county in state of emergency. Marines self quarantining on base, one person on base had a presumptive positive covid test. No food in the stores.

Churches completely shut down here too; the Denver Archdiocese is shutting down all public masses until further notice. I'm doing everything remotely from here on out

My friend was just in a Walmart in southern CA these are the pics he sent me. The three stores I went to all head empty bread isles. my dad called and told me to buy big bags of beans and big bags of rice

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Chink here
Since no one will believe then it is meaningless to explain
But people here are mocking the west on social media
It's like a Carnival

In Australia people are pretending not to panic buy, but it is still happening. First wave of Toilet paper hoarding boomers kicked started it a couple of weeks ago, it has not stopped.

Dude. I'm down for the health care insights! In Co as well loved the light traffic, hated the bare grocery stores.
People are retarded.

What is your major?

That's just because China was able to completely shut down an entire province, we can't do that in America. the reason your people are so compliant is because they all spent time in the military at some point, if we tried to do the what you did there, here, we would all die

I'm in CO too. Glad I stocked up on rice and canned food last weekend.

cybersecurity and networking

And I'm really getting into C++ programming on top of that, I had fun at the hack-a-thon.

Native Aurorafag currently living south of Atlanta. Many bare shelves, National Guard starting to move assets into area. Friend in Highway Patrol says they are preparing for checkpoints but haven't been given a timetable. Big quarantine camp being set up at park outside Atlanta metro. "Normies" starting to panic now.

florida here boomer city
no one cares except me

>they all spent time in the military at some point
>14,000 million
>All spent time in the military
Either you mix China with Poor South Korea or you really know nothing, user

no confirmed cases in city. over 100 national cases. Medical system can withstand a small outbreak. Some personnel at Ministry of Health are expecting 45k cases in Sao Paulo alone through the next 3-4 months. Counter measures are still not fully deployed. Public spaces are still not closed. Media is treating it like muh flu and bashing preppers. Media is not talking about the fact TP and food runs happen when people don't prep early.

They have trucks filled with the mobile disaster trailers from the last hurricane all lined up in the carnival area in the edge of town.

Me too.. Sarasota county

NW Denver here, kings and shartmart have been raided. I've never seen shelves so barren before. Surprisingly I haven't seen anyone wear a mask or anything like that.

been to a safeway? also in arvada area but havnt gone out shopping in the past few days

I haven't left my house since Thursday I look outside and everything seems normal. ill just go back to cleaning my guns want waiting
>t.west seattle

My major was architectural engineering but I haven’t been at front range since last spring.

>Grorius CCP gives social credit to /dance at infected West.
Why mock the west? You bat eating yellow niggers are to blame for every major plague on earth and not only will gooks be the most hated demographic after this blows over, people will be calling for Chink blood. Your days are number Wong.

I may very well have confused the two, you might be right, I do think that China has a much more collective way of doing things. They're all for the common good type people whereas Americans are mostly individualistic. Their healthcare corps which is basically a military unit is like a fucking army in and of itself.

We are so fucked here in Florida. People are going to get Stir crazy. Just wait til food supplies begin to dwindle. That’s when you’ll see shit get serious. China is going to be laughing the whole time. They’ll leverage whatever they want for them to send aid and supplies to us.

same area it's amazing to me to see all the older people still going out to eat etc

new fags should have prepped for the panic like we all said. enjoy your fear, Colorado.

That's not how it works though, leftist media is an overdrive, they're refusing to allow this to be racialized. No one really cares where it started, they already have it under control supposedly, if anything, I think people would be more upset about the way our government handled it.

I think everyone who just went out shopping for groceries is infected now.

Are you going to CSU now?

Florida, Palm Beach. Restaurants, gyms, and social areas still busy. So many old people going to die here....

