Google is attempting to deplatform Yas Forums users

I know I’m not the only one captcha has been giving false failures for, but just now it false failed me so many times it’s now blocking my computer from sending more queries so it can ‘protect’ its users. Thoughts on this? I’ve notice this only happens when I try posting on my desktop as well, as you can see I have no problem completing captcha on my phone. Likely due to not having ‘racist’ views it wants to deplatform.

This is not a complaint against Yas Forums, mr jannie

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Take your meds, schizo.

Clear your cookies. Yas Forums is run by retards so these things happen.

Just slow down the clicking. If you go too fast it thinks you a bot.


Attached: google.jpg (423x336, 49.9K)

Google needs to die

Okay. And so?

Attached: 1HY049_004_lt.jpg (1920x1080, 105.75K)

>Do you want war, Mr. Google?

Attached: 1gorillion_cases.jpg (1790x718, 333.22K)

> war, shill


Attached: war_is_stored.png (325x443, 150.6K)

You're blocking scripts you fucking faggot.

t. damage controlling kikes

It happened to me today, I cleared my cookies, it stopped. This place is run by retards.
Go be a newfag somewhere else.

Sure thing, kikey boy.

First off, log out of all google accounts before posting.
Solve captcha with an empty post window, type post quickly, attach the file you want, then hit submit.
Circumvent the faggotry.

Fuck you monkey don't you fucking call me that I AM A FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Anyone notice how Yas Forums boards, particularly Yas Forums no longer appear on the front page of search? You used to be able to just search "pol" and it would be a top hit. Now you just get shit like that RationalWiki LMAO!
Is there a worse, more smug site than that place?

I have to specifically search for pol catalog for it to show up

> but just now it false failed me so many times it’s now blocking my computer from sending more queries so it can ‘protect’ its users.
Why cookies would do this, joomer?

It's definitely content based. When i shit all over Bernie and trannies it blocks me.

Just buy a pass, goy.

log into your Google account, goy

They are used by google to decide if you are known and don't need to pass a captcha or unknown and need to. If you disable cookies you'll see this.
If they are written incorrectly google can get confused and throw errors.

You can skip the large pictures and only answer the 3x3 grids without being locked out (just don’t accidentally try to skip 3x3 ones)

Also it’s very intentional, my captchas onmother websites often just auto-check

I’ll test.

Remember HWNDU and Capture the Flag? I would be curious to see what happens with the power of weaponized autism up against Google.

google banned Yas Forums from appearing on google

I would complain more about eBiometrics but oh well nobody is supposed to know that word even.
What you say, see, what you click and how long and where you look at, how fast and what you type, that is what is important

RationalWiki isn't even that far to the left. Their article on Antifa doesn't start off by praising them as heroes. It actually pokes fun at the idea that most of their enemies aren't actually fascists.
But despite that, the arrogant, holier-than-thou tone of the site makes it even more obnoxious than some liberal sites.

Happened earlier with my phone in the middle of a good debate. Captcha blocking is being done on purpose it's fucking stupid

I'm happy to see that they know rules #1 and #2!

>I know I’m not the only one captcha has been giving false failures for, but just now it false failed me so many times it’s now blocking my computer from sending more queries so it can ‘protect’ its users.
this just happened to me for the first time ever three days ago. I couldn't use any other websites that required google captcha.

never happened until now. it went away after 2 days, but the captchas I am getting are extremely slow and they always fail the first one even though I do it perfectly.


Happening to me too since yesterday. Resetting my router seemed to fix it.

It's constant. I thought I was the only one.

>Helping people fix jewgle so others can post on Yas Forums
Fucking beaner

If I'm not logged into Google account on my home internet I get hell captchas.
I was constantly getting do five, slow fade, etc. Same laptop anywhere else and it's fine. At some point they stopped being so bad, then I realized I had logged in to my Google account.

