Do you understand how fucked this is?

anons, we asked for this. I find it absolutely fucking hilarious and disgusting at the same time. Do you realize how we have waited for this day?
Can you mentally process that the happening is going on right now? This is it. You are witnessing something that Yas Forums craved and asked for so many fucking years. It has been tried and tried, but it never happened until now.
How does it feel Yas Forums? For years we asked for normies to feel the weight of chaos. Actual madness. We wanted them to wake up and they finally are witnessing fucking madness.
How does it finally feel? We asked for a happening...and it is here. We have a fucking chaotic shitshow of a virus that doesn't go away for shit and keeps coming back for round 2 and round 3 and 4 until its host is dead.

This is it anons. This is what we waited for.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sources familiar with the situation say, and that’s a good thing.

Truth post: yes it is actually a happejing... on a scale much bigger than us anons could have ever imagined. It's like the happening of the apocalypse. Look around the globe everyone and everything is shutting down left and right. It's like wartime conditions everywhere. It went from 0 to apocalypse in less than a month. The only ones behind this are china. China had a virology lab lvl4 biohazard facility where they were working with Corona viruses for "research" (aka bio weapons). This particular lab was 8 miles from the market they said the outbreak started at. This lab has a history of leaking viruses out because of shit poor chink made building standards. Made in China etc. The workers at the lab have been caught before selling their lab animals to the wet msrket. China fucked up and the virus leaked and now China is playing the shift blame away game and try to blame America and the cia. The chinks are subhuman scum and they all should be sent back to China from the west or we should make them slaves for life. It's clear they can't be left to their own devices with western tech because they fuck up everything everytime. Bugs are not meant to play with human toys.

I keep reading conflicting info regarding how long the virus can survive outside the human body. Anyone have proper info on this?

You're drunk again aren't you. You promised youd stop, user.

Long enough. That cruise ship is a virus cloud.

>Do you realize how we have waited for this day?
the fuck you talking about fuck off retard enough of your fake ass story

I've heard some saying up to 9 days on certain surfaces, if thats true every idiot American who ordered shit from WISH since December is fucked.

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feels good man.

Honestly, it's kinda lame. I was hoping for more monsters and mutants. Not much fun going on around here.

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There was a similar scene at a BJ's nearby my house. We got there a few minutes before they opened and saw a line wraped around the entire building. Must have been 300+ people.
And there were more people at another BJ's in Brooklyn with atleast 1000 people no exaggeration.

I'm in queens so I'm probably dead if SHTF anyway, but I have enough food for at least a month and several weeks after of rationing. If anything I have protein shakes and powder with vitamins and peanut butter if it gets real bad.

This is still a nothing burger for me because the virus isn't deadly. I'm worried about the people starting to freak out. Its not panic yet. its more of people trying to prepare just in case shit heads any further south.

What will really scare me is if the internet or the power goes out. But it appears that critical infrastructure is holding up. Theres still traffic and (some) people are still going to work.
If anything the economic recession is going to be a lot worse than the virus. I lost my gig and a lot of my college friends lost their gigs too.

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Promises are for virgins and cucks

It will blow over in a few weeks

So was 8 Mile with Eminem predictive programming for Wuflu? 8 miles away?


>But it appears that critical infrastructure is holding up. Theres still traffic and (some) people are still going to work.

Critical infrastructure held up in Houston during Hurricane Harvey and the historic flooding that occurred. It'll hold up for the flu.

>it's finally happening
Who would've thought it would be over literally nothing.

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It feels fucking AWESOME

This. All of the panic at this point is artificial. As usual Yas Forums is trying to sensationalize how bad the virus actually is.

i just wanted the bs to stop globally...
not this.

how does it come back for more rounds?

are you talking about different strains?

I'm a little worried about the economic impacts as well, if things go to shit I'm gonna be out of a job likely, along with a lot of tech workersl
>service industry workers don't work because everything is canceled now
>have no money to spend on businesses
>buisnessnes have no profits, stop spending on software
>software bubble pops, I'm out of a job and have no other skills but tech

I just wish it was worse

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It feels like I wasnt as ready as I thought I was...

>The Vi
The Vi
>The Vi
The Vi
>The Vi
The Vi
>The Virus

You’re absolutely delusional if you think ANY happening will ever wake up “normies”. You need to accept the fact most people are low/mid IQ and follow societal norms etc. What you do with the rest is up to you.

Hope you all make it, and have happy and fulfilling lives.

already over in china bruh...
This hapoening lasted a season.
Not even a year...

Good. Let it all burn to the ground. Maybe something functional and proper can ride form the ashes.

I hope all the dirty Indian shitskins have to go back to India and lose their h1b visas. Good riddance.

We're far beyond waking up normies. I want the normies to die off, as well as all the SJWs and most of Yas Forums too. I'm tired of dealing with people's trivial entanglements.

It shows me how most people are worthless animals. And you're blaming the elites for treating you how they normally do after this?

