Can you have systematic testing, quarantines, lockdowns, etc., without a government?
How would a Libertarian society deal with the Coronavirus outbreak?
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Nope. And that's a good thing
Same way they deal with bitcoin. It's a fully libertarian system.
Cuba: 1 shitty brand everyone refuses to buy
Very large corporations can do all of that. Of course, the corps have to be so large that they are essentially governments themselves, but without the capability to vote out the CEO.
>lol capitalism is great fug gommunism
>omg you can't apply capitalism to a scarce valuable resource
>that's price gouging!!
yes capitalism is better. The government completely fucked up testing while hospitals could have done the tests much better and faster
I have to think that Castro's media were not directed to cause a panic.
they would have to reply on charity
rely on*
Gotta love that commie "variety"
A libertarian society would not have to deal with a shortage of medical equipment
Herd Immunity. Sick and weak die off, the strong become immune and survive
The problem is not MUH GUBMINT i.e. the very existence of government as an abstract entity.
The problem is that in the West the government serves the elites, half of whom are kikes, and the other half who behave like kikes.
In Korea the government is testing everyone and this is helping them actually keep the infection rate down.
>retard builds vents
>people fucking die because they don't work
Uhhh what now?
I'm sorry regulation contributes to overhead. If you want to play the game have the money to.
Yet NO ONE is running off to cuba
These are just the disingenuous ravings of a dissembling kike.
In reality we don't have 1918 "social tech" because jews like him destroyed local industry and societies.
The nerve of these fucking yids. Un. Fucking. Believable.
Look at the autism on that guy.
>implying they wouldn't die anyway
Yudkowsky is a bit of an autist. You don't need to go as far as people making them in their garage.
There are many companies in the US and elsewhere capable of manufacturing them quickly and at reasonable quality. The devices are not terribly complicated and there are DIY instructions floating around. But FDA regulations make it basically impossible.
people are so fucking poor they can't buy shit
people are so fucking rich they can buy shit
So what is your point?
>free housing
>free food and other basic necessities
>free healthcare
>free cure for cancer
>internet made of tin cans and wire
>old cars
>free wifi* (*with purchase)
>new iphone
>new cars
>unaffordable housing that will be repossessed in the next market crash
>unaffordable healthcare that will bankrupt you if you get a disease
>drinking nuclear isotopes to try to stop cancer, works 0% of the time
>no toilet paper
>FREEDOM (tm) not free
>Government monopolies that provide the best product are so wrong!!!
>Instead we should provide inferior products!!! That is the best course of action!!!!
In a libertarian body, lungs would be self-sufficient to breathe without ventilators.
In communities without goverment people are smart enough to deal with that shit by themselves. People there will be smart and responsive enough to voluntarily go to tests when needed and even go to quarantine.
Literally says "at impossibly low prices"
>best product
How good is it though
Yeah good thing if you like the end of society. Individualists are disgusting children who have the privilege to have never needed people outside of what they can pay for.
>i have the sniffles, help me government!
Hilariously, believing that this is just the sniffles is a fucking govt. lie.
99% of developed nations would do just that for free. And also give you an carona virus test for free. And also have more of them an the US does.
The Forever War had a world government but the narrator, after returning from a tour of duty, had to create a makeshift ventilator using oxygen tanks, to help his mother. Not going to go in to the whole relativistic speed light travel thing in the book where the narrator still remained young when traveling at light speed yet everyone on Earth still aged and got older when he returned. Too complicated for a college drop out who still doesn't understand most physics science.
Everyone except the wealthiest would die. Libertarianism is an utopian meme.
Yeah like we need 50 brands of toilet paper that do the same fucking thing
>b-b-but this one has extra 2% absorbency and funny bear mascot
Is that morality rate truly a realistic accuracy?
Being so fucking dumb you never got out of your private drive suburb your boomer daddy still lets you have your room in.
America is a a libertarian society. Libertarianism just isn't what you thought it was.
>a fucking cartoon
Is your argument.
>morality rate
>a realistic accuracy
Learn English, Pedro.
>Can you have systematic testing, quarantines, lockdowns, etc., without a government?
No, but this is like war.
Also, airlines that didn't stop flights immediately should go bankrupt and get sued by relatives. In fact, every such behavior should have consequences.
It's possibly a fake store with western prices for the communist elite. Everything costs literally an average monthly salary. They have those in Venezuela too, they often appear in propaganda.
Governments never provide anything good.
Sorry, was busy typing in between a game. I was just meaning if that morality rate still par the course if more testing has been conducted. Probably still seem like I am stupid asking that question, but I am just interested in actual studies and not the "what ifs" that everyone is panicking over.
Libertarian society is like hunter-gatherer tribalism. There is no civic infrastructure. When a plague hits, it may well take out the entire tribe. Some people are okay with that. Others are too stupid to see that as a possibility which they're not okay with.
It's a Class II device. Not as loosely regulated as a wheelchair but any company capable of making them in quantity should be able to get them passed. The cost to file the forms for a 510(k) approval are under $3k. Not the only fee of course, but it just isn't super erroneous from the regulatory side. Problem really is small firms are competing with fuck off huge medical device manufacturers. It's not like this is an artificial heart or something where you're dropping literally almost $100k before the FDA will touch the paperwork.
Store looks fucking fake. Doesn’t appear to be a single item missing from that shelf
>end of society
a what now?
I believe he said "a spook", user.
Make money off treating but not curing coronavirus
Let it kill millions but make a killing off it
ahhhh! that's terrifying. I hate niggers.
>entire aisle of one item
Nice self-own I guess
Do governments run hospitals or corporations? Fucking retard
ask yourself how accurate are those tests. to properly identify this virus requires a clinical lab to process the RNA. the US only has the ability to do about 1000 a day - you think the gooks can do ten times that?
They'd all self isolate into their private bunkers until someone online finds a cure, surely
>free housing
Bro have you been to Cuba? There are thousands of people living in shanty towns right outside of Havana and the conditions make Detroit look like Wakanda in comparison
This is your brain on lead paint. They know how much the treatment will make them. They have armies of actuaries calculating "if you're this gender, this old, from this region, with this diagnosis, and these comorbidities, the average treatment will cost X". It's an absolute science. All they would have to do is take the amount they know they make off the average treatment and then just charge more for the cure. That's the solution retard. Make MORE profit by charging more for the cure than the treatment.
Everyone would go inside and shoot any intruders.
Why are you comparing the refridgerated section in comparison to... wait is that canned egg whites/yolks? What the fuck? I hope that's canned peaches and the low resolution is making it look worse than it is.
Buy healthcare in america
Sin is the number one killer worldwide
>>internet made of tin cans and wire
They were going to get a nice new fiber optic connection from Google but I'm pretty sure Trump put a stop to that
Yeah, they only serve the occasional western tourists and the communist elite, because in local currency everything is ridiculously unaffordable.
>1 post by this ID
All you had to do was not respond.