/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2073 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 156,534 ► Died: 5,835

Turkey shuts down schools, universities

Greece to shut down malls, cafes

Portugal shuts down schools

Austria under lockdown, 8 million people

Poland shuts down borders

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Virus infects bacteria, lives in guts indefinitely

18,300 infected in Iran, scientists estimate

Virus hides in neurons, indefinitely escapes recognition

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

White House admits they lack tests

Nurses refused testing by CDC

China figures likely simulated

Finland only testing high risk cases

00:38: 6 new cases in Washington, D.C., United States.
00:11: 1 new death in New Jersey, United States.
23:42: 348 new cases and 5 new deaths in Spain.
23:04: 2 new cases in Nebraska, United States.
22:52: 6 new cases in Oregon, United States.
22:20: 74 new cases and 3 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
22:26: First case in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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China (+10) Italy +3,497 (+175) Iran +1,365 (+97) S. Korea +183 (+8) Spain +1,159 (+63) Germany +924 (+1) France +808 (+12) US +589 (+8) Switzerland +236 (+2) UK +342 (+10) Norway +113 (+2) Sweden +147 (+1) Netherlands +155 (+2) Denmark +23 (+1) Japan +70 (+1) Belgium +130 (+1) Greece +38 (+2) Slovenia +40 (+1) Ireland +39 (+1) Philippines +47 (+3) Iraq +9 (+1) Poland +35 (+1) Indonesia +27 (+1) Bulgaria +10 (+1) Algeria +11 (+1) Austria +151 Qatar +17 Canada +54 Australia +49 Malaysia +41 Finland +70 Bahrain +2 Singapore +12 Israel +50 Czech Rep. +48 Portugal +57 Iceland +27 H. Kong +10 Romania +28 Estonia +36 Egypt +16 Kuwait +4 S. Arabia +17 S. Marino +21 India +18 Lebanon +16 Thailand +7 Chile +18 Russia +14 Taiwan +3 Vietnam +9 Luxembourg +13 Serbia +11 Argentina +11 Slovakia +12 Panama +16 Brunei +3 Croatia +7 Albania +5 S. Africa +14 Palestine +3 Pakistan +3 Georgia +5 Hungary +11 Ecuador +5 C. Rica +4 Latvia +9 Mexico +11 Cyprus +12 Colombia +6 Bosnia +3 Azerbaijan +4 Morocco +11 Armenia +10 Tunisia +2 Malta +6 Moldova +6 Afghanistan +4 Dom. Rep. +6 S. Lanka +4 Maldives +1 Martinique +7 Lithuania +3 Faeroes +6 N. Zealand +1 Fr. Guiana +1 Paraguay +1 Kazakhstan +2 Réunion +1 Turkey +1 Uruguay +2 Bangladesh +2 Puerto Rico +1 Guadeloupe +2 Honduras +1 Ivory C. +1 Curaçao +1 Namibia +2 Seychelles +2 Tri. & Tob. +1 Mayotte +1 Rwanda +1 Eswatini +1 US Vir. Isl. +1 Total +11,052 (+406)

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>from onset of symptoms to pneumonia:
2-7 days, (1)

>from onset of symptoms to hospitalisation:
4-8, median 7 days (2)
2-7, median 4,5 days, mild cases (3)
4-6, median 5 days, severe cases (3)

>from onset of symptoms to ARDS:
6-12, median 8 days, (1)
7-11, median 8 days, (3)

>from onset of symptoms to ICU:
6-12, median 10 days, (1)

>from hospitalisation to ICU:
0-3, median 1 day(s), (1)

>hospitalised with IC: (not reliable)
26% (1)
23% (5)
2% outside of Hubei (6)

>hospitalised with IV / ECMO: (not reliable)
17 IV, 4 of which ECMO (1)
7 IV, 3 ECMO (5)
32 IV, 2 ECMO (3)

>duration of hospitalisation:
7-14, median 10 days, (1)
14 days, mild cases (4)
3-6 weeks, severe cases (4)

ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome (rapid onset of widespread inflammation in the lungs, trouble breathing, low oxygen level in blood)
Lung injury and respiratory failure, may lead to cardiac failure and various other complications. IV / ECMO needed, among those who survive, a decreased quality of life is relatively common.
IV: (invasive ventilation), for respiratory failure
ECMO: (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation), invasive oxygenation of the patients blood, for respiratory and cardiac failure

