Daily reminder that if you eat at a restaurant, go to the gym, go to a concert or have people over for dinner you're literally killing people.
Would you grab a kid off the street and slit their throat? No? Then don't go to Starbucks.
Daily reminder that if you eat at a restaurant, go to the gym, go to a concert or have people over for dinner you're literally killing people.
Would you grab a kid off the street and slit their throat? No? Then don't go to Starbucks.
Shut up nigger
Boomers made this world about the individual. They don't get to rescind now that they're weak.
Please see this tweet by Mark Harris. He writes for Vanity Fair.
they'll reap the benefits of their ignorance. karma is very real, and our entire civilization is about due for a dose of it.
there are anti-Trump people who want this to turn into a great depression
i don't see going out to packed venues as selfish, i see it as stupid. while being a boomer in my 30s i wouldn't die if i got infected, i could still get pneumonia and have to go to hospital, or have to spend a week shivering in bed feeling like death. so in balance, having a dinner and a chat is not really worth the risk. i was in china during february and it was social minimisation: just doing what you had to do, which worked out fine. the "woe is the girl with leukemia" shit in the OP is just a faggy, virtue signalling response. people should be pragmatic and sensible, but westerners are too self-centred and hubristic to think like that.
I ate a big mac today and there is nothing they can do to stop me. Besides if we stop going to these places then the people that man the burger stands end up dead due to homelessness instead of people who are old and already sick AKA dead ends.
>regular worker
>old people
>sick people
>It was warm but it's like 40f/4c again with a cold wind
>Been avoiding the gym too
These people are sick.
It's amazing how many people literally cannot drop political tribalism for like 5 minutes even in the middle of a crisis.
I'm going to the gym and there's nothing you can do about it.
Does the gym still count if I can sweat out the virus and give it to the annoying boomers who never rerack their weights and have god awful form?
If you're a person who's suspectible to die from this thing, then why are YOU going out? Asking everything around you to adapt to your situation is retarded for a myriad of reasons. Everyone there are dumbasses, but at least the healthy people arguably have made a more sane risk evaluation.
these people will get a hospital bed before the boomers that they infect
Lock up your kids!
In fact, why the fuck do you have kids user? Don't you care about global warming?
Liberals think they get special rights.
I will continue to do as I please fuck these people.
So is anyone offering me money to save their lives?
Well when the Gauls invade Rome, the boomers voted to stay in their homes and wait for death so that more young people could fit in the citadel
I agree with the other stuff but not the gym. I'll fucking risk it until it's closed. I need to be in the best shape for what's to come to the world.
I know and what's worse is Qoomers don't even think the virus is real it's actually a cover for Trump to arrest Obama and bring back the gold standard lol
maybe its the weak who should stay isolated
For people that have so mild symptoms they leave their home quarentine you 60iq
i think the point is there is no crisis
Today i ate all 3 meals at restaurants, went shopping in 5 different stores, and humg out with friends in a semi-crowded pub. Also a joint was shared among 3 friends.
Zero fucks were given. Life without living? No thamks.
Boomers can suck my dick.
At Patty's is coming up and so is my birthday, I'm not staying inside because you want to virtue signal your paranoia
Fair point. The only real crisis is how retarded the world is being about this, around 150,000 people die every fucking day and dumbass governments and morons are trifling with peoples livelihoods over 5,000 people, we have 7 billion people on earth, that's more than enough, if craphole china and the rest of the world doesn't stop making so many fucking babies then we can expect high-death toll shit to happen more frequently because the earth can only handle around 11 billion humans or some shit. Every person has an immune system and the recovery rate of this bitch ass joke of a "virus" is 93%, it just shows how people look to the media and dont even do any fucking research. Fuck the lockdowns, fuck the closures, fuck the cancellation of sports leagues. Use your brains for fuck sake PLEASE.
>husband with the HIV
lmao corona-chan taking out the fags
>Would you grab a kid off the street and slit their throat?
A cannanite and kazarian tradition, like you op
didnt some new york jews do that last year? or the year before
As long as these people aren't symptomatic, who gives a shit? All the bitterness from leftists over this is making me think there may be some credence to them wanting this as an enforced boycott to harm the economy.
They should make everything take-out only or only open air seating
Listen to AOC!
