Recording here:
Atomwaffen Division Disbanded by James Mason
atomwaffen was always fedded.
Siege is an idea, not an org.
True hence why he said at the end there will be no more organizations
Based Mason. Checked.
Was he actually the leader of atom waffen? I thought people were just looking up to him because he wrote siege.
He said he was contacted by Atomwaffen Division to make that statement.
why is it stuck on page 8? Did jannies bump limit this thread?
Prosecutors are trying to get "Rape" on Cheese Pizza charges. Says two co conspirators mentioned it.
virgin incel club
There aren't more than 10 members anyways . They lost their main propaganda guys. And it's about to be listed as a FTO so it's done
Nevermind I'm a dumbass.
Yeah but they didn't charge him with it though. I think it's just kike tactics of character assassination. As much as Rape is a fag, that's just too fishy.
>feds lose money fo dey programs an sheeeit
boohoo nobody cares about nigger problems
true. it had to come to an end sometime.
shit all collapsed late last year and the starting months of this year the real glowies started getting really pushy and intense, and it was VERY obvious. This shit is infiltrated. stay away. be smart and maintain your ideology - as it is universally true. Just dont fall into a fed trap.
Well yeah James Mason himself said so and also to avoid any other Atomwaffen like groups in the future in that announcement.
glowniggers got bored of their Satanist pet idiots? Aren't they 'the database' now?
8SJ0BBAY from the last thread (who went through a "fascist phase") are you ITT?
Nah The Base was a different group that turned out to be created by the Russian FSB.
I guess their Federal budget was cut or it outlived its usefulness.
Well the group just got busted and all its high ranking members are in jail. Next week they were going to be made into an FTO too.
ah I see, sorry I didnt read
>Nah The Base was a different group that turned out to be created by the Russian FSB.
Got a source on that? I don't doubt it. I just assumed it was "our" creation.
What he do to you?
You'd have to be retarded to join a militant Nazi group. If you're going to do any sort of "revolutionary" shit whether youre a marxist or nazi stick to propaganda or videos. Best thing to do is just never discuss your politics, have friends you know IRL and focus on making money/dropping the larping
FBI is investigating into it and it's founder fucked off to Russia. Everyone knew The Base was a bullshit group, just not something the FSB made.
ctrl+f The Base
those are some cool cosplay costume...
yup. In full agreeance.
I listened after posting. Interesting. Sounds like James' authentic voice.. What were members getting arrested for?
oh... ok
So another FED/SPLC cointelpro program is going to stop entrapping young white males? Good news.
Read Siege, jail.
Mailing edgy AWD posters to the journalists who doxxed them. That's literally it. Turns out they had a full blown federal agent in their chats though so top meme.
Well Mason himself said they were fuck ups and to avoid any organizations from now on. Seems like he's woken up to what's been going on.
>Turns out they had a full blown federal agent in their chats though so top meme.
Kek. How did that happen? I thought they shut down recruitment from anons on here long ago. How the fuck did that happen
I dont know. They did have informants in that group as the FBI confirmed. So maybe one of the informants got the fed in there. Literally straight out of imperium.
Denton is rumored to be the informant. Or that satanist guy (not kaleb) but I think the guys name is Joshua or something some O9A dude
No, the informant was some guy named John Kirby Kelly or whatever. He got arrested for swatting.
do any of you glow niggers know when episode 9 of the bowl cast is supposed to drop
bottom text
isn't the base just atomwaffen rebranded? Also their leader is an ex cia agent who has a CAGE code. Some Mexican sounding guy
No? The Base was another group all together that didn't get along with AWD. As for The Base's Leader as I said he had FSB connections, not CIA and fucked off to Russia before the FBI started coming down on them. As for the CAGE code. Anyone can get one, even my gun websites I buy from like primary arms has one. Its as common as water.
join us!
Fuck you glownigger. James Mason said to avoid all these Atomwaffen like groups and you come in here to advertise. Go away.
The kid Kirby is a fed? Looks like a random NEET then how did they get in trouble for swat? Or did he cut a deal post arrest and ratted? Confused
some old man and his untermensch
>He buttdialed the police by accident while bragging about the swatting according to the FBI.
what kind of fucking retard do you have to even be to believe this kind of story lmao
He buttdialed the police by accident while bragging on swatting. Yes he's the informant on Denton.
Dude people are really that fucking stupid. I've seen people do dumber shit. Never under estimate the amerimutt's autism
How you know. I wonder how many years the guys that got arrested will get. In Denton's case it could 5 plus years, Cole, Garza and co maybe a year
>CAGE code
what's that
The others will probably get a lot more since they have a lot more evidence and its direct threats.
Read the affadvits my man.
You get that if you want to sell to the Department of Defense or whatever. Anyone can get one.
Too lazy. I just assumed swatting was more serious
Denton swatted a US official lol
Well in the case of Denton. Literally everything is hearsay. There is no physical evidence he did those swatting calls. I suspect it's going to end up a fuck up like what happened with RAM or what have you where it gets thrown out due to lack of evidence to go to trial. Those other 4 who mailed the posters though are fucked since there is physical evidence proving they did it and one of them was being followed by the FBI as he did it too. They're getting 10 years at least.