Attached: mortality_1.png (811x443, 65.09K)

► China 80,824 (3,199) ► International 75,710 (2,636): Italy 21,157 (1,441) Iran 12,729 (611) S. Korea 8,162 (75) Spain 6,391 (196) Germany 4,599 (9) France 4,469 (91) US 2,836 (57) Switzerland 1,375 (13) UK 1,140 (21) Norway 1,109 (3) Sweden 961 (2) Netherlands 959 (12) Denmark 827 (1) Japan 804 (22) D. Princess 696 (7) Belgium 689 (4) Austria 655 (1) Canada 252 (1) Australia 248 (3) Greece 228 (3) Slovenia 181 (1) H. Kong 142 (4) Ireland 129 (2) Philippines 111 (8) Iraq 110 (10) Egypt 109 (2) Poland 103 (3) S. Marino 101 (5) India 100 (2) Indonesia 96 (5) Lebanon 93 (3) Thailand 82 (1) Taiwan 53 (1) Luxembourg 51 (1) Argentina 45 (2) Panama 43 (1) Bulgaria 41 (2) Albania 38 (1) Algeria 37 (3) Ecuador 28 (1) Azerbaijan 19 (1) Morocco 18 (1) Ukraine 3 (1) Guyana 1 (1) Sudan 1 (1) Qatar 337 Malaysia 238 Finland 225 Bahrain 212 Singapore 212 Israel 193 Czech Rep. 189 Portugal 169 Iceland 161 Brazil 151 Romania 123 Estonia 115 Kuwait 104 S. Arabia 103 UAE 85 Chile 61 Russia 59 Vietnam 53 Serbia 46 Slovakia 44 Brunei 40 Croatia 39 Peru 38 S. Africa 38 Palestine 38 Pakistan 31 Georgia 30 Hungary 30 Belarus 27 C. Rica 27 Latvia 26 Mexico 26 Cyprus 26 Colombia 22 Senegal 21 Bosnia 21 Oman 19 Armenia 18 Tunisia 18 Malta 18 Macedonia 13 Moldova 12 Afghanistan 11 Dom. Rep. 11 Macao 10 S. Lanka 10 Bolivia 10 Maldives 10 Martinique 10 Lithuania 9 Faeroes 9 Jamaica 8 Cambodia 7 N. Zealand 7 Fr. Guiana 7 Paraguay 7 Kazakhstan 6 Réunion 6 Turkey 6 Uruguay 6 Bangladesh 5 Cuba 4 Liechtenstein 4 Puerto Rico 4 Chan. Isl. 3 Fr. Polynesia 3 Guadeloupe 3 Honduras 3 Monaco 2 Nigeria 2 Aruba 2 B. Faso 2 Cameroon 2 Ivory C. 2 Curaçao 2 Congo 2 Ghana 2 Namibia 2 St. Martin 2 Seychelles 2 Tri. & Tob. 2 Venezuela 2...

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>Mortality among different age-groups in italy:
0-29: 0%
30-39: 0,2%, 2 fatalities
40-49: 0,2%, 4 fatalities
50-59: 0,8%, 24 fatalities
60-69: 2,7%, 77 fatalities
70-79: 10,8%, 360 fatalities
80-89: 17,5%, 438 fatalities
90+: 21,1%, 96 fatalities
total: 1017

>IC rate in Italy

total confirmed positive: 14955
IC: 1328
IC rate: 8%
note: Only cases with progressed disease require IC, so IC rate is slightly underrepresented.

data on China:
Robert Koch Institut: citing chinese studies and the WHO report:
(1) Clinical Characteristics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in China. The New England journal of medicine
n=1099 cases
(2) Clinical Characteristics of 138 Hospitalized Patients With 2019 Novel Coronavirus-Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan, China. Jama
n=138 hospitalisations,+n=57 nosocomial infections,+n=40 medical personnel
(3) 2019-nCoV Pneumonia in a Normal Work Infectious Diseases Hospital Besides Hubei Province, China. Lancet infectious Diseases
(4) Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019
(5) Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of 99 cases of 2019 novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, China: a descriptive study. Lancet
(6) Clinical findings in a group of patients infected with the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) outside of Wuhan, China: retrospective case series
data on Italy:
Ministero della Salute, 13.03.2020

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Who here /Civic Defense/?

