Why are Americans so fucking stupid?
Why are Americans so fucking stupid?
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Maybe the jews.... are us
Need it to clean up all the sharts from eating fake food.
it is an npc lamb behaviour
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
I hate this bot so much.
Why are some Americans so fucking stupid?
Answer: America = 60% White 40% Not White
Why are they buying toilet paper instead of food and water?
Trouble is, that might not be enough.
because that's what they saw other people do
Monkey see monkey do. (They're dumb.)
You haven't got America under your full control now kike
Looks like a minority to me.
If you don't wipe your ass with it, you can always eat it. Food can only provide one of those things.
That's pretty cool
Nice easy to control herd
Why would you need to buy water when your tap works and you don't have to worry about drinking water source contamination from storm surge? You idiots realize this isn't a hurricane?
Fuck you C3p0
Dude, you can never have enough TP. It doesn't expire. You'll ALWAYS need it. It's critical and valuable in a habbening. So hoarding it is genius, not retarded.
Most tap water in America is pure fucking poison
Fuck me that's a rare flag.
I bought a bidet off amazon for $40....took 10 minutes to install...don’t know why I didn’t do this sooner
Because they seen people on the internet fighting over it.
This has to be a psychological condition
>I wan dat cause he wan dat
Little kids are like this
Anyone know the technical terminology?
I have no fucking idea what the tp hoarding is about but I am laffin
I might do this myself, I keep on rubbing my arsehole raw with toilet paper anyway.
it's called reselling.
insect mentality
petrol bomb that shit
When Joey salads is the voice of reason holy fuck
spotted the jew
Same here. I've been spreading the good word for a couple years. Now people are willing to listen.
If I was stupid enough to live in a city I would steal that fucking shit right off that niggers truck and pull a gun if he wanted to stop me.
Haha what
Nice try eurotrash
My town's water tastes fine. I even had it tested for heavy metals and other contaminates and it passed everything.
in minecraft
t. nigger
This is giving me the most anxiety of this happening. I can't understand this compulsion and herd mentality. It's really bazar and very unnerving.
because toilet paper is the currency of the future collapse.
>electricity goes out, cutting off your water pressure which cuts off your water
>water stops gets cut off
>Have no TP
>Have to use leaves to wipe your asshole
>now you have poop on your hand
How are people so fucking dumb to not realize why you need TP, especially for multiple people.
He'd just back the truck over you, then you'd go to prison for a felony if you survived.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
Unironically though
He works for Michael Moore and is picking up Michael's daily supply of toilet paper.
>just limit
>just limit
>just limit bro
>just limit
>just limit
fucking npc filth jesus christ.
Honestly you people laugh at nigger hoarders, but you really don't have enough niggers yourselves. The average person uses 1 nigger per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 niggers a week. Over 100 a month. Niggers will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs them.
Why are Russian propaganda memeflag shills so jealous?
Application and a lot of hard work.
and food?
I'll also add, BIDETS DON'T WORK collapse. You fucking teenyboppers think electricity is free, that the people running these powerplants will just infinitely keep doing their jobs supplying you power if shit collapses? No, they will be at home with their families before the fucking powerplant gets overrun with gangs and criminals. ANY big structure eventually gets overrun and used as a base of operations by big gangs in a collapse. The majority will most likely have no electricity. TP is just as valuable as water filtration and fire making kits.
>Not realizing toilet paper will be the new currency when current system falls..
These are the new elites you're looking at
Are you a trans faggot?
>tap water can be contaminated
>you need more water than food
the absolute state of bidet fags
Okay. When's a good time for you?
>before the fucking powerplant gets overrun with gangs and criminals
Are the gangs and criminals going to the power plant to steak the electricity?
NPC glitch
Not everyone likes canned food
But everyone uses toilet paper so
that's a moron. he thinks he's gonna get rich, but the tp companies are just raking in profits and will easily meet demand and his tp will be worth less than he paid. what a tard.
They are going to use it as base of operations, probably because the buildings are usually solid concrete and massive. They also usually have underground complexes. Gang and criminals can capture these places, but also ex military or even the military will take control. In the collapse though electrictity is just the dream of bidet fags. In practice none of that shit would actually happen, people would have no water supply, no water pressure. This would make people turn to outhouses, AND YOU NEED TP FOR THAT. Unless of course you want shit on your hands.
the chinese know how to fix the TP problem
Op is just jealous that we have 500+ rolls of toilet paper
Charmin and Cottonelle formed a confederation and are spamming Yas Forums
thats in Mexico nigger
>not using a roll for each cheek every shit
Also, Bidet fags are living in a fever dream. If society collapses and your precious toilet stops pumping water because the electrical grid goes down, Say bye bye to your bidet. Now your ass is covered in shit and you have to use something to wipe it.
how does the store even allow them to buy that much
get shat upon and kys faggot
What is your tap water going to be contaminated with, brainlet? The bodies of the dead? This virus isn't cholera, dummy.
Are you fucking kidding me right now? Wheres your kid at?
i want that cat to snuggle with
They're running out of food, they need to recycle.
Americans make a mess when they shit because of their diet
Literally because they saw some other NPC doing that and rushed out without thinking. I saw people fighting each other at wal mart for toilet paper while pallets of rice went untouched. People are literally too stupid to survive.
A roll a day? For what, a contest shitter?
I've been wondering that for a long time pal.
Broken education system and lack of natural selection. America has been on top for a long time and the original people who built it up are now long gone. The people who occupy it now simply inherited it and probably coudln't recreate it from scratch if they needed to.
mexican plumbing is so shit you can't even flush the toilet paper so you have to throw it in a bin. better of doing this instead
>stocking up on toilet paper
>not stocking up on food and ammo
>Yanks are retarded
In other words, water is wet
Holy shit kek
I'm a pretty good shot, user.
Filteration plants stop working as people start getting sick, no one to work at the plant. The possibility of the water getting shut off completely is more likely but here are some of the potential contaminants, Just to name a few.
>the coronavirus
>Hepatitis A
And here is what happens if you drink said water if you have no way to filter it then boil it
In that particular order
You fucking geezers think bidets use electricity? Good thing you'll have your rolls of Charmin Ultra when the shotgun wielding motorcycle cannibals come to your house...
Toss a match in when you see fucks like this.
Bidets use water pressure and not electricity, ya dumb faggot.
in order of intelligence from high iq to low
>rural america
>alberta and the maritimes
>west europoor
>urban america
>east europe
>urban california
>southern ontario
tough but true
The water pressure that goes to your toilet requires electricity to keep it flowing, So yes idiot. It will be funny though when you try to turn on your water or use your bidet when the power goes out and you have massively bad diarrhea, What will you do then? eat your shit because you have no TP to wipe it off?
Water pressure requires electricity to keep it flowing, Bidets will not work if your electricity gets turned off. So you're wrong, Sorry.
Where are you from?