Be honest

Be honest.

How do pol feel about all these events in the last three months?

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I’m fucking terrified and can’t stop thinking about it all. I’m freaking out man.

A forced meme since it's not even as bad as the regular flu. It's a semi-controlled stress test for crisis response in the event that we get something REALLY bad, like a disease with the contagiousness of influenza but the lethality of ebola.

>mad at china
>us happening
>start prepping
>nothingburger until europe lockdown
>uk herd immunity
>WTF? started panic ever since

I don't care. Fuck this gay earth.

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Ya I doubt you will be saying that when the army is deployed country wide and militas start forming in small towns that can’t be protected from bands of roaming looters....

Excited in all honesty

Yeah dude definitely

I get the next 3 weeks off paid. "work from home" pretty happy desu. Also I hate going out and now I have the perfect excuse.

I don't care, they are all jewish soap operas.

My wish for the New Year was that I need more happenings because my life is boring. Thank you, Ded Moroz!

jews are working overtime to maintain control

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It's about fucking time. I've been waiting for this to happen for a year. Corona-chan is just a catalyst.

You smell it boys? DOTR

DOTR indeed DOTR indeed

Lmao same. Feels like I'm in a movie.
I live in NYC so shit is about to get even worse in a couple of days and I'm not mentally ready at all.


At first I was panicing and fleeing the city and then realised I’d bought myself like 3 days max. I feel good now knowing ive got enough Vit C and Lysine

Made me hate chinks more than niggers
My life's goal is to do everything to bring down the China now

I spread the worst videos from China to normies
I recommend non Chinese brands
I refuse to purchase any Chinese shit anymore

Things are going to be more "different" than "worse". At least i hope. A possitive attitude is for the best right now, even if it turns out were all fucked.

Vaguely optimistic, but still quite pessimistic that it won't immediately lead to the revolution that stops the politically correct tyranny. Still, if the plebs panic just enough

pretty spooked doesnt help that im reading a bunch of horse shit from schizo faggot hapooners on the this board

>This surrenderfag doesn't understand he's getting boned by the khazarian mafia.

Sweet fuck.


Manhattan bro here and the faggot kikes we have in control of the city and state will not do any thing else until at least friday to minimize the loss in the stooks, hell they refuse to close down public schools.
Its quite possible Trump will have to set our shitty city straight with a travel ban / quarantine before then and they'll use him as a scapegoat.

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chill dude, it's just the apocalypse, nothing that a good pol boi should be scaded of, unless you're a shill a sjw faggot or other shits like that

I'm not afraid at all about Covid-19 and I have a young daughter. It's really just a more infectious version of the flu but not any more deadly.
I did get a little scared for the first time today though when I went to buy groceries and some shelves are empty in my bread, no pasta or rice of any kind, most canned food like Chef Boyardee is gone, only random soups left, most fresh meats are gone (beef, poultry, pork, fish), butter and milk pretty much gone. Stupid hoarders worry me more than the actual virus.

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Talk to the Japanese, they know how to knock the chinks back. Check out how much of China the captured in WW2. We fought the wrong side.

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jewish, user.; that means whatever you're talking about is something good.

Don't worry, you can trade your daughter for 5 rolls of toilet paper of a gallon of gasoline.

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jews; that means whatever you're talking about is something good.

Well when I was younger I saw a lot of bad things, saw a lot of paramilitaries and violence. By the time I was 21 I had had guns held to my head a few times, seen some minor open conflict, shot a few people, don't know if they died or not. By the time I was 25 I had done the military seen some pretty bad shit, lots of dead civilians, just how feral humans become, dead rape victims, old people cut up and burnt, kids with plastic bags tied over their heads and arms tied behine their back, burning towns. I had learned to value being alive and knew God existed and just wanted a quiet honest life, But I always knew that my past would come knocking again and I was not going to get off so easy and it would come when I was tierd of it. Here it is just beginning and its going to be bad and I have probably more than most, everything from generators, weapons,large stocks of supplies, medical facilities and I have all this because God for whatever reason had some job for me and I won't know what it is until it comes along and I'll be fucked either way but I'll have to make a choice in how that happens and if I do it right I'll go to heaven and if I do it wrong I'll go to hell. Looks like its time to pay the big bill.I've pretty good sources, this is going to be very very bad. Heart breaks for what I know about older nurses and that that are being conscripted and I've a fair idea of what is coming because I've kind of seen this before. Just hope whatever he has lined up for me to do I do the right thing and do Gods will because I don't think in my case he left me so kitted out for my sake but for what he needs me to do at some point. I'm a bit scared but not so much of dying as keeping my sit together and making the right calls so I get the job done.
So yeah it sucks but it is what it is. Hoped so much the beast would never come back around to my life but he's on his way and we've only just begun

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

I hope the meteor comes quick

What a fucking spastic you surely are. Jewposting moron

the fire rises brother

Nothing unusual. The debt system will be resetted. Since a WW isn't an option b/c of nukes (((they))) choosed this innovative way to set it all back to zero.