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>Muh lack of test
Someone wanna tell me why people are chimping out about getting tested for a virus that has no cure?

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So the virus remains in your body forever or it mutates and reinfects you again or both?

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Need to hoard more toilet paper

Corona meets Dengue
It's probably nothing


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China BTFO the west so hard with this virus.
We can't just lockdown everyone without chimpouts so we are pretty much fucked

show me your face when the happening has finally arrived

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I'm immune.

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I'm hyperventilating right now. Goodbye

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Biden isn't winning the primary race because young voters are coming out for him. In fact, Biden is grabbing a lot of older moderate democrates. So, I think the death rate will hit both sides evenly enough if all we're talking about is age. Republicans might be more unhealthy. But it's only super liberal, coastal dems that are big on their health and eating right. Maybe. We'll find out!

Why the hell are so many people in the US traveling right now?

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Everyone called me a crazy for buying 6 months worth of supplies .
Who's crazy now you normie fucks ?

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Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average american uses 12 rolls per day. If you have a family of 22, that's 1848 rolls a week. Over 7392 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it

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Alright shit's fixed. The site was bugged out since I left it open for too long.

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Same but unironically.

people are in a hurry to infect their families

stubborn and
>muh freedums

That’s not what mutation means.

The virus hides in the body. There are reports that it can get in the nervous system, testes and kidneys. Probably hides there and then reinfects the body once the immune response is over.

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Were actually fucked, U.S is gonna be worse than China and Europe combined.

were all gonna be dragged off into Walmart FEMA camps

fake, plus no one gives a shit about the tourists who go to bourbon st.

NEETs will inherit the earth, this is the ChadStaceypocalpyse

>runny nose + cough
>never get sick usually
>symptoms have died down just 2 or 3 days after appearing, almost gone completely
reinfection when?

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Explain to me why you can't just take the blood of a recovered person, take the antibodies from it, and give it to a sick person and cure them?

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No virus has a cure. Cures do not exist for viruses.

>herd immunity
Fuck Sweden aaaaaa

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because this virus spreads in your antibodies

>still 26
Not sure if true. Maybe were are just lucky.


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read and learn

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Just reminding those of us who have prepped. Do NOT tell anyone who you haven't planned for about your supplies. Normie family and friends will try to pull at your heartstrings to parasite off your preparedness. Keep it secret keep it safe, anons!

Toilet paper burns surprisingly well, you may have to make a few rips in the first roll so that it starts up easier.

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>half face masks

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>live in rural boomer area
>normally cashiers busy, self checkout empty
>go to store 15 minutes before closing
>self checkout has multiple boomers with full shopping carts
>cashiers have no customers

haven't prepped enough, going to go hard on monday

Just giving up right at the start. I love it.

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>Finland +70
Fugg :DDD

Best case: it reinfects like SARS-1 but is even worse on reinfection because of ADE.
Worst case: it's a bioweapon and the HIV/AIDS spike lets it infect your immune system so you never get rid of it.

Finally a good map
Was it that hard?

It helps people change their behavior , if you don't know you will take more risks in infecting others.

We should have mandatory testing at this point with forehead tattoos for those who test positive.

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I find it funny how we stopped giving a shit about the WHO after they announced the P word

Coofing on all those degenerates would simply be natural selection. I hope the same happens to the scumbags over here also.

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CHAD Republique immune

Slight change in testing criteria. There's way more than that at this point.

What is your dream COVID scenario?
>among the 20% who survive
>governments, nations, and corporations have all collapsed
>we go back to living in small communities instead of serving elites
>I adopt a hungry orphan girl, pamper her every day, eventually marry her when she's of age, and we make a family of 4

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The lord answer my prayers

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you can. don't know if it will work though.

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The wife of the president of Spain and the wife of the vicepresident of Spain got positive kek
Also, they told Spanish people to go to a feminist march a week before lmao.

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I want that painting.

Well yes, the interface no longer functioned properly. I just scrapped it.

>Last year
>Not other class to take
>Everything online
>Only the titulation

I have all the time in the world now buddy.

