What's your favorite U.S. Government atrocity?

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Other urls found in this thread:

usa-the-republic.com/emergency powers/United States Bankrupt.html


Strategic bombing during WWII was pretty heinous

prepping goyim with reality TV programs (so they can't discern between reality and fiction) and imploding two buildings after letting zionist Saudis fly airplanes into them was very successful.

...so successful that they are now shutting the world down- without public pushback- over something that is less deadly than driving on a US interstate.

Waco was my wake up call. The real story is the whole incident was over an unpaid $250 gun tax.

LaVoy Fincum getting shot on live video as he was fleeing in his truck with his family while defending land from the Feds. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaVoy_Finicum#2016_refuge_occupation_and_death


Ruby Ridge was pretty crazy and never should have happened, but Randy Weaver was a nutjob and not a hero

Same here. Was in hs when that happened and was totally shocked.

IRS= the Jew mafia's henchmen.

pay your bills- no matter how small- or they will take everything from you and make an example of you.

The constitution

Waco is really sad

Big brain

Giving women rights.

Waco for sure

and the FBI prefers to hire people with experience in accounting.
translation: if you are going to run numbers for the Jew mob, you better be good at hiding illegal activity on Excel sheets.

The arrest of my nigga Teddy

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The murder of Duncan Socrates Lemp marks the beginning of a new era of government atrocities.

Why does our government constantly force us to live with niggers? From the very beginning we've had to live with these animals. I'm tired of it.

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The Hart-Celler Act.

Importing niggers
Civil rights

constitution was fine until the Jews came over and started pushing central banking/industrialization, which led to dragging the US into their usury system.


Immigration Act of 1965


the unabomber is a good one because he was a Jew himself.

he was obviously groomed to be made example of.
the point: make all anti-technocrats look crazy.


When they made psychedelics illegal and pretty much doomed us all. We couldve evolved SO much farther by now, fuck.

Randy unironically did nothing wrong
LaVoy was an entitled boomer that was abusing public land and when he got called out for it decided to double down and declare that he had always owned the land, or wait fuck was that Bundy? I always get those 2 mixed up they were so similar

All true

Taking the wrong team in ww2

not everyone with a polish or german surname is a kike, my fellow Amerimutt



psychedelics were a government atrocity.
mkultra and all of that shit was executed to distract Boomers from maintaining their finances and disrupt traditional US culture, creating a class of multinational mutt goyim enslaved to usury.

user thats retarded. Also ted wasant jewish

Nuking Japan as an experiment

Cops raping kids


A close second is the Mormon extermination order.

All of them, because it proves the government is useless and dangerous.


regardless, ted was raised Jewish just like jack black and the other 99% of hollywood/wall street

Shut up.


>Why does our government constantly force us to live with niggers?
They hate white people.
Friendly reminder, native American reservations can kick you out of the reservation if you're not 25 percent native American or marry outside the tribe.
Whites cannot do this or live in white only communities.
Feather niggers can.


When they killed that innocent kid by accident in columbine

i really enjoy when atf takes out these queers who live in the styx and fuck their own children

This. Americans are distrustful of government because government has always undermined the interest of the people and hamstrung their ability to prosper

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momentary gibs to keep them quiet while the noose is tightened on whitey.


arming cartels to supposedly take them down
>see fast and furious, los zetas, etc.

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water fluoridation

Yeah I agree he did nothing wrong, but he isn't really a brave hero or anything. Vick wore the pants in that family. They were weirdos obsessed with old testament christianity saying they weren't racist when they hung out with the Aryan nations. Still I'm not saying he did anything wrong or deserved it.

Seriously why are we letting the government steal our money and ruin our country and lives?

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Good choice

You mean extremely smart and the only way to win the war.

God damn it I hate moralists talking about war. It's fucking WAR. Slaughter and brutality is the goal. There's nothing civilized about it and there never should be.

We "lose" war now because of your stupid rules.

>hurr durr don't kill no combatants
>hurr durr rules of engagement

Fuck off

Kent State

Just gun them down in the wide open at the university

>the Mormon extermination order.

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Whiskey Rebellion
The first betrayal

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the firebombing of a nigger neighborhood.

When the US Government went Bankrupt in 1933, and never came out of it.
usa-the-republic.com/emergency powers/United States Bankrupt.html

I was one of a very small set of people who knew the "tear gas" the FBI shot through the windows was highly flammable. I was literally screaming at the TV "That is the most fucking stupid thing I've ever seen in my life!"

>You mean extremely smart and the only way to win the war.
Because Americans suck at war.
Don't believe me, Normandy beach.
Why did they think it was a good idea to do a frontal assault on pill bunkers with MG42s that can reach out and kiss you at 1000 meters.

The complete destabilization of eastern europe and their war against native europeans in favor of the muslims back then. Fuck the clintons.

Not my favorite my I'm spamming this shit to trigger the heebs:


>We "lose" war now because of your stupid rules.

Really though.

>LaVoy was an entitled boomer that was abusing public land and when he got called out for it decided to double down and declare that he had always owned the land, or wait fuck was that Bundy? I always get those 2 mixed up they were so similar

Eat shit. He was murdered.

>pay your bills-
If possible, avoid using a bank. I did it for over a decade and the IRS has never darkened my door.

I don't agree with this guy all the time but Marc Stevens makes some really fantastic legal arguments. Worth looking into if you studied law for even just a few years part time.

gay bomb testing, ft knox circa late 1993

This is a cope taught after the fact so Americans could deal with the fact they are led by war criminals who hate humanity

Duncan Lemp

Our government uses many carrots and sticks to engineer the behaviors of the population.
One of the sticks is filling your city with blacks. Fragments once cohesive neighborhoods, breaking up voting blocks.

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>the FBI prefers to hire people with experience in accounting.
This is true. Checked and KeKed.
>you better be good at hiding illegal activity on Excel sheets.
Excel95 hid a fucking flight simulator in the program itself. Just sayin.

>Slaughter and brutality is the goal.

attaining your ends is the goal

The Bundys are inbred Pussies

nah extremely heinous is the right wording

The IRS keeps the federal reserve in business. The IRS keeps the charade going of the money having value. Rome collapsed for a number of reasons but a big one was that the government wasn't accepting its own money for taxes.

how does it feel to be a soviet sleeper agent 3 decades after the soviets stopped existing?

The slow assassination of the Constitution.

Yea totally just over a gun tax lmao