What the fuck happened to white, Western men?

What the fuck happened to white, Western men?

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Niggers and mostly jews

He’s drinking whisky, eating sushi and wondering when the fuck my hockey will be back on tv.

Fuck Americans for being so stupid they shut down the only thing I watch on tv.

What's his name, Yas Forums?

They won

Once you win why should you keep competing?

White men built the world as you know it and handed the keys to the brown people.
What happened to the world they built in the perfect image of utoptia?
Look around

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>What the fuck happened to this specific white western man?


cba anymore

Basically what happened is that manufacturing left the United States, and all the jobs that were based around it were outsourced to other countries. This means that many of the people who worked in traditionally "masculine" industries are struggling and in poverty, while those employed in more "nerd" industries have money and political power, so corporations have deemed them worth pandering to. Everything from Trump to the rise of "soiboi" culture reflects the fact that we switched to an information economy and the culture changed.

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did you just dig up your 10 year time capsule 3 years too early? fuck off until 2017, retard

OP you know ever since they replaced testosterone with estrogen they softened these westernfags so they’ll accept the one race/one gender bs

low t

no major calamities for 2-3 generations

White women were targeted for destruction and brainwashing. The state replaced the man and the courts castrated the men

This sadly. We're far too complacent.

this ffs.

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he is right here

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We stopped school bullying

Eh. I could have done without the bullying, I'd probably give more of my money to society at large instead of only caring about my own family.

It's a double edged sword. Undoubtedly it made me tough and stoic, but also I became indifferent to humans and unable to empathize also I'm practically emotionally dead.

There has to be some middle ground between being a soft pussy and a cold robot.

That picture is how Western men should look like. Very beautiful.

If you really post a photo like this after you're 12 on Christmas, you really deserve the ridicule.

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You show know she fucked the refugee. You can see it in her face.

Definitely. Every aspect of that image was made to be a meme

Hormones from birth control that get peed into the water supply and can’t be filtered out, and chemicals from plastics that act as estrogen in the body. The water doesn’t just turn the frogs gay.

Basically what happens to every dominant group once they expire their usefulness.

Muslims once ruled the world supreme and was synonymous with the world civilized in the south asian and many parts of the world. They are no longer relevant and heir to their civilization lives in dirt and walks in the ruins of what once was.

White men are muslims of 21st century. The next ruler of the world will be asians and whites will take their deserved place in the hierarchy like muslims once took.

We unironically made school bullying WORSE due to how easily you can sue someone for daring to hint their precious little angel is a little shit.

That's called a still life. Amazing that mutts like me have to take up the burden of civilization just so jellied eel suckers like you can keep fellating your 100 year old queen's girlpenis.

Cope harder Chang.


Are you talking to me? Are you talkin' to me?

I am not chang. I am a simply a muslim born atheist who went from militant muslim or religion hate to somewhat warm feeling towards value religious systems in holding a civilization together. Unfortunately, you guys lost christian morality and will probably never get back the old era.

>Europe is basically militaryless.
>India and China is increasing their military strength everyday
>American military is diverse and will never actually fight for racial reasons
>America is essentially jewish in spirit

You guys lost. We lost. And we both need to accept that.

A century of Jewish domination.


Japan has no Jewish control yet their men are even worse off.

Western civilization is dead and gone. Faggots populate its ruins and LARP in the remains.

Soi filter.

Which is sad kinda. I know you guys hate my existence but somewhere deep within I can feel the frustration you guys having. The frustration of constantly being demonized for something you had nothing to with, the frustration of looking back at those grand architecture and asking what was the point of it all.

A couple of nukes might do that.

>REEEEEEEEE is brownie fault we have to cut our dicks and act as sissy trannies
LMAO all this cope.

It's even worse when you see this one. It's like a soiboy overdose.

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you think the 29 year olds who started the american revolution cared about religion? maybe you should read more and post less?

But I think if something survives and dominates the world, it has a right to do so. Reality need not match our desire to see our group victorious.

Their constitution had a Feminist clause written by a Jewess. Their constitution was loaded with Jewish crap written by Jews and shabbos goyim. Also their media is either imported from The West or is a carbon copy of stuff The West did a decade ago (See: J-pop, J-rock, etc.)

Japan also has a terrible work culture where people literally get 4 hours of sleep because they have work and afterhours social gatherings. That explains why the Japs can be worse off in some aspects. South Koreans too.

They cared about certain aesthetics and values, call it whatever you want.

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why would you give your money to 'society at large' and not strictly your family you retard?

Personally, I love how retarded the average guy under 30 is (not just white either. Every race of men under 30 is strange). They don't even approach girls IRL anymore. Makes it easier for me.

Get to the gym 5x a week, eat healthy, and have a hint of motivation in your career, and you can clean up with women of any age. It's the golden era for real men.

they forgot where they came from & allowed jewish controlled media to shape their image of themselves

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((bettman)) and ((silver)) just wanna protect the fans, goy

are you like a normal american muslim who eats hamburgers and gets drunk af and passes out like everyone else, or are you some sort of orthodox species of imported muslim?

I wouldn't. But if bullying wasn't a thing I probably would. I understand the logic behind both perspectives.

Modern thots aren't even worth it anymore. They all have massive daddy issues. Not protecting betas, just saying there is nothing wrong with not approaching if there is no genuine motivation.

White men who have there mouths open during pictures should just be shot on site right then and there.

ok nigger

Neither. I am personally leaning toward philosophical buddhism nowadays to have a life without american degeneracy yet not fall into the sheer madness that proselytizing abrahamic religions are when institutionalized. Paradoxically these two fanatic cults have been the most successful at building civilizations, something that baffles me given how restrictive and oppressive they are for an individual human. Maybe that is the sacrifice that needs to be made to have a flourishing civilization who knows. I am kinda conflicted.

>Where's Waldo bullshit just so you can have an easy "IT WASN'T US, IT WAS THEM" answer

That's not an argument.

It absolutely is when the premise is blaming one group. Picking apart that initial blame is an argument to that initial "argument". Learn how to debate next time.