Q is a shi.... what the fuck



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trust the plan!!!
the sealed indictments are totally not for Yas Forums users!!!

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Oh what the flying fucking shit. Lol

The plan you are supposed to trust is the protocols of the elders of Zion, who would have thought?

See the guy sitting behind jr
That guy is white

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so that guys Q?
no wonder all the shit is so retarded and never comes to fruition, he's just on the sidelines thinking he's cool

>jr is a retarded boomer
we already knew this

tribunals will start soon

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So Sars-Cov-2 is a white hat operation to give cause to bypass civilian courts? What a bunch of convoluted bullshit. It would be far simpler and effective for a military coup to occur than this Qfantasy.


you do know that people are still brainwashed what do u think happens if the military arrests their stars they worship exactly chaos

black hats plan was real but these dumb fucks need to tell everyplan they do to the masses so the white hats hijacked the plan : )

q mention israel yet?

been saying that for 4 years migapede

Shoot them as well. It wouldn't take long or many examples of violence before people who are willing to keep their eyes closed, not ask questions, and follow mindless distractions on TV and twatter shut the fuck up and fall back in line with yet another mindless distraction. Just make Netflix and Pornhub free for the month while you're executing the coup.

Drinking coffee is faggot tier habit, drinking coffee with your face on it has to be ranked amongst the most hedonistic shit some self adoring cuck can possibly do.

Imagine walking to the coffee shop just so you can see yourself in the coffee foam...

Noticed you had to use your maple-vpn shill.

lol you are a tranny shill but that would please hilarious.
>one indictment for each person whose used the n word (that means nigger) on Yas Forums

u funny wh*Teboi, u gettin robbed last

A military coup would trigger other countries into action and probably nullify treatise.

Jesus, save me... I have butterflies in my stomach.


Q Boomers are fucking pathetic

oh no our treaties will expire, and then europe will start mailing us strongly worded letters on a regular bases

>Jesus the Christ

Will do for you, what nothing else can fren; continue seeking him with the whole of your heart! Amen

Q is real boyos

You mean to simultaneously trial the corrupt deep state cabal with a speedy public trial rather than something that gets dragged out through corrupt/owned courts until both sides are dead? I hope so. This isn't about partisanship, never was.

If it was, then the demographics of which states visit most, would match the indictment map

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Q is Nostradamus for rednecks.

>Guys don't worry, Netanyahu, Kushner, Trump and a Clinton connected Jewish judge named Barr with neocon warhawk Bolton and Pomp are coming to save us
Imagine actually believing in. Trump says a single number and you all scramble over it trying to contextualize it

>He hasn't learned about treaties and what they actually mean
Lol tell that to all of Europe last century or the Muslims today

Its always been trump jr ya tards.

Drumpf jr could literally buy a superbowl commercial to announce that he was Q and it was a huge inside joke and boomers would hype Qanon for another 10 years.

Q is a kushner psyop, so it's not surprising Don Jr is on board with it. They know Trump supporters are mouthbreathing retards and they are laughing at you.

Okay now hear me out. If coronachan comes and goes and no arrests are announced, and all the other shit you people say goes with it, will it be enough for you to admit that Q was a false Shepard operation?

If it is real, I will recognize Q faggots and boomers as being ahead of the curve, on top of being overjoyed.

trump is a mysterious figure. he is much smarter than the media paints him and people are waiting for happenings related to drain the swamp. if you can't see that you are low iq and should go back to pleddit

Lol this
They'd be counting obscure things like balloons and people and put it through number generators as proof. All those faggot ass "Patriot" accounts of wannabe operators and vets trying to sound as cryptic and in the knowing as possible, then they'd come on here and get their asses handed to them.


That’s >kay now hear me out. If coronachan comes and goes and no arrests are announced, and all the other shit you people say goes with it, will it be enough for you to admit that Q was a false Shepard operation?

You already know the answer to this. Not a chance in hell.


>people are waiting for happenings related to drain the swamp

And here we are nearing the end of his first, perhaps only, term with that swamp looking pretty damn undrained.

there would be a small possibility left that the cabal started the virus to counter trumps plan. or did q say he is behind the corona meme?




