Fuck off tarrantposters, we're full
This is a board of peace.

>Hospital infrastructure may not be able to deal with the massive influx of infections

>Kentucky Fried Corona: A KFC in Brisbane was forced to close due to a worker testing positive for CoV19

>Information and data cannot be claimed for ownership

>Casual workers missing out on wages due to Cov19

>People still in hysteria over supplies running out

>Shoppers catch onto this one simple trick to bypass buying limits

>Doctor contracts corona virus and is self documenting the infection process with ultrasound

Previous Thread

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you fooken cicada fuckers.
fokken drunk idiots

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How long until they start closing all non essential services places like bars, resturants and movie theaters?


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>the bf

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Lads, the virus can infect doggos as well. Did you even prep to save your beloved borkerbox?

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Yes I prefer my bread without massive quantities of phosphorescent chemicals.

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They can't. Too many people are casuals. If they can't work, they're on the federal teat.

Never, unless they want pay everyone thousands of dollars in lost wages.

Who else laughing at panic buyers and sitting comfy on their many months of supplies
Feels bretty good bros

Fuck, ScoMo looks out of his depth. Is this guy really PM?

Has no grasp of the situation at all. All over the fucking shop. Trump is a retard but at least he can pretend he knows what he's doing - Morrison looks completely frazzled.

how do you cunts spend your sundays/sunday arvos?

>Trump is a retard but at least he can pretend he knows what he's doing
Are you serious or just retarded? Trump is far worse than this idiot, he can't even string together a coherent sentence.

Dutton should of won that leadership spill, probs woulda won the election like scomo and be PM now.

Praise Him

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Yeah I've felt let down by him during the fires and now corona
Thought he'd hold it together but he just keeps doing pollie talk
Bring back Abbott

ScoMo is a dumb fuck. Yeah, people will just go sit in their fucking rooms for 14 days without there being any enforcement mechanism.

Libs aren't winning the next election anyway. They caused the fires and the virus, both by refusing to take the necessary steps to save their corporate buddies some revenue

>trump is a retard
multibillionaire, president and developer in the world's most powerful nation.

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Stay in your containment thread.

Calm down, young labor

Neets will happily sit in their rooms for 14 months without any enforcement

what are you lads drinking on this rainy afternoon?

krakken spiced rum here

Did I hear someone say

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just embrace the waiflu, all the cool kids are doing it

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how many cicadas have you wicked kangaroos raped?

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Yes thats right, praise him

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People on holidays overseas aren't NEETs. They won't want to stay home for 14 days. Probably have jobs to go to.

he's a retard. he seriously thinks his re-election was a miracle from God. Dutton would be a much more competent leader, Scomo only got the nod because he wasn't part of the "right-faction" like Dutton.
nice try fbi

Can't they tell landlords to shut up and eat the loss and in exchange they get tax credits for the duration of the lockdown?
It seems pretty simple and the only complication is greed.

I second that motion

Praise Him

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how long until full blown panic in the community? supermarkets are half empty and everyone looks on edge

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want to enlighten me on that pic? whats going on?

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Why did Tarrant spend three months in Israel?

Can’t sleep lads

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Drank a 30 block yesterday. Might lay off for a while

fucking cicada fuckers

>making a casserole and putting it on someone's door
>helping out vulnerable people in the supermarket

What world does this guy live in? It's like he thinks it's the 70s and Australia is still predominately white.

And what about mortgages, credit card or similar debt, car repayments, utilities, food and so on?

To defeat the Jew, you must think like a Jew.

Yeah, a lot of mates called me names and made fun of me, but I took it in stride. Its kind of sad user. I am too humble and respectful to get aggressive with them. The whole "You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink philosophy" makes a lot of sense to me. Over the past few years I've learned a lot about patience and forgiveness.

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Put on Kool London.

Tell them all to fuck off because if they don't take this one on the chin society could get so fucked money isn't going to matter anymore.

ffs I dunno man, we have to have something better than "nah m8 I got work on Monday *cough cough*"

tenants should shut up and eat the loss

And die fighting the Jew's enemy as well it seems. More destabilisation of the ME for their behalf.

Hey mate, are you ok? You need someone to talk to?

They can't if they're made homeless and then go to crowded shelters and cough on everybody.

This reminds me of Americans saying they hated the idea of "Free tests" because "I don't wanna pay for it!". Even the most selfish person on earth should want free tests because everybody can spread this shit.

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Here you should be able to see a bit more

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lel this woman journo keeps getting talked over

LOL, every time a white guy attacks a group of non-whites, there's always the small group of conflicted, white people who say "no, no, you should be targeting the Jews instead!"

Afraid things will escalate?

Nooooo! I didn't save any money because I had to have the new iPhone every year and a trip to Bali! I never realised there might be a time where I couldn't live week to week.

>have policies enacted over a 50 year period that destroy ethnic homogeneity and social cohesion
>ignore that and expect people in a time of crisis to act as if we were still a homogeneous, cohesive, and trusting society
what did scomo mean by this

I think he spoke very well, but the self isolation thing is a joke. Literally said snitch on your mate if he’s been to bali.

Fuck off faggot

No one gets evicted for being a few weeks behind. But if you lose your job and can't afford your place you should move.

this. White australians will be “australian” as he said, and look out for each other , and do all the measures he says. It’s the “new australians” that don’t even speak english, that won’t give a fuck

Is it true that he converted to Islam?

Why don't you just kill yourself fren?

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That's a bit more reasonable I guess.

Next weekend - Australian cases to raise to over 1000 cases

Don’t listen to southern fairies

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Where's the best place to live in Australia?

SComo is being exposed as one dimensional.
He’s not very competent is he

He's living in a fantasy world where we're importing the best and brightest. Time for a new law, to become Prime Minister you've got to work maccas nightshift with the poos

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He's a weak and gutless rat. See how little it actually took to make him fold?

>not listening to a bunch of 40 something ravers on a still technically pirate radio station

Why are you young labor shills invading the board?

why are there glowies itt larping to each other as jihadis and tarrantposters?

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Why do you think the resident attitude here is to suck Lib cock?

i don’t know, they’re meant to be in their containment thread. We are all sick of them, hence this proper thread

They aren't even glowies they are Jordan Shanks and Neel Kolhatkars Discord groups.
I suspect Neel and Jordan have been asked to investigate the nasty white nationalists and they were not finding what they wanted to see so now they are creating what they want to see.

Who do you lads think is the top and who is the bottom of Jordan and Neels relationship?
I reckon Neel takes it up the plugger personally.

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Nobody here votes for the libs, thats a strawman built up by you young laborites.