This shit is like herpes. Except in the form of viral pneumonia. Thats what they are not telling you, they know it will cause mass fucking panic when people find out that the virus goes dormant and keeps coming back until your lungs are completely wrecked. This is why China locked down 700 million people.
How FUCKED are we?
With any luck, it'll kill off 99.9% of the population. I don't care which side of that equation I'm on.
The tests are faulty they didn’t get reinfected they were probably never cleared to begin with
You can literally starve the virus by not eating argenine foods and taking lots of lysine.
You disgust me Yas Forums, you're nothing but a part of mainstream media at this point
Keep eating up and recycling that tasty squishy shit that they shit out
I sincerely hope that this lead to the collapse of the Judeo-American world order.
But, it will probably only strengthen it, while killing a couple of millions people.
Kushner's kike bother has already started a project that's meant to produce a "cure".
op doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. literally just making shit up because muh happening
im a cat
Your balls are small and your dick looks like a clown's nose.
or fasting
Confirmed in Japan
It’s over
because once you are exposed to the disease you will test positive for the antibody for life.
This is the most reasonable explanation in my opinion. It's a new virus, it's peak information age, 24/7 news cycle, articles coming out as fast as the virus is spreading, mistakes are bound to happen. After a while all of this kind of thing will get ironed out and we will have a better understanding of what has been happening.
Totally fucked, bro. There is a 100% chance we’ll die.
Argentinian food is shit anyways.
Also let's not take blue idiots on twitter too seriously. Find the primary source if you are curious.
China to go on lockdown once again.
Viruses dont eat.
Yeah but if they were healthy and still positive they wouldn't get tested again.
They're clearly going back to the hospital because they are falling ill again.
these insects really doomed us all
>That's what they are not telling you
There's at least a million things (((they))) aren't telling us, especially since the virus originated from one of the most censored places on the planet. I doubt even time will tell us exactly what is going on but we'll at least get a firmer grasp as to what exactly corona is and how it acts, and MAYBE we'll figure out irrefutably whether it came out of a wet market or a biolab in wuhan
Makes more sense. A virus you can recover from and then immediately get reinfected with does not pass the smell test. If you cant build immunity then you cant recover. It takes long time for.viruses to adapt to.immunities.
Again. Faulty tests
And you have an itsy bitsy chinkie peenie, Chang. So what?
>Warns expert
Is he familiar with the virus’s thinking?
FALE NEWS! The article simply states that some viruses stay in the body for life. There is no evidence to suggest that Corona will. You are an enemy to mankind. I will find you when the purge happens.
Possible. The fact that the CDC or Trump discusses none of these issues is sad.
Reinfection or recurrence? Whats that about.
There are rumors of testicular damage and the destruction of fertility and testosterone in men. True or bullshit?
Pathogenesis? Mechanisms of organ damage? Origins?
Nothing. Just basic bitch shit for the 95 IQ retard masses. It's really frustrating being an actual human with real concerns and the only information available caters to the lowest common denominator. It means either they don't know, don't want the people to know, or themselves are too stupid to ask the relevant questions. It's troubling regardless.
>posts a screenshot that completely hides the fact it’s from a rag, the Express, which does not contain a quote from any expert that makes that assertion about this specific virus, only viruses in general.
Actual quote: “What causes an active virus? Specifically, clinical symptoms – as clinical symptoms subside, parts of the virus remain. Some viruses remain for life.”
>some viruses remain for life
Literally posting a misleading, sensationalist headline. Good one, user.
There are two subtypes of SARS-CoV-2. S type and L type. The S type is more mild. The L type is aggressive and more likely to kill. You can be infected with either of them, both at the same time, or reinfected with the other after you've already been through one.
there's actually many good explanations for that before having to resort to reinfection
>/x/ tier redpill post.
The world is secretly run by an alien race who've been called the Nagas literal reptilians whom the jews worship and work for, who periodically wipe out the world in a catastrophe.
The history of 'Humanity' is really a collection of various hominids who have lived and been wiped out by the Nagas and the (((agents))) who work for them through many iterations and they are extremely good at exterminations.
>long skull paracas
>homo erectus
>homo habils
>homo rudolfensis
>Red Deer Cave people
>homo antecessor
>homo heidelbergensis
>homo loresiensis
This is just the latest phase; these were the people /our guy/ Kyle Odom encountered.
All of this was them:
>ice age
>12000BC collapse
>Bronze Age Collapse
>Bubonic plagues
>Spanish Flu
David Icke was accidentally right.
Knowledge can be imparted without the medium of learning.
Here a mathematician calculates extraordinary feats of memory and calculation and says the numbers just come to him without effort.
>imagine being so retarded in your schizo posting you fuck up basic knowledge that there were multiple ice ages, not one big one
But they need certain amino acids to replicate you dense fuck.
>woops you have the virus for life goy
>dont worry
>puts chip in your arm
>for $199 a month you will not die.
you do know it's schizo posting right?
I don't think schizo postings need to be accurate.
That said I was grouping all ice ages into the same.
But thank you for your concern.
Hypothetically, if the virus COULD be starved out, how long would it take?
>you do know its schizo posting, right?
read the 7th and 8th words of you let such a nice and shiny hook fall right in front of me, how can I help but give it a tug?
depends on the surface.
they did a study on it
My spring roll is very tasty, Jose
RT PCR is extremely sensitive and specific, the rate of false negatives is probably less than 1%
I..I don't know what to say to this.
im ready for it to disappear tbqh
It has the ADE of Dengue fever. You will never get rid of this. Dengue is more deadly the second time around. You are way more likely to get hemorrhagic. I've also see a few cases of co-infection. Wuflu AND Dengue being reported. I can't even--dengue is bad enough. They don't call it break bone fever for nothing.
>t. dengue and-do. not. want. Wuflu
idiot. there are many many documented cases of reinfection post recovery. We're lucky we've got this many since China got serious about arresting people who report on it.
It's a coordinated fear-mongering.
sure bro
You do not understand this virus. You recover--you have antibodies for a few weeks. You run into the virus again, it meets your antibodies and quadruples it's efforts to infect you. This virus LOVES antibodies, it makes the virus very happy.
Swine flu was worse by a large margin. Check the numbers.
The media didn't sperg out like that. We are being tested for numeral things. Something's going on behind this huge curtain.
Every. Single. Time.
A relapse isn’t the same thing as a reinfection
what foods have lysine? what foods have argenine?
All the fucking newfags showing up out of the blue.
Either read and catch up to Yas Forums level on this virus or go the fuck back to GeeELpee or AtS or deddit or FB or whereever the fuck you've been getting bad information about this virus.
So what are flight attendants doing on airlplanes?
bark bark
there are unironically panic shills all over the board. it makes absolutely zero sense that people here would somehow not completely hate or even just question governments telling all of their citizens to stay inside over something like this.
I don't get why people find it unrealistic. How herpes works is, its active, you take medicine that gives your body extra antibodies, they attack the active part of the virus, that spawn dies, the anti bodies die, and the virus goes dormant by hiding in the nervous system. Until it suddenly feels like going active again. That's why it hasn't been cured yet. Who's to say the coronavirus doesn't act the exact same way?
I always hated My Wang
china scientists were afraid of it doing just that, and at least one autopsy revealed it in the cerebral-spinal fluid. Don't know how common it is or if it was because he had died and decayed a bit or what though.