I live in Mass have had a cough and fever for 3 weeks. The fever is on and off but the cough is a constant. Went to my local ER two weeks ago, they did a chest x-ray, gave me an inhaler, prednisone and a z pack but ran no actual tests, I could be a mass spreader and If I am well fuck. Debated going back today but I know its a madhouse. I have been going to work and could have infected 100s by now. All of our schools and tons of companies have shut down in my area but I work in the Cannabis industry and it's not stopping for anything.
Multiple cases have been confirmed in my county.
I figure this is relevant because so many of you post about if anyone on this board is on the Covie Train. If not trim away mods
You should have been shaking hands with college professors 2 weeks ago
You've ever needed an inhaler before?
Honestly, I have been around a fuck ton of people through work. Good chance I snuck in a Professor or two.
>smoke weed
>get cough
What a surprise.
height and weight?
First time in my life but honestly in these three weeks, I have not had any crazy shortness of breath, just a killer cough and the random fever that comes and go's. The one real weird thing im experiencing now is a sharp/burning pain under my ribs when I cough.
COVID 19 was cause by Black people. True story.
My situation is almost identical to yours. Going on week 3 of same symptoms with cough, fever, and tired and achy. Went to doc, he immediately told me I had bronchitis and gave me a z pack and steroid and I feel worse now than I did before I took the meds. I live in iowa, and our closest confirmed case is about 1 hour away.
I only do edibles, not really a big fan of flower personally
Why arent you seeking liberals to mingle with????
5'9" 151lbs( lost 9pounds in the last few weeks)
Join the club. I've been dealing with this for over a month.
They prescribed me z pack, tamiflu, benzonatate, and codeine syrup. I'm going to the doctor for the fourth time tomorrow.
Im fucking surrounded by them at work, I am literally doing gods work right now user
Muh hall monitors
Youre one of those fucking morons who equates smoking grass with being a fucking heroine junkie
Stupid fuck
We are in the suck now boys
Shit user, I am in Mass cannabis industry also. Hope you haven’t sent me any infected fucking wholesale product! I’m kidding...kind of!
How old are you?
Fucking NOICE
If I get it Ill coooof on homeless scum on my way to Olde Towne to share with the degenerates and roasties
Also, fuck METRC!
bless your heart
You out in Berkshire county? I heard there is an outbreak out there
metrc is so fucking convoluted. Ever try to finish out a package from the tag creation screen? Literally breaks metrc sometimes lol
Fuck, I'm 26.
Centre Country, PA.
Keep us updated on the prognosis. I'm not trying to scare you, but looks like you got it.
Who cares. It is a minor illness. Likely hundreds of millions infected and less than 10k dead after five months of spread. This thing is going nowhere.
I am super introverted and don't do shit besides work, Have no clue how the fuck I got it if I have it. But if so im not one to bitch and moan, I will take what comes my way.
If you can’t take a deep breathe
without a cough and have over a 100 temp you need to go to the hospital.
corticosteroids speed up the neuroinvasive aspects of the virus. stop taking steroidal treatments ASAP.
I definitely don't think im dying but I am definitely spreading this thing all over the fucking place if I have it because of my Local medical facilities lack of testing.
What were the first symptoms you were feeling? I'm pretty introverted too, but apparently it can stay alive on surfaces for quite some time. I'm nervous I may have contracted it from a roastie at CVS. Bitch had a mask on, but was coughing heavily.
Ok, skitzo. Take your meds.
holy shit user...
user, I am sorry...
did they explain to you how fucked your xray was? doctors only prescribe prednisone to people who are majorly FUCKED
if i take a deep breath I don't instantly cough but it makes my throat feel "Scratchy" and that makes me cough eventually. The fever is all over the place, I went like 2 days without it at one point then it came back and now it randomly comes and goes through out the day.
1st week was just a stuffy nose almost like a sinus infection, felt great for one day(no more congestion) then woke up the next day covered in sweat with an insane cough and fever, feeling really week. Went to the ER the next day.
what the fuck
did they give you prednisone too? do you guys not understand how serious your situation has to be to be prescribed prednisone?
Good luck, fellow MA cannabis user. I got ok to work from home so I will be doing stuff remote. Not sure if our retail stores will open on Monday still. Kinda scary shit. Hope you recover fully and look forward to continued shitposting with you
honestly if they wont test you just go to a sex clinic and tell them your a homo buttseccs faggot and make them give you a script for remdisivir and go home
I swear to God I've gotten a z pac like 5 times and it's worked 2 of them
ya user they mentioned that I had to be pretty fucking gay if I needed prednisone is that what you're talking about?
Stay safe buddy.
>sharp/burning pain under my ribs when I cough
>on prednisone
holy fuck, this virus is a fucking nightmare, this is not a boomer remover, they lied man
is that you sam?
take your meds coofer
I have had a perpetual cough for about 10 years now. Feel fine though. Not sure, but I may be patient zero.
>works in weeddude industry
you deserve the virus, fagot
Yah I got the bulletin on Metrc Friday and we had a meeting at the end of the day, I am debating calling out for Monday
Blood oxygen and temp tell a different story. I can see why they werent as worried as you.
I am not going fucking anywhere until this entire shit is over. I am fully stocked and have no need to leave. I can do 100% of my job from home. If you have the option, if you have sick time, if you have PTO, I’d recommend you do the same. I think we are in for 3-4 weeks minimum
yeah, it means that when they looked at your lungs in the xray or ct scan they were already being turned into a grey glue, and the doctor freaked the fuck out and gave you some shit that my dad gives to black women with systemic lupus
I am shook
what county you jizz lick
how fat are you for your dad to only like niggers?
>cough and fever for 3 weeks. The fever is on and off but the cough is a constant.
Relax, it's probably just drug resistant TB.
Negative not "Sam"
just to clarify, I never took the prednisone yah cucks but I took the z pack and the benzonatate, Also useing the inhaler and whisky
what part of mass are you in OP? 508 here, town just tested positive for one person with it
Honestly you goyim laugh at oven hoarders, but you really dont have enough ovens yourselves. The average oven burns 450 Jews per day. If you have an oven family of 10, that's 31,500 jews a week. Over 126,000 a month and over 6,000,000 in 4 years. Ovens will be worth their weight in shekels in a few months, because everyone needs it.
If you actually have coronachan then none of that stuff is going to fix it. Hydroxychloroquine or remdesivir. Those are whats used to treat COVID-19. Unfortunately, most of the world isn't free to buy drugs when they need them. If your doctor can't give you them because they're off label, then tell them you're taking a trip to Africa and need hydroxychloroquine in case you get malaria. It's a very safe drug so you don't really have anything to lose by taking it.
user... what...
my dad is a rheumatologist
yah if they don't push out a mass email tomorrow about closing then I will call out for the near future
Good luck user I’m off to bed.
>very safe
not the words I would use for any antimalarial, but ok
glucocorticoids will fuck you up