>MFW I'm in Denver and still have to work

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CO here too. We didn't stock up at all. My family isn't taking it seriously. My sister tried to order groceries from Walmart app thing and was surprised it was canceled immediately.
If food is unable to be bought we are fucked.

what do you mean food supplies dwindle, even in italy and wuhan grocers remained open even in mass quarantines

>Where at in CO, user?
Denver Metro area. The attitude of a lot of people has changed, but I think most people are still uncertain what the near term will look like. Denver Public Schools canceled school for three weeks but I think that will be extended. It was last week when colleagues in my field starting sharing stories of getting jobs for decontaminating buildings or writing up protocols for work dealing with avoiding infection.
>Churches completely shut down here too; the Denver Archdiocese is shutting down
Our church is still open this weekend, but I really don't think its a good idea. I suspect it will be somewhat empty tomorrow.
>In Australia people are pretending not to panic buy
A lot of jokes here about buying toilet paper. Some people like one of my bros is actually angry at anyone stocking up and accuses them of fear mongering.

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I'm glad I don't live in Denver, that's for sure. It wouldn't be super hard to restrict travel from major population areas here. Shut down 25 south of Monument to Denver and south of Fountain to Pueblo, close down 83 and you've effectively isolated 90% of the population.

how bad is it in colorado? i just bought a plane ticket to visit my buddy in denver because it was extremely cheap. is that a bad idea?

See what caused the virus?

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Fort Collins checking in here, I’m pretty fucked. I swear I already have it my roommate just got back from a week in the hospital the other day where they’re testing for it. I have a deep wet hacking cough but no fever or anything, I’ve been partying in town and boulder all week around all kinds of people

I’m watching my buddy’s apartment/dog next week so I’m definitely gonna try to poz some tinder sluts that stayed over break

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never mind

Arkansas. We have 12 confirmed cases, I believe (obviously these numbers are low due to very few people getting tested, but I digress).

Panic buying is ongoing.
Stores are closing early to restock and clean.
Toilet paper can still be found at hardware stores and Target (limits are in place).
Aldi’s has longer lines than usual prior to opening.
Gun stores are extremely busy.
Seen quite a few for sale postings of toilet paper, cleaning products, etc., on social media.
People are panicking and buying up everything they can.

duh retard

I ordered 709 USD of groceries. 28 items were missing and 41 were substituted

>deep wet hacking cough
>no fever

Not corona, but carry on sperging out if you wish

I’m in sw FL and my boomer fucking neighbor keeps going bar hopping with his boomer Harley friends every day. I’m worried he’s going to try to beg me for shit when it’s too late.

I do agree if US conduct we did here you would all die
try this
>shut down the province
>send no less than 40,000 medics and resources from all around the country to reinforce
>Everyone wears masks and stay home
>for one month

> michigan user
> about an hour ago the fire department of a municipality in Macomb County reported a possible case
> 1/2 a mile from my home


drink a lot of water

>work as rso
>everyone has fucking new guns
>nobody knows how to use it and groups are so shitty, I'd mistake them for cops
Gonna be nice to get all these free swag later.

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People in those countries don’t hoard in the same way we do. Not to mention the geography of the US is significantly different to that of Italy and China is its own animal they run things much differently.

>social credit
Like it's really a thing

We have 100 confirmed cases as of today, so probably more like 1000 infected. People are still going to bars and restaurants. Stay where you are.

must suck i haven’t been sick since 2002

I moved to Florida last June. Couldn’t afford Colorado anymore. Grew up in Littleton and lived most of my adult life in Arvada.

>1 a day mens
this motherfucker is going to out live all of us

Good thing I don't party

What city in Arkansas?

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Anyone else got a wet cough and a runny nose.

I live in a small, Indiana town about 20 miles west of Louisville, KY. Only one case so far in the area. No one is taking it seriously in conversation; however, when you go to the Walmart in this terrible little stick city this is what you see. No toilet paper, no rice, no bleach, no hand sanitizer, no cheap vodka. Someone is worried it seems. Yet, when I go to work at a former county hospital on the weekends no one seems to care. They have limited visitors to two direct family members, and plan on starting prescreening of everyone next week. Interesting to see where it goes.

