>India vs China
Which of the two larger shitholes do you hate more?
India vs China
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I don't hate either.
India has a proud history but is in a less than desirable position right now.
China has some problems but their government does have some based aspects to it.
both are fairly bottoms of humanity. both are subhumans as well, but at least, poos are funny and dorky unlike, hateful and malicious chinks.
india would get btfo in a war with china tho
>Which of the two larger shitholes do you hate more?
China. The Poo's don't harvest organs from political prisoners and torture animals as the cook them.
I go with India. Fuck dog-eating subhuman Chinks! Fuck third world shithole China!
China is second world by definition.
Why is India even compared to China? India is far less developed than China. They have a lower HDI than the Philippines and Indonesia. It's not even a close comparison.
let's all be frens okay
None, because I don't hate countries/people that I never met/went in my entire life. Just because the government fucked up, you shouldn't hate millions of people that can't do nothing about it.
Quads of truth
tough call but China. And I've been to both
Do you have any idea how many diseases like this new virus come from there? And all because they're dirty fucks who eat all sorts of wild animals and their animal markets are disgusting and harbor all sorts of viruses and germs.
Pre-Nixon, yeah. Read a book.
India, they're taking all our STEM jobs.
Absolutely china.
When those yellow fucks cut the world off from Corona medicine like they threatened, and Xinnie the Pooh directs Huawei to shut down all the cell phones on earth, they're going to release a wave of 500 million troops and fucking occupy the planet. Fear the chink menace.
I hate them both equally but for slightly different reasons. Then again I hate all retards, which is 99% of humanity.
fuck india
also checked.
Their Umbrella Corp lab in Wuhan released this shit retard. It wasn't bat soup. Stop being a dumb spic.
It's irrelevant now and has been since the ussr collapsed. Read a book, like clash of civilizations.
What about Vietnam, Laos, and Cuba (maybe NK as well but they're not officially Marxist anymore)? They never really had a "split" with the USSR, so are they still considered second world?
2020 super power
At least Indians don't immigrate to other places en masse and pretend the land is theirs
>Xin Jiang
Being shit within their border is fine. Things get posted online only for shits and giggles. Being shit abroad is not.
>I've been to both
So you have used a designated shitting street AND have covid19.
Ah. That explains it.
I hope you have enough tinfoil to wipe your ass, you american education victim.
The one that's actually sinister as fuck and an active threat to the entire world, obviously. Poos are just distasteful, China is legitimately fucking dangerous.
Simply, China.
There is no damage India has done to me and my life. China gave me Coronavirus and SARS, and fine dust. And most Chinese residents in SK are unsanitary, cheap and dirty. Yas Forums say that Indians are dirty, but they don't live here, so I'm okay with Indians.
compare poojeet tourist and chink tourist,
if there's one thing i hate when traveling is the chink tourist. Obnoxious cunt
China. Aft least the Indians eat normal things. The Chinese also have designated shitting streets.
india because they accept the American zog
Imagine being this gay
>doesn't even know how to play cricket
>Test status, #4 in world generally at cricket (POMs, Upsideupland, Soofafreeka then Pooinloo)
Poos > Chus
Because both are massive polluted shit holes.
What's wrong with using the organs of prisoners.
Might as well get some use out of them.
>There is no damage India has done to me and my life.
Pajeets themselves are useless to world. And Don't foget their smell.
chinks are east aryan so they win
hello rabbi
Useless is preferable to actively damaging. China is a menace.
>Indians don't immigrate to other places en mass and pretend the land is theirs
Imagine being this dumb.
>en mass
is key
poos dont seem to mass immigrate anywhere, even the few poos here seem to just be STEMcucks happy to pay 50% tax on their wage so i can live on my NEETbux
Your entire nation is basically half-Indian, half-Chinese. So I'm kinda curious about the reputation and image of India and Indians and China and Chinese your people have.
>Which of the two larger shitholes do you hate more?
China, for their lack of soul. At least Indians have a cool religion and like being outside and talking to each other. Chinese are like a race of cyborgs created in a lab. They screech at each other while cats and dogs are tormented in cages behind them. They bite the heads off live animals and lets babies die in the street. They have children purely so they will have someone to take care of them when they're older. Indians seem like they at least have some humanity to them. I'll take the hygiene issues of an Indian over the inhumanity issues of a chink.
>Thinks the webms is what they're all like
Team India here. Indians actually have souls.
Your EU overlords haven't given you permission to hate anyone. You have to be tolerant of all the people who get dumped in your neighborhood. Your input isn't required.
India, there is no debate. Most Chinese do not want to immigrate. whereas you couldn't find a poo nigger who can't wait to immigrate somewhere. At least the Chinese govt provides some reasonable assistance and they have a culture of surviving and cooperation. I don't even know what the fuck is happening in India. It is a goddamn cesspit. Chinese people may be insects, but there is some responsibility underneath their layers of subhuman. Indians are wildly irresponsible in just about everything.
India is only better than China due to temperment imo. Their women are hideous and hairy and should stay tf away from us. Whereas some Chinese woman aren't bad to look at.
India has a fairly admirable culture, a based president, normal and tasty food, Hindustani/carnatic music, Hinduism (which may relate to European paganism) and humor. The only downside is the overpopulation and sanitation.
China has continuously fucked the western economies, been the source of countless diseases, have been the harbingers of a genocidal communist regime, and has effectively erased many of it's cultural traditions. Not to mention Hong Kong.
Those webms are perfect illustrations of how they are. The Chinese indifference toward their countrymen is a countrywide phenomenon. Chinese law essentially incentive hit and runs, or outright killings vs. injuring. They also de-incentivize helping anyone who's injured by holding you liable if you intervene in any way. Compound this over decades and you get insectoids devoid of emotion.
China. At least the Pajeets are bros.
>Your entire nation is basically half-Indian, half-Chinese. So I'm kinda curious about the reputation and image of India and Indians and China and Chinese your people have.
We usually discriminate against Indian-Malaysians (Tamil ones). However, it is mostly due to their skin color and thug lifestyle. But the Chinks are vulgar, greedy, and full of hostility. They are the Jews in this country and SEA. Nobody likes them here. What we look up and like in North Asia is S.Korea and Japan.
>you must be jewish if you hate the 2nd most jewish country behind israel to exist
The webms were uploaded for a reason. It's not normal there.
We have Lysol.
Both are disgusting subhumans but I've met a few indians that are alright. They're also disgusting subhumans but they at least have a sense of humor. Chinks are soulless bastards incapable of emitting emotions, save for a few 0.1%
India. Poos are disgusting, at least there are some cute Chinese people.
Oh, come on...
Do you really think that every Chinese person is running around biting bats's head off, or even a large amount them...?
The Webms you see on here aren't representative of Chinese society.
China, hands down. They need to get their shit kicked in, learn some manners.
Indians are the worst. Basically the poos that come to the West are the best of the best of the best of 1.4 billions poos..and they still behave like shit and treat everyone around them like slaves. With chinks the majority are nouveau riche peasant tourists who reflect the plebeians of chinkdom.
Link bro.
I agree, it's a shitty fucking law.
That goes to show how incompetent their government can be.
That being said, I doubt that the intent of the law was to increase social apathy.
India has never harmed anyone except Pakistan. Plus we're a superpower now. This should not even be a question anymore.
Absolutely based.
Impressively cringe.
No by definition it is third world because they were in the non aligned movement.