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>you can't have too many infected if you don't test anyone
Why are Amerimutts so fucking based?

I'm here for the party.

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Nice to see a fellow nut case!

Deaths of total cases:

>Italy, 7,17%

Yeah, it's probably half this: Around 3,5 to 4%.
Curiously, though, it is what China reported.

Based Trump cracked the whip and Google bent the knee. GEOTUS gets what GEOTUS wants.

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Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now
Yeah, yeah I could use a dream or a genie or a wish
To go back to a place much simpler than this
Cause after all the partying and smashing and crashing
And all the glitz and glam and the fashion
And all the pandemonium and all the madness
There comes a time when you fade to the blackness
And when you're staring at the phone in your lap
And you hoping but them people never call you back
But that's just how the story unfolds
You get another hand soon after you fold
And when your plans unravel in the sand
What would you wish for, if you had one chance?
So airplane airplane sorry I'm late
I'm on my way so don't close that gate
If I don't make that then I'll switch my flight and
I'll be right back at it by the end of the night
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin' stars
I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now
Yeah yeah somebody take me back to the days
Before this was a job before I got paid
Before it ever mattered what I had in my bank
Yeah back when I was trying to get a tip at subway
And back then I was rapping for the hell of it
But nowadays we rapping to stay relevant
I'm guessing if can make some wishes out of airplanes

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Checked for truth
>when again Yas Forums was right

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Wtf is wrong with Costco cucks, just go to another store

Everyone fucking dies and the simulation ends.

Real state will be cheap as fuck. Can’t wait desu

Welcome to Costco, I love you.
Welcome to Costco, I love you.
Welcome to Costco, I love you.
Welcome to Costco, I love you.
Welcome to Costco, I love you.

Maybe you shouldn't have told everyone what you were doing and just did it and not look conspicuous while doing it.

good job


How is this kind of plan implemented, state enforced social gatherings and kissing parties at the barrel of a gun?


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Boomer are stupid

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Thank you Cornholio

From a news piece that I was reading:
>Over the past month, stock prices of a small pharmaceutical company named Inovio have more than doubled. In mid-January, it reportedly discovered a vaccine for the new coronavirus. This claim has been repeated in many news reports, even though it is technically inaccurate. Like other drugs, vaccines require a long testing process to see whether they indeed protect people from disease, and do so safely. What this company—and others—has done is copy a bit of the virus’s RNA that one day could prove to work as a vaccine. It’s a promising first step, but to call it a discovery is like announcing a new surgery after sharpening a scalpel. Though genetic sequencing is now extremely fast, making vaccines is as much art as science. It involves finding a viral sequence that will reliably cause a protective immune-system memory but not trigger an acute inflammatory response that would itself cause symptoms. (While the influenza vaccine cannot cause the flu, the CDC warns that it can cause “flu-like symptoms.”) Hitting this sweet spot requires testing, first in lab models and animals, and eventually in people. One does not simply ship a billion viral gene fragments around the world to be injected into everyone at the moment of discovery.

Blood serums are very expensive.

They've done it in China, it's just not enough recovered to milk them.

I prepped a little but don't feel like it's enough. My family is still not taking it seriously. I keep asking them to help me go get food but they don't care. Even after seeing what's going on in stores in the US and other countries like Italy.

Let's talk about ways to reduce toilet paper use. Since the average person uses a roll a day apparently (seems high to me). Anyway how do we reduce the amount of shit that needs to be wiped away? Is it possible to pull the ass cheeks to avoid shit contacting them? Are wet shits better than solids?

So what's the plan after everything re-opens at the end of the month? Will they just extend it?

It’s okay, eat some tendys and relax.

Full mask if your shield gets obscured then you gotta de mask everything to see, half mask and goggles you can remove goggles but keep respirator on. 4d chess

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>840 1240 CONELRAD

>ran out of toilet paper like normal
>bought a 12 pack instead of 4
I...I'm not a sheep

That's why I go to Sam's Club


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>What is your dream COVID scenario?
I want this virus to mutate and get more aggressive

threadly reminder that this is the CHINESE coronavirus

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Just hide food for yourself.