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Also, work in the hospital. Most of our hospitals have covid-19 patients and keep everyone in the dark about it. They make most their money on elective surgery, so they don't want the work out. Hospital administrators are the worst.

idk what youre talking about but the united states has plenty of food
they'll even feed your ass for free given the circumstance

This, but also zoomers are filling the beaches, hotels, bars, and clubs for spring break.

yuh there's definitely been colds going around too

weirdly I know a number of people who had the unexplained "worst cold of their life" within the last couple of months

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fake and gay

amsterdam, 68 cases. kind of quiet in the streets, some panic buying, hospitals have cancelled non necessary operations.

Fort Smith

didn’t know that. round trip ticket was cheaper than a tank of gas. might still chance my luck


I had a really bad cold in January and I was hacking of solid chunks of bright yellow phlegm. The cough lasted over two weeks

Fuck I hope you’re right brother. I take care of my two parents both have cancer. I feel like I’m in a bad dream.

South East Tennessee checking in. Shelves empty so the stores are closing at 8 to restock for the next day. Noticeably less traffic on the road ways, I’d say half or less of usual. All schools canceled for the next week and probably the week after extending k-12 spring break to 3 weeks. I’m going to take advantage of the roads to run my car like I did in Highschool. Hopefully other dudes will be out trying to run the mountain passes and back roads too.

In reno nevada. 4th confirmed case in county. Still tp at most stores. Most food is fully stocked as always.

Probably headed either to the camp at Hard Luck Creek or to the secondary they talked about setting up.

More like a nerd-a-thon, dork.


Windsor Ontario Canada reporting

Most people have indicated that they dont really care about the virus and hopes it trims the fat.

Im not even kidding I was at a hospital after breaking a finger on Thursday and a surgeon I was talking to was saying its time for us to be levelled out a bit.

The toilet paper meme caught on here but otherwise no one really gives a shit its kinda nice

It's so fucking stupid. Here in Colorado Springs we ran out toilet paper literally over night, I don't know why everyone decided to chimp out at the same time.

I live in the Bay Area and can see the cruise ship docked from my backyard. Streets are pretty empty but there's still people out. You can buy p100 respirators at my local ace hardware store there is TP and staples at all the smaller markets. Don't know anyone sick. Basically feels like nothing is happening

I’m also in the Springs. I prepped late but I just went on base to buy food. The lines were still long but it wasn’t a zoo like walmart.

>for the health care insights
I was screaming for action weeks ago but the whole health care industry is sluggish and apathetic. Suddenly a week ago they became super serious and wanted to do everything in a night. Some of the hospitals have no supplies. Shortages on N95s, surgical masks and supplies for testing. I fear the shortages may eventually extend to hand sanitizers, gloves and other consumables. Was on a phone call with people from West Coast, they are already out of some of those things or close to it. The core of the problem is there ARE NO LEADERS in the health care industry and too many lazy or incompetent people who just skate by without accountability.
>Glad I stocked up on rice and canned food last weekend
I started slowly stocking up over a month ago. Still more things I wish I had. I finally became a gun owner and bought a shotgun. Hope I never have to use it, but I didn't want to need it and not have it.
>Native Aurorafag currently living south of Atlanta. Many bare shelves, National Guard starting to move assets into area.
I graduated from Hinkley highschool. Also, I noted last week a convoy of military vehicles going south down the highways towards the Aurora area. No idea what their end point was, but I saw them for miles interspersed with traffic.>Ministry of Health are expecting 45k cases in Sao Paulo
I was worried about Brazil after your festival. I hope you have good leadership.

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I have several old friends in metro Denver whose prep efforts were partially or totally sabotaged by wives, girlfriends, etc. I swear women can be fully retarded sometimes.

Id buy a pistol dude. Fuck it. You can sell it after this shit blows over. People will loot and fuck you over if things go to shit. Especially if they start felling sick. Hopefully this blows over or they get sick before things get super bad.

What exactly has our government done wrong? Should they have gone full madagascar the second word got out there was a virus in china? Because that would have capsized the economy. Given that this is the biggest epidemic in modern history the administration has handled this well and if anything the blame lies on American people for panic buying and causing social disorder. Also how are they supposed to give out test kits that dont exist.

