Old thread died. Lets keep it going.
General recap: weird fucking sirens, hospitals closing, E. Coli in NC water supply, New Madrid Fault about to shift
Old thread died. Lets keep it going.
General recap: weird fucking sirens, hospitals closing, E. Coli in NC water supply, New Madrid Fault about to shift
The two should just become one state again. Or simply make the State of Franklin again as a buffer zone for when we trick those two states into a massive war.
NC is shifting blue, and more urban culture. TN is still strongly red and redneck
I'm the NC guy in Beaufort checking in
East TN here. I have 3 months worth of ramen & water, bring it on niggers
Checking in. Wake has shut down school through the end of the month
I'm the "schizo" who heard high pitched sirens
raleigh fag here. I live down the street from a nursing home and I've seen ambulances there every day for the past week - dont ever remember seeing that many there so frequently
user in the last thread said he lived in charlotte and hes been hearing a lot of weird sirens alongside ambulances
What are the theories as to what it could possibly mean I didn't read through the rest of the thread.
Start listening to the different police scanners
The siren I heard in TN might be different, but the most plausible one we have is an earth quake siren. It sounded like a modified earthquake siren to me
Western NC here. Pretty comfy.... for now.
I was at the hospital in chapel hill when the first case came in.
TN fucked by tornados now corona is here. Lots of people my age are like, “fuck it we just survived a tornado: I’m going out.” I’ve not heard any sirens.
Mid TN Fag here, my city got hit the worst from the Tornadoes that passed through awhile ago, shit’s emptied out of surrounding stores, lots of ambulances and sirens, heavy police and military presence but mostly due to tornados
Yeah but an earthquake siren doesn't make sense to me.
They still won't make her centerfold because it would just be her tits and a huge waste of ink.
The New Madrid Fault has been having more seismic activity so maybe it's a prep siren? Idk, whatever the fuck I just heard outside i don't have an answer for. After processing it, that freak-out on could've been a loud car as I did have my headphones on, even though i had no sound, and I was in doors with wind and rain screaming at my house.
Cookeville or Baxter? Cookeville fag here
that is literally the worst military plan in all of history
Coastal NC here. Talked to a police crash investigator I always see at the neighborhood convenience store about all the sirens I've been hearing the past few days. He said they're being called out for around two times the amount of car accidents they usually see around this time of year. Unusually nice March weather combined with virus panic means a lot more people on the roads driving stupid. I'd bet that's the case in a lot of other areas, as well.
user in the last thread was mentioning about testing packets in TN.
When do you think that TN will actually become equipped to handle its own testing? Will we be able to? I think TN will be entering a quarantine or lock-down.
How does E. Coli taste NC anons?
Are you on the crystal coast?
It’s in Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, and Chat right now that I know of, it’ll burn through a fuck ton of people before we know it. My city is #1 retiree spot in TN, and our healthcare system is already at brink from the tornados, it’s bad and will only get worse
It's also in Brentwood and assumed to be in Murfreesboro, Franklin and Spring Hill.
Northeast Mississippi reporting for duty.
you got fried chicken?
Asheville user. All the hipsters were at the bars drinking like normal last night and today. Stores are stripped of a lot of stuff. Gun stores/range were all short on ammo but full of people. My gym was a deadzone. I'm loaded up and ready to rock and roll soon as shit gets real. Solid older neighbors on all sides and enough chemically propelled lead to keep me safe a while
sup nigger. whens the last time you hit walmart?
You Appalachian anons have nothing to be afraid of, y'all literally always have the high-ground and got perfect aim. When we see a bear we run, when y'all see a bear y'all see a neighbor.
My cousin and her husband live in Asheville I hope they're ready I should message her.
Can't wait to move to TN or NC
Starkville here. Not shit going on people still going out for dinner and things as usual
fuck off we're full.
>new madrid FINALLY rocks my world
This would mainly kill delta niggers btw
Hit it last night w/ gf to check shit out, all the fucking toilet paper’s gone, might check it out again tonight, I want Oreos
I've lived in both. They got different feels and depending what part. Don't even consider west TN as it's either a no-where's land or black territory. Middle TN is getting packed and really expensive, east TN is a giant tourist trap but comfy too. NC is turning dem, almost entirely black territory. Some cities are only black, east coast carolina is really comfy but also expensive.
I would choose NC but that's my personal preference.
Tennessee East of Nashville, NC West of Hickory, capitol in Knoxville.
I lived in Paris Tennessee. Went to Watkins Porter elementary school.
That's how we keep the niggers out it's real comfy down east NC
It really is, blacks don't really care for middle TN 'cause it's "too boring" so they either go to nashville, loiter in Columbia, or move to Memphis or out of state. I prefer TN out of the too, but I definitely miss the coast.
>TN is still strongly red and redneck
Not Memphis. Any city that fills with colleges becomes liberal and then becomes brown.