Should we tell the americans they can point the showerhead at their ass


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Wow. Just talking about all the alien schizos last night after the bill gates glowies were out in full force. Seems today is alien rotation for them

>still have to go do clinicals in the ICU tomorrow
think they'll make me leave if I cough a bit while checking in

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>haven't prepped enough, going to go hard on monday
good luck with that. i'm out in the country, but people from the city have made their way out to have a run at both of our stores. it's bad news when boomers scour the countyside for fucking tp and toothpaste.

I get a rock hard erection thinking about someone trying to come on my ranch , I have been in the sniper nest all day shitposting and watching twitch .

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fair play
remember to take your gloves off correctly and wash your exposed skin

I'm quarantining for 2 months and taking up aquascaping to kill the time.


africa is filling up. will they even notice a 3.5% mortality rate disease? probably collectively shrugging their shoulders.

Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real
There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface
Consuming, confusing
This lack of self control I fear is never ending
I can't seem
To find myself again
My walls are closing in
(Without a sense of confidence I'm convinced
That there's just too much pressure to take)
I've felt this way before
So insecure
Crawling in my skin
These wounds, they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
Confusing what is real


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The chinks are faking the numbers so hard, fucking insectoids


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State enforced google accounts, google will have the last laff

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I don't get it

We got what we needed from them.
Same reason I only come to these threads occasionally now. Now that the world at large finally accepted this virus and I am fully prepared, why should I care anymore?
I just have to hunker down until either the world burns or finds a solution.




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How should I be prepping in such a way that I'll be ahead of the normies?

>What is your dream COVID scenario?
That before I die I make even the smallest progression with respect to my spiritual development so that when I die and talk with God, or whatever you want to call him, he says yeah you fucked up big time but not completely and you didn't exactly fail 100%.

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No you will get drafted Stalingrad style to face the chink HIV bioweapon

Everyone that has them does a full airburst nuke spam on China.

same but i get a harem

I like seeing you guys each night
Amongst the shills and shitposters
It's still comfy /cvg/

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>wanted to buy silver
>now you can't order anything unless you order $299 worth or more and no free shipping Goy.

the amount of faggots I see believing the fucking commies makes me want to blow my brains out

I want to help Italian and Spanish frends and the old. All I can do to do that is by not acting like a plague rat.

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sweet summer child. you think it will end because it gets wiped out. that just resets a new level of clown world.

Nah, not gonna do that lol. But this apathy is making me mad.

Target I work at in Texas seems to have calmed down

Wiped my poohole with this premium grade TP today had a massive orgasm and blew a sticky load all over bulbous gut and manboobs. So glad I prepped.

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LOL unironically based

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It's 4 am and I'm at the hospital entrance. There so many people here. Heres a photo of the military tent in front of the hospital

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My city just reported it's first case
I'm scared bros

>20 cases
seems like a nothing soup
this little faggot upswing won't cause a pandemic

Thank you very much, user, really.

I am saving your posts.

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>get tested
>be positive
>no vaccine available anyways
>get tested
>be negative
>end up getting it in the following days

why do people want to be tested so bad? you should be avoiding anyone and anything as much as possible and doing other precautions regardless if you're infected or not infected

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As much as I like to become a warlord, i expect a repeat of last century

Oh we'll rally round the flag, boys, we'll rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom,
And we'll rally from the hillside, we'll gather from the plain,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom.


The Union forever, hurrah! boys, hurrah!
Down with the traitor, up with the star;[6]
While we rally round the flag, boys, we rally once again,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!

Oh we're springing to the call for three hundred thousand more,[a]
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
And we'll fill the vacant ranks with a million freemen more,[7][8][b]
Shouting the battlecry of freedom.


We will welcome to our numbers the loyal, true and brave,
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!
And although he may be poor, he shall never be a slave,[c]
Shouting the battle cry of freedom!


So we're springing to the call from the East and from the West,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom;
And we'll hurl the rebel crew from the land we love the best,
Shouting the battle cry of Freedom.


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I have about 7 months of food and water

Is that enough?

>Yeah, it's probably half this: Around 3,5 to 4%.
Yes, they are certainly prioritising hospitalised cases and cases with symptoms.
Concerning China: The data actually suggests, that they were not underreporting thier confirmed cases dying.

you are that fucker that posted in hispachan, right?

