State of Georgia literally doubled confirmed cases from 33 to 66 IN ONE DAY!!
t. guy who lives in, but is not from GA.
State of Georgia literally doubled confirmed cases from 33 to 66 IN ONE DAY!!
t. guy who lives in, but is not from GA.
geometric growth is interesting. you have 1-2% on one day, then 2-4% on another, then it goes to 4-8%, 8-16% then 16-32%, then 32-64%, then, well, you do the math.
that's an oversimplification of the situation, but you catch the drift.
This is what the ideal situation looks like.
and it's happening still. This shows you that the state of the georgia and it's citizens are DOING NOTHING to stop this or are fucking morons and oblivious how viral transmission works.
I was the only asshole wearing an n95 at the publix yesterday.
these people are stupid.
Store stabbing over case of water video
Fuck I live right out side of Athens, literally no one wearing a mask GA is kill, hoards of Zombie Nogs will pour out of Atlanta
how are they testing people when they have reportedly said they have no tests?
why is nobody asking this
some texas company barely got the ok to mass produce a tests last i heard
i went to a funeral today in dalonaga where i hugged like 20 people and to a restaurant afterwards i am fucking gonna die
Why would you do that during a pandemic?
oh no
.t alabama user
>Government contract, worth billions, supplied to medical lobby. paid for by taxpayers
>Blaming white southerners and not the Koreans and Niggers in Gwinnett
spotted the Yankee
it has up to a two week incubation period where you're contagious even if you aren't displaying symptoms
My best guess is there are already at least 100,000 sick in the US.
You forgot spics.
They don't call it Gwinnexico for nothing.
>t. guy who lives in, but is not from GA.
You need to go back.
i dunno to be honest with you i think subconciously i know that there is no way to stop the virus so might as well try to keep civilization going
Georgia the cousin fucking state or Georgia the based wine growing nation?
its called Trump-care
how hard is it to get a gwinnet asian cutie as a mediocre white guy 5'11
See if you can find OP before you kick off.
I'm from the west coast. And yeah I'm blaming retards that don't know how to curb viral transmission. Because they are putting "muh soothen edicate" over logic and common sense.
Also, I don't want to be here when the great chimpining begins.
cousin fucking
>gf works in neighboring state hospital
>GA fag comes in coughing all over people
>at the end of his visit, mentions how his coworkers have tested positive for corona
literally stay the fuck in GA you fuckers
Nice one, dog fucker.
atlanta and all it's satellites are fucko'd
it's gonna be niggerpocalpyse when food stamps can't buy food cause there ain't food to buy
during the houston flood nogs were going murder-looting door to door and there had to be squads of based texan gunmen to stop them
altanteans are too cucked and effete and suburban to do anything like that
good fucking night
>33 to 66
>Across the United States, the total confirmed cases of new coronavirus has risen to 666, according to the Times.
>tfw gwinnett
Get me out of this third world dumping ground.
haha oh shit nigger what are you doing
Better to catch it now than later
You will catch it
>I'm from the west coast. And yeah I'm blaming retards that don't know how to curb viral transmission.
How are the west coast states dealing with it right now, brainlet? How many infected/dead in WA, CA?
The problem is "muh soothen edicate doesnt" fucking exist anymore, the past 15 years have been fucking rough on the south user, now the people to blame for this are the 12 dumb old boomers and the hordes of spics and niggers inhabiting metro Atlanta
Shaking hands ain't nothing, in Tennessee we HUG each other!
dalonaga is beautiful
you might want to take the next few days off.
If you're closer to Walton its still okay here user
that just means they got 33 more tests
I'm in Lawrenceville. People are nigging out in the stores and fighting.
northeast georgia will be safe
only the south and atlanta area need to worry about their 97% chance of surviving
yeah its real nice i live in atlanta but a good deal of my senpai is in dalonaga will probably be setting up with them in a few weeks
thats why I left. I'll go back after the great purge though.
Rural GA reporting in.
Death to Metro ATL!
There was a community positive case in Canton.
it's only a matter of time user.
Best of luck user, go find one of those gentrified shopping areas to lock down and hold of the negroidic horde
t. lived just outside for a couple years. Not bad, especially to the north where you really start to get into the mountains. Nice driving loop north of town and around Blood Mtn. I'm in western NC now, a little more mountainous here, but I really miss driving that loop in off peak seasons with light traffic.
Go back to California and die of Corona Virus faggot.
Programmed. Drink your onions bud.
Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.
who's the mason nigger?
The Helen area and the Etowah River north are special places. You could pick a worse spot to meet God. Went to Georgia Tech and other places. Special location up there. Hope to get back there.