Well you see, I wanted a happening but only one that didn't affect me too much. Like a gorilla uprising in the US where the alt right is engaged in all sorts of gorilla warefare with cops and trannies and stuff. This virus stuff is no fair. I'm not even ready.

what's funny is that it's all over a few micrograms of virus. all the corona together, just a few millionths of a gram. kind of poetic. minimalist apocalypse.

Power and internet are really the only thing holding it together right now. A power outage would be the end especially here in NYC/Li
Keeping with the thread theme. I did ask for this
A happening
But I wanted a high velocity happening where it all collapses rather quickly. This is like a slow burn. Not an escape from the mundane, but an added difficulty. I went out to the stores half hoping for a riot or something.

Its worse for me. I'm a senior EE student with no experience. And in person classes got cancelled. Now I have to deal with baby boomer professors that keep sending empty emails to us with [Class name] as the subject. I have no clue if I will graduate on time now

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I'm feeling pretty good IMO, I'm sorted

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Yes, and it's invigorating. This is our time to shine, dear anons. Time to reach out and redpill people about the truth, backed up with facts. Because now normies now for sure no government can be trusted. Even the most diehard Communist and Capitalist today are, at a deeper level, questioning the legitimacy of their dumb ass, archaic systems of economy and social disorder.

The virus will kill off many and bring about a paradigm shift in thinking that the elites would never have dreamed of in a million years.

Have another drink user your not yourself when your sober.

Welcome to the reset, sorry to keep you waiting.

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>Power and internet are really the only thing holding it together right now.
True. I also wonder if everyday people reading up on it and then calling for action to be taken has resulted in more being done. It seems like concerned and informed citizens has impacted those in charge to act.

How I feel about it depends on how much it changes things. If this ends up being nothing but an inconvenienceburger and nothing changes other than ppl die, I'm going to be pissed.

Why do you want them to die off? Use them to your advantage. Cattle is always needed. The issues arise when you try to change them. Accept them for what they are, and see what you can take advantage of. I think most people on this board are dissatisfied because of the state of male and female relations... I get that. I’m not going to #allwomen. People need to learn their lesson, or at least balance needs to be restored. It will be user.
Stock mercury dimes

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hundreds of thousands of Americans overseas are rushing to get back home.
Packing airports. Catching coronavirus.
Soon they'll flood your country with new infections.

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yep, you should have just voted for hillary

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I never wanted this. I'm in the wrong timeline

How gay are you faggot

15 to 19 years
7.2% of population
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 15-19 year olds in the USA 40440
Asuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
20 to 24 years
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 20 to 24 years 37,928
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
25 to 34 years
14.2% of population
Optimistic death rate .2%
Dead 25 to 34 years 79,783
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities
35 to 44 years
16.0% of population
Optimistic death rate .3% (average of ,2% for 50% of age range with .4% for 50% of age range)
Dead 35 to 44 years 135,445
Assuming no medical strain/collapse of medical facilities

Total Deaths USA 15-44, optimistic best case scenario
Total Deaths USA 15-44, partial health system failure
Total Deaths USA 15-44, catestopic health system failure
This IS only death from covid-19 (not including deaths from other factors caused tangentially by covid 19 such as violent crime, supply chain failure, impoverishment etc)
With those factors considered it is quite possible 3 MIllion americans aged between 15-44 will dies.
This also does not consider the reinfection death rate (comparible to that of geratrics with severe illness caused by low antibody count, or the expected wave of slow burn nurological infection cases). Its entirely possible that with them factored in and a death rate including them 7,339,914 Americans aged between 15 and 44 will die and a further 7 million of those age groups from tangental factors, so 15 million.

Best case for zoomers and milennials: 600,000 dead due to disease (50% and tangental factors 50%)
Likley case zoomers and milennials 1 Million due to disease and tangental factors
Worst case zoomers and milennials: 15 million dead to disease and tangental factors

Honestly, you people laugh at oven hoarders, but you really dont have enough ovens yourselves. The average oven burns 450 Jews per day. If you have an oven family of 10, that's 31,500 jews a week. Over 126,000 a month and over 6,000,000 in 4 years. Ovens will be worth their weight in shekels in a few months, because everyone needs it.

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It feels really terrible actually
I thought It would only affect OTHER people
I didn’t sign up for this

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what the fuck is vid related

Yawn. Something something jew something

I am fully prepped, buy still very much a skeptic. Can someone explain to me how exactly this is "THE HAPPENING"? It seems like at worst maybe ~1,000,000 American Boomers will die. I fully accept that this is important, bigger than 9/11 even, but surely this isn't the apocalypse.

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>Do you realize how we have waited for this day?

>the fuck you talking about fuck off retard enough of your fake ass story

Are you new, leaf? There are a lot of us here who genuinely, IRL, hate the world and most people in it. I only hope that this gets worse. I legitimately would like to see a lot of suffering. There are many like me here.

