Why are trump fans

So committed to trump? What’s so special about him

>pic related a trump fan defending trump

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He’s a brick in the window. That’s why I’m voting for him

Conservatives are natural cultists, with IQs in the range of 85-90 on average.

because racism is honest and telling people fuck off when they say theyre pangender is righteous. and we don't need more beaners.

Maybe people like the idea of an underdog outsider who has zero political background beating the insider establishment machine.

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I thought he was talking about Bernie Sanders

he's not a communist, and liberals are.


Sorry, science has already settled this. You're wrong.

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This is such garbage. Even rural counties that voted for Trump by 50% margins have Median IQs in the low 100s. North and South Dakota, Western Montana, White Texans etc all have Median IQs in the 104 - 110 range and there are basically no ideological liberals here and 75% of adults are conservatives.

Lol trump has always been part of the establishment

because he is this antichrist and we want armageddon.

Basically just this and also a conservative Supreme Court would uphold free speech.

You’re the retard who just mad the thread about white people having a superiority complex. And the one with the overdosing grand parents.

No. Not really

>a guy with zero political background has always been part of the establishment
Yeah man that's totally why he took on Hillary fucking Clinton

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go back

Because he's committed to us.
It's a love story you will never understand because you have no soul, now run along

Fuck yourself
That’s why.

why are fans so committed, fully stop

fuck you are dumb

Hillary was supposed to win.
Dems cheated where they could to give her more votes and the bitch lost.

Your shit is tired

He's a fellow New Yorker that gives two shits about what you think.

I'm sure you always defend Hollywood types speaking out politically

How many photos of trump hanging out with the Clintons, Oprah, Epstein do you have to see to realise he is part of the establishment?

mostly because of the alternative i imagine

It also doesn't mathematically add up because that IQ range is a far smaller share of the population than are Republicans collectively, and also niggers/spics are a majority of that IQ range.

Same reason left wing retards stuck to obama like the shit he was.

They're retarded.

For their safe, corporate approved opinions?
Laugh at this retard.

Literally more then the same 10 photos always being posted at celebrity gatherings maybe

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fake and gay

They are literally a religious cult. Thoroughly brainwashed idiots

Lots of crossover between TrumpTards and sportsball/evangelicals.
Basically YEA TEAM and MUH GOD'S CHOSEN #1

True .

>keep your friends close, and your enemies closer
This is why he's always winning and why you're always losing.

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He's not a faggot like you.

because he is a good and decent person who is dedicated, sincerely loves his country and his countrymen, and he fulfils his promises, something that got completely eroded amongst you narcissistic fucks

Based answer

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True. And that is why I am now going to vote for... a career politician.

He's Teflon. Nobody can take him down.
But mostly it's cause he's a hilarious shitposter and a walking meme generator. So he has my vote in 2020

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you can spot the truth about Trump by which posts have the most (yous) from migapedes

>underdog outsider

This is the only ignorance I can't tolerate, under dog maybe, outsider common!

Trump has been part of politics one way or the other since the fucking 80's he even formed his own political party that crashed and burned, he's ran for president twice before this one but barely even made the news before, he's friends with every jew corporations who has fucked America since the late 80's and has even done speeches in Congress, the guy wasn't a broke ass rat like Nancy Pelosi before she sold America through government be he's always been there

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it's called having convictions and loyalty. he went against the grain for us. won against all odds.

He makes you and the NWO cucks mad, that's all I fucking need

Nigga you gotta think harder than this

This 80's one hit wonder comes to mind.
Cult Of Personality

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>People that tie themselves to a party and vote party line are natural cultists, with IQs in the range of 85-90 on average.
both sides are greedy kike owned faggots and people they wholly buy into the 2 party repvs dem thing are retarded

No not really you actual fucking retard.
Trump hasn't been in politics for 30+ fucking years, those people are the establishment you dumb fucking subhuman blackest monkey nigger

>Verbal Intelligence
>((( Verbal )))
Is this the participation price for those lacking in actual intelligence?

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Yeah...because inner city welfare recipients who vote for their living, are geniuses.

>When you're a retarded brain dead shill and forget you memeflag

Not a commie.
Triggers faggots.

Circle jerking shills, these fucks are in the same office jerking each other off and getting paid pennies

He is an outsider among the elite. NYC snobs often shunned Trump for not being one of them.

He ran in 1999 under the reform party but left because of David Duke ruining the parties’ reputation and suspended the campaign. The rest is lies. Nancy Pelosi comes from a millionaire family and has billionaire husband.

He won due entirely to appealing to his voters, rather than buying their votes through ads.
He won thanks to our overwhelming support of him that he gained by campaigning on truths that were considered political suicide.
He's a hero to the natural born American individual. A man who truthfully said what he saw and we all agreed with him.

The real question is why are you such a faggot, and why do you hate Trump?

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Checked and saddened. You cannot blame anons for liking trump when he said there were good people on both sides at Charlottesville.

But alas it would appear that the don hasn't done very much for the average white man. Double alas it's not like I'm going to vote for biden

Political illiteracy and a desire to treat political parties as sports teams.

I believe in national sovereignty and borders. Also, there is no such thing as a free lunch.

Suspending Fraking will destroy our economy.

Honestly Trump’s biggest problem is he can’t give a press conference worth a damn. His prepared speeches and debates are generally high quality, but fuck if he can’t read a bullet pointed list without sounding like a high school freshman who just wrote it at lunch. His policies are a step in the right direction but nowhere as extreme as either his supporters or detractors pretend.

>How to spot an obvious shill narrative
You fucking retards are pathetic