How many times have I seen this fuck'n post?
I swear this is count 7....
>>it has up to a two week incubation period where you're contagious even if you aren't displaying symptoms
It's an *EXCELLENT* property for a bio-weapon.
canton is the niggery north of ga
canton is niggerfied af
gay, you people are so dumb, you actually believe n95 masks don't help.
You will die faster in ga imo
>>its called Trump-care
"Let's dump hundreds of billions of dollars into the stock market so we don't lose the BESTEST ECONOMY EVAR!!"?
canadian post is dumb as fuck because americans have guns
"Well educated" people in georgia actually believe that the largest source of transmission is touching contaminated surfaces rather than inhaling the aerosol around an infected person, yet they still want to shake other people's hand.
I shit you not this actually happened.
Buckhead here. Honestly nobody gives a fuck because we've all seen the mortality at less than 1% for young healthy people. If you're a Boomer you better stay away from the coofers but otherwise you'll likely be fine.
Inb4 people point to 1 person under 30 that died as if this changes anything about the mortality demographics. Just because being struck by lightning is rare doesn't mean nobody will ever be struck by lightning or that one person being struck can be extrapolated to everyone will now be struck. Learn to statistics.
That said I've got my food and tp as well as a bidet. The bigger issue with this pandemic is the panic it's causing. Just don't be old, pozzed, fat, or a smoker and you'll probably be fine.
New York City 911 is being DELUGED with calls for ambulances from people claiming a family member or friend "just collapsed" in their home or apartment. Many of the callers mention "coronavirus." New York Governor Andrew Cuomo moments ago confirmed at least another 115 cases of COVID-19 IN NEW YORK CITY, bringing the statewide total to 613 in New York.
Doctors from three separate NYC Hospitals told me moments ago "Everyone is infected. All hell is breaking loose; it's out of control already."
Those of you with plans to "Bug out" when the SHTF, should do so now. Bunker down now.
This is a hell of thing to happen on my birthday, but tomorrow, Sunday, March 15, I turn 58 years old. This is a birthday I will definitely remember - if I live long enough for it to matter.
>canadian post is dumb as fuck because americans have guns
Sure; but the will to use them?
Honestly VA gave me a lot of hope; even with the sheriff-support, though they didn't go the full measure and issue warrants for the arrests of the lawmakers attempting to pass laws prohibited by the State's own Constitution.
We know these evil people are willing to placate gun-owners by "grandfathering in" and "not enforcing"... but what after those gun-owners get too old or tired?
>Just don't be old, pozzed, fat, or a smoker
my company's management is fucked.
Athens is a ghost town right now; spring break into wu-flu means there's barely a soul in sight.
>If you're a Boomer you better stay away from the coofers but otherwise you'll likely be fine.
Read .
The fuck? Why are people so old here? Shouldn't you be with a family or something instead of a weeaboo image board? I'd be worried if I were as old as you too. RIP senpai.
Can confirm, GAfag here, at work and the bar across the street is packed. Ain't no virus keeping us from getting drunk and dancing to Alan Jackson.
GT has a bunch of negroes on their sports teams.
checked, soi is back on the menu
So you're saying the boomers are already infected and set for death? Ok new plan. If you're a zoomer or millennial convince your parents to write a will. It's time for the zoomers to rise up.
>Georgia literally doubled confirmed cases from 33 to 66 IN ONE DAY
oh I bet!
Up between Helen and Cleveland here. People were acting like chimpanzees in the Walmart the other day. Cleared out of paper products and hand sanitizer. Though local shops still have supplies.
>Learn to statistics.
back to reditd you dumb fag, and also learn to nigger, as in learn that niggers will burn down half the state once panic sets in
New pasta, Not quite al dente yet.
well hell
Doesn't get mad at me that the math doesn't support your happooner bullshit. Farr's law will see Corona gone by summer. Deal with the reality that nothing ever happens. In the mean time, be sure to cough in the direction of a Boomer, in Minecraft.
Better be dark or no chance.
Hoo boy didn't expect a fellow NE GA fag here.
Lol oh man there is no such thing as southern etiquette anymore, Georgia is a former shell of itself.
The Wal-Mart in Dahlonega is one of the few that still had ground beef for sale. Guess people up that way are a bit more self reliant and had less reason to panic. I went at 4am to get food to avoid the crowds. Wal-Mart is now doing away with 24 hour stores, which sucks but I'm stocked up for at least a month.
Based on my limited experiences in Athens, that sounds like a good thing.
No way
Implying you wouldn't Cousin Daisy.
Luckily we're well armed. Georgia is pretty relaxed about its weapon laws.