@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/14/20
>Pres Trump declares Natl State of Emergency over Corona-chan 3/13/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on Dobbs 3/13/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 3/13/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/13/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on EWTN 3/13/20
>Justice Gorsuch on SCOTUS 101 3/13/20
>CMSAdm Verma on Tucker 3/13/20
>CMSAdm Verma on FoxNews 3/13/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on F&F 3/13/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on MSNBC 3/13/20
>ACC Comdr Gen Holmes on Corona-chan 3/13/20
>CDC Briefing Room: Corona-chan Update 3/13/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (CENTCOM Comdr USMCGen McKenzie) 3/13/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (USFK Comdr ArmyGen Abrams) 3/13/20
>This Week@State 3/13/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Reminder that this chinese cold will be over before you know it thanks to Farr's Law.



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The NPC meme may be one of Yas Forums's most underappreciated wins.

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You had better be procreating so whites can inherit the earth.

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>all these NPCs mad as fuck that Trump doesn't have Corona

Is there any further proof needed that these people are mentally ill

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Yeah I'm thinkin +50%

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reminder that farr's law exists

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Is evil a mental illness? Don't shift blame unduly friend

Dank meme ben

That's what Italy said before their hospitals all got overrun and everyone got told to stay home.

>80s edition

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>be cop
>become redpilled on the blacks in a few hours

Mentally ill doesn't begin with them.

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Italian politicians were literally telling their people to hug plague-bearing chinks.


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dang, man. hope you heal up quick!

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nigger what

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VirusBong on fucking notice

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There shouldn't be any degeneracy in this Country!

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>poll says that Arizona is going blue FOR REAL this time
>refuses to give sample methodology


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Easy. If this had hit in July, I might be sweating a little for POTUS and the November election. This too shall pass.

yes. show me canada's protection against warrantless search and seizure

Working on it,fren thanks still have a few weeks maybe a month before things get simi normal.

Italy has socialized medicine, thousands of chinks because they sold out to China, and what the their guy said.

don't forget the what I can only imagine is a furry related avatar

What if the chicom flu's intended purpose is to poison the US leadership and/or population against the idea of disruptions to the supply chain?

It accomplishes this by simultaneously disrupting business in the homeland as well.

If the Chicoms were to start shilling against it, their intentions would be obvious to all and cause the smarter leaders to seriously question the relationship.

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You're getting a lot better at making these Yugis. Pretty hard to redraw anime IMO.

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Rush was saying yesterday that the maga people will not rest until there's a bounce back that's even bigger than it has been in the last two years.

the fucking democrats have no idea what they're asking for AS USUAL

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Remember when they were lecturing you about this shit

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Pity for them that flus don't travel well in July. :^)

Actually I just crunched a few numbers and the poll is assuming that something like 37% of Arizona's electorate will be non-white, up from 25% in 2016.

>Democrats can only win AZ in an alternate universe where non-white turnout is magically much higher than is actually possible

they're mostly recombined screenshots rather than being redrawn but thanks anyway

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I don't know if it's great or sad but I haven't and I'm old.

>wanted to hang out with a girl but she told me no cause social distancing

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looks like Barron

>Women's new excuse for turning down simps

its one of those things you probably never notice

my favorite /x/ theory was the one that said the virus was injected into adrenochrome to poison the elites and in a few weeks, once everyone is on lockdown, Trump is going to be unveiling a RICO case against the Vatican

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hence why trump is not mentioning pulling companies from china to US
he's still warming people up and letting come to their conclusion why open and unchecked border is bad and I think most countries and even normies have realized just how fucked doing that is.

I think he will bring up the supply chain to US argument after testing and corona dies down and elections ramp up again.

>Trump has 93% approval among Republicans
>but polls show that Biden is magically taking a large chunk of Republicans

You know these polls are cooked.

Changed MKGA to MAGA for you.

Nearly everyone gets the non-genital form: Warts. Genital HPV is relatively rare.

No problem. Did fem!Yugi actually appear in the anime or something?

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Imagine shilling for mitt fucking romney

>spent the day hiking with rental tom before hitting the bar for lunch because "fuck that social distancing thing i'm sick of these children"
Gotta stop spending time with npcs

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If you're a man you likely have no symptoms and probably haven't even been screened for HPV.

That's half of what the Qtards said except they were claiming Obama/deep state instead of Vatican.

i saw that one too. fucking Q tards are mentally ill l


Wtf is going on here, did Drumpf turn O'Hare into a coof camp?

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>No problem. Did fem!Yugi actually appear in the anime or something?
nah. strangely popular among anime artists, though. something about her has an oddly "cursed" quality.

>spent the day hiking with rental tom before hitting the bar for lunch because "fuck that social distancing thing i'm sick of these children"
absolutely based

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>polls show that Trump is winning with over 45s
>Democrats are entirely reliant on youths showing up to vote to swing things in their favor

ruh roh

Makes a lot of sense actually.

>when the tp runs out.

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one surprising thing from lurking resetra and plebbit is why are they still blindly following these polls?
they got fucked in 2016, in midterm senates, they got houses right but the margin of error was too close for most, beto, bernie, biden and trump now.

that is a bad track record and shows they're not being truthful.

they have such short memories most of the time.

it's still too expensive to really bring everything home, I think Trump will try to use the upcoming India trade deal as a way to move major US operations into a cheap market that is still US friendly

The coronavirus didn't come from China but Ayys releasing their sewage waste in our atmosphere during their probing adductions.