What the fuck is this shit

You'd be lucky is just 1 million zoomers and millennials die user, that would actually be a lucky result far from worse case

>that would actually be a lucky result far from worse case
Can you break it down for me?
Young people are the most infectious carriers of disease, and even the worst dictators began as children. think of the scourge on society that was wrought on us by britney spears, justin timberlake, and the like. they all began as disney mousketeer kids. remember king herod had all children under 4 yrs old slaughtered to prevent the messiah so jesus mary and joseph fled to egypt until jesus was 12, these kids are the tyrants and evil in the world that is being bred and brewed by native americans in the 4 quadrants area, think about it bill gates got her start in new mexico. I do not suggest outright slaughtering the youth, but there must be measured put in place to prevent the katy perry's and entire gambit of child stars growing up and terrorizing us. irl
>inb4 based schizoid danger poster.

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>Are you new, leaf? There are a lot of us here who genuinely, IRL, hate the world and most people in it.
wait did you think Yas Forums was your safespace or something?
>There are many like me here.
so the fuck what idiot there's a bunch of fat moron in life you're one so fucking what?
I don't really care that you hate yourself to the point of hating everything around you but you certainly don't talk for me.

they are trying to sneak it. its the globo-homo agenda using every tactic to use children to drive ad revenue. you could write a entire manual on this one piece. it is the root of all societal ills.

Nah faggot. There are some but there's always a few retards to dim to see their head is in a noose and they are the ones that piss themselves when they realise that too late.

>Welcome to the reset, sorry to keep you waiting.

Let's hope so, user. I don't think this is "the one", but it gives me hope seeing how fast people will freak out and how fragile the whole thing is. When something serious does come along I have no doubt that humanity will show its true colors. Comfy as fuck.

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The people who do all the work to hold shit together will start dropping
Infrastructure failure is nothing if you have the manpower to fix it
Losing skilled and knowledgeable people is unfixable
Disease is worst case scenario apocalypse

If you actually enjoy your existence in this jewish hellscape you're probably mentally disturbed.

Thanks for your input lol

Sad, but truthfully I am looking forward to the chaos. If this is truly a happening of grand scale, I just hope I can survive long enough to help put the pieces back together and shape a better world than the degenerate one which we inhabit.

>Can you break it down for me?
I did

This world is rotten to the core, and it needs a reset. This is not only the happening that we wanted, but the one that we so desperately needed, and deserve.

It's ogre.

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it is the olympics, sports players, politicans, and dignitaries, that are creating the global pandemic. they all carry the worst disease. it got memory holed but the entire boeing jet carrying the AIDS convention fell out of the sky and killed them all. it is the pedophile globohomo elitist roman catholic agenda
>fucking line hoppers
>celebs, athletes, dignitaries, show-children, dog shows, horse shows, movie premiers all these things are the passing of the virus.
brit isle harry and meghan going and dancing in the democratic republic of congo, brit isle charles eating insencts in papua new guinea etc. brits and potato famine nogs are getting lock on sunday. porn stars, escorts, uber drivers, all this globo homo pope francis touchy traveley ness is a bio weapon

I get it, its tough being a retarded jewposter and you have a shit life. Tarding ain't easy

here user...

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you've a good chance of dying are you saying that the world needs you dead?
I know. lol
got to have patience. the sun sets. the sun rites. the ants keep digging.

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>This is it
It isn't. but cool story bro.

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that source tho

Have patience, Those come later on.

Without rampant cannibalism, this is just government-sanctioned agoraphobia.

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>I don't really care that you hate yourself to the point of hating everything around you but you certainly don't talk for me.

No, I certainly don't talk for you. I said there are many like me; not EVERYONE here is like me. I am no better than the one's I hate. I simply hate the REAL virus: humanity. I suppose /pol is somewhat a safespace for misanthropes; do you not agree? Another Christchurch situation would put a smile on my face, not because of muslim victims, the smile would be as wide as if it happened at, well, the Church of Christ.

If it's weaponized assume a few days. You should assume a few days. Remember the videos of the Chinese spraying streets.

>this is it
But its not, go fuck yourself faggot.

Nothing is happening
Nothing ever happens
It will never HABBEBIN

Communism did this. Free the China from Communism means half our corruption problem delt with.

It survives for 2-3 days on surfaces at 37°C(98°F).

Cattle are useful when they convert usually unusable resources into a useful one or the energy out into it produces more than what was put in. For instance, we cannot eat grass as we don't have the stomach to properly digest it, however cows can do it without a problem, as well as produce milk, fertilizer, and can be used for labor. Normies used to be this way, productive, usedful, not as materialistic and dare I say, human. Through shifting demands, diminishing returns for increased input for the average normie, and proclivity to stupidity and violence I find them to be less of a companion or resource and more of a burden and eventually (if not already) an invasive species. If this issue is not solved we will end up in a society akin to brave New world, or Idiocracy and the potential for humanity will be stunted forever.
I don't harbor a strong malicious towards them the way I do sjws who are a cancer on the genepool. But as a deficiency that overtime will gradually lead to suffering if not checked.

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>anons, we asked for this.
you missed the first lesson of fight club
there's no (((we))) on Yas Forums you're anonymous
> I suppose /pol is somewhat a safespace for misanthropes
It's Yas Forums shitbag and yes the second / is very important.
You project your insecurity like the loser you are. You fear to face your own fear so you project them. You're not even a misanthropes you're a coward.