Really makes you think

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The mortality rate raises when symptoms get worse and infected number grows
Just give our queen some time

Right-wing governments don't usually provide quality services and help their people, we know that

>dividing total infected by deaths
Jesus these people don't understand the most bastic of stats

Germany was the first European country to have cases. Italian epidemiologists also believe that Italy's oubtreak orginated from the German Webasto cluster (the company has offices in Lombardy)

There's more than one strain

The elderly in Germany are killed by muslims before the virus can get them.

It's an age thing retards.

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Italians are just nasty.

>all very puzzling
is it though?

This virus was designed to overwhelm hospitals and fuck economies up. It's doing its fucking job.

yeah, because the USSR was so compassionate and efficient

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the absolute death rate is low, but it puts a huge percentage into critical condition and overwhelms the hospitals. When that happens the deaths pile up

Italy is including ALL deaths from patients infected by coronavirus, but this doesn't mean that corona was the primary cause of death. In fact, only two of the people who deceased didn't suffer from other diseases.

maybe because when infrastructure is overloaded, accuracy is lost and failure compounds?

I've yet to connect all the dots, but Israel is involved.

First clever post here. There is also the issue of multiple strains reinfecting weakened survivors or long term damage

Spain has a left wing government and Italy has a coalition of neoliberal normie moderates. Try again Leninfag.

The whiter the country, the better the outcomes in basically everything.

All very puzzling.

The real numbers are actually perfectly in line, but Italy is simply reporting deaths according to different criteria.

Selective testing.

it's already known this virus usually takes 2-4 weeks until patients die. it spreads fast, yet kills slow.

how many die are based on how shitty aur quality is and how many old people you have, shitty atmosphere+more old people=more death

Maybe more tests per capita
Bioweapon to weed out people with "defects," a eugenical weaponory, Sweden, for instance, has already done much euenicism.


No shit but that doesn't explain the discrepancy in the death rate of known cases among developed nations


Too small a sample size, maybe the older people just die quicker? Their death rate is over 1400 now. Lets see what the numbers look like now.

Maybe there was a mutation? Different strains?

Be a euronigger.

Get coronad and die.

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When those 2,000 people have all recovered you can talk.

oh the old people most definitely die quicker

denmark has 2 deaths already, both 80+ years old
meanwhile the li whatshisface doctor took 30 days to die after showing symptoms

Genius. Older people die more often ?

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>(((sam freedman)))

Based and checked


Either that or it was drawing muhamed.

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It's because of triage. Treating this thing requires equipment like ventilators. As the total number of infected grows, the percentage of those die increases because there isn't enough equipment to go around.

Muh 6 gotillion !

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It doesn’t affect white people.

Probable. South Koreas rate was 0.6% a few days ago, it's at 0.77 now.


>Italy is including ALL deaths from patients infected by coronavirus, but this doesn't mean that corona was the primary cause of death. In fact, only two of the people who deceased didn't suffer from other diseases.

Italy does the same thing with the flu, where they count it as "ILI" (influenza-like illness) towards flu deaths. For a comparison sake, in the 2016-2017 season, which was a nasty flu season, 25k people died from the "flu" and infected around 7 million, a mortality rate of 0.35%. So the comparison of saying corona is 10-20X deadlier than the flu is still applicable right now.

a 50 year old and a 30 yr old just died in NJ of the virus so you're wrong

Italy's actual government is a leftist one you retarded ruski

How fat were they?

not fat at all actually

Have you bought enough toilet paper?

Affect was right.

>cases increase
>hospitals get crowded
>not enough space to treat everyone
>untreated more likely to die

lol my anecdotal evidence goes against statically data. You're like the neo-liberal faggots that have one nice nigger and so let millions invade my country.

>small data point under tail end of normal distribution curve
>"this point proves the distribution doesn't exist"

statistics and probability education is important.

are you implying we have real data from the CDC? they tested barely 100 people here

They also dont understand how the spread works. Active people are more likely to be infected. Ill health and elderly people are more likely to die. When it spreads early it's usually healthy active people. When it gets going then it hits the elderly and ill health and deaths skyrocket.

If youre over 60 and live anywhere south of the north pole or north of the south pole you should be shitting your pants right now.

The total numbers of infected are wrong.

*laughs in RBMK-type*

Yall are dumb. Read if and weep.

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americans are obese, have aids, and are generally unhealthy, what do you expect?