>Trump is a mysterious figure
Yeah I wonder why he was begging Congress for money for the wall then out of nowhere shits out more money to Israel. Based and redpilled because he'll totally eventually do something, just ignore the demographic collapse, gun rights being brazenly stripped, our actual constitutional amendments also going down the drain, another war Israel wants us to fight, a presidency that only achieved a shiny nice looking GDP while the rest burns. Do hold your breath while you wait for Q and Kushner to save you and do all the dirty and hard work, people like you drag down the rest of us and when shtf will be SOL

>retards will be fired up if we pander to their schzoid theories

Alright.. why do they always make this fucking face?

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Wait, you literally, UNIRONICALLY, think, that Q user helped start a PANDEMIC to get people into courts????

WOT M8???????????

It'll come and go, Q is a psyop. That's it. He's thereto save the Republic and America from the evil democrats and set things back right. Because America is so worth saving, thank God we can at least say we defeated the Germans right? I hope all of it collapses and goes down the path of balkanization. Some of us have been paying attention and will rise from the ashes with new societies there to rid the earth of it's semitic population and colonize the stars.

y but you can't deny that the democrats used all their power to spow down everything trump wanted to do. either both parties are playing together to create chaos or the democrats fear something bigger than not having a democrat president.

I'm thinking of bringing back the "bible code" meme but in some cryptic anonymous chan drops. The boomers that don't die of corona or 5g would eat that shit up and I could make a killing in merch and donations.

does anyone actually believe this? why would the government want to round up a bunch of autists,nothing on Yas Forums is illegal or organized

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No, you fucking idiot.

dunno really but could also be pro israel all the time because no party can deny that because everyone loves israel. so if he supports it even more and creates tensions between palestinians and israelis, he makes their situation worse than obongo did. israel was never seen in such bad light globaly than it does now thanks of trump. why do you think do israelis hate trump?

God no that already exists. I was in a thread with some faggot doing that it's just a mind numbing sensation. When I tried explaining he doesn't need cryptography and the Abrahamic religion to defeat Q shills, he kept trying to associate it "the great awakening" with "synagogue of Satan". When I told him I didn't care and that didn't matter because there are easier, colder, and truthful ways of proving them wrong he tried claiming that "Tesla was the one who figured out that the bible was originated and was written by Jewish homeless schizos" based off the 369 quote of some 3 basic truths. All of it is old world mystics and it takes a life time of dedication to see through all the bullshit. Don't even bother just keep throwing information into their face, argue against them like on here and you'll stride through the field of debate and decimate your enemies to nothing. If of course you have NS understandings.


A couple of times he's talked shit about mossad controlling Hollywood, news, and Alex Jones

>Guys he has to do somethings for Israel
Yeah he's done a lot more for them than us but he HAS TO because we didn't elect an outsider who'd cut through the B's

>Creates tension by giving them billions, tech and military equipment, and agitating for more of their wars
>All to create a case against Israel, as if that already didn't exist
That's like getting mugged and brought to an ATM, and then threatening the guy through tears that "I'll get you one day"!

>Why do you think Israelis hate trump
lol, I can't man. I won't even mention the neighborhood they named after him. Wait I know, it's a secret Q base that hes going to use to launch the USM when the indictments (any second now) are dropped!

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Did you hear the emergency declaration. The president assumes all power over everything basically. Industry, government, infrastructure, deploys national guard. Trump is literally GEOTUS now.
Over a cold lol.

No nigga. The pandemic is the cold.
The hype is real though


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doesn't even look like a Q, just a vaguely round shape, lol

qtards will believe anything

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>going along with a larp because a lot of trump voters are going to die from corona aids

It's called desperation kek

Lol. What will you contribute to colonizing the stars? Are you an astrophysicist? A rocket scientist? A test pilot for the military perhaps? Or are you actually just a mediocre loser with no skills or IQ who will simply curl up and die like a bitch if anything ever goes down? You don't need to respond everyone here knows the answer. I just want you to realize it for yourself.

>Synagogue of Satan
only those of the lowest IQ use that as an argument for their mental problems aka christcuckery.

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