Exact same behavior like our idiots 2 days before rushing to the supermarket to hoard toiletpaper and tons of shit like absolute niggers.
Keep mocking, you'll see.
Exactly, it's the responsibility of at-risk people to isolate themselves, not the 99% of people that aren't.
that's a liberal for you: pissed off that someone somewhere is enjoying life
>a husband with HIV
oh nooooo an infectious person has to finally deal with what he put other people through for years
Sean Davis
Sean Davis
Savid neas
Vasid nesa
>go to grocery to buy food
>food out of stock because people stockpiling out of panic
>restaurants still serving food
>get shamed for eating at restaurant by the same people who cleaned out the grocery stores
yeah, you can all go fuck yourselves
What makes this scenario ridiculous is younger people acting all retarded also get priority for hospital beds over the 60 year old boomer who has to run 4 businesses
Why the fuck are the Trotskyites trying to shut the world down?
This. I'm going out and living my life. Fuck George Soros
you were warned to start slow prepping (i.e. just buying a little extra with your regular groceries) back in january.
so fuck yourself.
My bf and I are going to church tomorrow (massive catholic church, seats like, 600) and then we are going to a greek restaurant for gyros.
Literally nothing boomers can do to stop us
How long? How long must we sing this song?
good the people still going to catholic church can't be saved
I'm going to my parents house on a hill for sunrise to pray talk with my parents
Unironically my mother. Help me.
Literally about to spend 700 maple bucks on a home gym so me and my boomer dad can get these mf gains.
Trying to come out of corona with a thicc booty and become and ethos. Jk my parents would murder me.
There's a reason that France, which basically considers hanging out at cafes the national past-time closed all their eateries and such for the duration of the outbreak.
Because large groups of people in an epidemic gathering together is retard-tier. Not only is it optimal for spreading the disease, but in this day and age there are inevitably going to be infectious assholes who decide they want to share Nurgle's lung-butter blessings and go there for a drink and to wipe their filthy, virus-laden flesh all over the surface you're about to eat your chicken tendies on next.
>Don't you care about global warming?
Going by who this disease is primarily killing, global warming is resolving itself via natural selection.
They'll be the first ones to go.
There should be a rule the longer you've self isolated and prepared the higher priority you get at the hospital
but it doesn't work like that
we are socialized to the lowest common denominator which is you
hunter and gathers would have murdered this trait out generations ago
To be fair, it's either believe that or believe we're all fucked like /CVG/
Sometimes people need comfortable fantasies
>a rare black father captured in the wild with white mothers
The only retards are the ones bringing their babies out to shit like this.
Or I'll just go to a restaurant and buy food, and all the shamers can eat my shit.
What astonishes me is people defending socialism during this situation. The wait times are bad enough under this epidemic, wouldn't socialism make it 1000x worse?
>husband with HIV
lmao only FAGS get aids. shut up and die fag.
maybe sick people should stay at home.
it was a chinese restaurant
Did you forget the part where 50 million people were on lockdown in China?
She's a dumb bitch because anyone could be spreading it, symptomatic or not. If anything, people 40 and over should consider staying home since they're the ones who have to worry moreso, allegedly.
Fags aren’t allowed in Christian churches. Oh wait, you’re a catholic
>Sometimes people need comfortable fantasies
this is not the time for that.
this is the time for everyone on earth to do everything they can to fight this virus. this is a war. it must be thought of as a war. we must adopt a wartime attitude.
Uh hello. Based Dept? Yes, I'll hold.
And maybe we need to start obeying Mother Nature, God, the Universe, again and allow the weak to die as they should.
The weak always want shit like Communism. They're NPCs who will go along with anything seemingly easy, so long as they get to survive.
We are in a state of evolutionary flux. Mother Nature never allows the weak to survive. And She always gets the final say.
yeah I was arguing with someone who's apparently going to come and murder me when the boogaloo starts
and he was pissed people are selling $70 hand sanitizer, and all I said was $70 hand sanitizer is better than no hand sanitizer
nobody understands this and they want some government to control everything
I've watched enough videos to know the "free gas" in Venezuela isn't free it's out of stock
^possibly the greatest leaf post ever made
Good thing I interact with literally no one outside of work and lunch, and even then its not entirely frequent
Fat chance faggot.
You can't get people who believe so strongly that they are the opposite sex that they'll cut their own dicks off to ditch their fantasy world.