The discrepancy comes from how those cultures deal with the elderly. Italians are more family oriented whereas germans are machines who have no time for family. Active people get infected first and they spread it around by being active. Elderly people arent as active so they get it from active people they know. If your grandmother is around a bunch of family members then shes gonna get it eventually.

Why do yall expect a uniform spreading across different nations that have different behaviors?

Italians are also ones to kiss you on your cheek to say hello whereas germans are autistic and cant even look you in the eye from 6ft away

It’s simple. The nations listed with lower death rates are doing a better job testing. Give it a week and Germany and company will be right by Italy

No it's a small sample size and youre comparing different cultures with different behaviors entirely. For fucks sake they say hello by kissing in italy

>whereas germans are machines who have no time for family
You say that but my family is shit.

how obese are you?

Well I did come across a rabbi saying that their Messiah will return once, Europe has completely been destroyed but that it would be at the hands of their proxy religion they created. Islam

Thanks leaf.

you're supposed to compare deaths to recovered faggot

Whats this mean for dumb rednecks in mid americuh?

The whiter you are the more immune

Nords > germans > iberians > shitalians

Heard a long time ago that Italians were importing Chinese to work in various industries like clothing manufacture so they could still charge mark-up for "made in Italy" but with cheap Chinese labor. Same thing happens in Canada. Been seeing a lot of cheap quality clothing on the market lately marked as made in Italy

"just ignore everything except Italy, be scared and afraid" - The Media

As hospital systems get overrun the virus becomes more destructive. As nurses and doctors get infected out gets worse. When healthcare professionals take time off work to watch their kids because school is out of gets worse.

we're saying that a single 30 year old dying doesn't disprove the claim that the vast majority of deaths are in the elderly or those with compromised respiratory systems. that's what the data from every country you can reasonably trust seems to show.

The question is the age distribution of the infected.

If Scandinavia and Germany are keeping COVID-19 away from seniors, the death rate will be naturally lower as it's best at killing senior citizens.

Italy had no fucking luck there and it's actually 1,266 deaths at this point out of 17,760 cases (7.1% mortality). Spain is now at a 3.1% mortality rate (191 dead/6,046 cases). Germany is 4,599 cases and 9 deaths now, showing that even as the disease spreads, they've kept the most vulnerable parts of their population mostly uninfected so far but still a few of the elderly ended up ill.

Scandinavia is in the same boat- most of their illnesses are travel-related and younger people outside the deadliest range of age for the disease. Thus a very, very low mortality rate.

Np, the two can be very confusing sometimes. I suggest using the word "impact" to just avoid it all together.

Why are we not hearing much from the desert countries? Is it because of the heat? Iraq, Saud, Jordan, etc

Were they healthy? Not obese?

More to it than just saying they died.

Seems like meds die more from this even though all of this shit is fake

im just saying you arent perfectly safe under 50 like your pic claims, which is objectively true

It's almost as if the media blew this whole thing up to crash the economy to hurt Trump.

Takes 8 days to develop respiratory failure.
So duh..

It's the lysine:arginine ratio in their diets. If it's too high arginine to lysine, you will die. If it's high lysine to arginine, you'll suffer but be fine.

Everyone is lying, some lie more than others.

Isn't the first patient in Europe German?

>If Scandinavia and Germany are keeping COVID-19 away from seniors, the death rate will be naturally lower as it's best at killing senior citizens.

This is exactly whats happening. Take a look at SK, and how it's death rate is so low. How can that be? Because look which age group is getting infected the most compared to Italy.

In fact if you take the known general mortality rate of the 70+ crowd and 80+ crowd, it lines up pretty fucking well for SK's total number of deaths, where 95% of deaths are from the 70+ crowd.

Attached: CovidItalyAndSK.jpg (1536x672, 95.71K)

Coronachan is a late bloomer
Give her time and there'll be bushels of cases
It is spring time after all

evidence for this?

Maybe because we are 1-2 months behind Italy

The actual reason is because since about 2005 we've seen yearly epidemics of flu among elderly people in hospitals. I'm pretty sure my grandfather died in summer 2017 because of it and I know my grandmother died in summer 2019 because of it. There's no reason why mortality among the Silent Generation should have been higher than the Greatest Generation yet somehow oldies born in the 1930s are dying in waves that didn't occur 20 years ago when the WWII generation was dying off. And that "somehow" is pajeet doctors that don't really know how to do medicine.

You could probably make a killing doing a small private clinic as a white doctor that actually washes his hands after shitting.