Lolno Google cooperates fully with law enforcement, the way you solve CAPTCHAs is a part of your digital fingerprint which they use to identify you. THEY WANT YOU ON GOOGLE, deplatforming is the last thing they're interested in.

If the CAPTCHA is being spastic it's because Gookmoot is trying to get you to buy passu.

occasionally, the captcha will give me endless "next" buttons and never a "verify", then after 20-30, will block for hours

fuck captcha and fuck google

Give Hiro money and you'll never have to solve another CAPTCHA again.

Haven’t had a issue.

>$19.45 was deposited into your account
>Note: The Big One (guy)

What do you expect though, really??

The point is that it isn't Google give you a hard time because they're trying to deplatform Yas Forums, it's just that gook trying to wring a few more shekels from his users.


except the captcha is slightly less annoying on boards that are not Yas Forums

>4,000,000 infected
>500,000 deaths
~13.5% death rate
big yikes!

this guy knows whats up
gookmoot put a script in to periodically, based on your posting frequency, give false input to the captcha to try to annoy the fuck out of you so that youll be like fuck it, ill buy a pass so as to not deal with this shit
apparently it works and people buy passes

either this thread is 10/10 bait or you seriously need to see a shrink you retard

if jewgle really wanted to tank this fucking site, all they would have to do is pressure cloudflare

Rangebans are another pass extortion method he uses, and if that happens you just wait it out.

Well he's Asian and they love haggling over prices. I'm not tossing anything his way till we see jannies do things other than make room for muh nigger dik and "based trap" threads.

I bet the tranny shills wish they could pass for a lowlow yearly payment of $20

just get a pass
t. Not hiro

You're probably using a browser that stops their fingerprinting attempts.
Welcome to 1984. We've been there a long time, but it isn't governments controlling us in the west, it's corporations owned by kikes.

I've had no problems completing captchas on my desktop recently, they go through first time

you're wacked out paranoid my dude

What browser are you using?

I didn't even need to do a captcha for that post

Or that one

and not for that one either

try mentioning the federal reserve
7 captchas at least

I get ghost banned here everytime I make posts relating to the t-genders and sex inversion agenda, or upload photos with one of the "t" words in them. The fact that Yas Forums uses Google service is proof it is a honeypot and does not value freedom of speech.

By the way Google's owners and leadership are all FTM trannies and Susan the CEO of Youtube is an MtF tranny.

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If you care about range bans just start spoofing ips. You literally tell them whatever ip you want. It's the same thing for phone numbers. It's called clown world for a reason.

nope, it happens in default chrome too
see: googles fingerprinting and data collection methods are quite far reaching and they can positively id you by the way you solve the captcha and your isp, nothing you do that involves captcha can be anonymous

I have this problem when I use safari, if I use google chrome then sometimes I don't even have to solve the captcha and it just gives me a green checkmark right away. This is on a computer.

Google should be sued for this shit, pushing people to use chrome.

On my computer it works just fine, but I have noticed while mobile posting that the captchas are simply giving false failures.

It's not that "it gets more difficult the more you do". That is certainly true, but my issue is having simple captchas like "pick the firehydrants" then simply saying I'm wrong when I do. Do it again, obvious correct answers -> wrong. Maybe 1-in-5 or on a bad day 1-in-10 correct captchas lets me post.

Which tranny shills?

You're talking about the porn spamming cumbrains?

Attached: porn.png (1280x800, 680.37K)

But I'm always under private mode and it happens all the time. I guess your pilpul is weak.

Interesting. I use Chrome on PC and Brave on mobile.

I got a direct green checkmark for this post, the one before and the one before that (Chrome).

When the CEO of Firefox came out against Gay Marriage several years back, Google made Youtube videos not play on the Firefox browser for weeks.

Attached: 1583370473015.jpg (660x900, 300.11K)

Captcha is a peice of shit. I get failed quite a bit too, but Ive also passed quite a few not even checking all the proper boxes