Uhhhh when is it safe to get a haircut again?

uhhhh when is it safe to get a haircut again?

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haircuts are for faggots, shave it all or let it grow.


You're a man, just get a buzzcut

women are fucked though


>not cutting your own hair

Why can't I get a haircut? Does your barber spit in your mouth or something?

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I ordered a Wahl pro trimmer from Amazon before Coronachan. Also ordered 2", 1 1/2", and 1 1/4" combs for it.
Prolly DIY guides online, but since I normally wear a hat I went at my hair with it. Wife and family thought it looked pretty good at least.

grow it out like our founding fathers.

if you are white cut your own fucking hair

I have a double crown so dont go to barber/hairdressers because they cant help me, i have just buzzed it my entire life myself.

same had it long in middle school but there's nothing that can be done with it now

Cutting your own hair is a pretty bad idea unless you like looking like a retard

>tfw barber is an asian woman
Might have to wait a couple months to be safe.



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just grow it out until this all blows over

I need to cut my hair but everything is closed

It's just hard to actually get right. Even just a buzzcut will always look better if someone who knows what they're doing does it. homemade haircuts always stand out and make you look special.

When I was shopping for trimmers, I found pet grooming electric trimmers w/ vacuums attached. Not a bad idea actually.

I just bought these. I'm going to #2 my whole head.

learn how to cut your own hair and you'll save quite a lot of money annually

Also after the first few bad cuts, you'll learn what you like best and just maintain that length every week with a minor 5 min trim.


>get a haircut
are you a women?
men should cut their own hair, or have their women do it for them

>last haircut made me look like lloyd christmas
>decide to take the buzzpill and shaved it myself
>look like eminem norwood 2
>now im the guy who wears a beanie all the time until it grows enough to repeat the process

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Never use scissors to cut your own hair. Only use clippers and trimmers.

Scissors just completely make your brain go autistic when staring in a mirror and trying to cut hair.

dunno... I haven't cut my hair since November. I look like a bum. I guess that's gonna be the new look from now on.

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I got my hair cut today. She asked me what I wanted and I told her let me get... "the mass shooter"

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I use scissors to trim my mustache. Can confirm.

>not cutting your own hair

Anyone who cuts their own hair looks like an autistic sperg holy shit everybody on this website is just a bunch of losers

>I haven't cut my hair since November. I look like a bum.
i haven't cut my hair since 2007, looking like a bump has more to do with washing than cutting

first time on the boards kiddo?

I go to a Korean barbershop that charges $10 and does a great job.
I'm a month overdue for a haircut now. I think I'm gonna just buzz it off tomorrow. Try and make a high and tight like back in the Army.

>reddit comes to realise the bandwagon isnt as shiny as they thought


just buzz your hair once a year like me


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are you a discusting British hooligan ?

Imagine being a grown man and not cutting your own hair. What a faggot.

> not shaving it all off
Not gonna make it

use a knife like a real man

We quarantine from Monday.
8 sick, 1 healed.
Borders closed, general shops closed, beauty shops closed. Only grocery shops and pharmacies will stay open

I thought about this too.
I’m prepared to use my dogs clippers (I cut her hair), and just go full buzz cut

Ive been cutting my own hair for a few years and I've had someone at work say it looks good and was surprised I do it myself.

It's hard to get right and I would say you will definitely stand out

based and poverty pilled

I’ve probably saved $5,000 in the last 10 years giving myself haircuts. Also after about 10 shitty haircuts you get a lot better. People don’t even believe I cut my own hair.

How are you people spending this much on haircuts?

They bought into the "men should have short hair" Jew

>he didn't get one before SHTF

You could literally see it coming from a mile away.

>Even just a buzzcut will always look better if someone who knows what they're doing does it.
biggest load of shit i've seen today. unless you're retarded, a buzzcut is impossible to fuck up.

How does one even begin to start cutting their own hair?
Especially for buzzcut

In the end of the world, there's only 2 hair styles: The Unkempt sweaty long hair survivor, and the Bald motherfucker looter. Anything else is NPC tier and you are not gonna make it.

Cut your own hair you idiot. If you don’t have the coordination to cut your hair using a medicine cabinet mirror, then you aren’t white. Then ask someone to trim your neckline so you don’t look like the weird people who have so much neck hair.

Pre lice, post lice hair styles more like.

Buzz cuts are easy. Buy a clipper that come with a set of plastic guards. Use like the second lowest one and evenly go around your whole head. Eventually you’ll learn how to fade and taper using the guard lenghths.

>Buy trimmer and hand mirror for 30 bux at walmart
>Get broom and dustpan
>Go in bathroom
>Turn on your bluetooth speaker
>Put on your Kanye playlist or whatever you listen to while your shower
>Take a shit
>Wash hands
>Put on your guard #1, 2, or 3.
>Start buzzin that motherfucker
>Go over it all liek 20 times to make sure you don't miss any
>Push really hard into your skin if you need to in order to get it even (especially in back of neck)
>Use hand mirror to get the back buzzed down (don't square off neck line)
>You can clean up the front or around the ears with no guard if you need to but not nescessary
>Sweep up
>Rinse hair off your back in the shower
I do go to my barber to get the bottom to a bald fade on back and sides but I am going to cancel my appointment due to the virus. I'm sure she understands.

imagine not knowing how to cut your own hair. grow up faggot

>every time I get a haircut I see a bit more scalp
I'm glad that I have an excuse not to go.

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>isn't a part of the Tactical Bowl Squad
>doesn't breed white goth chicks

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Only faggots and niggers cut their hair.

Use this opportunity to grow it out, faggot. Why do you want to be sharp all the time? Embrace the medieval look

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that feel, that feel
oh lord that feel

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try doing a fade by yourself next time it’s not as hard as it looks. Use your guards and drop a lenght each time till you’re down to 0. If you fuck up you can go to your barber anyway.

How did I do guys?

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There are 3 acceptable hair cuts ,, Smooofskin, buzz cut , or hig and tight . anthing longer than a high and tight ur a hippie faggot shit dick suckin drug poppin loony tooney commie bastard . UGHHHHH YEAH!