Yes. This is chinas fucking fault. THATS WHERE THE FUCKING VIRUS CAME FROM. Thats where the biggest virus bank in asia is, in Wuhan. So this fucking leftist diversion to place blame at trumps feet and not on chinas bat eating, dog burning, people-eatin-escalator havin ass hopefully wont fucking work. China, with its disregard for human rights and human life and disregard for safety coupled with the 1 billion plus population is going to lead to the fucking apocolypse. That country IS a bioweapon.

Will they check for drivers licenses at these check points? What are they for?

what do you think will be the first front range city to have a full looting chimpout?

Greeley? Arvada?

Western Australia
TP is gone but everything else is fine, though that's going to change mid this week.

my mom has MS pretty bad i wish i could go back in time to when i was a little kid

Toilet paper depletion. That's the phase were in atm.

New Orleans checking in. I haven't left my home in 2 days. I did all my shopping a month ago. Earlier today my normie frens told me there were stores with lines of people that go out the door and around the building. Just had the first death here, so people are finally taking it seriously.

Godspeed brothers.

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I live in Elk Grove CA, how fuck am I?

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CTfag checking in. 11 cases confirmed here, mostly in Fairfield county. Schools have been cancelled, There is a move to shut down Yale University. Stores are empty, people are panicked. Went out today, roads were pretty empty, a popular mall here was a ghost town.

It's was okay for the last couple weeks up until Friday. Once the declaration of a national SoE went out on Friday, people's attitudes markedly changed. Those that thought it was all over blown and didn't start to make basic preparations got a hard reality check. People looked legitimately scared. There were a surprising number of military people among those ranks, which was odd. I saw more than a few Army guys scrambling around to get basic shit that I would have thought would be been available at the base exchange on Ft. Carson. They cancelled school last week in El Paso county. The Space Symposium at the Broadmoor has been canceled. I know some people that work for USAA ad they are going to move their entire 32,000+ person workforce to remote within the next two weeks.

Houston here. Most of the big stores seem to be decently stocked. Meat, bread, pasta, rice, tomato sauce, were all almost gone when I was at Aldi today, but the store wasn't busy and it was still 70% stocked up, at least.

have a deep wet hacking cough but no fever or anything, I’ve been partying in town and boulder all week around all kinds of people


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Air Force confirmed

MN here. Every company is work from home, schools closing. Toilet paper and hand soap mostly gone from every shelf. This is easily the biggest happening since 9/11. I think it’ll die down in a month.

my gf has eaten half of the oranges I bought for the next 2 weeks. I was planing on breaking up and giving notice at the end of the month but it looks like we might be stuck together here now for months jfc

Grand Junction here Fast food places are still crowded as fuck. Stores no longer have things like Rice,toilet paper or hand soap. The people here have god awful hygiene I am not native to this shit hole so I suspect it will spread like a wildfire. Furthermore all the rampant poverty means tons of looting I fear. Oh well I'm locked and loaded and my German shepherds will sound the alarm to waste as many of those fucks as possible.

I need to get the fuck out of here in the next year or two though. Its either back to front range again or out of state. Lived in a lot of places in the west, Denver area and pacific Northwest were the most based though,

I want to caution you guys here, it isn't the coronavirus to be worried about, it's stuff like if Iran attacks Israel or if something else weird happens like if they try to bring out masonic jesus/lucifer or do some kind of fake alien invasion or economic collaspe. The nation's resiliency is being tested. Might not happen for a few months or years, but this could be the start of it.

you live in the breadbasket of America nigga you're fine

I live in Sicily, Palermo. Streets are empty and all stores but pharmacies and supermarkets are closed and allow only 10 people at a time. My company closed every office and now I'm basically unemployed. My dad is a high ranking cop and tells me the entire police force is in the shit because they cannot possibly contain something this big due to shortage of officers. All in all enjoying the neet life at the moment.

boulder here and there was no goddamn toilet paper at king soopers today. also all the pasta and vegetables were gone. fucking shit. last week it was totally normal.