I predict the same thing will happen if they shut schools in UK

Logarithmic progression
Showing the exponential growth
It's horrifying

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Looks like they've got sealed goggles, they're fine bro

Attached: fb6.png (1584x882, 84.81K)

Que estado?

Capitalist liberal democracy is most ugliest system ever build.
>Socialism - every member of society is cured for free
>Fascism - every member of society is cured for reasonable price
But liberal democracy is when economists and accountants are dealing with consequences of the epidemic and everyone dies.

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are you one of those mexican mormons by an any chance?

Pretty sure we're wayyy in the thousands, me and my wife have symptoms, first I had and tried to get tested, they wouldn't and then my wife started to show symptoms. We've self isolated our selves for a week now and we live in small town in Häme

As the situation gets worse, I wonder if we'll see him have a psychotic breakdown live on stream

Just updated map, just for you user.

I truly wouldn't post it any other way. It's too late.
I won't even alter the text pasta. Here it goes:

>UK reaches 1.000 while Poland passes 100 Edition

Take care.

Attached: BoaMa Portugal Infectado.png (4496x2233, 413.08K)

>as soft as wiping your ass with a kitten
sounds like a dream desu

Get infected and cough and sneeze on everything bro. Do it for corona chan

I knew it, there have been leaks from Wuhan, people still falling dead in the streets

Is the world going to burn and 100s of millions of people will die or is nothing going to happen?

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God it feels good to be a premed

For yourself, yes. For governments trying to manage things, accurate infection data is vital. So it depends on the perspective that you're viewing this from. We want accurate data so we can know how fucked we are, but for the individual being tested doesn't make any difference. Either you have it and you self quarantine or you don't. Or you have it and spread the blessing, it's up to you really.

I just got a text from my friend who lives in downtown Toronto that a squadron of jets just did a low pass over the city. Hoooooly fuck boys here we go

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Hearty kek

Attached: worm.png (869x913, 514.71K)

My brother is a rude asshole who doesn’t cover his mouth when he coughs. He coughed directly onto me a few days ago while he was visiting. He’s had this cough for days now. I feel like killing him.

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Bean niggers are more stupid.

That means you've still got time to prepare, at least for a week or so. There's most likely 10 with that 1.

>Chinese numbers are totally true lmao xd

You are beyond being a brainlet or something

German virologists said during a press conference, that this would happen.
After all that arrogant talk of winning over the virus, I'm quite excited for round 2.

Migatards are the ultimate cringe

niggas in the upside down

yes man
you won't be using all of it all the time, you will be supplementing what you can gather with it to stay fit and healthy

problem is in the taking on/off the mask. they have exposed skin and their nbc suits don't fit the goggles right so hair/ears/neck ect. most important thing is actually proper glove etiquette.



Attached: it begins.png (284x772, 162.04K)

Herd immunity is bullshit. No matter how you spin it, it will be very bad. The young first then old fuckshit literally means months which will be the same timespan if you just lockdown everything and the lockdown probably will finish faster than that stupid plan.

The only reason to do this is for the economy to continue. You are being fed to the machine because their money printing machine needs ink and that ink is your blood you fucking fools.

>commies create the disease

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Double kek

Imagine being such a faggot.

3/4 removed is needed.

Attached: itsok.png (588x283, 11.08K)

Here's your TP

Attached: 1584046514317.jpg (1925x1311, 1.6M)

Don't you only have like 4 cases so far?

>be America
>take insulin
>go to walmart
>order 5 hot n spicys
>shit pants
>buy 70,000 rolls of TP on credit
>stack fridge with to
>gotta be ready for corona chan
>change pants
>take insulin
>go to Boomer St.
>get infected
>shit pants

>must have for all Coron brudis

check your o2 level to see when you need the hospital

>must have for all Coron brudis

check your o2 level to see when you need the hospital

>must have for all Coron brudis

check your o2 level to see when you need the hospital

>must have for all Coron brudis

check your o2 level to see when you need the hospital

>must have for all Coron brudis

check your o2 level to see when you need the hospital

>must have for all Coron brudis

check your o2 level to see when you need the hospital

Attached: 71d9Ti5M5DL._AC_SL1500_.jpg (1500x1411, 163.38K)

Boomers coming back from their Coronavirus spa treatments!