This. If it's not an old clan family I say we deport them from our region of the oppurtunity ever arises.
Everyone knows Memphis is black, but they're so different than the rest of TN culture it's generally accepted they're TN only by name.
No, I'm further down the NC coast, but I have friends that live in the OBX.
Im currently in KS due to poor personal management
Infuenza A has the nursing home nearby on lockdown for two days now
6 cases out of a couple dozen
I wish we could carve out Memphis & give it to Arkansas
This isnt 1988 user
They wont talk about anything of value openly
It's really just Raleigh, Durham, and Charlotte. What part are you?
Nashville/Brentwood fag here. Coronavirus was introduced in early Decemebr at the Mainstays hotel from chinese prostutites. In early January, multiple hospitals in downtown nashville were informed that covid-19 was rampant in middle Tennessee and they ignored it for a while. They had numerous confirmed cases in February and hid them. Come at me glowniggers.
I'm in Betty currently not quite Harkers island or Atlantic.
I grew up in Fayetteville but moved to TN
Last time I was in Pulaski, it seemed darker than normal
How do you know this? I read somewhere that Texas had it as early as mid-late December
I've never traveled down to Pulaski. They're "re-claiming" aren't they kek
Really because where I'm at I see nothing but Trump/Pence signs everywhere.
>E. Coli in NC water supply
Really? I haven't heard that and I live here.
stop going out dipshit.
Fucking niggers need genocided
*Atkins Porter. God bless Mrs. Stubblefield
Fuck you mayn
We have enough ugly greasy niggers already
>NC is shifting blue
No, I’m all prepped up, I’ve got masks and gloves, and I only go to wallie world at night to avoid contact :—-DDD
It's in Union County. Apparently it's been lifted but.... I doubt it's truly gone. Boil your water if you live there Anons!
doesn't matter, if a coofer got on the goods and you touch something just to put it back down you're playing russian roulette.
I'm amazed we haven't had any confirmed cases yet, i think the hospital might just not be talking about it.
>How do you know this? I read somewhere that Texas had it as early as mid-late December
Me and my friend definitely didn't get very sick in December.
Me and my friend definitely didn't almost die from non-influenza pneumonia
I definitely don't have an extensive background in communicable diseases
I definitely didn't do nasal and blood drawls on us.
I definitely didn't have them tested recently
Knoxville is total shit
Go out as little as possible, otherwise you're wanting it kek.
TN literally doesn't have any kits. They're asking the CDC to send them and they're sending them back. Incredibly hard to get a test, but pretty soon you can drive to walmart and get tested.
>drive to walmart and get tested
weird fucking reality I live in.
Wake county here. We ran out of masks weeks ago and TP last week. Grocery stores are out of all paper products and lysol. I hate living here. I want to move to the mountains so bad.
I definitely don't believe you were sick at all. Sounds like you had a very merry Christmas. Were the gifts you got made in China?
Hello Beaufort user. Atlantic Beach islandfag here. Do you have your boat prepared?
I laid on the couch for 3 weeks wanting to die. The cold sweats were unbelievable, literally drenching. I still had a cough 2 months later. The biggest problem was extreme malaise.
I go back there every couple of years to see if the family graves are being tended to. Things have changed so much over the years.
I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it but things are happening fast.
Good call leaving Fayetteville. I'd say the cities are becoming more left wing, but only because it's getting richer, not because of demographics. Lot of Romney Republicans turned Biden types here. Yankee and illegal migration has leveled off. Black migration is instate, minus Charlotte. Only Durham is woke and the rest of the state knows they are insane.
I live in Raleigh, and all the city council are ex-engineers and architects minus one fag, so I feel safe.
Nothing wrong with being dem desu, most dems are more rational than most republicans. I hate both parties because they're the exact same side of the autistic coin.
NC independent here, shit has been weird as fuck. Wake and Johnston County Schools closed so far.
I HAD THIS TOO SAME TIME. 3 weeks though? Damn. Mine lasted 1 and a half.
I thought I was going to die when the childhood paranoid creativity started making images in my head
Dims are nigger loving scum
Maybe we could link up and head to shackleford or wherever I'm open to options.
Y'know, in 2018 I got a nasty virus that lasted 2 1/2 weeks. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't swallow, or talk. It went up in my body and my eyes excreted puss so when I woke up I literally had to rip my eyes open. I also had incredibly high fevers I wanted to die... did I get the same virus as this one just 2 years before-hand? It acted like pneumonia and the flu....
I'm really from Hope-Mills, and it looks like the dam is up, I just say Fayetteville. I prefer TN. It's a lot more beautiful and a lot more chaotic here :^)
Nothing wrong, but I'm a Republican and I don't want to be in a blue state.
I had this too, cough from january till 2 weeks ago.
Not according to this! The Hungarians have built a giant Rubik's cube!
Dims? What? You're broken in the head m8