You can't convince either political party card holder of anything that doesn't fit their talking points.
How the fuck are you going to convince people to not delude themselves this time?
This guy actually seems like he gets it, but then I realize it's likely satire and he's another corporate shill.
but if we kill the virus, it wins.
>why are YOU going out?
Some people have jobs and don't get paid sick leave
>Inb4 "duhh shoulda had a better job :DDD"
That's not how it works
>mom comes into town
>demands we go out for dinner even though I recommend against it
>I eventually give in and we go out to a restaurant a block from my house
>sit down to eat
>like 30 people there after literally every official here is saying to self isolate &/or order out
>5 of the 30 people are coughing their guts out at the bar
>waitresses visually distressed but working regardless because they got bills to pay
>talk about COVID-19 a bit and she says she hasn't noticed anything at the stores as far as people panic buying, thinks it's overblown
>ask her when the last day she went was and she said oh about 2 weeks ago
>fucking 2 weeks
>mom is picking her teeth with her bare nails after touching table, food, glass, door handles, bench seating
I swear women are fucking retarded. I love my mom but Christ if this is actually serious in any way she's going to get herself killed and me included because I love her and I dumbly would try to save her retarded ass. She's the type of person to think everything is just okay for no reason other than it just works out.
>Would you grab a kid off the street and slit their throat?
boomer cope
Just close schools, they are fucking useless any way. Then the rest of society can continue.
Stay paranoid faggot.
I'd cough on you if I saw you knowing you'd probably curl into a ball and cry for a week lmao
Burn it all the fuck down if this is how we're going to live from now on, I say.
my mom is the reason why my family is broken up into 3 houses right now
I wanted to bring all the supplies to 1 location in case shit got bad, and she wanted to go to exercise class and meet with the local representative
I'm not taking any chances so
Fuck that, this virus is the best thing to happen in years. Finally something to upend liberal faggotry.
I'm not worried about myself. I'm worried about my retarded boomer parents.
Did you start with orange pills first, user? It is possible to convert a normie, but don't start with redpills, you have to ease them into it. You should collect some informative pics and show her a slideshow with the depth ramping up day to day. Godspeed.
His point is that people who know the people that know those people will carry it to them and that is all your fault. We have this conversation every damn time vaccines come up.
For some reason if there is a vaccine the only acceptable answer is that anyone in public with a disease is a murderer no matter how fucked up a person would have to be to experience more than mild sympyoms.
Like the flu shot that i notice all the big ads and banners for suddenly disappeared around the time "just a flu" started.
>Would you grab a kid off the street and slit their throat?
Fuggen chegged
i don't even care if it's only one person. that means one less potential infected. i'll take that, because that is the situation we are in. even if just one person changes their habits, that means their family, their community, their friends, and so on and so forth are at less of a risk of infection. everything is exponential, so that means one less occupied ventilator, less strain on services, etc.
Also, if people are this careless after an advisory do you honestly think the cases aren't going to go through the roof? We're literally no better than Italy & I bet you burgers are even worse.
I don’t go anywhere, I stay home playing video games all day
Good, fuck people. I want 'em all dead.
I love my mom too, but I swear I wish I was capable of snapping some fucking sense into her. When she was at Costco today somebody who's on level with a schizophrenic homeless man told her basically everything happeningfags repeat ad-nauseum on this board daily, and the next thing you know she's no different than the panic buyers and refuses to go outside, and will not hesitate to give me an earful if I go outside.
If I get the Wuhan flu, I will make sure I infect at least six hundred sixty six people before I die.
I have no fucking idea what that tweet means or your post. Twitter speak is getting so insane that only the mentally ill can understand it. What the fuck is this supposed to mean?
What I do with little girls stricken with leukemia is my own business.
>NO GOY stop spending money goy!!!
Like we needed any more proof the goal here is to tank our economy
They will be the ones trying to get out of quarantine and will break grocery store windows for the last can of chili, and just when they think they're gotten away, Officer Hair Trigger will end them, and no one will care or ever speak of it again.
My mom doesn't seem to care about any of it. The Epstein situation she avoided because she didn't want to hear about the unpleasantries. Meanwhile my dad dives in head first to these sort of things and has for years. At least he questions things even if it leads to people disliking him for it.