>Too cold for shitskins (Niggers are only 3.6 percent of the total population)
>Land is dirt cheap
>Real Estate is the least Jewed
>Can literally live innawoods in case there is a catastrophe or if you love nature
>Beautiful scenery
It's the perfect place to raise a white family
Why haven't you taken the Alaskanpill?
Oh and white have evolved for the northern cold weather.
Last time I checked, Natives and Filipinos were shitskins
Try living there in summer you will get eaten alive by swarms of flies and mosquitos. In the winter you will freeze your nuts off every day and only get 2 hours of day light
Because it's fucking Alaska.
Warm tropical climates are for subhuman shitskins
That's alright with me maine
Anchorage is pretty much the most populated area and real estate is expensive as fuck there. You'll have a hell of a hard time finding a job anywhere else in the state unless it's in something like fishing (long hours and very dangerous). Food and everyday things are also very expensive if you live far from the city.
>Not living in Anchorage and having land you can vacation on and hunt on.
I came from gulfport didn't buy the meme
4th year as an allweather arborist, if you dont do the shiver resist that iconography and media have used to visual shorthand "this is cold", and sorta let it wash over you relaxed like you do in the beach sun, it doesn't hurt, and doesn't damage you, it's just very ACUTE a sensation.
I spent my life in the MS heat, and all that conditioning was nothing compared to going home.
I can kick it fully relaxed in the cold, I suspect if my gaunt ass can, you can. I guess i was scared to let the cold creep in, for fear that it would worsen did i not tense up and shiver or some garbage.
Turns out, Its pretty comfy until you hit the 20s F wise.
Snownigger genes helping us out once again for free.
157 acres, what's the fucking taxes on that shit. No fucking thanks
Taxes tax the worth, not the size.
>>Too cold for shitskins
Post the population of spics, natives, and other assorted browns.
taxes are by value of the property not the size you dumb cunt
it's a depressing shithole
Because seasonal depression is bad enough in Ohio. IDK how alaskan bots cope with 3 months of darkness.
Fuck off we're full. Fucking chink pilots coming in with their coronavirus is bad enough.
any jobs?
Yes. Homeless alcoholic injun enablers are in high demand
Fuck off we're full
What about southern Alaska? Surely not all parts of Alaska have two hour sunlight winters. Also eskimos aren’t white so obviously other non-whites can live there.
Its full. Fuck off
You don't want more whites in Alaska?
No. We have enough Seattle and Portland transplants. Dealing with the Federation of Natives, Catholic Social Services, and PETA's war on the Iditarod is hard enough, importing more soft liberal faggots is suicide
Pick one
I've been thinking about it a lot lately. Would be comfortable driving a truck / flying my 1970's Cessna through the beautiful landscapes.
My grandparents on my mom's side came from Germany, and my grandparents on my dad's side came from France. Both my mom and my dad are white. So yeah, I was lucky to a European white. Might be a little Jewish though since I have family relatives with (((Merchant))) as their last name.
I've been living in Alaska for 3 years, there is no benefit to living here. This is a horrible place to raise a family.
What they don't tell you is that the streets are littered with violent drunk native Americans, and drug addicts who do cocaine, and heroine. That 8 months of winter means higher expenses and if you somehow get killed or kidnapped, nobody will find you. After you've done all the fun things it's not fun anymore unless you like to do outdoor shit all the time. Internet and ping SUCKS, the people are actually really fucking weird, everything is overpriced even if it's shitty. Stores close down all the time, and you need to rely on online shipping services.
Alaska is a beautiful place don't get me wrong, but most people aren't going to want this lifestyle. Don't forget the suicide rates...
they actually bring it all the way up their?
Don't forget the bush native rape/incest/murder rates pushing us to the top of all the lists no sane person wants their state to be on
What about the part where the tanker ship can't make to the docks because the ice and then there is no heating oil for winter?
Alaska as a state cannot survive without imports. That is some terrifying shit.
This. Wonderful place to visit on vacation. Absolute hellhole to live in permanently.
Meth mostly. There is a west coast nigger community bringing up crack and coke to supply the samoans, the mudsharks, and other niggerw
Yeah dude. In Anchorage there is plenty of Heroin and Coke and gangs have rapidly expanded there. The difference from the mainland is that it is more expensive around 40$ for .1 of a gram of heroin. The extra expense means addicts are sketchy as hell and drug dealers are rich.
*niggers. Sorry for the typo
>Too cold for shitskins (Niggers are only 3.6 percent of the total population)
This is never true. They will move anywhere if there are gibs to be had. Just look at Canada.
Alaskan natives are far less shitskin than the rest of the continent
Lived in Anchorage back in the early 90's. Can confirm. Oil boom leftovers, and military bases meant a lot of noggs
He says let the dark side flow through you young skywalker
TFW niggers come out to Eagle River to raid grocery stores
USAers are not white
>too little women
>high rape rates because of not enough women
>mosquitoes literally everywhere
>giant fucking clouds of mosquitoes
i can almost guarantee pic related has shirt internet and is in the middle of nowhere
i wouldn't mind living there though desu
i fucking hate flies and mosquitos
You guys crowdsource me the money and I'll go and start building the Yas Forums compound.
Yeah my mother grew up in Alaska and Washington said the mosquitoes are bigger than anything in the rest of the US. Fuck that if I had some extra money and someone to handle the property taxes I would own land there but don't think I could call it home.
The VAST majority of non-white population in Canada is in the most urbanized and temperate parts of the country.
Move up north, return to your natural habitat.
I was born and raised in Fairbanks. I ended up leaving and moving to the southern United States in my mid thirties to find a woman to have children with. The people in Alaska are absolutely horrible, especially the women. Pure garbage. I will move back up once the kids are grown and out of the house, but I wouldn’t want to raise children up there around the types of people that dwell there.
Horrible place to raise a family. 100% of the women raised up there are turbo sluts and unfit to become mothers.
It looks like a place you can be comfy in a cabin with a trad wife
96% of women. We do have a handful of Mormons scattered across the state.
I'm guessing OP doesn't actually live in Alaska. It is NOT a white paradise. Drunk natives everywhere and LOTS of Filipinos and the whites are weird; they won't identify with you. Everything is expensive and good luck finding a woman if you are single. You have to be TOUGH to thrive in Alaska and you likely aren't the kind of tough that it takes. I'd recommend staying away.
Also, that land looks like a swamp/bog which is why it's so "cheap".
>Duuuuuh i no get sunlight so now im saaaad
Low T.
Kek this dude really thinks that the tradwife isnt cucking Jeremiah in the cornfields with Bartholomew.
I would fucking love to take some dna testing kits up there and test every single family to see how many paternity frauds there are.
This is why I won’t be there.
Dont forget the pavement apes.
Alaska is fucked. Everyone outside, leave us to our own civil war, its coming and its going to be bigly
>Niggers are only 3.6 percent of the total populatio
Too many Niggers
Whatever 2 posts by this reply. Enjoy your brown skinned, wide nosed, sickle celled son from your (((totally))) faithful wife. The best part will be every year on your anniversary when you look the wife in the eyes and say junior looks just like her
> You'll have a hell of a hard time finding a job anywhere else in the state
I literally packed a duffelbag and bought a 1-way ticket to Kodiak for the summer of 2015 with no job lined up for me. I got a construction job out of a bar my first night there paying $40-50 per hour depending on the job site. Due to the short work season we worked a shit ton of overtime and I made about 50k in 4 months. If you are an fit male in his 20s and aren't afraid of physical risk you can make a killing in Alaska. There's tons of work and not nearly enough labor to go around up there.
And then everybody clapped