Attached: screenshot-www.wfaa.com-2020.03.14-21_26_36.png (756x913, 852.33K)

This. Also during shtf try to look like you're having a hard time if you have neighbors. Lose weight like everyone else, wear your shittiest clothes etc.

Oldfags will die, society will be inconvenienced, and political tensions will rise. Sure is fuck ain't nothing.

No just someone with a happening bunker and a plan.

Attached: 1583177257915.webm (640x640, 2.19M)

Attached: GetWellSoon2.jpg (720x960, 146.11K)

o2 levels are at risk when getting 94 below right?

have you been following me?

Some boomer went on vacation to Spain and brought the virus. The virus definitely is already in Cancún and will spread sooner rather than later

I'm slightly concerned for some family members, other than that I just enjoy the show, very comfy.

Are we gonna make it?

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Chinese is an authoritarian state that was able to quickly institute lockdowns and other policies to stop the spread of the virus. Western democracies are floundering because of their openness.
Yes, I believe the Chinese numbers.

can we just cancel april? please?

Attached: 2732869_original.jpg (1280x997, 268.25K)

>google gets full access to all your medical info
>need a google account to get corona virus tested
it begins

Attached: 1555244196420.png (931x523, 332.65K)

So how likely is it to keep infecting or get worse? I wanna a big happening. I want it to mutate aggressively.


And so, the insanity begins.


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>Not using a bidet
Lol loser

Attached: bidet.jpg (279x300, 11.3K)

pulse oximeter readings usually range from 95 to 100 percent. Values under 90 percent are considered low


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Cold war is over, mutt.




Attached: 790.png (512x384, 170.57K)

is china fucking lying about their numbers?

Sopiiko kysyä että minkä niminen kylä? Forssa? Jos kuumottaa kertoa niin kerro edes että idässä, lännessä vai missä kanta-hämeessä

>get stabbed while getting supplies to not get infected
>go to hospitals to get treated and get infected

Attached: 1583007648911.gif (500x469, 973.76K)

My pleasure.

Those Scotts 1000 sheet rolls last me around 2 weeks each. Just get use to having shit on your hands because they're only 1 ply

Whatever happens, something will be interesting

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That's a dangerous sexy Hapa

Good fucking brainlet, you are the reason why the world is a fucking and we are rule by fucking jews



Oooorrr... just hold your breath for 30 seconds

No. That's a Yas Forums myth.

china is commie

But at least you can stop social collapse collapse and just have 3.5% death rate for 20-70% of people

>governments are gone
>of age
At that point age of consent no longer exists.

Baie dankie brah

You got any more like this?

I always knew US is commie country.

Attached: 1581975235482.jpg (724x1024, 55.44K)

i have considered getting one
for me it would actually be particularly useful, so i will now in my final stocking round

It's beautiful.

>If the level is below 90 percent, it is considered low and called hypoxemia.

Although if you get close to 90 then that's probably not good either. I know that my o2 took some manual breathing to get to an acceptable level after a minor operation last year.

Airlines and hotels aren't offering refunds for shit so people are being retarded as they always are wrt sunk cost and here we are. And then you have millenial/zoomie travelmeme thots and their simps "taking advantage" of low prices.


>Countries who surrenders to corona-chan
It would be so much more stimulating for her for you to struggle under her warmth.

What am I doing with my life.

Good. Let them find a stronk female doctor to help them.

>China: The data actually suggests, that they were not underreporting thier confirmed cases dying.

Yes. I have noticed this for a long time. (Ever since we saw mortality in Korea wasn't as high)

But that is really surprising for I truly am convinced that many more Chinks died than the reported ones. By a factor of at least 10.

Why did the Chinks `*did not lie especifically about this`*?

Is there still some goodness in Chink commies?
What gives?

Perhaps they really knew what was going to happen next and wanted to give the world one real sign so that we at least got to know something.

About China:
Consider that Europe (half China's population) has probably reached half of China's number of deaths today (I am not done with the math, yet).

That means that as of today we just met parity with China, regarding cases.
That is ridiculous.
The boogaloo started in Europe some two weeks ago. It went on for months in China.

Many more Chinks died than they reported.

They are forcing everyone to get infected. This will make mutations even faster. This will be fucking mad max in the end.

A drug overdose just flew over my house!!