White zoomers are for trump

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Fuck I miss that anime. Inuyashiki was probably the best show I watched that year.

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dont they only abduct rural americans?

>Nearly everyone gets the non-genital form: Warts. Genital HPV is relatively rare.
Never had them.

damn user thats more than I make in a year

what is happening in this picture?

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POTUS Schedule Sunday

An energy dynamo like Trump is on full display with this crisis. He works non stop and requires the same of those around him.

The media built this up so much and put the spotlight on Trump Admin and they are shining. This event is turning out to be a huge campaign advertisement.

ps Remember to pray tomorrow.


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mfw the democrats jumped the shark AGAIN on the baloney virus and it's a memory in 2 months time and MAGA goes full steam again until november

I had surgery full blood work ran.
Never been told I had ant STDs.

/ptg/ btfo

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I wouldn't even give it two months.

Well yeah it would be better to build up the poos as an ally than Chicoms, but global trade is probably going to have a rough half-century due to lack of american protection anyway.

everything is jared's fault

That's what CCCP wants you to think.

>when the tp runs out
You know what that means, right?
I had to use the thumb.

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How many times do I have to post this pasta

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>the aliens won't visit because they only know about the rural retards

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India is more hostile than China assuming the Phase One terms are adhered to. India still has 49% forced transfer bullshit. If companies are leaving China they're coming all the way home, or at worst to Mexico.

>This event is turning out to be a huge campaign advertisement.

It’s a lot more than that. Trump is reorganizing the way the entire public/private sector responds to a health crisis.

>using Tucker as an example
Not the best case since he was forced into shilling DNC talking points yesterday. Everybody who watched noticed, BIGLY.

Biden has absolutely no chance against drumpf

>no policies
>no turn out factor

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Based spic boomer

they have to cling to them for hope as well as the media gaslight to keep them from utter despair. A despair that will hit hard on election day

poos over godless commie chinese any day

Imagine how mentally ill you have to be to be this obsessed with yourself

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India, Vietnam, Phillipines, and Mexico are hot spots. The Department of Commerce has been pushing manufacturing and trade alternatives via the TEPP programs for a while now to even SMBs.

China's time in the sun is coming to an end, at least so far as the utter free for all with US companies.

He also licked king nigger's boots.
That alone is pathetic.

Seriously considering the long term lease for this one, just gotta get a few more test drives in, but definitely looks good
>i can't be a lesbian, girls are soft and all but they don't have cock

>another press briefing
If Parscale is here right now, or Hope or whoever. Tell them to put that surgeon general front and center and SHOUT that these social distancing bullshits are for your grandma not normal people

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Five bucks says they believe they are justified because of that.

excellent point

wait until trump starts talking about his son's crack smoking and knocking up strippers and refusing to pay child support. biden is going to fucking melt down he'll be so triggered daily

im mid 20s and trump workrate is mad.
he's a fucking machine, I have to scramble just to keep track of all the events and pressers and stuff he does.
not even getting into the transparency and open questions he lets journalists ask him.

banned.video/watch?id=5e6bef5ed9b2560029701f6c Texas Governor Declares Martial Law And Europe Now Epicenter Of Coronavirus

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Odds of getting hit by lightning are 1 in 10,000. There are 7.8 billion people in the world. A billion is a thousand million. So the world's population is 7.8 million thousands, or 780,000 ten thousands. Coronavirus would need to kill about a million people for dying from it to be the same probability as getting stuck by lightning, which not everyone does from.

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>tfw 2018 was winnable
>tfw margin of victory for dems in closest races with 105% turnout was only 180k votes
>if Republicans had had just 200k more votes in these districts they'd have won 25 more seats than they did
>Democrats spent 400 MILLION more than Republicans to do this, likely the main reason Biden has so much trouble doing any meaningful fundraising in 2020
>bankrupting yourselves for a pointless win
>and the only reason Trump let it happen is because those 25 seats were mostly occupied by nevertrumpers who hated him anyway

Fucking lol. Also like almost all the CA seats they won in 2018 are polling Republican in 2020


Literally fake news.

Groyperinos are with Yang first, many of them will probably go lolbergtarian.

Honestly Trump doesn't even have to go full force; just some light prodding with reporters or on twatter and Joe will start asking to take people outside. He's so far into dementia that it doesn't take much to get his irish up

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Trump's going to come out this looking great, he'll be able to claim he saved the country from a plague that originated in CHYNA and blame Biden and the democrats for making us dependent on them for medical supplies

Once again Kek is essentially gifting us victory through chaos

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tbdes~ I only know surface level info on india/US trade relations, if you have any links to learn more do share.
but for China I don't think they'll ever fully adhere to phase one, they're sneaky fucks that have been getting away with breaking all sorts of rules in the past, why stop now? And as far as Trump is concerned, he wins wither way. If they adhere to phase one rules, it's a good place for the US to be in, if they break the rules he can once again start putting pressure on them

Virus exists purely to distract from Biden's shittiness as a candidate. If Bernie does a single thing right it'll be to lay into Biden when the debate comes (he wont).

cops are wallhacking psychopaths

uh, rough math on that is 1.56 billion

Tulsi Gabbard should drop put.

>got mired by qt from outside the safety zone this morning

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