It proves that China has to be destroyed for the world to exist.

>Jewposting moron

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Was happy until it cancelled sports. Now I want to go back to normal.

Not sure, but a culling is needed

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I'm having the best time of my life watching all the normies panic.

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pissed off, over reacting niggers shut down my uni

>the panicking virgin zoomer vs the calm chad qboomer

Yeah jewposting fucking moron.Your brain
Q: Whats 2+2?
A: Jews because retrard
Your obsessed dumb as fucking rocks and full of shit lad, you are on the same tier as the hippes who've done to much drugs and thing the ayys and knocking on their doors. You're a halfwit, simpleton, moron. Thick as shit.

Tfw every country is announcing dips in their cases and allegedly have everything under control.
America hasn't even test anyone and their is potentially hundreds of thousands if not millions of infected roaming the streets fucking each others ass because yolo.

Summer is going to be interesting at the mutt house of horror

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>chad qboomer

Mutually exclusive.

Reminder, memeflags are usually Jews; Nazi and crusader memeflags are definite Jews.

>Yeah jewposting fucking moron.Your brain
>Q: Whats 2+2?
>A: Jews because retrard
>Your obsessed dumb as fucking rocks and full of shit lad, you are on the same tier as the hippes who've done to much drugs and thing the ayys and knocking on their doors. You're a halfwit, simpleton, moron. Thick as shit.

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>but you really don't have enough toilet paper yourselves.

Jokes on you retards, I wash my ass using water and my hands~

You skinhead halfwit. You know whay you are definitely fucked?Because you're stupid and deep down you know that. You know you are fucking lacking in brains. So you're fucked. Suck it you idiot. Your last breath will probably be some bullshit about jews just before you crap yourself and start crying. Fucking moron.

Worried. LIke the whole world is on the brink of destruction.
On the bright side:
1. I found out that my family are very red-pilled.
2. If the world falls I got a reason to wear dark jackets and hoods now.
3. Less competition for pussy.
Now who wants to form a paramlitary organization, that has a pharmaceutical company as its front, with me?

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Yeah your a fucking idiot and you know it. Fucking cope.

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>Tfw every country is announcing dips in their cases and allegedly have everything under control.

Have you not read a single thing about Italy, Spain, or the Netherlands lately?

>America hasn't even test anyone

Ah, nevermind. Just flat-out making shit up, I see.

the biden Bernie stuff was fun coona is fairly entertaining

were very close to summoning bandageface is all i can say


i want all of us to be okay and get along

I just wanted to live a quiet life.

>Yeah your a fucking idiot and you know it. Fucking cope.

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I will be mildly disappointed if it's not the end of civilization.

i am pissed that you Yas Forumstards byte the bait the most and freak out about an immaginary pandemia. it is only in your heads. old people die. you fucking mongos

stunning twist

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kinda exciting. nice change of pace but i don't think anything is going to come out of it. i had a nice thought of dying from the virus and finally exiting this gay earth but things are getting better by the day and now i have to get back into the wagie cagie mindset again. i just wanted to die man, fuck

I blame Jews, fuck em they killed Jesus, God forgive me but how shitty do you have to be to kill the man who preached what he did

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First world problems. You just have nothing else to worry about.

Seems fake and made up

Im 27 and don't want to die a virgin. How do I make it clear to my sister that she needs to fuck me?

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Yeah. No. Sorry.


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See them all tumble down
MADRID (AP) — Spain’s government said Saturday that the wife of wife of Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has tested positive for the new coronavirus.

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You seem really upset, little Jew man

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2020 has been everything we all thought it would be...9 moar month of pure hell and very little relief still to come...summers gone be the almost worst because falls gonna kill of all...winter snow will cover our dead bodies and return us back to the dirt from which we can from...

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I wish it was not happening right now cause I want Trump to get re-elected. I also hate my life cause I can't move out and buy an affordable house. Im 25 and have over 80k for a down payment but the mortgage would still be too high.

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what is this I robot

Nah not much. What a perfect spastic jewposter you are, you just have to type Jew again and again. Thick as shit and full of bullshit.You pi9sswed your retarded life away on crap. You might have had more fun with UFO conspiracies but being thick and tasteless as you are you went for the big kahuna of bollicks and are obsessed with it. Makes a complex work simple for you even if its a bucket of shit you don't get headaches.Go shave your head again and go stand at the back you useless fuck.

You seem like a Hyperchristian so I probably won't like you, but at least you're not a fucking Nazi.

It's a reality check for normies. It's interesting to watch these faggots run around like headless chickens. Well, you get a slice of the cake your grandparents had to eat.

>Pissed that it's killing the wrong old people.
Want to get it over with and have a better future but it looks more like the opposite. Watching a bunch of old politicians pulling the same shit.
I feel this is going Excacly how they planned it to go.
Also not looking forward to being sick and being left with diminished lung compacity.

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Fuck it


>He's so upset he has to respond with a paragraph
Oh my little angry Jew boy

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