I wanted to go out tonight one last time so bad but I decided against it

I'm planning on spending another year or so here to tie up loose ends but I'm looking elsewhere too. Denver especially has gotten too big too fast and I need a change from the dry climate

Las Vegas here. Almost everything shut down on Thursday or yesterday. No coventions indefinitly. Shows and nightclubs getting shut down. I drive rideshare for a living here and this was the slowest saturday Ive ever seen. Downtown was dead. There was still a little activity on the strip but by next week it will probably be a ghost town. At this point im hoping it all collapses so me and my cousin can shoot nogs trying to cause trouble, since theres no way in hell I'm making any money at work to pay the bills while things are like this. Good news is im going to a job interview for a better job Tuesday but by then they might not even be hiring so who knows.

So I live in Southern California, not far from Disneyland actually. The Costco that I went to was crowded like I have never seen before. This picture hardly covers it. First time seeing a lot of people in masks, many carts were also filled to the brim, including the carts which are used by the workers and for transporting large stock items, saw many of those going around. Greeter was shouting at everyone by the door which I have never seen before. Also, “All paper products sold out.” ( including tissues, paper towels, wipes, and toilet paper of course, etc. etc. )

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i mean schools closed where i live in bumble fuck PA and people raiding tp as well but is there a lot of people infected or something?

>sister tried to order groceries from Walmart app thing and was surprised it was canceled immediately
My sister tried to order groceries through Amazon and found out they didn't know when they could fulfill her order. It's kinda crazy.
US supply chains are getting kinda weird.

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I live alone and I bought a 20 lb sack of rice, oil, and a few cans of chicken and tuna. I have some frozen food to work through first but I hope this is enough for the next month or however long this lasts.

Oh shit me too. Nothing in thurs neck of the woods, but im sure all those pho places have it, so the hipster crowd is fucked.

Tulsa, OK reporting in
Same as the rest of you, no toilet paper, bleach, sanitizer, ect. mostly just zoomers taking Snapchats of the empty shelves. Lot's of people are still in the denial phase. "hurrr its da flu" "oh muh gawd people are making a big deal outta nuffin"

Company is gearing up for us to work at home. Also, state road and bridge projects are being pushed back 2-3 months. not just little county bridges... like multimillion dollar projects. Im expecting shit to kick off soon.

Hinkley? Sheeit, my nigga, I was Hinkley Class of '93! Trucks probably shifting supplies around between Buckley, Fort Carson, and the various armories. Supposedly, there's also a covert supply stash at Anschutz (aka Fitzsimons).

Definitely Aurora or Denver. Pueblo will for sure. People here in the springs started hitting the Walmarts and Save a Lots but other than the stupid ass boomers hoarding the TP things seem to be alright

I'm in Seattle. Best way I can describe it is that it's like a resort town or something and right now is the offseason. Dead. Other than that, though, it's pretty normal

Russia is in an oil war with the Saudi’s. They want to cripple American drilling.

Basically it’s already happening.

Should have prepped. We warned you over a month ago

>I haven't left my house since Thursday I look outside and everything seems normal. ill just go back to cleaning my guns want waiting
user any gun shops you recommend? New to the area and want some new guns. Also what're gun laws like here

I'm in CT and it was recommended we all work from home.

stores still have lots of merchandise, particularly kosher for passover and easter candy, which are almost entirely untouched. then other items are depleting but still available.

items most affected are toilet paper, canned goods, rice, beans and frozen foods such as vegetables.

Probably check all documents and temperatures. If movement restrictions are put in place, they'll turn back or detain people not "authorized" to be in a given area.

chcecked my nigga plenty of niggers in aurora and denver

I'm in Boulder too. Boulder is so gay

I think Tulsa is fucked. I have a man on the inside at St. Francias, and they've said shit is fucked, they aren't taking it seriously, and the have 10 masks per floor of 100 workers.

Keep mags loaded and your rifle ready user

Cope with it, burger, wish your government does you justice

Friday afternoon, the Sam's Club on S. Academy was absolutely surreal. I started gradually stocking up on supplies a couple weeks ago, and glad I did. At least if it gets really crazy, I can eat venison for days. You could probably hunt them with a hammer in neighborhood.

At least you can listen to Marty Robbins while you're dying.

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Pays to be single in Menver!

Typical Fort Collins scum.

I lived there for 5 years. Winter hellhole trying to act modern with traffic as bad as LA and the whole town is like the size of 6 blocks