This seems to be the newest fashion trend. Why are women like this ?
Imagine what would happen if you as a male walk around with gigantic fake balls
This seems to be the newest fashion trend. Why are women like this ?
Imagine what would happen if you as a male walk around with gigantic fake balls
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They counter signalled men objectifying them so long that men listened.
Now they desperately want their attention because men do not give it to them like they wish they did so they are straight up signalling for it.
Just like some kind of baboon with a massive red vulva presenting to a male.
They want chad to fuck them user, but Chad is busy fapping to traps online and smoking weed and doesn't care anymore.
Women are getting desperate for male engagement IRL specifically.
That's hot actually, I like it
Hilariously pathetic.
You got a problem with giant fake balls?
It's called codpieces and they were in fashion for over 50 years.
This is for trannies, faggot. Slide thread.
This would piss me off so fucking much
100% wrong women are actually afraid of intimacy IRL and only want your attention in a vampire sort of way, after walking around all day attempting to be the subject of your desires they go home, jerk off on a webcam, get paid $2,000 and go to bed next to their dog and repeat
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Where have all the good women gone?
Feels like only yesterday the cameltoe was something to point and laugh at, when did this changed?
Is this fake camel toe or fake balls?
Are you implying the wives of these satanic fucks are actually men?
built for you know what
thats extremely hot, if a girl had that phat of pussy lips i'd be done for.
Men and women are not the same, captain blue-pill
Already married and pregnant by the time you ask that question.
Wut durr
lol the camel attachment..
I'm thinking this is for the trannies.
This is some bullshit, its socially acceptable for women to wear codpieces but not men?
I always though that white women had a shape like man, hang balls on them and my suspicious are complete.
That bitch has disgusting hpv dimples all over her legs too
Hi man
so he can get comfortably erect in battle, a smart man.
> Imagine what would happen if you as a male walk around with gigantic fake balls
So most of /pol, ok
I say we fight fire with fire and bring back the good ol' codpiece.
Custom made for my massive cock bitch
i will take my cyanide tonight
that's sure as fuck every canadian girl I've dealth with since 2010 or so
Or they want to text endlessly and LOL at every attempt to meet in person.
Lame as fuck boring bitches. I could've stayed home and done nothing, or not wasted half a day texting LOL for nothing.
big puffy pussies are vile
i mean pussies in general are vile
meme gender
Rip roni
Have left more than one because of their smelly dogs. Always reminds me that compensation is the biggest impediment to achieving our desires.
imagine pulling those off and her dick slaps you across the face
Now trannies can look more convincing
I bet you fuck man ass
Hell is destructive !
Think about, you spend your life jewing hardcore 24/7 and amass a huge fortune/political power and that is the best you can do.
That's extremely obnoxious and irritating.
what a chad!
>gigantic fake balls
Also, what are you sliding?
holy fuck, this can't be real can it?
>puffy vulva tag is real life now
what a bunch of pathetic irrational monkeys.
Feminism turned women into animals. Fuck jews.
>This seems to be the newest fashion trend. Why are women like this ?
So that's how they hide Free Willy!
Why does degeneracy even suprise you anymore?
>the chad gigantic,oversized vulva
>the virgin tiny slit
How’s life in S.E. Asia?
it's just so fucking confusing. cameltoe in itself isn't degenerate (well, showing it in public is, yeah) but faking cameltoe? that's straight up bizarre.
That is so fucking disgusting. I hate fat thott roasties
this is the worst display of false advertising yet.
when I go out scoping for fat pussy lipped roasties, I do NOT want to see that I've been played for a fool when it comes down to going to chow-town
I don't want to live in this timeline anymore :(
Finally, someone who actually gets it. It’s the same reason most women dress so revealingly and got out on weekends. They actually very rarely want to touch anyone, they just want to be seen.
Why are you people still making these threads, you realize there's not gonna be anything like this left right?
Wtf lol
Where is this an actual thing?